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Everything posted by twilighteyes

  1. twilighteyes

    HOW TO: Post photos, Edit Signature

  2. twilighteyes

    Anything similar to Garden Botanika "Heart" fragrance?

    So this thread was forever ago, but supposedly the fragrance notes for Soul are "Soul: A refreshing flash of light. This scent is fragrant with wild lilies, mountain violets, and a twist of mandarin orange." Interesting that people say it smelled like Dune, because I love Dune and Soul is the only Transparency I purchased. They both have Mandarin and Lily notes, I guess? Dune is "Top notes are Brazilian Rosewood, Aldehydes, Mandarin Orange, Bergamot and Peony; middle notes are Lily, Ylang-Ylang, Wallflower, Jasmine and Rose; base notes are Amber, Sandalwood, Benzoin, Oakmoss, Vanilla, Patchouli and Musk." (And Heart is still sold by Garden Botanika on Amazon. It's their ONLY PRODUCT they still sell! It's fragrance notes are "Powder-soft blend of gardenias, jasmine and roses blended with orange, cedar and cardamom and deepened with a hint of warm musk".)
  3. twilighteyes


    "Then he hissed at me. 'Ah, I frighten you, do I? ... I dare say! ... Perhaps you think that I have another mask, eh, and that this ... this ... my head is a mask? Well,' he roared, 'tear it off as you did the other! Come! Come along! I insist! Your hands! Your hands! Give me your hands!' And he seized my hands and dug them into his awful face. He tore his flesh with my nails, tore his terrible dead flesh with my nails! ... 'Know,' he shouted, while his throat throbbed and panted like a furnace, 'know that I am built up of death from head to foot and that it is a corpse that loves you and adores you and will never, never leave you! ... Look, I am not laughing now, I am crying, crying for you, Christine, who have torn off my mask and who therefore can never leave me again! ... As long as you thought me handsome, you could have come back, I know you would have come back ... but, now that you know my hideousness, you would run away for good... So I shall keep you here! ... Why did you want to see me? Oh, mad Christine, who wanted to see me! ... When my own father never saw me and when my mother, so as not to see me, made me a present of my first mask!' "He had let go of me at last and was dragging himself about on the floor, uttering terrible sobs. And then he crawled away like a snake, went into his room, closed the door and left me alone to my reflections. Presently I heard the sound of the organ; and then I began to understand Erik's contemptuous phrase when he spoke about Opera music. What I now heard was utterly different from what I had heard up to then. His Don Juan Triumphant (for I had not a doubt but that he had rushed to his masterpiece to forget the horror of the moment) seemed to me at first one long, awful, magnificent sob. But, little by little, it expressed every emotion, every suffering of which mankind is capable. It intoxicated me; and I opened the door that separated us. Erik rose, as I entered, BUT DARED NOT TURN IN MY DIRECTION. 'Erik,' I cried, 'show me your face without fear! I swear that you are the most unhappy and sublime of men; and, if ever again I shiver when I look at you, it will be because I am thinking of the splendor of your genius!' Then Erik turned round, for he believed me, and I also had faith in myself. He fell at my feet, with words of love ... with words of love in his dead mouth ... and the music had ceased ... He kissed the hem of my dress and did not see that I closed my eyes. A bouquet of Swedish blossoms -- linnea borealis, hoya, and Phyteuma nigra -- with frankincense and pale vanilla orchid. In the bottle: Floral. Sweet vanilla scent along with the floral. Honeysuckle? Something that reminds me of my grandmother's foyer -- oh, the hoya!! I always thought the hoya looked fake with their perfect waxy flowers. But they certainly were fragrant! On my skin: Honeysuckle and... gardenia (?) sweetened by vanilla. The darkish odd hoya scent resurfaces when I exhale. I am not getting any of the frankincense, this is mostly floral on me.
  4. twilighteyes

    Blue Phoenix v2

    Unreleased prototype, no scent description given. In the bottle: The first thing that springs to mind is blueberry cake. Crumpet Rebellion's little blue sibling! Slightly tangy bottom or middle but very very sweet and foodie top. On my skin: The tang mellows out into this luscious creamy blueberry scent. Lots and lots of vanilla. Seems less foody now if that is possible. Less like cake anyway. Dry: Vanilla Vanilla Vanilla blueberry Vanilla. I want to keep my nose pinned to my wrist. There isn't a lot of throw but up close it is divine. Sooo glad I got a bottle of this unsniffed!
  5. twilighteyes

    My answers to Gnome Swap Q&A

    Would you like to receive Girl Scout cookies and if so, what kind is your favorite? Samoa or thin mint! (But they'd be for my son.) Would you like a Gnome amigurumi? No thank you, I have tons! How about Gnome tea towel(s)? Nah, I'm good on tea towels. I got mom tons of them for the holidays. Would you like a cross stitched gnome picture / ornament? Yes! Cross stitch that can be framed on wall preferred. Mom likes traditional red / blue gnome colors. What's your favorite way to experience Nature? A hike in the woods, a day lounging on the beach, only as screen savers on your computer? Yes. Woods / forest / mountain forest with rivers or creeks or lakes. Beach backed by forest. Bonfires on the beach. Meadow surrounded by forest. Knot gardens and rose gardens. Herb gardens. The rainforest on the Washington coast peninsula. Would love to visit the Black Forest someday. Lush greenery. what kinds of safety and environmental concerns need to be considered for your gnome so they can safely reside at your home? will they live outdoors so they need to be weatherproof (for what kind of weather)? will they be indoors and need to be pet or child-safe? do they need to be very tiny or capable of hanging on a wall? I would prefer an outdoor gnome of some type as my mom is the Gnome lover in this house. How do you feel about zombie or other horror gnomes? Mom is pretty much about the Gnormal Gnomes which is sad because I bought her Game of Gnomes, Say Hello to my Little Friend, and some other more modern gnomes and she doesn't love them. Do you need any seeds? If so what varieties might you be interested in? Flowers, veg, herbs.. ? I feel like I have a black thumb when growing from seed (or keeping house plants alive, sigh.) I do love scented geraniums (I don't know if you can find seeds for them? I feel like most people sell rooted cuttings), patchouli, white sage (I have actually grown these from seed), or I have a plants amazon list. There are TONS of things I'd love from strictly medicinal ) Would you like feathers from my Peacock, Gary (short for Gyrados)? You already know I would! (Looks at huge cup full of Gary's feathers) if BPAL is one of your treasures, which BPAL would you like the mostest? (Maybe one that is available right now from BPAL and one Limited Edition/Discontinued?) Constellation (but of course it's only on the Haute Macabre site) Anything on my bottle list from wishlist is fine. (Although I do love NAVA as well, their vanillas and ambers! swoooooon!) Limited Edition/Discontinued: Black & Red Candy Canes or Moon when the Cherries turn Black, hahaha! But again, anything on my wishlist works. If you are a tea drinker, which (if any) of these teas tickle your fancy? I was very confused by this website because they are NOT in London (but in St. Louis, haha!) and why doesn't their 5th of November have bonfire toffee flavors, I don't associate fruit with bonfire nights, but whatever, lol!! I do love smokey teas, so this would be good to try. Alpine Black doesn't attribute the quote they use (rude!) which is one of my favorite quotes from Better Off Dead. I don't have a ton of berry teas, so would try this too. And I always love me some Lapsang Souchong. (general ramble about tea) I like flavored (or not) strong black tea to drink with cream and sugar but a lot of flavored tea is good enough to have just plain too. Depends on if I'm in the mood for more bitter, I guess? One of my favorites is the Butterscotch tea from Mariage Freres (it totally smells just like Butterbear bath bombs from LUSH!) so things similar to this are also welcome. A NEW favorite that I would love to have more of is from August tea - the apple and fennel (Dots & Loops.) And I love some of the Bird & Blend teas like Vicky's Sponge Cake and the Bonfire Toffee. I'd love to try Terry's Blend (chocolate orange) but it was out last time I looked. would you like a tiny hand drawn gnome picture? How tiny is tiny? If you hand draw me a picture that is for me and not a gnomie for my mom, I'd be ok with a more goth gnome. (Gnoth Gnome?) Is homemade vanilla something you might like? I have a "Mother Jar" that I can decant from. These beans have been steeping for 2 years in a very nice bourbon. oooh yes! Are there any colors you would prefer your gnome not to have? Did we do favorite colors? I can't remember! I loathe orange, yellow, beige, tan, brown, etc. I'm good with other colors but especially love purple, black, gray, blurple. (I don't love navy, pastels, or brights. Or pink. Or anything leaning warm.) Please try for jewel tones, darkened / blackened colors, or primaries. Mom likes the normal red/blue or blue/green. Red/green is too christmas-y. If the creativity bites, would you possibly like a small embroidered gnome? Could be an ornament? Any gender preference or details you might like added (small mushroom, bee, heart or egg...)? sure! Unisex (girl gnomes have beards like girl dwarves?), prefer in a little frame for wall, a little fox and mushrooms are awesome. Do you have a need for cheese knife? https://ototodesign.com/products/bert-cheese-knife? I do, I do! I love ototo designs, I have the mushroom funnel. I'll be in Seattle next week- any treat you might enjoy from the PNW? Spoopy/ Gothy things? Nice coffee beans? A Nirvana t-shirt...? A condo in pike place market with a roof top dog garden! Most of the stuff I'd like besides coffee would be perishable like Pagliacci pizza, piroshki, stuff from the British store. Plus I'll be there for a week next month! I would love some Cafe Vivace dark or espresso roast beans, I probably won't have time to go there. I'll be back in Disney World next month- anything you might like from Epcot or Hollywood Studios? everything nightmare before Christmas of course!! Would you be interested in a small copper nature totem that could nestle in your garden or amongst your plants? I can do some chasing to create a mushroom or a leaf or a special bug fren... A mushroom or leaf would be fun! Would you be interested in a decorative pillow or zippered pouch featuring a gnomely figure? like this? or a little coin purse? or please tell me to make this because oh my gods... Gno indoor gnitted or gcrocheted gnomes please. Unless it's like a small suncatcher or something? I have an angora rabbit and she's currently molting. Would you like rabbit fur for spinning, felting, or other crafty uses? No thank you! Do you need any spices? Need? No. Do I have a bunch on my amazon kitchen wishlist? Yes. How would you feel about gnome-inspired clothing? My mom loves gnome sweatshirts! Maybe a large size. would you be interested in any horror movie merch? If so, do you have a favorite horror movie / character? No thank you! Haus of Gloi launched their Valentine goodies today. Anything appeal? https://www.hausofgloi.com/collections/valentines-1 I bought a bunch of sale things recently so I got a little packet of valentine's scents but I haven't sniffed them yet. By Candlelight and Cozy Rose both sound amazing and I would absolutely love those in Bubbling Scrub, Sugar Exfoliant, Room Refresher Spray, or a candle. Butterbombs in white musk and vanilla. Nocturne Alchemy just released their Valentine collection. Is there anything that strikes your fancy? I do love my NAVA. Cotton Candy Nag Champa Musk from the resurgence would be amazing. Crystalline #1 in a purple bottle would also be amazing. Crystalline #2 and #4 both sound great. Encens Ambre, Encens Vanille, both Eclipse blends, Poseidon's Vanilla Cheesecake, LOVE YOU. Any Paintbox Soapworks items you want? https://paintboxsoapworks.com/new-limited-edition/new/ Moonshadow bath streusel! I have a ton of sorbetto right now so I'm not in need really. UPDATE 2/16/23 -- I used some Moonshadow sorbetto recently while in Seattle and ... although all of the notes are MY NOTES, I actually don't love it that much. I hope this doesn't cause any issues. Are you interested in some of my homemade brown sugar shortbread? I would love lavender, rose, chocolate. Would absolutely try the blossoms. Regular flour/sugar is fine with me. Chocolate rose could be fun too. Do you have a seed and/or plant wishlist? Seeds may come from my personal stash, or not. I do, it's on Amazon! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3A6UICRDCV5DP?ref_=wl_share So if I were to send you a plant, would you prefer an air plant or a succulent?? I will probably kill both of them. I kill air plants like woah. Succulents last a little longer. Any candles you might like? Be sure to check her clearance for leftovers from Halloween! https://www.etsy.com/shop/TeresaLynnsSimpleLux I don't burn candles very often but anything with my scent notes is fine. My mom burns candles a lot and I would probably give to her (she likes almost everything except patchouli.) Lupercalia went live. Anything catch your attention? Lupercalia 2023 – Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab Yesssss I still haven't been able to get yules though. What is your favorite animal? Real or Mythical? I love all equine type animals (Friesians, Warlanders, Hippocampus, Kelpie), Pibbles, Bats, Rats, Ferrets, Leafy Sea Dragons. I love my piggies in RL and would love a pig gargoyle from Windstone (M. Peña) but unfortunately it is discontinued. Gargoyles/grotesques are my next obsession of mythical animals. Is there anything you would love from San Diego? FISH SOFT TACOS. Those probably wouldn't ship well though ... so I dunno. Starbucks "You are Here" mug? Either the big one or a tiny one. Or if they have Starbucks cards (Gift card type) that say San Diego, that would be awesome. I collect both the mugs and the cards. if you like ebooks, does that mean kindle? Google books? Another format I should be aware of? And so I don’t provide something you already have, what are some authors you would like to try? I prefer kindle books but if you just want to send me an epub file in email, that is cool too. Kindle is switching from .mobi to .epub so I'm going to have to convert my mobi files from years and years of digital ARC books for reviews if I want to read them again, weep. Luckily I started downloading both mobi and epub formats around three or four years ago. I *could* do google or ibooks but I really prefer to keep all of my books in one location, the same reason that I prefer to buy or add patterns to my library on ravelry. All in one spot. Ummm I read A LOT so there really aren't a lot of new authors that I'm super interested in? I have lots of books on my amazon book wishlist if you need inspiration. Feel free to send me an anonymous email asking if I've read something, or check my goodreads to see if I've read it. into astrology or not into astrology? Not SUPER into it. I just laugh at memes mostly? (Virgo.) There's an incredible herbal apothecary near me and a way I celebrate spring as a time of renewal is to sometimes henna my hands or feet with symbols that are personal to me, as a way of setting new intentions. Since you pretty much don't get more "earthy" than henna, would you be interested in receiving some high-quality of your very own to do similar sacred body work with (or...whatever you might wanna do with it)? Sure, I love henna! Hair, Skin, bring it. (For hair I prefer a black/blue henna.) I know we've already had the paintbox question, but Spring things recently went live. Any interest in spring Paintbox? https://paintboxsoapworks.com/new-limited-edition/2023-spring-collection/ Wisteria Biscuit I think is the only one of interest and not that much because I'm not a SUPER fan of coconut. Sometimes I like it a lot, sometimes I don't. Not a fan of dirt AT ALL and not a huge fan of fruit or floral, so pretty much everything in this collection is that except Wisteria Biscuit.
  6. Happy belated birthday!!

