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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by spaceache

  1. Sugar cane, molasses, oak wood, and honey.

    Ok, so, this is my first private imp. I was introduced to bpal by my roommate and now that I have a batch of my own, I cannot wait to try them all! I've been reading reviews like a maniac lately trying to figure all the scents out, so I hope this goes ok!
    So, kill-devil:

    When I first opened the bottle, I was kind of overwhelmed by the sickly sweetness. I think it must have been the molasses, just so syrupy and thick. I quickly closed it back up and went on to the next imp, but the scent lingered in my mind the rest of the day. I was just so thick, iit refused to let go.

    Once I got the stuff on my skin, my mouth started watering. The sweetness became much less overpowering and it smelled almost exactly like spiced rum. As it dried, the honey definitely took over and I lost the rum and molasses. The longer it was on, the less sweet it became and I started to get a little bit of the oak.

    Seeing as this is my first real bpal try, I am sooo happy! I keep smelling my wrists every two minutes because I smell so gosh darn delicious! Though I really like this scent and will definitely keep using the imp, I do wish the rum smell lasted a bit longer. The sweet-spicy-rum wet phase was definitely my favorite, which just gives me an excuse to keep putting more on!