  7. twilighteyes

    Horses Cooling Themselves in Water

    This blend is really sweet but not horribly foody. It didn't seem very amber-y or musk-y to me, but I liked it and kept huffing my wrist.
  8. twilighteyes

    Schrödinger’s Checkmark

    I am sick and can't smell a whole lot -- but I can smell the lovely sticky thick sweet patchouli in this. I might want like 500 more bottles. This is pretty much what I wanted Spoopy Kid to smell like.
  9. twilighteyes

    Yule Cat Answers

    Questions here -> My answers: Are there any currently available BPAL scents that you would love a bottle of? After hearing a review of Hearts are Not Had as Gifts, I really want a bottle of that. I also have more in my wishlist in my signature. Is there anything you're eyeing from Paintbox Soapworks' winter update? I love Streusel, Sorbetto, and wax melts. The scents I'm interested in are Joulupukki and Schwarzwald. Maybe Golden Orb. I am still really wanting some Moonshadow as well but that wasn't part of the yule drop I don't think. I have a wishlist pertaining to PBSW in my "Wishlist and Circular Swap Help" that is in my signature. Would you like anything from Cellar Door (they do soaps and candles)? I would love a Krampusnacht! Bad Santa sounds amazing as well. Anything of interest from Luvmilk? (Milky Monday, their version of Black Friday, is on 11/7!) I have a huge luvmilk list in my wishlist/circular swap help in signature. Crocheted Granny shawl. Yes or No? Preferred colors? (this one is pressing, I would need to start soon) No thank you! BPal wax melts? I have TKO and Red Velvet Cake, Would bundle up a few for you to try of one, or both if you like. TKO would be my preference but I rarely rarely rarely use wax melts, so would probably be wasted on me. Are you interested in boozy homemade fruitcake? I make a homemade fruitcake that is delicious, so I guess I could try yours! I am picky about fruit and about nuts though... so maybe have ringleaders ask me with specific questions about what is in it.  How about booze itself, specifically, moonshine whiskey infused with spices and fruits? Small sample would be lovely! Brown sugar shortbread? "Plain" buttery or flavored? Favorites include lavender and chocolate orange, but I could definitely do a holiday spice or peppermint batch or two. Lavender and chocolate orange both sound amazing. No peppermint. Interested in anything from Odins Daughter? Bath soaks sound lovely (all three sound good, but maybe especially banish because cloves.) YULE and Winter Nights both sound amazing. Candles / Mist. Two Faces of Hel candle!! BONFIRE melts!! And tacking on to this question for others in reference to Em, I make infused vodkas! The one I am most proud of right now is a spiced hibiscus liqueur. I make this as a jelly, too. As far as the Liqueur, We have been making an autumn Moscow Mule with it, and the other day I made a Mai Tai! Its yummy! I already have both the hibiscus liqueur and jelly from MsASofgg! Would take any other infused vodkas! If I can find the recipe, I want to make my grandmas Orange Slice Cake. Its a super yummy cake but a bit difficult to make as far as cutting up all the oranges. If you would like a mini cake IF I make it, lemme know! As long as the coconut could be left out? (I'm not really a fan of nuts in cake either. It's a texture thing.) I do molasses gingerbread cookies, as well as hot cocoa cookies, florentines and butterballs. Any of those sound good? OR homemade chocolate fudge? I can do peppermint, coffee or orange additions, with or without nuts. Hello molasses gingerbread cookies!! I'm good for almost any kind of cookies but do not love coffee flavored things and meh on peppermint. I don't really like nuts or coconut or texture things in my baked goods. Fudge I am kind of meh on unless it is penuche or a super special flavor (because we make SO much fudge, I'm totally burned out on it!) My favorite incense store is Good Earth Mercantile, any interest for an incense from them? I don't know much about them, if it is low smoke and they don't use phthalates or other things in their scents for the incense, then yesssss. Orange patchouli! Maybe Lilith? I went through and added a bunch to my etsy altar/incense wishlist. Are you a cotton candy fan? Would anything from Chocolate Storybook interest you? I like cotton candy and I probably have things from this company already on my etsy snacks/tea/noms wishlist, haha! Body Scrubs from CarolinaOrganicsSC are AHHHHMAZING! Any interest? OMG their bath bombs are too cute! And I love Stranger Things. I would definitely try any of their items that match my scent profile in bath bombs, melts, candles, shampoo bars, body scrubs, maybe soap if their soap is spectacular as well. The Dark Kiss bath bomb looks awesome (I wonder if they'll put their Halloween items on sale??) Again, I didn't find a scent list and I'm not in a place right now where I can click on All The Things with my hand pain. House of MetalWorks has super cute and dainty gold-filled stacking rings in my price range! If this interests you, include ring size! I love silver colored dainty rings! I am an 11 on almost all of my fingers except pinkies. Several questionnaires mention joy in receiving homemade baked goods. What are your favorite holiday baked goods? Cookies, Cakes, Fudge? Other? I love soft, chewy, and moist things, as opposed to hard/dry/cronchy. Chewy molasses cookies are something that don't seem to be made at home. I love a good medieval ginger brede (soft, sticky.) And pumpkin gingerbread (like pumpkin bread.) I would love to try things like butter pie (sweet, not the savory kind in England) but I'm sure that won't travel well. I have an allergy to corn, so please no corn syrup or other corn products. No artificial sweeteners. No coconut. (coconut sugar/oil/etc. is ok, I just don't like the texture of coconut.) I try to do organic and non-gmo as much as possible. Yep, I'm one of those weird people. Sorry, not sorry. (We make: rum balls, krumkake, spritz cookies (usually flavored with rum or almond), chocolate chip cookies, fudge (chocolate), chocolate tiffin (usually with cherries/shortbread), cherry/almond/marzipan/pear/amaretto fruitcake, sugar cookies, scottish tablet, russian teacakes, princess buttercups, peanut butter cookies, snickerdoodles, cranberry bliss bar sbux dupe, flaky peanut brittle, chocolate topped butter toffee almond bark (like almond roca I guess, but flat?), ummmm brain has now shut down so I'll edit if I remember more of what we traditionally make.) It sounds like we eat a lot of cookies/candy but we usually make them to give to neighbors and as care packages. We also make (and eat) a lot of Lefse during the holidays. Are you into peanut butter cookies? If yes, would you enjoy them with creamy or crunchy PB? I prefer creamy -- I don't like cronchy texture in my baked goods. (So no nuts in anything soft.) I am thinking of making flavored sugar. wtf, all of them. I can use them on caramels and cookies. (rose and lavender are my top, maybe lavender lemon.)  Would you like anything from Witch Baby Soap? (Make sure to check the Throwback Thursday section of the website; they bring back a few things every Thursday!) I went through and added a bunch of things to my Amazon Universal wishlist (under bath/beauty/body) Pickety witch has the yule offerings up, including Yule Cat pins (black or white) and ornaments. Which do you love most? YES YES YES the white Yule Cat pin. There are so many there I want. Do you like any specific roast more than another? Light? Dark? Medium? Breakfast Blend? I pretty much only drink dark roast. And I've got my grinder out, found one of my french presses, and also got some of the little keurig "my k-cup" things that you put your own coffee inside and I'm using it every day! So bring on the whole beans!! (I'm sad that Death Wise "Blue and Buried" and "Gingerdead" only come in ground, but I would absolutely take them that way.) Haus of Gloi's Yule is up, fancy anything? Any of these! Yule Body Powder: Long Winter's Nap Yule Butter Bomb: Marshmallow World, Boughs of Holly Yule Soy Candle: Turkish Delight, Three Treasures, Snow Wolf, Tannenbaum Yule Bubbling Scrub, Yule Refresher Spray, Yule Soy Tart, Yule Whipped Soap, or Yule Sugar Exfoliant: Nefarious Gingerbread Man Turkish Delight Long Winter's Nap Teeturtle has some adorable designs and their t-shirts often go on sale. Any designs that appeal? I already have a bunch of teeturtle designs on my amazon universal wishlist (the clothing one) with sizes and everything. Anything from the Lunacy You are eyeballing? I was going to order but evidently I overspent on Wolfenoot, Krampus, and Yule cat -- oops! I absolutely NEED: * Portrait of an Unidentified Man Dressed as a Skeleton * Schrodinger's Checkmark
  10. twilighteyes

    Krampusnacht Questions

    I leave for a ten-day trip to Paris and London in one week's time and I'd love to bring back a goody or two if my Naughty/Nice Puss has any requests! are you interested in an advent calendar? What kind? (Dog cookie, tea, chocolate, etc.) Officially asking for your krampus preference, naughty children! I hand-make light-weight hair falls, the kind that is NOT meant to look real, but more like doll (or Dolly) hair. I use stuff like recycled silk, ribbon yarn and the like to keep them extremely light-weight and pretty. Is this something you would like? If so, tell me your color preferences (the more options, the better!) plus any allergies I should know about (wool, alpaca, silk etc), and length. Would you like a super ugly "Christmas" sweater with krampus all over it?? Is there anything you particularly have your fingers crossed for on your wishlist? are you hoping for more perfumes or more non-smelly goodies? dear Victim, are you in need of a squishable krampus? (or other squishable?) Anything from Penzy's to show you praise or to punish your wicked tongue? Do you like homemade fudge if it is Krampus'ed up? would you like a piece of Krampus themed art? Either watercolor, resin, polymer clay, or wire wrap? I'm probably going to place an order for October 33rd once I get paid next week. Are there any BPALs (recently released or otherwise) that you would love to get on St. Nicholas Day? Is there anything you'd be interested in from Loreworks? Please note, the body wash is marketed as body wash/bubble bath, but it DOES contain SLS for those who avoid it.) dear victim, are you interested in a microwaveable bowl cozy? Dearest Victim, might you bed a fan of the glorious old punk band, the Damned? I'm seeing them perform on Friday, so there might be things like tour t-shirts or stickers available- would any of this be of interest to you? (if not, no worries, I can worship them enough for the both of us! ) Dear *ahem* Victim *snicker* ... Would you enjoy a 2023 wall calendar? Victim, is there anything you would like from the Zeep holiday collection releasing on November 1st? (see this post) Are you interested in boozy homemade fruitcake? How about booze itself, specifically, moonshine whiskey infused with spices and fruits? Brown sugar shortbread? "Plain" buttery or flavored? Favorites include lavender and chocolate orange, but I could definitely do a holiday spice or peppermint batch or two. I want to make altered altoid tins for Christmas. Would you like one? What kind of homemade cookies do you like? Are you interested in having any freshly dried apple crips? (Golden Delicious and Fuji -- sliced, dried apples with nothing added.) Is there anything you're eyeing from Paintbox Soapworks' winter update? Haus of Gloi just dropped their Yule update- like what you see? https://www.hausofgloi.com/collections/yule?page=1 I make infused vodkas! The one I am most proud of right now is a spiced hibiscus liqueur. I make this as a jelly, too. As far as the Liqueur, We have been making an autumn Moscow Mule with it, and the other day I made a Mai Tai! Its yummy! If I can find the recipe, I want to make my grandmas Orange Slice Cake. Its a super yummy cake but a bit difficult to make as far as cutting up all the oranges. If you would like a mini cake IF I make it, lemme know! The ingredients are as follows:  dates orange slices candy coconut buttermilk pecans orange juice Victim, darling, are you a fan of the Dresden Dolls? I'm seeing them this Saturday and there will no doubt be some good merch including t-shirts, posters, stickers and even artisanal chocolate bars! ? Any of that sound appealing? (if t-shirt, pls give size!) I uncovered a secret supply of vintage LE BPAL Trading Post soaps in my possession! I realize some folks are over bar soap, but in case you'll make an exception, lmk and maybe Krampus will deem you nice enough to get one
  11. twilighteyes

    Scent based on a DnD character

    Too bad Black Opal is discontinued because I feel like that would fit the black-grey-purple with flashes. For cave and mineral what came to mind immediately for me was The Midnight Bell (Dark Delicacies, also discontinued sad face.) "Diabolical monastic incense and crumbling stone." Black Annis? It mentions "damp cave lichen." For Mushroom: Destroying Angel or Death Cap? Honeyed Mushroom & Incense (LE.) Dungeon Crawl is a good stone (and leather to me) scent, but again with the limited edition. Maybe 13 Hours from the Labyrinth? Dusty black stone, dried rosehips, black moss, and creeping ivy. Hmm, reviews are up in the air about stone. Here is another thread where someone was looking specifically for the "scent of a cave". A lot of people mention Kumari Kandam. skekTek the Scientist? "Metal and stone and beams of dark light" 'Tis Strange mentions moss covered stone. For coffee: Black Coffee? (yule 2020 LE) There were a bunch of coffee scents "kaffeeklatsch" for Yule 2019. Coffee Bean and Copal? Black Coffee and Old Books? Kobold Barista? That's all I got.
  12. twilighteyes

    Krampusnacht Answers

    I leave for a ten-day trip to Paris and London in one week's time and I'd love to bring back a goody or two if my Naughty/Nice Puss has any requests! Paris: Mariage Frères or Damman Frères tea, always. I have a huge list on my amazon beverages universal wishlist from their websites. I love black tea the most; smoky, lavender, rose, vanilla, butterscotch, anise, chai, cinnamon. Lately I've been liking fruit teas as well. (I'm not a super huge fan of bergamot / earl grey type teas although I will drink them occasionally; they're just not my fav.) Any kind of cool soap, perfume, body products, candles, matchbooks (do places still even do matchbooks?), lavender, fancy chocolates/caramels/chocolate covered seafoam. (I have a list of the kind of truffles and chocolate I favor on my snacks amazon list.) OH! I'd love some blackcurrant, rose, anise, violet and maybe orange blossom pastilles from France -- the Abbaye de Flavigny. And there are all kinds of little candies and interesting treats from Europe that I would be interested in, just for fun. And Outremer (formerly L'Aromarine) eau de toilette sprays! Especially Vanilla and Cola. And maybe Rose and/or Lavender if you can smell it and make sure it's a good one. (just small bottles are fine!!) London: Again with any kind of fancy tea. I love Bird & Blend! (again, I have a huge list from their website on my amazon beverages universal wishlist.) I don't think Future Primitive has a brick & mortar but I'd love their Ghost Smoke and/or Campfire Marshmallow whipped soap or body cream. fancy chocolates/caramels/chocolate covered seafoam. (I have a list of the kind of truffles and chocolate I favor on my snacks amazon list.) Bonfire toffee! Clotted cream fudge! (or some kind of delicious clotted cream in a jar?) Anything Red Dwarf. and of course if you find good Krampus or Christmas Market type stuff (probably too early), I'm down!! Marzipan?? are you interested in an advent calendar? What kind? (Dog cookie, tea, chocolate, etc.) I love advent calendars, I am a weirdo! I love the ones for dogs - maybe Trader Joes will have theirs out soon!, snobby tea like from bird & blend (too spendy for this swap I'm sure), Divine chocolate, Lindt chocolate. Officially asking for your krampus preference, naughty children! I do prefer cuter Krampus and Krampuss. And Vintage Krampus. I hand-make light-weight hair falls, the kind that is NOT meant to look real, but more like doll (or Dolly) hair. I use stuff like recycled silk, ribbon yarn and the like to keep them extremely light-weight and pretty. Is this something you would like? If so, tell me your color preferences (the more options, the better!) plus any allergies I should know about (wool, alpaca, silk etc), and length. Someday! When I am able to go places again! Would you like a super ugly "Christmas" sweater with krampus all over it?? I do have some "ugly christmas" sweatshirts on my wishlist but mostly just black and red. Not super ugly please. My favorite one I have right now is a Robert Smith "ugly christmas" sweatshirt. Is there anything you particularly have your fingers crossed for on your wishlist? I have a Krampus wishlist on etsy, a Krampus wishlist on Amazon, etc. for your browsing amusement. I'd really kind of like one of the self inking rubber stamps to motivate myself to send out holiday cards! I adore the Krampuss from Clockwork Art and the Mocking Krampus from Ryta's Art (both on etsy wishlist.) I've tried the Coalition tea and it's good, wouldn't say no to more than a sample. But you don't have to get things from my wishlist -- they're just to show you the kind of things I like. If you see other things you'd think I'd like, I'm all for it!! (I like crocheted amigurumi and knitted mitts/shawlettes/really long double cowls.) are you hoping for more perfumes or more non-smelly goodies? I don't really need more perfume so it's totally up to my sender! But I would especially love some of the items from my NAVA wishlist! Their 10ml are being discontinued at the end of the year and I'm fretting about some of them. dear Victim, are you in need of a squishable krampus? (or other squishable?) YES, YES I DO. And undead unicorn, and gargoyle, and bat. In that order. Anything from Penzy's to show you praise or to punish your wicked tongue? Always. I have penzey's stuff on one of my amazon lists. Do you like homemade fudge if it is Krampus'ed up? Heck yeah! (I am weird about texture though, so I don't like crunchy things in my fudge and I hate walnuts, just fyi.) would you like a piece of Krampus themed art? Either watercolor, resin, polymer clay, or wire wrap? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ALL OF THE ABOVE I'm probably going to place an order for October 33rd once I get paid next week. Are there any BPALs (recently released or otherwise) that you would love to get on St. Nicholas Day? I could always use a Snake Oil to put aside for aging. Dreams Shape the World You Get What Anybody Gets - You Get a Lifetime The Obsequies of an Egyptian Cat anything from my wishlist really. Is there anything you'd be interested in from Loreworks? (Please note, the body wash is marketed as body wash/bubble bath, but it DOES contain SLS for those who avoid it.) Those are hilarious! lets see, scents: snape, dead but delicious, Zoltar, dr. Blights bubonic, cellar door, trick or treat yo self, Sally's song (whipped soap), this is Halloween (dusting powder) mists, powder, whipped soap, shea cream dear victim, are you interested in a microwaveable bowl cozy? I have lots but I could always use cool Krampus fabric (I get mine at spoonflower, the cheapest cotton is fine - there is a sale right now!) Dearest Victim, might you be a fan of the glorious old punk band, the Damned? I'm seeing them perform on Friday, so there might be things like tour t-shirts or stickers available- would any of this be of interest to you? (if not, no worries, I can worship them enough for the both of us! ) I'm good. Dear *ahem* Victim *snicker* ... Would you enjoy a 2023 wall calendar? I *do* need a wall calendar. Anything goes. I love snarky, friesians, pitbulls... Victim, is there anything you would like from the Zeep holiday collection releasing on November 1st? (see this post) oooh. I like Whipped Soap, Sugar Scrub, Sugar whip, Bath Truffles, and body spray. The scents that stand out to me are Santa Baby (body care), White Christmas (bath truffles), and for wax maybe Abominable Snowman, Christmas Eve, Christmas Past, Christmas Tree Cakes, Santa Baby, White Christmas, Winter Fest, and Yuletide Carols. (so basically vanilla, marshmallows, trees, and orange/clove, lol!) Are you interested in boozy homemade fruitcake? it depends on the fruit and booze used. I love the cherry almond marzipan one with amaretto. But I don't like the weird glacé cherries and store bought fruitcake types. How about booze itself, specifically, moonshine whiskey infused with spices and fruits? yes! Brown sugar shortbread? "Plain" buttery or flavored? Favorites include lavender and chocolate orange, but I could definitely do a holiday spice or peppermint batch or two. mmmm shortbread. I love chocolate shortbread, I bet chocolate orange clove would be delicious. I want to make altered altoid tins for Christmas. Would you like one? Krampus Krampus Krampus Krampus (or Yule Cat!) What kind of homemade cookies do you like? I like chewy sugar cookies with buttercream frosting, soft gingerbread cookies, pumpkin gingerbread type bread (I guess that's not really cookies), molasses, shortbread. Are you interested in having any freshly dried apple crips? (Golden Delicious and Fuji -- sliced, dried apples with nothing added.) Yes, but I have them! Is there anything you're eyeing from Paintbox Soapworks' winter update? I love Streusel, Sorbetto, and wax melts. The scents I'm interested in are Joulupukki and Schwarzwald. Maybe Golden Orb. I am still really wanting some Moonshadow as well but that wasn't part of the yule drop I don't think. I have a wishlist pertaining to PBSW in my "Wishlist and Circular Swap Help" that is in my signature. Haus of Gloi just dropped their Yule update- like what you see? https://www.hausofgloi.com/collections/yule?page=1 (NO pumpkin butter, perfume, soap, hair oil, etc.) Body Powder - long winter's nap? not sure about the flannel/cashmere/oatmeal but I like vanilla/tonka/lavender. Butterbombs - Marshmallow World!!!!! or Boughs of Holly. Yule refresher sprays, wax melts, candles, whipped soap, sugar exfoliant, or bubbling scrubs: Turkish Delight!!!!, Snow Wolf, Nefarious Gingerbread Man, Tannenbaum, Three Treasures, His Sweater. (Not a fan of foodie, floral, or peppermint.) I make infused vodkas! The one I am most proud of right now is a spiced hibiscus liqueur. I make this as a jelly, too. As far as the Liqueur, We have been making an autumn Moscow Mule with it, and the other day I made a Mai Tai! Its yummy! I already have both the hibiscus liqueur and jelly from MsASofgg! Would take any other infused vodkas! If I can find the recipe, I want to make my grandmas Orange Slice Cake. Its a super yummy cake but a bit difficult to make as far as cutting up all the oranges. If you would like a mini cake IF I make it, lemme know! Maybe without coconut if that's possible? I don't love coconut unless it's toasted and sprinkled LIGHTLY on top of a dessert. (although I like coconut milk in recipes and cooking with coconut oil?)
  13. twilighteyes

    Wolfenoot 2022 Answers

    Would you like me to attempt a small painting of your fur baby or to honor a former fur baby? If so, can you provide a reference photo you like? YESSSSS I will have to think about reference photo. I actually splurged and ordered some Liliths and Weenies. Are there any decants you're interested in that you didn't order? I think I ordered most of what I wanted! But anything I didn't order is fair game! (You can see what I ordered in the CNS thread.) If you're up for knits or crochet, would you prefer washclothes, headbands, wrist cuffs, fingerless mitts, hats, or a shawlette (wear like scarf except not as long so can't wrap around your neck more than 1-2x.) I could probably find a bunch of the above with moon motifs or for dogs/sneks/birbs/cats to wear. (I made a wolfenoot bundle of patterns, will keep adding as I find cute things.) (sneks are here-> https://www.ravelry.com/bundles/snek-hats) I would love sooo many things! I totally think Zuul and Bailey need unicorn snoods. I'm getting more confident in my embroidery and I'm ready to try my hand at embroidery on clothing. Would you be interested in a hand embroidered scarf? I'd love embroidery on a hankie or something to hang on the wall!! are you interested in an advent calendar? What kind? (Dog cookie, tea, chocolate, etc.) yesssss I love dog cookie ones (but I'll probably grab one from Trader Joes if they come out and I see one), Divine chocolate, Lindt chocolate, TEA (I'm thinking David's Tea and Bird & Blend or some fancy tea, so probably too spend for this swap.) If I were to send a toy from one of my favorite critter toy sources, would you have any preferences? (squeaky/not, plush, chewy, etc.) The dogs LOVE those latex (multipet globlet -- would try any of the latex ones from multipet) piggies (I have some on my amazon list ... and their big one got run over by the truck the other day when we were taking straw bales out to the pig/goat barn -- it make a HUGE pop and blew stuffing out. Oops.) Flat tough squeak, flat tough crinkle. The accordian pig one looks fun but I have no idea what it's durability is. The multipet are actually pretty durable. Little Wolfies - Arcana has dropped Hallowitch stuff and a 15% off deal. Shout out if you see anything you'd love! I would totally try Wolfling and Witches watch Sci-Fi Movies. What are your favorite shops to buy fun things (treats, toys, clothes, whatever) for your fuzzy friends? Mud Bay in Seattle area and surrounds are my favorite place for treats because 1) bulk 2) reasonably priced. Unfortunately I only get over to that side usually once or twice a year so when I go, I have to stock way up and then keep the treats in sealed containers and hope they don't lose their freshness. Right now we also have some dehydrated liver treats (the dogs LOVE love love LOVE these) and some seasonal treats from Trader Joes (maple bacon pumpkin or something crazy.) Sometimes I get the liver on chewy, sometimes on amazon, just depends on where I can get the best deal. I really like BarkBox but I can't afford it since no income, but every once in a while I'll just get ONE box for them if there is a good special. I also used to hit up "Earth Pet" and "All the Best" in Seatown. There are a couple of places here that are cute but they seem really expensive to me, so .. yeah, mostly google for what I want and go with best price. Although Winco did have some super cute dog "costumes" -- I totally want the FBI coat that they have for Miss Bailey of the Super Snoof. She should totally be a working hound doing nosework and drug sniffing or something, she gets bored easily and then gets into trouble. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too smart for her own good. (Zuul is smart but is content to just snuggle and cling to me most of the time like a good velvet hippo.) Favorite tea brands and flavors? This is in my questionnaire and on the bottom of my SW Help / Wishlist and also on my Amazon Beverages wishlist. Would you want a watercolor of your pet? NO promises that it will be amazing- just wanted to ask in case you prefer a different pic for watercolor vs pain Of course!! I still haven't looked at fav photos tho. I suck. Dear wolfeloot, are you interested in a microwaveable bowl cozy? I have lots but I can always use cute moon fabric! Black with white moons, or blue/purple batik with white moons would be awesome. (no gold or yellow please.) Dear 'loot -- would you like a 2023 wall calendar (or other type?) What kind? Yes, I could use a wall calendar!! I love all kinds! I had a Lisa Frank one last year and I love snarky, pitbulls, friesians, whatever. No animals pooping though please, kthx. Are you interested in having any freshly dried apple crips? (Golden Delicious and Fuji -- sliced, dried apples with nothing added.) I already have them, nom! how culinarily adventurous would you say you are???? I love ethnic foods but I don't want to eat brains or bugs or whatever. (also I am pretty picky about organic, non-gmo, no synthetic food color, etc. I prefer my meat to be humanely raised.)
  14. twilighteyes

    Wolfenoot Questions

    Would you like me to attempt a small painting of your fur baby or to honor a former fur baby? If so, can you provide a reference photo you like? If you have cats, would you like some organic catnip harvested from my property and dried in our dehydrator? I actually splurged and ordered some Liliths and Weenies. Are there any decants you're interested in that you didn't order? Are you interested in having a bag from our shop? (twinklentwilight.etsy.com) If you're up for knits or crochet, would you prefer washclothes, headbands, wrist cuffs, fingerless mitts, hats, or a shawlette (wear like scarf except not as long so can't wrap around your neck more than 1-2x.) I could probably find a bunch of the above with moon motifs or for dogs/sneks/birbs/cats to wear. (I made a wolfenoot bundle of patterns, will keep adding as I find cute things.) (sneks are here-> https://www.ravelry.com/bundles/snek-hats) I'm getting more confident in my embroidery and I'm ready to try my hand at embroidery on clothing. Would you be interested in a hand embroidered scarf? are you interested in an advent calendar? What kind? (Dog cookie, tea, chocolate, etc.) (here's a list at World Market for your amusement.) If I were to send a toy from one of my favorite critter toy sources, would you have any preferences? (squeaky/not, plush, chewy, etc.) Little Wolfies - Arcana has dropped Hallowitch stuff and a 15% off deal. Shout out if you see anything you'd love! What are your favorite shops to buy fun things (treats, toys, clothes, whatever) for your fuzzy friends? wolfeloot, are you interested in a good karma squishable snow wolf? (or other squishable?) Favorite tea brands and flavors? Would you want a watercolor of your pet? NO promises that it will be amazing- just wanted to ask in case you prefer a different pic for watercolor vs pain Dear wolfeloot, are you interested in a microwaveable bowl cozy? Dear 'loot -- would you like a 2023 wall calendar (or other type?) What kind? Are you interested in having any freshly dried apple crips? (Golden Delicious and Fuji -- sliced, dried apples with nothing added.) how culinarily adventurous would you say you are????
  15. twilighteyes

    Spoopy Kid Assaulted by a Sunbeam

    I'm a patch fan but was afraid of the honeysuckle ... but I took a chance and yay! The honeysuckle stays in the background for me and the patch comes forward. And it's my lovely "goblin" patchouli (which is also in revenant rhythm and silky bat I believe!) it's quite lovely and I'm happy I snagged a bottle from the restock!
  16. twilighteyes

    2022 13 Nights of Halloween answers

    1. Would you like anything from Paintbox Soapworks Halloween line? https://paintboxsoapworks.com/new-limited-edition/2022-weenie-collection/ I looked a PBSW and unfortunately most of their halloween stuff has at least one death note in each offering. (I don't love coffee scented things or most floral, fruit, or dirt.) I totally have a wishlist of their other offerings though! 2. Do you have any interest in Halloween or spooky squishmallows? I love all spooky/halloween squishable things. Cthulhu, bats, plague doctor, baphomet, black philip... 3. Anything from Bath & Bodyworks Halloween Line? I really wanted their bat wallflower night light! (I have a haunted house one from them.) BUT I went into the store and my store had a really cool Raven (on a blue/gray pumpkin) wallflower night light!!! I want it!! I also sniffed all the things and added what I like to my amazon fragrance wishlist. I was really happy to see that all of the aromatherapy body care is now made without sulfates, parabens, or artificial dyes. I also saw a sign that their soaps are there too. I hope the rest of their body care gets there. So anyway, I would gratefully accept car scent refills (and I love the crescent moon car scent holder), wall flower refills (and the raven wallflower), pillow mists (the aromatherapy line), candles, and fragrance mists or spray perfume. And antibac. So here is my scent list: Dark Amber & Oud (candle) Vanilla bean (candle) Pumpkin Bonfire (this totally smells like CLOVE. which is hilarious because their "pumpkin clove" scent smells like cinnamon.) (candle or wall flower) Warm Vanilla Sugar (wall flower) Vanilla Birch (wall flower) Enchanted Candy Potion (spray, wall flower, anti bac) Vampire Blood (car scent, anti bac) Into the Night (soap, mist, or spray perfume) Eucalyptus Sage (aromatherapy line - pillow mist) Cedar Ylang Ylang (aromatherapy line - pillow mist) Lavender Vanilla (aromatherapy line - pillow mist) 4. Autumn/Fall scents I love: Resins, woods, cloves, roses, vanillas. Ones I dislike: dirt, leaves, apples, most fruits, most florals Are they different for home vs body & bath?? I'm more forgiving for bath scents but still have pretty much the same preferences. Pickier on home because of my respiratory issues. 5: If I were to make you a set of arm warmers/ fingerless mitts, what color(s) & style would you like? Gothy. Black/Purple or Black/White stripes Long or short? Medium 6. I'm going to Disneyworld in late September! I'll be going to all four parks and attending both the Not-So-Scary Halloween Bash and Epcot's Food and Wine Festival. Is there ANYTHING from Disney that you would like? Is there something you collect that perhaps you'd enjoy a Disney version of (tea, socks, enamel pins, plushies etc etc etc)??? Take me with you! Anything and everything NMBC (not socks though since I have huge feet.) 7. I make lightweight hairfalls- would you be interested in some? Either to incorporate into a costume or just for your own year-round use? If so, name your colors and preferred length, and if you have any fiber allergies you want me to take note of! I have some hairfalls and never ever wear them (nor do I even leave the house most of the time) so would be wasted on me right now. 8. I am going to Dragon Con for the first time! Which of these BPALs do you want? If they have Snake Milk or anything else on my BPAL wish list, I'm game but no peaches please. 9-16 are my questions 17. How do you feel about raisin in baked goods? It kind of depends on the baked good? Oatmeal raisin cookies - yes. Those bread rolls that are shaped like muffins from sbux? yes. Other things, not so sure. 18. Lego? If so, what types, minifigures? Not really my thing. 19. Favorite spooky fictional characters? Jack and Zero? Demogorgon? Hot vampires? Goblin King? Ringwraiths? (Is Bad Horse spooky?) 20. Luvmilks seasonal goodies are out! What scents and formats appeal to you, my little pumpkin? https://www.luvmilk.com/mm2022.html#/ Dusting Powder: Scarecrow with Girlfriend or Lover Bath Milk or Salts, Sugar Scrub, : Clown with Girlfriend, Pegasus with Girlfriend, Scarecrow with Girlfriend or Lover And I always adore their lip balm in Baby Bat and Aphrodite's Altar. 21. Would you like a Pyrex 4-cup Nightmare Before Christmas bowl with lid? (Can also get Star Wars and various Disney ones.) I have enough of the 4 cup and 7 cup but I'd love one of the rectangular ones if you can find it! (and I love pyrex 4 cup with bats!!) 22. August Tea's fall sale starts tomorrow, 20% off everything on the site with code FALL20. Is there anything you would like to try, my Pumpkin? https://august.la/ OMG YES. I have all kinds of wishes from here under my amazon beverage list. And I have a "permanent" 20% off in the Summer Swap spreadsheet under offerings, you have to sign up with their email and they'll send you a coupon. 23. I grow lots of different herbs and I'm dehydrating loads of them right now, are you possibly interested in: catnip, sage (culinary and/or purple), oregano (Greek and/or purple), rosemary, plantain herb, chives, celery, licorice mint, lovage leaf, mugwort, mint, spearmint, chives, borage leaf, blackberry leaf, raspberry leaf, comfrey, lemon balm, or others? I would love everything except catnip, mugwort, and lemon balm. 24. My peacock is molting his tail feathers, would you like some? I have a ton from you but will always take more! 25. I'm learning embroidery. Is there a simple motif or symbol (like a pumpkin, a black cat, flowers, spider web…) you might like hand embroidered? BAT... or pibble. 26. Would you like either a basket or a tablemat (that works as a place to put hot dishes as well as being decorative). I make both from fabric wrapped rope that is sewn together. Could be a bread/rolls basket, a yarn bowl for knitting or crochet, or a big flat mat. Yes!!! Either or both. Preference to basket if just one. 27. I'm taking a trip to New Orleans, anything you'd like food or souvenir-wise? Allll of the food. I love me some crawfish etouffee or crawfish po boys from N'awlins. Everything from Cafe du Monde (beignets probably don't ship well tho.) I would totally want a Cafe du Monde mug if they were at least 18oz but I only see 11oz on their website. Oh wait! They have a "Colossal Mug" that is 24oz! (I would use it for soup!) Cafe du Monde coffee & chicory coffee PODS!!! YES!!! Also I like the "coffee and beignet" magnet, patio and awning magnet, or the Fleur de Lis magnet. Creamy or chewy pralines, cuccia chocolates... ! Also would totally take some Mam Papaul's red bean seasoning mix, king cake mix, gumbo mix, jambalaya mix... Some kind of fun green hot sauce! Voodoo doll, gris gris bag, candles, etouffee or fun cajun spices, local artwork or jewelry, post cards... 28. Are your booklists linked somewhere, and up to date? Link to my amazon book wish list is in my signature under wish list / SW help. Books aren't really a priority unless I have them listed as "highest priority". 29. Do you have fur kids and would they like treats as well?? My spoiled dogs always love treats. Prefer USA made / grain free. If you're in the Seattle area, I am almost out of my Mud Bay bulk cookies (grain free, all kinds!) and would love more. Or a GC to Mud Bay. 30. Do you have any interest in trying my infused moonshine whiskey? I've been thinking of experimenting with autumn spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, clove) and maybe a chocolate chai. Of course!! Nom! 31. Any interest in spooky shape wax melts in your favorite candle scents? (What are your favorite candle scents?) Sure! Probably vanillas, marshmallow, patchouli, clove... same as perfume scents too. I used to have a spiced plum candle I adored. I like men's/unisex fragrances in candles as well, like Drakkar Noir, CK1, CKB. Nostalgic. Witches Brew from Yankee is one of my favorite scents! I probably have candle and melt scents on my wishlist (under PBSW), etsy lists, maybe amazon fragrance list, and up above under the Bath & Bodyworks question since I liked some of their candle scents this year. 32. How about lotion bars? I like the concept but I never use them and they end up going bad. 33. Bird and Blend Tea Co. just came out with their Autumnal tea drop! Anything look good to you? (Also, if you're not a pumpkin-y person I invite you to explore their other offerings, cause everything they do is magical) Check 'em out: https://www.birdandblendtea.us I already have ALL the Bird & Blend on my amazon beverages wishlist. Love love love! (For the autumn season, maybe the sticky pumpkin chai, campfires & vampires?) 34. Do you need any BPAL storage? Bottles? Imps? Nope. I have extra now because of all of my destashing. 35. Does anything catch your eye from my local tea purveyors? https://www.fridaytea.com/ (I hope they make more Womb of Doom soon!) or https://perennialtearoom.com/ I think I have everything I want from Friday Tea. I'd take things from Perennial Tearoom! Smoky Russian Caravan, Almond Sugar Cookie, Vanilla Cream, Hot Cinnamon Spice (although really, could it be better than Harney & Son's?? I would have to pit them against each other), Ginger Peach, Northwest Blackberry, Seattle Chai, Lapsang Souchong, maybe the Turkish Blend? 36. Can you use a mug? What kind/size do you like? I prefer mugs with a lid (to keep out dog hair and small flying things) or soup bowl sized ones (for soup.) I have some on my amazon wishlists. I also collect the Starbucks City Mugs (demitasse size or full size.) If a mug isn't at least 18 oz, I'm not really interested, lol. (but the demitasse size take up less room and are easier to display.) 37. One of my favorite Etsy chandlers is having a sale, anything catch your feathery fancy? https://www.etsy.com/shop/TeresaLynnsSimpleLux I still love super highly scented candles that absolutely REEK and waft fragrance while they're burning and also wax melts. I have a couple of electric wax burners. * Clove Cigarettes * Dragon's Blood * Saffron Perique * Sisters of the Moon * Headache --- I just don't have the energy to go through each of their candle scents individually and they didn't think to put them all in the photos or anything. 38. Does anything appeal from the Nocturne Alchemy Halloween Update? I just placed my order, so I can add-on a treat or two for you until Monday night, September 12th! https://nocturnealchemy.com/collections/limited-collection I am ordering Googly Bat, Vintage Werewolf, and the Sommeil but I added others to my Wishlist / SW Help. I would love Neon Wolf,and/or Neon Vampiress and lots of decants! 39. Quick question - If I were ordering some marmalade or other jammy things, would you be interested in any of the following? Orange Marmalade, Blood Orange Marmalade, or whole fruit jams in strawberry, peach, current, or triple berry? I have peach and strawberry so maybe triple berry, currant, or blood orange marmalade? 40. For decor what general Halloween style is preferred? Traditional, cute spooky, dark and gothic, horror, etc? More descriptive the better!! I don't actually decorate for Halloween, I just have kind of the same decor all year round that includes skeletal creatures, skeletal/NMBC themed kitchen set (when I don't live with other people anyway like right now I am living with family), bats everywhere, black and white Brian Serway artwork on the walls, Gideon/Harrow/Nona large prints (that need frames, lol!), Black/Grey/White marble (and wood painted to look like marble in those colors), granite grey desk, gargoyles/grotesques, cthulhu (I have the cutest little purple Cthulhu amigurumi from a Switch Witch!) I also have things like Krampus, Labyrinth, NMBC, etc. Funko Pops, would love Demogorgon things, Black Philip, etc. Also Unicorns and Equines (Friesians!) but spooky dark versions, so Kelpies and things too. Like Abigail Larson / Iren Horrors artwork vibe with rich darker jewel tones (I have a Iren Horror's Hecate print as a phone case (from society6.) or Brian Serway's bats/equines/crows vibe.) (Of the ones he has available right now, I have Dusk Mother, Nightbringer, No Nightmares, The Fox & the Crow.) https://www.etsy.com/shop/BrianSerwayArt? or https://bserway.com so ... yeah. I like jewel toned blues and purples (cool leaning) or rich cool leaning blackened reds or burgundys/wines as well for color pops. Zero warm leaning colors like beige, orange, yellow, brown, etc. (shudder) I don't even really love orange pumpkins although I tolerate them for outside fall decor. No inside though!!! So kind of a goth/dark/but also some cute? I love coffin shaped frames and shelves/trays, bat shaped bowls/tray/shelves/key hooks (I'd LOVE an iron/metal bat with spread wings and little dips from his wings as hooks if that makes sense! I have an octopus one right now that I hang necklaces and other things on.) I have an altar for Hecate with a bone colored statue, iron cauldron, chalice, etc. I'd love to have more altar space someday, I kind of took over St. Expedite's spot in the main house (sorry Expedite!) Someday I hope to have a "map room" where I have large posters of maps from all of my favorite fantasies, like Middle Earth, Narnia, Four Corners of Civilization, Tamriel, Hyrule, Randland, etc. But not anytime soon unfortunately. It would probably also be the gaming room for tabletop and RPG. 41. (please read in thread as it's rather long) Are you interested in anything from Solstice Scents? https://www.solsticescents.com I would love to try a sample of the Estate Amber! I wouldn't say no to the Lavender Vanilla Glissade. 42. Do you have a strong preference for whether packages are numbered 1-13, thus curating your experience somewhat, or do you prefer the random draw method where you can follow your whims and open in whatever order you choose? Whatever is easier for my sender!
  17. 1. Cellar Door just posted their Halloween goodies - I love their scents, soaps and candles - which of these might you fancy? https://cellardoorbathsupply.com/collections/halloween-fall-collection? I'd REALLY like to try the Once Bitten soap and/or candles!! Also Black No. 1, Sanderson Spice, Zombie Repellent, Lavender Pumpkin, , Michigan Moonglow, Graveyard Smash. From their permanent collection, Sex Machine, Tickled Pink (soon to be retired!!) 2. If you'd like handmade knit items, are you good with soft wools or do you prefer acrylic only? zomg, no acrylic unless for amigurumi. I love merino, merino silk, merino cashmere.. 2a. Are there any items you'd love for fall/halloweenie? (Ie mittens, hat, fingerless mitts, cowl, legwarmers) I always love fingerless mitts but I have really large hands so using stretchy cast ons and bind offs is a must! I like double length cowls, shawlettes, etc. Please look at my ravelry "make for me" bundle to get ideas. -- the gnomes and foxes are for my mom. (I don't like traditional triangular shawls unless they are super special (like the bat and unicorn shadow knits or double knitting) and I don't wear hats except newsboy type caps with a brim or maybe some huge gothy sun hats.) 3. Anyone fancying the new Paintbox Soapworks or Witch Baby Soap Halloween launches? I haven't looked at PBSW yet but I have a wishlist of their normal things and summer things. I know nothing about Witch Baby Soap and I'm super picky about soap because my hands are super dry. edit: I looked a PBSW and unfortunately most of their halloween stuff has at least one death note in each offering. (I don't love coffee scented things or most floral, fruit, or dirt.) edit: I looked at Witch Baby and I would be down with trying their bath potions, bath salts, bath bombs, hand sanitizer, hand salve, soap, scrubs, face mask, body butter (sample size?) etc. in any of my note preferred scents. Here is what caught my eye: (lots in case some sell out) Astrology Black Mass Charity Cord Cutter Dragon's Blood Gossip Stopper Hex Breaker Holy Smokes (bath potion) Initiation Laid out in Lavender Left Hand Bath Lunar Tide (face mask) Moon, The (face mask) Morpheus face soap Old Wise Man Psychic (anything, including hand sanitizer) Queen of Hearts (face mask) Rune Stone Salt of Venus (bath salt) Seance Seven Salts (bath salt) Virgo Birthday Cake 4. Would you be interested in an adult Halloween coloring book? I recently backed on kickstarter for one by a local gothic art market near me and it's due in during the swap period. No thank you. My hands and fingers do not love coloring. 5. What are some OCYL brands you've been wanting to dabble in? NAVA is my go to right now (but mostly vanillas, ambers, roses, musks, patchoulis.) I would like try Cellar Door candles! I've tried their soap and it was pretty fabulous (just the sample bars) so I'd love some full sized. I'm open to try other OCYL brands for scrubs and bath products (but maybe not perfume) as long as sulfate, silicon, paraben, phthalate, etc. free. 6. I am working on making bath bombs. Would you be willing to try my creations? Of course as long as they are sulfate, silicon, paraben, phthalate, etc. free. 6a. How about wax tarts? Of course! 6b. What type of scents do you favor? I have covered this pretty thoroughly in my profile, SW help, and questionnaire I think! 7. What kinds of home smell good things do you like? (I.e. incense, candles, wax melts, felt scent balls, essential oils, linen spray) Low smoke incense, high quality candles and wax melts, essential oils, linen & atmosphere spray, dryer scent balls, rose beads, car fresheners of all kinds, soap in with my shirts and socks and unmentionables, scent beads in little jars... I mean, if it smells good, I am HERE for it. (I just have to make sure it doesn't set off my allergies or respiratory issues.) 8. would you like anything from the bath and bodyworks Halloween line? I really wanted their bat wallflower night light! (I have a haunted house one from them.) BUT I went into the store and my store had a really cool Raven (on a blue/gray pumpkin) wallflower night light!!! I want it!! I also sniffed all the things and added what I like to my amazon fragrance wishlist. I was really happy to see that all of the aromatherapy body care is now made without sulfates, parabens, or artificial dyes. I also saw a sign that their soaps are there too. I hope the rest of their body care gets there. So anyway, I would gratefully accept car scent refills (and I love the crescent moon car scent holder), wall flower refills (and the raven wallflower), pillow mists (the aromatherapy line), candles, and fragrance mists or spray perfume. And antibac. So here is my scent list: Dark Amber & Oud (candle) Vanilla bean (candle) Pumpkin Bonfire (this totally smells like CLOVE. which is hilarious because their "pumpkin clove" scent smells like cinnamon.) (candle or wall flower) Warm Vanilla Sugar (wall flower) Vanilla Birch (wall flower) Enchanted Candy Potion (spray, wall flower, anti bac) Vampire Blood (car scent, anti bac) Into the Night (soap, mist, or spray perfume) Eucalyptus Sage (aromatherapy line - pillow mist) Cedar Ylang Ylang (aromatherapy line - pillow mist) Lavender Vanilla (aromatherapy line - pillow mist) 9. Do you have any interest in spooky squishmallows? YES ALL THE SPOOKY THINGS. Especially bats. I think their Plague Doctor is cute too. Or am I thinking of Squishables? Cthulhu always accepted. Black Philip. Baphomet. 10. Would you enjoy spooky stationary? I would love spooky stickers and blank cards with cute spooky artwork! And some good quality ball point or gel pens. 11. I know a lot of us are witchy and have deeply held beliefs about the materials we use as part of our practice. If you're one of those individuals, are there certain herbs, crystals, etc that you do not want to receive? I can't think of any. I'm set for smoke type sticks (we made our own with mugwort and lavender) but if you make them too, I would love one! I don't need tumbled rocks / crystals and I'm probably set for small obsidian pebbles but I can always use palm stones / worry stones, beads, scrying mirrors, towers, orbs, etc. 12. When you have a distinct preference for one holiday over another, What are some cross over items that actually work for both? All of Nightmare before Christmas? *head tilt* I keep my Halloween stuff up all year so prefer things like NMBC, bats, corvids, gargoyles, skulls/skeletons and not things like witches, ghosts, zombies, pumpkins. Oh, now that I read the question in the forum I see - between Halloween and Fall. For me they are pretty much one in the same! *grin* 13. One question (that is actually several questions) -- Local honey? YES ALL THE LOCAL UNPASTUERIZED HONEY! (we make mead, so seriously -- all the honey. Like there is never enough honey -- but I really don't want honey that is pasteurized or from grocery stores as imported honey is not checked by FDA and is often loaded with nastiness like antibiotics or other gross things and/or is fake. Honey is one of the THIRD most faked products besides milk and olive oil and over a third of honey in US grocery stores has pollen filtered out and/or has other undeclared things added, like corn syrup or beet syrup. Laboratories have figured out how to modify high fructose corn syrup to look like honey!) SO LET'S SUPPORT OUR LOCAL BEEKEEPERS!!! 13a. Infused/flavored honey? YES 13b. Local infused/flavored honey with Southwest notes (jalapeno, other pepper, mesquite, acacia)? YES 14. Does anything from JiJi Knight spark your interest? https://jijiknight.com/ Not my style, sorry! 15. Any spooky/weenie DVDs you're missing and would like in your collection? NMBC? the Crow? An old Hammer film? Dark Shadows? The Omen? Sleepy Hallow?...? I have a DVD/Blu-Ray wishlist on Amazon but I don't think any are especially spooky. I really do most of my watching as streaming since I don't have a blu-ray / dvd player in my room.  16. Dang (or good!), another serious question -- Shampoo and/or conditioner bars and if so, for what type of hair (dry, fine, oily, curly, normal)? I like shampoo and conditioner bars and other naked bath products. I have fine straight hair that is going grey and hopefully will be colored again soonish. Volume boost is my favorite. No sulfates, etc. please. (curse LUSH for having sulfates in their shampoo bars!!) 17. I just got the email that the Ectogasm Halloween Collection is live. Does anything interest you? https://www.ectogasm.net/collections/halloween I have some of their things on my etsy wishlist! Bats, obviously. Carpe Noctem. Red Rose Planchette. Winged skull washi tape! Moon and Roses stained glass sun catcher. Miskatonic University pin. 18. On a scale from Paprika Is a Heatwave to Let Me Eat a Peck of Pickled Ghost Chiles, how spicy is too spicy, and how spicy is just right? Jalapeno and Smoked Jalapeno (Chipotle) are my favs. I go through the tabasco sauces of those two like water! We make candied jalapenos and I have lots of chipotle powder and dried jalapeno and such. Would be up for trying hot sauces similar! (I have Yellowbird Jalapeno sauce and the Trader Joes jalapeno sauce.) 19. I make lightweight hairfalls- would you be interested in some? Either to incorporate into a costume or just for your own year-round use? If so, name your colors and preferred length, and if you have any fiber allergies you want me to take note of! I have some hairfalls and never ever wear them (nor do I even leave the house most of the time) so would be wasted on me right now. 20: If I were to make you a set of arm warmers/ fingerless mitts, what color(s) & style would you like? Gothy. Black/Purple or Black/White stripes Long or short? Medium 21. Homemade canned and baked and concocted goodies? Any aversions? Bring 'em on! (I don't like Okra so no canned okra please.) 22. If I could make you some of my fudge, what would you prefer? ALL OF THEM. And the Penuche without nuts. 23. Are you open to trying different indie perfume houses if I find a scent that I think you'd enjoy? Maybe if it's in an atomizer? I haven't had good luck with most indie perfumers besides NAVA and BPAL, and BPAL is starting to not work on me (probably because of all of the medication I have to take.) 24. I love making stickers!! If I could design you some stickers, what would you love to have? It could be halloween themed or not! My art style is a bit simplistic, cartoony, and cutesy, I usually draw fairies but last year I did a swap on reddit and made someone a bunch of halloween dog stickers lol. (Sidenote: They probably won't be waterproof, but they're glossy vinyl!) Bats! And my dogs or pigs would be cool. 25. I've got a bunch of small round labels perfect for bpal 5ml label lid art! Name your top 5-10 scents that you'd love to have lid art made for! Just as a fun little extra in your package if desired (Could also work for other companies with lids just like the BPAL bottles) Eternal Ankh, Lavender Dolphin, Snake Oil, Satyr, Foxes with Sweaters and Scarves, Unicorns & Stars, Vampire Rose Bat, Vampire Vanilla Bat, Polychrome, Tomb of the Undead 26. I'm going to Disneyworld in late September! I'll be going to all four parks and attending both the Not-So-Scary Halloween Bash and Epcot's Food and Wine Festival. Is there ANYTHING from Disney that you would like? Is there something you collect that perhaps you'd enjoy a Disney version of (tea, socks, enamel pins, plushies etc etc etc)??? Take me with you! Anything and everything NMBC (not socks though since I have huge feet.) 27. Would you like any decor from Say Target, Homewood, or William and Sonoma? I have lots of ideas for decor on my amazon lists under furniture & home, everyday is halloween, etc. so if you see something you think I'd like, go for it! Preferably nothing orange/gold/bronze. (I do silver toned or black metals, otherwise purple, black, jewel toned blues (no navy), grey, black & white, cool leaning burgundy/dark reds.) 28. I am going to Dragon Con for the first time! Which of these BPALs do you want? If they have Snake Milk or anything else on my BPAL wish list, I'm game but no peaches please. 29. But, I am going to Dragon Con this weekend. Is there anything you would like? Lab wise or just general geekery I'm sure there are tons of things sold at the conventions that I would adore but I'll leave it up to your judgement! I used to get a lot of jewelry at cons back in the day. *skipping 30-37 because I asked those* 38. I make specialty simple syrups. You can use them in teas or cocktails (and desserts). How do you feel about a Hibiscus simple syrup? I use 2 ounce bottles for these so its just a fun amount. Yum!!! 39. Format for tea? e.g. teabag vs loose I prefer loose but sometimes I can only get teabags so those are ok as well. (also tea pods for k-cup machines.) 40. Do you like spooky themed tights? If so, what are your measurements? No tights please. 41. Pls post your book wishlist! It's on Amazon, link is under SW help. I only do epub/mobi (I guess kindle is changing to epub soon, so that is preferable) and I get so many books from the library that I only want the HIGH and HIGHEST priority -- OR if one of the discworlds goes on sale for $1 or something. I pre-ordered Nona the Ninth kindle but I would love the whole Locked Tomb series on audiobook! 42. Would you like to receive a 2D collage art piece? What overall vibe would you be into? (spooky, autumnal, whimsical, eerie, lovely, occult, bizarre, smutty etc.?) I'm not sure I'm super into collage but if it's gargoyles/grotesques/bats/ravens and mostly black/white/purple, it could be ok? (Having a hard time envisioning.) 43. Do you like rocks/gemstone jewelry? Prefer polished/smooth rocks or raw/rough? Any favorite stones, rocks, colors that you'd like? I don't really wear jewelry right now, but I'd love some stretchy gemstone bracelets to use as shawl fasteners. I have a bunch on my amazon jewelry list to give you an idea of stones I like. I also love palm stones, worry stones, pocket pebbles, towers, orbs... I mostly like shiny unless geode or pretty crystal structure. Charging slabs are good too. I could use a much larger piece of Auralite 23 and I always love Aqua Aura. Blues, purples, blacks, greys, or for purpose/intent. 44. Any interest in the August releases that got announced today? https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-tag/august-2022/ Unfortunately, yes! Ceres (decant), Charcoal Champa Resin Tobacco (decant or bottle), Empowering (TAL, decant or bottle), Forge of Vulcan (decant), Lavender Buttercream (bottle), Moon when the Cherries Turn Black (BOTTLE!). I might end up ordering the lunacy and lavender buttercream if they don't sell out before I get some $$$. 45. Luvmilks seasonal goodies are out! What scents and formats appeal to you, my little pumpkin? https://www.luvmilk.com/mm2022.html#/ Dusting Powder: Scarecrow with Girlfriend or Lover Bath Milk or Salts, Sugar Scrub, : Clown with Girlfriend, Pegasus with Girlfriend, Scarecrow with Girlfriend or Lover And I always adore their lip balm in Baby Bat and Aphrodite's Altar. 46. Would you like a Pyrex 4-cup Nightmare Before Christmas bowl with lid? (Can also get Starwars and various Disney ones.) I have enough of the 4 cup and 7 cup but I'd love one of the rectangular ones if you can find it! (and I love pyrex 4 cup with bats!!) 47. August Tea's fall sale starts tomorrow, 20% off everything on the site with code FALL20. Is there anything you would like to try, my Pumpkin? https://august.la/ OMG YES. I have all kinds of wishes from here under my amazon beverage list. 48. I've recently taken up embroidery, would you like a small (I embroider on 4" hoops) embroidered piece? What sort of design would you like? BAT... or pibble. (NAIL POLISH - covered in questionnaire I think??) 49. Would you like either a basket or a tablemat (that works as a place to put hot dishes as well as being decorative). Yes!!! Either or both. Preference to basket if just one. 50. I'm going to the farmer's market tomorrow, and there are lots of great vendors. Would you be interested in soap or chapstick or bath/body products? Whatever you think I might love! 51. Would you be interested in a tumbler like these? If so, what theme would you like it to be? Glitter or no glitter? What color do you want the liquid to be or would you prefer the blood drip look? Pass, thank you! 52. How do you feel about ribbons? Is there anything in particular you are looking for if you'd want some? What about ribbon remnants? Colors/textures? I don't really use ribbons but thank you! 53. Would you be interested in any skincare items? Anything you would not want? Ummm anything that's in my bath/fragrance/whatever amazon wish list or similar! (no sulfates, parabens, ptha-mumble-ates) 54. Is anyone else interested in the latest Sphere & Sundry release? https://sphereandsundry.com/offerings/bpals-of-exalted-venus-ii/ Or other S&S offerings? Always! Anything you think I'd like. 55. Do you have any interest in trying my infused moonshine whiskey? I've been thinking of experimenting with autumn spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, clove) and maybe a chocolate chai. Of course!! Nom! 56. Any interest in spooky shape wax melts in your favorite candle scents? (What are your favorite candle scents?) Sure! Probably vanillas, marshmallow, patchouli, clove... same as perfume scents too. I used to have a spiced plum candle I adored. I like men's/unisex fragrances in candles as well, like Drakkar Noir, CK1, CKB. Nostalgic. Witches Brew from Yankee is one of my favorite scents! I probably have candle and melt scents on my wishlist (under PBSW), etsy lists, maybe amazon fragrance list, and up above under the Bath & Bodyworks question since I liked some of their candle scents this year. 57. How about lotion bars? I like the concept but I never use them and they end up going bad. 58. Bird and Blend tea just did their Autumn drop! Anything look good to you? https://www.birdandblendtea.us (Also, if you're not a pumpkin person, I invite you to check out the rest of their offerings, which are always exceptional!) I already have ALL the Bird & Blend on my amazon beverages wishlist. Love love love! (For the autumn season, maybe the sticky pumpkin chai, campfires & vampires?) And Butter Brew! 59. Arcana Craves halloween drop! Anything catching your eye? https://arcanacraves.com/ No, I don't do Arcana much anymore, thank you. 60. I feel like with some of the witchy/seasonal stuff it might be helpful to know everyone's signs. If you're interested in that kind of thing, what's your sign? Virgo 61. Would you like anything from The Pickety Witch? (I'm going to the Vegas Oddities and Curiosities Expo next weekend, and she's vending there, so it may not matter if an item is in stock or not on the website!) https://www.thepicketywitch.com/ UM YES OMG THE BABY GOAT PLUSHIES BAPHY in purple or black! Plus I have had their Black Philip pin on my etsy wishlist for years, I'm glad to see they've expanded and now have their own website and a larger line of things! PINS in no particular order: Learning to Summon, Harvest Crow, Demon Cat, Unicorn of the Forbidden Forest, Peony Witch Hat, Witch Boots, Ghost Goat. (her bats have dangling things on them which to my autistic self is a big NOPE.) Only silver ones though? I didn't realize some are rose gold or copper or other colors. 62. so these nail polishes keep showing up on my instagram and they are kinda vampy--do you wear polish and do any of these float your boat? NOTE I have never worn Holo Taco stuff so cannot vouch for quality just the vibes are super witchy ? https://www.holotaco.com/collections/dark-rainbow-collection I haven't actually painted even my toes for over a year so I'm going to say no. 63. Favorite bands/artists? Perhaps you'd be interested in a DIY patch to sew onto your jacket/pants/bag or maybe pins or a sticker or anything DIY-ish? I don't wear a jacket or coat that you can sew things onto or carry any bags. Or wear pants much, haha. (PJ's forever!) So I'm going to say no. 64. Is there anything from Lush you are coveting? Their halloweenie stuff is out here: https://www.lushusa.com/halloween/?cgid=halloween&pmid=604&start=0&sz=28 I have my LUSH wishes on my Amazon bath & beauty & fragrance list. 65. sock dreams? yea or nay? Anything in particular catch your eyes? Keep in mind that I only wear socks literally maybe once or twice a year in the winter when I am forced to actually leave the house to go somewhere (feeding animals doesn't count because I just slip on lined boots without socks.) But I do have sock dreams wishes on my Wishlist / SW help. 66. https://rockytopsoap.com Do you have any interest in these? Star Anise lip balm. Maybe the most moisturizing? (Triple butter, oatmeal, avocado.) 67. Nocturne Alchemy just dropped their Halloween 2022 limited collection! I am popping in here to see if anything would strike the fancy of my pumpkin? ? https://nocturnealchemy.com/collections/limited-collection/products/new-halloween-2022-limited-collection I am ordering Googly Bat, Vintage Werewolf, and the Sommeil but I added others to my Wishlist / SW Help. I especially want Neon Wolf, and Neon Vampiress and lots of decants! 68. Here's a question... there's sooooooo many on here about tea but for my fellow coffee gals... do you prefer whole bean or ground?? if there's a choice how do you like your coffee ground?? I don't know where any of my coffee makers are right now (french press or toddy, that's all I really use) so I'm using my parent's keurig. So, kcups. I mean, I *do* know where my grinder is and I could do the self made k-cups, but it's unlikely I would actually do it since it seems like someone is always in the way. 69. Look at Cat Coven's site and tell me what you see that appeals - she is one of my favorite Halloweeny artists, and makes awesome things. I like supporting her work. https://www.catcoven.com/collections/new-arrivals I used to have things from Cat Coven on one of my amazon lists but I can't remember off the top of my head what it was. I don't use patches and their "curious wanderer" pin (and dragon) are gold colored, puke. I do love the Fantasy Creatures (x-ray) pillow case. And Metamorphosis (lavender.) 70. Are you interested in any art supplies? If so, what kinds and colours? Right now I think I'm good really except for maybe some cool findings in end caps but I don't know exactly what size I need so I suck, sorry. 71. What are your fave smells for incense, and do you have a preference for format (cones, stick, loose without needing charcoal, loose that needs charcoal)? Same as my fave smells for everything else really? Vanilla, Nag Champa, Rose, Sandalwood, Dragon's Blood -- I have some incense on my fragrance wishlist. I love blends too? I just need low smoke if possible, or I'll have to burn it outside. I love resins and loose incense for charcoal but I rarely use it because of the smoke involved, only in the fall, winter, or spring when I can be outside without roasting or being eaten by bugs. (I guess that's coming up!!) I really need more SAND for my charcoal!! The darn dogs spilled my last bit of sand that was in my burner. I'd love red, black, purple, or white sand. 72. Anything catch your eye from this super cool queer creepy-cute style UK artist? https://www.abprallen.co.uk/ too pastel! Do not like the colors. Sorry. 73. Pls say more about your book preferences if you haven't already! Esp. regarding fiction. The only books I would SUPER love are Seanan Maguire's new October Daye book (Be the Serpent) on kindle, and OMG THE GOLDEN ENCLAVES coming out later this month on kindle. Or the Locked Tomb series on audio (I already have the kindle books for all three - Gideon, Harrow, and Nona - so I can buy the audible books for $7.95 each and I'm not sure if someone else can buy them for you, so a GC would work best in this regard probably?)
  18. 1. Would you like anything from Paintbox Soapworks Halloween line? https://paintboxsoapworks.com/new-limited-edition/2022-weenie-collection/ 2. Do you have any interest in Halloween or spooky squishmallows? 3. Anything from Bath & Bodyworks Halloween Line? 4. Autumn/Fall scents I love: Ones I dislike: My lovelies, what about you? Are they different for home vs body & bath?? 5. I make things from old sweaters. If I were to make you a set of arm warmers/ fingerless mitts, what color(s) & style? Options- Long or short? Solid - one fabric Stripes- bands of colors sewn together- like fun black & red, black & purple etc. I currently have some nice cashmeres. 6. I'm going to Disneyworld in late September! I'll be going to all four parks and attending both the Not-So-Scary Halloween Bash and Epcot's Food and Wine Festival. Is there ANYTHING from Disney that you would like? Is there something you collect that perhaps you'd enjoy a Disney version of (tea, socks, enamel pins, plushies etc etc etc)??? 7. I make lightweight, doll-like hairfalls out of things like silk ribbon and yarn. Would you like some, either to incorporate into your costume or just for personal year-round use? If so, name your colors, length and any fibers you could have an allergy to. 8. I am going to Dragon Con for the first time! Which of these BPALs do you want? https://us4.campaign-archive.com/?u=50266fc02a3b75767125e0ed2&id=9bf4d797e8 9. Would you be interested in a bag like we sell in our etsy shop? https://twinklentwilight.etsy.com - if so, but you don't see fabric you like maybe link to some photos of fabric you like? - we can do small box bags or pencil / cosmetic / notions type bags too. or with a drawstring on top instead of a zipper. - you don't HAVE to use them just for knitting/crochet, you can use them for cross stitch or even not as project bags. 10. If you are a yarnie, are you interested in a ceramic yarn bowl? I have an extra Harry Potter (I know, I know) one from Lennymud that I bought before the whole JKR debacle and it didn't profit her in any form anyway. I believe it's Gryffindor themed. 11. If you are a yarnie, I'd love to gift some yarn from my stash so give me an idea of colors / weight / material / yardage you'd like. 12. Are you interested in trying some of our "thunder butter"? It's like tiger balm or icy hot, but with herbs, beeswax, cayenne or ghost pepper, menthol, wintergreen. cbd version or no? 13. I need to inventory our canned goods but do you like things like peach jam, cardamom plum jam, peach butter, plum butter, pickles, applesauce with nothing added, applesauce with red hots, dried apples or pears, bread and butter pickles, dill pickles, blackberry jam, huckleberry jam, candied jalapenos? 14. Any interest in things from our garden like dried mint, catnip, lavender, rose petals, dill weed or dill seeds, sage, rue, mugwort, rosemary? 15. How about alcoholic things like rose petal liqueur, lavender vanilla bean liqueur, various flavors of mead (chocolate orange, strawberry mango, whatever my son is making)? 16. Pumpkin bread or zucchini bread? How about blueberry zucchini bread with a lemon glaze? 17. How do you feel about raisin in baked goods? 18. Lego? If so, what types, minifigures? 19. Favorite spooky fictional characters? 20. Luvmilk's seasonal goodies are out. What would you like? https://www.luvmilk.com/mm2022.html#/ 21. Would you like a Pyrex 4-cup Nightmare Before Christmas bowl with lid? (Can also get Star Wars and various Disney ones.) 22. August Tea's fall sale starts tomorrow, 20% off everything on the site with code FALL20. Is there anything you would like to try, my Pumpkin? https://august.la/ 23. I grow lots of different herbs and I'm dehydrating loads of them right now, are you possibly interested in: catnip, sage (culinary and/or purple), oregano (Greek and/or purple), rosemary, plantain herb, chives, celery, licorice mint, lovage leaf, mugwort, mint, spearmint, chives, borage leaf, blackberry leaf, raspberry leaf, comfrey, lemon balm, or others? 24. My peacock is molting his tail feathers, would you like some? 25. I'm learning embroidery. Is there a simple motif or symbol (like a pumpkin, a black cat, flowers, spider web…) you might like hand embroidered? 26. Would you like either a basket or a tablemat (that works as a place to put hot dishes as well as being decorative). I make both from fabric wrapped rope that is sewn together. Could be a bread/rolls basket, a yarn bowl for knitting or crochet, or a big flat mat. 27. I'm taking a trip to New Orleans, anything you'd like food or souvenir-wise? 28. Are your booklists linked somewhere, and up to date? 29. Do you have fur kids and would they like treats as well?? 30. Do you have any interest in trying my infused moonshine whiskey? I've been thinking of experimenting with autumn spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, clove) and maybe a chocolate chai. 31. Any interest in spooky shape wax melts in your favorite candle scents? (What are your favorite candle scents?) 32. How about lotion bars? 33. Bird and Blend Tea Co. just came out with their Autumnal tea drop! Anything look good to you? (Also, if you're not a pumpkin-y person I invite you to explore their other offerings, cause everything they do is magical) Check 'em out: https://www.birdandblendtea.us 34. Do you need any BPAL storage? Bottles? Imps? 35. Does anything catch your eye from my local tea purveyors? https://www.fridaytea.com/ (I hope they make more Womb of Doom soon!) or https://perennialtearoom.com/ 36. Can you use a mug? What kind/size do you like? 37. One of my favorite Etsy chandlers is having a sale, anything catch your feathery fancy? https://www.etsy.com/shop/TeresaLynnsSimpleLux 38. NEW AND TIME-SENSITIVE QUESTION! Does anything appeal from the Nocturne Alchemy Halloween Update? I just placed my order, so I can add-on a treat or two for you until Monday night, September 12th! https://nocturnealchemy.com/collections/limited-collection 39. Quick question - If I were ordering some marmalade or other jammy things, would you be interested in any of the following? Orange Marmalade, Blood Orange Marmalade, or whole fruit jams in strawberry, peach, current, or triple berry? 40. For decor what general Halloween style is preferred? Traditional, cute spooky, dark and gothic, horror, etc? More descriptive the better!! 41. (please read in thread as it's rather long) Are you interested in anything from Solstice Scents? https://www.solsticescents.com 42. Do you have a strong preference for whether packages are numbered 1-13, thus curating your experience somewhat, or do you prefer the random draw method where you can follow your whims and open in whatever order you choose?
  19. 5/30/22 Does anything, scent and / or product-wise, catch your eye from the Haus of Gloi summer drop? (https://www.hausofgloi.com/collections/summer) [you're free to pick stuff NOT from Summer as well, of course! ] Yes, the rumors are true- I'll be in Paris this summer! Tell me up to five things you'd be happy to get from there, including any specific teas from Dammann Freres, my favorite french tea shop! (https://www.dammann.fr/en/#) 5/31/22 I recently discovered Khamila Luna and plan to place an order soon to get a present for my roommate. Is there anything you'd like from them? is there any small gift from mother nature that you'd like me see if I can source for you from old forests? do you wear rings on all your fingers? how about a range smallest to largest? If your Sprite were to gift you magical items or workings... a) Would you be interested in that? b) If so, what intention(s) would you appreciate most? Would you be interested in a set of (rpg) dice? If so, what colors/aesthetic? What's your favorite creature? Do you like reading comics? If you haven't really read 'em, would you be interested in receiving a few that match your book genre preferences? I'm headed to Puerto Rico in July - anything particularly interesting you would like from there? Would you be interested in receiving a small bottle of home infused whiskey aged from commercially produced moonshine? Any particular flavors you might enjoy (examples include orange chai or cinnamon chocolate or hot peppers)? Would you be interested in homemade shortbread that fits your flavor preferences? 6/1/22 If your bday is during the swap, how are you planning to celebrate? Likewise, how do you celebrate relevant spiritual holidays in this time period? Anything you want from the UK? Seeds, y/n? Are you interested in skincare/shampoo/conditioner? Are you interested in tights? If so, what thickness, style, and size? Do you use tarot decks? Would you like to receive more - and if so, can you list the ones you already have? What do you think of the art on this website? https://www.printisdead.co.uk/ Is loose leaf tea good, or do you prefer bagged? I make arm warmers. I make them from sweaters I thrifted. They can be all one color, or stripes of different colors. They can be long, to the elbows, or shorter. If you would like a pair, tell me your favorite colors. Solids are more generally elegant, Stripes can be as wildly funky as you wish. Long? Short? Cashmere? Tell me your fingerless mitts arm warmer dreams. 6/2/22 PBSW Summer collection is live!!! Anything catch your eye? 6/4/22 It's farmers market season in town and I have loads of lovely local artisans to shop from. Would you be interested in items from any of the following? The Rod Homestead (I love this one I helped fund her commercial kitchen) Working Class Coffee Philly Nuts 222 Creations  Carol's Epiphany 6/5/22 I am learning to do embroidery. Would you possibly like a simple hand embroidered piece?  If you would like this is there a simple favorite flower or summer symbol, like a bee?  What kind of sprite would you prefer? A ninja or to know the ID right away? I like both styles for different reasons 6/6/22 Are you ok with shunga label art (bpal?) I dye yarn. Is custom yarn of interest to you? - If so, colors? I have various weights of wool, sport and dk cotton, cotton thread in 3/2 and 5/2, and light fingering weight bamboo rayon that dyes like a dream My European travels are expanding! Anything you want from Portugal or Berlin??? My friend makes cool art with garbage, is there anything here you might like? https://www.garbageforgood.com/ 6/8/22 Would you like items related to your astrological sign and if so what is it? 6/12/22 what do you think of plushies? Are there any Korean or Japanese food/craft/self-care items you would be interested in in receiving? Is there anything for your garden or houseplants that you need, or would like (tiny, hand thrown cachepot for a prized astrophytum, etc.), or are you proudly black thumb and shun any plant that isn't resin?  How many books is too many books? 6/13/22 I’m knitting up washcloths right now. Would you like some? any spices you need/want? I’m fleshing out a Penzey's order!!  your feelings on chocolate? Milk chocolate, Dark chocolate, White chocolate? with or without nuts? How about truffly goodness? 6/17/22 Do you want anything for your vehicle? Like bumper stickers or magnets? any interest in Japanese fashion-ish items? (kanzashi hair pins, and other things made form old kimono fabric, fans, tenugui, etc?) 6/21/22 Would you use cbd infused bath products? What colors are your kitchen stuffs? If I knitted up a scarf/shawl/something in the wearable area what colors would you like and please be pretty specific so I can see if my yarn stash makes this feasible (or if @twilighteyes or @winterblizzard has stash that does and I can barter) k please thanks —->. One big box or a couple starting now?? How close to the final deadline would you prefer to receive your package? Should we try to squeak as close to August 31st as humanly possible, or would it be okay to send the package earlier? 6/22/22 I am afraid to send chocolate in this heat. What other things might you enjoy? Gourmet lollipops? Handmade Marshmallows (not by me LOL)? Flavored cotton candy? other ideas? do you have any reservations about wearing leather, like in an accessory?? So I took a "viking knitting" class (which is really wire weaving) and can now make necklaces and bracelets. Would you be interested in either one? IF SO What color wire would you like? (silver, gold, copper, blue, purple, yellow, green orange, black, turquoise, pink, so many colors.) I have THIS PACK among others. What length would you want (on either or both?) What kind of fasteners do you like best (lobster claw, toggle clasp, magnetic?) and color of fasteners? (silver, gunmetal, copper, gold?) - some of the toggle clasps come in cool shapes. Do you think a larger chunky one like a torc or a slimmer one? I can draw the wire down to different sizes with my draw plate. 6/30/22 Does any August Uncommon black tea sound good to you? (or any of their other tea as I now have 20% off coupons forever and will share!) 7/5/22 So apparently there's this cute little outdoor market here that sells locally made dishcloths and similar- would you be interested in having some tea towels or similar from Portugal, dear Spritz? How much do you guys like hats? 7/10/22 Would you like some smallish bottles of Rose Petal Liqueur, Lavender Vanilla Bean Liqueur, or Plum Brandy? (all homemade.) 7/22/22 Anything look appealing from the Nocturne Alchemy gemstone scent drop today? How about the BPAL Dragon*Con Peaches? 7/29/22 Tea, coffee, sweets, biscuits, etc. from Europe. Is there anything you would be interested in, sprite? https://matreshkadeli.com 8/10/22 would you have any interest in receiving a vintage martini glass or two? 8/12/22 My peacock is shedding his feathers as the mating season has ended. Would you like some peacock feathers? Also, I have loads of herbs right now and a dehydrator. Would you like any peppermint, spearmint, licorice mint, sage or oregano that I grew? How about a few sprigs of fresh lavender?
  20. twilighteyes

    2022 Summer Swap Sprite Answers

    5/30/22 Does anything, scent and / or product-wise, catch your eye from the Haus of Gloi summer drop? (https://www.hausofgloi.com/collections/summer) [you're free to pick stuff NOT from Summer as well, of course! ] Marshmallow Rose summer refresher spray, summer whipped soap, summer sugar exfoliant, or bubbling scrub. Chillaz or Buzz Off original summer refresher spray, Yes, the rumors are true- I'll be in Paris this summer! Tell me up to five things you'd be happy to get from there, including any specific teas from Dammann Freres, my favorite french tea shop! (https://www.dammann.fr/en/#) I have no idea what is available in Paris besides perfume and tea and I'm down for both! (especially vanilla perfume!) Oh! La bien Aimee is in Paris (yarn!!! Purple speckles!!!) For tea, Vanille, Rose, anything with Clove, anything with Anise, Smokey Lapsang or other Smokey tea. Pretty much all of their black tea, kthx. Violet could be fun too. I like teas that will pair well with cream and honey. (I do have Damman and Mariage Freres on my Amazon beverages list too!). Jasmine is always welcome. I love most flavored black teas. Maison Souquet candles (Tobacco!!!) are probably too expensive. hot chocolate from Angelina? Chocolate in general. Local candy or snacks? a bar of soap? Or something from Buly 1803 or just made in France, indie small batch is always great. authentic macarons? Cheese? Yeah, they probably wouldn't travel well. something from an artist in montmarte? anything gothy and local. Buttons (wood, metal, carved, w/e), lace, ribbon? any kind of cool French beauty products you think I'd like. 5/31/22 I recently discovered Khamila Luna and plan to place an order soon to get a present for my roommate. Is there anything you'd like from them? Maybe the creamy vanilla sugar scrub? Some of the "men's" soap sounds nice but it would literally just go in my sock and underwear drawer. (black musk / amber / tobacco / teakwood.) is there any small gift from mother nature that you'd like me see if I can source for you from old forests? Anything!! I love any gifts that mother nature offers up to you. I love rocks, skulls, interesting wood lumps, leaves, tinctures or salves made from wildcrafting, everything. do you wear rings on all your fingers? how about a range smallest to largest? I do wear rings in between top and mid knuckle, about a size 6. I lost my favorite ring last time I was in Seattle, it was a little dragon that I'd had for over twenty years. doh. Otherwise I wear an 11 but I'm also doing a ton of weight loss so hopefully ring size will go back down. If your Sprite were to gift you magical items or workings... a) Would you be interested in that? b) If so, what intention(s) would you appreciate most? Yes! Ummm I'm going to be having surgery in a couple months, so health is good. Determination/motivation, healing, cutting ties with my past, self love, blockbuster/road opener, money, job hunting after surgery. Would you be interested in a set of (rpg) dice? If so, what colors/aesthetic? I do actually have some on amazon wish list under either geek or games. I loathe gold/yellow/beige colors in any format so any numbers on the dies would need to be black, silver, or white. I love opalescent, blues/purples (blurple), etc. Glow in the dark is fun. What's your favorite creature? My pigs and my dogs? I can't just choose one creature. I love corvids, bats, equines (especially friesians and warlanders and lusitanos), dolphins, pit bulls, and lots of fantasy creatures. Leafy sea dragons! I would love to have a hedgehog and a chinchilla someday, also a sugar glider. I love ratties and ferrets too. I would totally have a French Bull dog if I could afford one but more pitbulls need homes than frenchies, so pibbles it is. I have a blue tick coonhound as well, pretty much same reason. Problem dog who needed a home that wouldn't give up on her. She is such a butt!! I love snakes and lizards too. Probably all creatures except spiders and wasps and non kindly creepy crawlies. (I'm ok looking at spiders but I don't want one for a pet and they get relocated out of the house. I have found many black widows here. urg.) Do you like reading comics? If you haven't really read 'em, would you be interested in receiving a few that match your book genre preferences? Meh, I'm not super into comics anymore. Graphic novels are a little better but my eyes are so bad that I really have to do ebooks where I can enlarge the font. Sad face. I'm headed to Puerto Rico in July - anything particularly interesting you would like from there? oooh! Fun!!! I have no idea what is available there but yes, definitely interested! (Did some googling) Casa BACARDÍ Special Reserve or other rum? Some local speciality spices (recao), jam, sauce, or hot sauce? One of their cool wooden mortar and pestles (Pilon?) A Guiro? Mundillo lace? Just a handkerchief or something small. Butterfly art would be pretty cool too, I have some from Panama. Food or snacks. Local candy. Anything really!! Would you be interested in receiving a small bottle of home infused whiskey aged from commercially produced moonshine? Any particular flavors you might enjoy (examples include orange chai or cinnamon chocolate or hot peppers)? yes yes yes. orange chai sounds lovely, or cinnamon chocolate. Not a huge fan of "hot" peppers or pepper flavored drinks. Honey, lavender, rose (not sure how flower ones would go with whisky ?) I won't be able to drink for a year starting in like August or something so just a small tiny nip bottle is good. Would you be interested in homemade shortbread that fits your flavor preferences? oooh yes. I love chocolate shortbread but wouldn't say no to lavender or rose or whatever other kind. 6/1/22 If your bday is during the swap, how are you planning to celebrate? It is not. My son's and dad's are though, usually cake/candles (for son even though he's over 30) and probably dinner out for both. Likewise, how do you celebrate relevant spiritual holidays in this time period? Lately I haven't been celebrating much since I'm so isolated out here in the middle of nowhere and all of my friends are on the West coast. Sometimes a bonfire, or candles, or quiet contemplation, it just depends on what is appropriate for said event. Anything you want from the UK? Like, everything. I love Bird & Blend tea! I love cool things from UK Lush that we can't get in the US. Other indie things are always good too. As far as B&B products, I like things that are super highly scented. Also I am hopefully trading for some Ginger Nuts, Jaffa Cakes, digestive biscuits, and some other UK goodies. Seeds, y/n? Right now I think I'd prefer actual plants as we have a really short growing season here and seeds should have been started in March for summer things. But I do have grow lights if it's seeds that I absolutely need and it will be house plants or something that is not an annual. Are you interested in skincare/shampoo/conditioner? I use The Ordinary (like a set of things) so technically I'm probably good on skincare even though I bet my questionnaire still said I needed a good moisturizer. I can always use good shampoo/conditioner and my dogs especially can use a good shampoo and conditioner! I just got a new shower head yesterday so I can give them baths again without using cups of water to get them wet and rinse them. (The handheld wand was clogged up. FIXED! BRING ON THE DOG SHAMPOO!) I have dog shampoo in my Amazon wishlist "for the pups" -- really gearing towards a professional or highly rated one so I have a bunch of ideas in there. For ME, I prefer non-SLS/parabens/phlatamumbles as stated in my questionnaire. Are you interested in tights? If so, what thickness, style, and size? yeah, no. I'm doing weight loss right now and don't know what size I'll end up plus I just don't love tights. PJ's forever! Do you use tarot decks? Would you like to receive more - and if so, can you list the ones you already have? I have a bunch of decks but I would love the Abigail Larson one on my Amazon wishlist. I have .... Nightmare Before Christmas (Abigail Larson, lol!), Wise Dog (my dogs Jake & Lela - rip - are the Two of Cups), Game of Thrones, Last Unicorn, a Vampire one that was second hand, and a couple others that I'm blanking on the names. What do you think of the art on this website? https://www.printisdead.co.uk/ I love the Bat & Peonies! I like a lot of their skull items as long as they're not sepia / beige / yellow. Raven and Full Moon, Lunar Cycle/Full Moon, Celestial Fox, Aurora Fox, uncolored Cat Skul, Bleeding Roses with white background, Skeleton Hand & Hellebores, Raven and Roses, floral pentacle (uncolored), Fox Skull (black/white either one - leaning towards one with black background), Purple Orchids (white background)... I didn't go through them all, but yes. Although some just have too much color (totally ok on the mostly blue/purple ones.) Is loose leaf tea good, or do you prefer bagged? I way prefer loose leaf but I'll do bagged if the blend I want isn't available loose. I make arm warmers. I make them from sweaters I thrifted. They can be all one color, or stripes of different colors. They can be long, to the elbows, or shorter. If you would like a pair, tell me your favorite colors. Solids are more generally elegant, Stripes can be as wildly funky as you wish. Long? Short? Cashmere? Tell me your fingerless mitts arm warmer dreams. I love gradient and stripey armwarmers in black + color (usually blurple) and like mid arm. Cashmere, merino, silk. All good. 6/2/22 PBSW Summer collection is live!!! Anything catch your eye? Ummmm Bath Streusel or Sorbetto in: * Journey in Satchidananda * Red Cow * Moonshadow (and wax melts in this scent!) * The Queen is Dead Tiny samples of Crystalcore and/or Longest Day? Oh! I would love some Clean Slate scrub. 6/4/22 It's farmers market season in town and I have loads of lovely local artisans to shop from. Would you be interested in items from any of the following? The Rod Homestead (I love this one I helped fund her commercial kitchen) - dill mustard! Honey anything. Working Class Coffee - looks like they only have one type of coffee in a k cup, so that would work, sounds good. Philly Nuts Yum! Mango, peach, or pineapple cashews, butter toffee or smoked almonds, and zomg honey roasted mixed nuts!! 222 Creations not really my style  Carol's Epiphany No thanks 6/5/22 I am learning to do embroidery. Would you possibly like a simple hand embroidered piece? sure?  If you would like this is there a simple favorite flower or summer symbol, like a bee? a rose or lavender is great! (Purple rose of course.)  What kind of sprite would you prefer? A ninja or to know the ID right away? I like both styles for different reasons i like to be surprised at the end! 6/6/22 Are you ok with shunga label art (bpal?) I'm fine with it on bottles? I wouldn't necessarily want it framed on my wall or anything. I dye yarn. Is custom yarn of interest to you?. Sure! - If so, colors? I have various weights of wool, sport and dk cotton, cotton thread in 3/2 and 5/2, and light fingering weight bamboo rayon that dyes like a dream so I don't really love variegated yarn. I'm firmly in gradients, self striping, speckles, and semi solids. Look at my ravelry stash and you'll see the colors I like. Cool leaning Black, all the cool leaning shades of grey, blurples, blackened reds, etc. preferably blackened colors or jewel tones, no navy, no pastels, no fluorescent. fingering through bulky is great for merino. Light fingering bamboo rayon is fine. Otherwise no alpaca, llama, bfl, cotton (except for worsted for wash clothes), etc. My European travels are expanding! Anything you want from Portugal or Berlin??? oh, matchbooks from everywhere!! If they let you fly with those. I'll have to google when I get home to answer this more thoroughly. My friend makes cool art with garbage, is there anything here you might like? https://www.garbageforgood.com/ mostly not my style but thank you. 6/8/22 Would you like items related to your astrological sign and if so what is it? Meh. I'm a Virgo. There is some Abigail Larson artwork for the zodiac signs that I like - I think I have her Virgo rendition on my society6 wishlist for one of the travel mugs but of course no one can see it because I can't figure out how to share it! 6/12/22 what do you think of plushies? i love super cute amigurumi (like gothic and nerdy ones, I have a great vampire bat and a cthulhu as well as a black unicorn) but I have to be super careful because my dogs also love them. To death. By evisceration. Are there any Korean or Japanese food/craft/self-care items you would be interested in in receiving? i love Japanese incense but I don't burn a lot because respiratory issues. Low smoke is good! I could really use a good soy sauce dish for sushi but I can't seem to find any super gothy or cute ones and I forgot to look while I was in Seattle. One with a lucky cat would be fun (blue? No brown please.) Japanese Kit Kats!!!! Whatever else you think I might like. Is there anything for your garden or houseplants that you need, or would like (tiny, hand thrown cachepot for a prized astrophytum, etc.), or are you proudly black thumb and shun any plant that isn't resin? I know this is not about plants themselves, but if did want to get me some plants, I love scented geraniums, the more unusual the better. (Like no citrus or citonrella.) Attar of roses, oak, musk, coconut, lavender, cinnamon, apricot, pineapple, cedar, strawberry, almond, apple, peach, ginger, nutmeg, etc. https://www.colonialcreekfarm.com/Scented-Geraniums_c_29-3.html for example. Other than plants themselves and maybe potting soil, I don't think I need anything, we have tons of plant tools and pots.  How many books is too many books? so I read almost constantly but I get a lot of ebooks from the library and also my friend in France sends me tons and tons of ebooks. So books really aren't a priority for me, I have sooooo many to read and the round will be over before Nona the Ninth comes out (almost on my birthday, I think a day off, lol) and that is the book I'm most excited about and would like my own copy of. (My son ordered me the artwork from the covers of Gideon, harrow, and Nona... still waiting for it to arrive.). I love Gideon. I .WOULD TAKE MOST things Gideon! Also excuse caps, I'm typing in iPad and Zuul is getting in my way, because there is no iPad, only Zuul!!!! https://www.tommyarnoldart.com/nona-the-ninth-torcom-publishing 6/13/22 I’m knitting up washcloths right now. Would you like some? I'm good, still living with others so don't need things like that. any spices you need/want? I’m fleshing out a Penzey's order!!  i have spices on one my Amazon lists! I do love me some penzeys and would totally take some of their smoked salt and maybe some chili seasoning (900?) since we make a ton of "bad to the bone" vegan chili. your feelings on chocolate? Milk chocolate, Dark chocolate, White chocolate? with or without nuts? How about truffly goodness? you're obviously not my sprite because I have so much chocolate on my Amazon snack list. I really try to do fair trade / slave free chocolate and a lot of those brands on my Amazon list meet that criteria. I loooooove truffles. White is not chocolate, chocolate must contain cocoa butter. Nuts are good, especially almonds or pecans. Milk is better in bar form, dark chocolate is good on caramels or truffles or in baked goods. 6/17/22 Do you want anything for your vehicle? Like bumper stickers or magnets? I don't put any stickers at all on my car or car windows anymore. I used to but kind of fell out of the habit. It used to make for interesting conversations on the ferry or in a huge traffic jam in Seattle; I'd have people get out of their car to come talk to me (which makes me super uncomfortable!) Right now I live in a red area so I try to keep my weirdness to a minimum. I do have some pibble window vinyl things but I am too lazy to actually apply them since it seems like a big ordeal. Plus they're packed up somewhere with the majority of my belongings so I have no idea where they even are, I'd totally forgotten about them until now. any interest in Japanese fashion-ish items? (kanzashi hair pins, and other things made form old kimono fabric, fans, tenugui, etc?) I would LOVE a stack of recycled kimono silk in blues, purples, greys, blacks, reds, greens. Lots of it. All the kimono silk. But I rarely leave the house and don't have any place to put a lot of items that aren't consumable (I would absolutely use the kimono silk to make things) and I'm not fashionable. 6/21/22 Would you use cbd infused bath products? absolutely! Parents have a medical license and grew a lot of their own last year (no one smokes here though.) Mom makes infused coconut oil for edibles and salves for skin/muscles. What colors are your kitchen stuffs? I am in a shared living situation right now and don't have my own kitchen, sad trombone. When I do have a kitchen it's pretty much black, white, and pops of cool jewel tones (rich darker purple, burgundy, sapphire blue, sometimes green.) And I have a skull / skeleton theme with NMBC cookie jars. I shall never grow up. If I knitted up a scarf/shawl/something in the wearable area what colors would you like and please be pretty specific. I like gradients and honestly I mostly wear my white to black gradient shawls the most. (and only shawlettes as I wear them like infinity scarves or double loop cowls.) Sometimes I might wear cool toned blurples over a black or black/white dress. Grey is good too. —->. One big box or a couple starting now?? Well, I've already gotten some! But I'm good with little things all along or just one at the end, whatever is easier for my Sprite. How close to the final deadline would you prefer to receive your package? Should we try to squeak as close to August 31st as humanly possible, or would it be okay to send the package earlier? If you're going to be traveling and need to mail sooner, do what is good for you. 6/22/22 I am afraid to send chocolate in this heat. What other things might you enjoy? Gourmet lollipops? Handmade Marshmallows (not by me LOL)? Flavored cotton candy? other ideas? I have lots of idea in my etsy treats list that do include flavored cotton candy and other things. Tea is always good as well. I can't have too many sweet things as I'm going to be going on a liver reduction diet pretty soon, I also won't be able to do caffeine, so maybe some herbal tea / tissanes? I have a few hibiscus blends and other non caffeine on my wish list if you need to compare. (I hate chamomile. Please nothing with chamomile in it.) do you have any reservations about wearing leather, like in an accessory?? No, I wear leather. 6/30/22 Does any August Uncommon black tea or their other tea sound good to you? (because sale on black tea until 7/4.) I already have a ton of my Amazon Beverage wishlist. However... In no particular order other than the order they were on the website: Golden Arrow (Smoky Toffee Black Tea) Outlaw (Smoky Cherry Black Tea) Civil Disobedience (Smoky Cardamom Black Tea) Gold Rush (Orange Rosemary Caramel Black Tea) (I'm not sure how I feel about malty flavors so I left the ones with malt out otherwise maybe a 4 cup sample of Bourbon Sugar Black Tea!) 7/5/22 So apparently there's this cute little outdoor market here that sells locally made dishcloths and similar- would you be interested in having some tea towels or similar from Portugal, dear Spritz? All of the cute locally made things that Suki picks out! 7/22/22 Anything look appealing from the Nocturne Alchemy gemstone scent drop today? Eternal Ankh Purpurite Eternal Ankh Tanzanite A sample of the Malachite and/or Azurite ENTERNAL ANKH PINK But it sold out already, weep!!! I was absolutely going to do an order RIGHT NOW and get a couple of bottles of pink but I guess it wasn't to be. I still haven't ordered the summer LE's because I am so broke from having to buy hay for the winter. So really, it being sold out has saved me from further credit card debt! whew!! I have already the Red, Black, and Fluorite (and love them!) and I've tried the Blue, Cobalt, and Claret. (I liked the Claret but I have sooo many red musk scents. Or did. I did a thorough destashing and might be almost out, ha.) After looking over the scent notes again, I can't believe I haven't tried the Orange (it sounds very incensey!) or the Purple (I think I was scared by the Jasmine but I've had NAVA's Jasmine work on me since then, so ...) Would also love to try the Orchid and Spice. Really I'd be ok trying samples of any of the ones I haven't tried, I just don't especially gravitate to florals or fruits. How about the BPAL Dragon*Con Peaches? No thank you, I don't really have luck with the peaches.
  21. Happy almost birthday!!!!   :joy:

  22. twilighteyes

    Summer Swap Sprite 2022 Master Question List

    my pleasure!
  23. twilighteyes

    Antimony v9

    Unreleased prototype, no scent description given. After reading up on Antimony and its uses, I'm surprised that to me it smells a lot like sandalwood! There is a teeny bit of herbalness underneath that reminds me of camphor.
  24. twilighteyes

    Astraphobia v1

    Unreleased prototype, no scent description given. Astraphobia, also known as Brontophobia, Keraunophobia, or Tonitrophobia, is an abnormal fear of thunder and lightning, a type of a specific phobia. It is quite common in humans (particularly the young), and especially dogs and cats. Ceraunophobia is specifically the fear of thunder, but not lightning. I was expecting something with ozone but what I am getting is eucalyptus and menthol.
  25. twilighteyes

    2021 12 Days of Christmas Q&A

    Is there anything you forgot to put on your Qs you wish you had? Ermmmm a winning lottery ticket! If you were down with knitted or crocheted items: do you prefer a wearable or amigarumi? If wearable, is there something you’d really like? If amigarumi anything you love? I definitely prefer amigurumi, afghans/blocks, mandalas, doilies, etc. if crocheted unless tunisian crochet. I don't have a need for anything knitted since I'm too hot 99.9999999% of the time and wear t-shirts/camis/capri pants/open toe sandals pretty much all year but there are quite a few knitted amigurumi on my "make for me" list on Ravelry. I'm 100% a yarn snob though and prefer merino or merino/silk. Silk and silk/linen are ok too. Tencel is good. I'm not a fan of MCN or cashmere in general because of the pilling; same goes for single stranded yarn in general. Plied is my friend. No variegated yarn on wearables. Pretty much any yarn is ok for amigurumi though. Teeturtle is having one of their megasales - any tshirts, or whatever, that strike your fancy? Size/fit? I'm a Women's 2x at Teeturtle and I LOVE their shirts but unless they've dramatically sped up, their shipping may be too slow for this swap? Unless you have it shipped direct. Ummm I Lovecrafting would be great. I'll look more tomorrow; I might have a bunch on my Amazon wearables wishlist (I use the universal wishlist button so they go directly to teeturtle.) What is the best book you've read recently? I'm not good at rating books or "recently".. (time is such an illusion for me!) Right now I'm reading "A Chorus of Dragons" by Jen Lyons and need to start book three (but I keep getting interrupted by library books becoming available.) Just finished "The Other Side of the Sky" by Amie Kaufman. Last night I started "Child of Light" by Terry Brooks. My favorite books off the top of my head are The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss, The Locked Tomb (however many, no longer a trilogy) by Tamsyn Muir, and all of the Fitz & Fool books by Robin Hobb. And the Naomi Novik Scholomance books. Oh, and the Murderbot books. What are some examples of decorations you would enjoy? I have ornaments on my amazon holiday wishlist and on my etsy wishlists (especially the ones under Krampus.) NMBC ornaments FTW! (links to my wishlists are in my Signature under SW help.) Skeletal unicorns, bats, krampus, .... Is there any kind of accessory or product you'd want for your hair? I could use more stretchy cotton headbands. There is some hair color I'd love under my bath/beauty wishlist on Amazon. What is your jewelry style? I only wear silver colored and I'm allergic to most metals, so I don't actually wear much jewelry. I would like to get my ears pierced again someday, this time with a bit of a larger gauge. I can wear sterling silver and surgical steel. Are you interested in fandom themed items based on the movies/shows you're into? Nightmare before Christmas, yes yes yes. Are you interested in spicy sauces/jams etc? yes! I love pepper jelly and jalapeno level spicy things. Are you interested in Thai snacks? e.g. Thai brand crisps, wafer roll type things, savoury small crackers I buy the coconut rolls in bulk at costco so I'm good there. I'm picky about organic and stuff and I'm trying to cut back on cracker type things. I make light-weight yarn-and-silk-ribbon hair falls. Would you be interested in getting some? Maybe? black and purple forever! What are your favorite animals or mythical creatures? Bats, ferrets, corvids, pit bull type dogs, narwhals, dolphins, whales of all types, rats, my sweet piggies/goats/sheep. oh, duh, horses. Especially Friesians. Hippocampus, fantasy equines of all kinds (kelpies, unicorns, pegasus, any type of mythical water horse or mythical creature with horse form.) Gargoyles/grotesques of all sorts. I actively support Defenders of Wildlife and am curious if any of these would be of interest? I love everyone! All the ones I looked at were $$$$$ though. I'm candying citrus peel this year. Oranges, mostly. Is that something you would like? Chocolate dipped? What about homemade caramel sauce? OMG YES. YES. And more YES. to everything. Do you like adult coloring books at all and if so do any of the ones from this store strike your fancy? Not a coloring person, sorry. how do you feel about solid perfumes? Not a fan. Honestly most perfume right now isn't working for me because of my respiratory issues and my skin breaking out with contact. Is there anything in particular you'd want from the UK? Bird & Blend tea! Whittards tea! Chocolate! LUSH! Future Primitive! Anything else I need to try! (Jaffa cakes?) Pudding steamer! Sticky toffee pudding recipes! Christmas crackers (do yours have better gifts inside than ours? ours suck most of the time.) good wine gums! alllll the things! Are you ok with paper books at all? It depends on the book. I'm ok with coffee table books, cook books, knitting pattern books, etc. (I can take a photo or scan the pages I want to use and then use them digitally in the event of cook/pattern books) but I have a really hard time reading paperback novels because of my eyes. I don't have any reading glasses and I'm constantly fighting with my prescriptions at the doctor because I feel blind all the time. Either they give me a too strong prescription so I can't see *anything* close up at all or too weak and I can't see the TV or road signs. Do you already have expansion packs for your fave card games? I pretty much only have two card games - Exploding Kittens NSFW version (no expansions) and Unstable Unicorns - the control box and the chaos box both from the kickstarter (no other expansions, no main game.) My son has Cards against Humanity and Joking Hazard but I don't know which expansions he has or needs. I'd love CAH because I do have "special" cards for it (I joined their "Holiday Bullshit" every year they had they ran it!) Are you interested in perfume samples/decants, or only full sizes? I'm really not a fan of decants or samples, they usually go to live in a box and are never seen again. Unless it's something I *REALLY* want to try or really love and can't get. Yep, there's that duality. But any imps that are from the lab and aren't special ones, I've probably already tried (except for the new RPG's.) I don't mind receiving them; I'll just give them away with sales / swaps though. Are you interested in oracle decks? I like oracle decks! I just received one from a kickstarter; The Knitters Oracle (Alex Tinsley.) How about wax melts? I love all scented things (even if my lungs don't) and I do have multiple wax burners. how do you feel about fruit infused sugar/syrup? I have epic amounts of both, due to my candying this year. I have lemon, citron, orange and cherry. YES PLEASE. Either sugar or syrup or both. All the flavors sound good. how do you feel about candied quince? Sure!