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About lunalight7

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    a little too imp-ulsive
  • Birthday 07/10/1968


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    United States

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  1. lunalight7

    Where is this scent?

    Thank you so much! Too bad it's no longer available....
  2. lunalight7

    Where is this scent?

    I am desperately trying to locate Wood Phoenix....when I do searches I come up dry....any suggestions?
  3. lunalight7


    I am wearing Love Lies Bleeding today and I KNOW there must be wood in it because I want to eat my arm. Wet in the vial I get a strong wood vibe.... Thanks SOooooo much for the exhaustive research....you saved me a ton of work!!!
  4. lunalight7

    It's December Already?

    Hi!!! Ive used OCM with great results. I used EVOO....granted, Ive never had problem facial skin or acne, but the OCM improved my overall skin tone and eveness of my skin. I recommended it to a cousin with severe ezcema. It seemed to help for the first day, then she had a horrible outbreak....her dermatologist laughed at her and told her that she was just clogging her pores.... Im glad OCM is workign for you....keep the blog going.... Michelle
  5. lunalight7

    Hay Moon

    Hay moon is lovely! Initially, smelled antiseptic/medicinal on my skin but the drydown resulted in a light, honey-sweet, floral. There's a bit of a powdery undertone going on but this may be due to Aunt Rosie ...I will try again at a later date...for now, I am still glad that I ordered this scent.!
  6. lunalight7

    Strangler Fig

    I ordered this unsniffed because my intuition told me that it would be glorious. It was....until the drydown phase... First Impressions: Sugared fig! I absolutely ADORED this phase! Warm, sugared fig without being foody...with the slightest herbal, green undertones. I honestly thought that I had finally found my signature scent... Wet on skin: STILL fabulous! That sugared fig scent really did it for me..... Dry: Powder. Just plain old talcum powder...maybe a fancy French one, but powder neverthless. I am SO disappointed! I really wanted to love this one. Aunt Rosie is visiting so I will try this again later and edit this review.
  7. lunalight7


    First Impressions: Yankee Candle....not any scent in particular....just the scent of the store itself... Wet in the Bottle: Smells like green apples! On skin: More apples, but now the spicy, orange-smelling, foodiness appears....evokes visions of pumpkins and something tasty baking in an oven! Drydown: This scent is lovely and interesting. The scent that lingers around me as I type this is rather foody and warm and spicy. The scent that wafts from me is sharper and crispier and greener...definitely the apple scent....if I smell my skin, I get yet a third variation of scents with a slight herbal undertone..... This scent is lovely....complex yet familiar in a comfort-zone kind of way. The name is dead on as L'Autunno definitely smells like autumn to me. So glad I chose this season.....
  8. lunalight7

    Springtime scents

    Tonite after a LUSH bubble bath, I made a body lotion out of The Coiled Serpent and then dabbed some Come To Me on top....let me tell you...this is going to be (one of) my signature scents for Spring. The CS alone reminded me of industrial cleaner, and Come to Me alone was very pretty but too light and wispy....but these two together are a must-try. Other Springy votes: Thalia, The Dormouse, The Unicorn, Regan, Baobban Sith, Belle Epoque, and Wolfsbane.
  9. What about The Caterpillar? It's a light floral but with a very earthy edge to it...not extremely green, but mossy....not dirt-like - - just moss...I love it. It's a feminine earthy scent w/o incense IMO.
  10. lunalight7

    I need more Cherry!

    Black Phoenix vote here. It's also very incense-y on me because my chemistry amps up incense. It's one of my faves.
  11. lunalight7


    I too received this as a gimp from the Lab - - Thank you! Out of the vial Ultraviolet slapped me w/ a strong, mint gum smell. This morphed quickly, however, to a mentholated floral that I can't stop sniffing - - it's sooo unusual and intriguing....Different from anything I've ever liked before in a scent. As the minutes pass, the violets are more prominent with a soft mint struggling to emerge from the background. I like this but I can't decide how much I like it because it keeps morphing back and forth from minty floral to disinfectant. This is definitely worthy of a few more tries....I can't help feeling that it would be DIVINE when layered with another scent, although I don't know which one....
  12. lunalight7


    I just reviewed the Dormouse and this is very similar.....another freebie from the Lab Phantasm is similar (to my nose anyway) to The Dormouse in that it is a light, fresh smelling scent but with an extra sharp note to it (I suspect that it's the lemon)I like it, but as others have said, I wish it were a little stronger and longer-lasting. Definitely pretty enough to use the imp.
  13. lunalight7

    The Dormouse

    This was a freebie with my last order. Thank you again Lab for your generosity. The Dormouse was on my list of scents to try and I'm so glad that I did. It is a crisp, light, pretty scent reminiscent of clean laundry (which I love). This would be great as a springtime scent, or in a lotion for a second-skin effect. Also, I may try it as a linen spray. Clean, white, light green, pale yellow, and a little pink....evokes images of a baby nursery or freshly-washed whites on a clothesline....My only concern is that it has little to no throw....but as always, I'll try again....
  14. lunalight7

    The Coiled Serpent

    Initially when wet, this smelled of industrial strength bathroom cleaner. It quickly dried down to a mossy wood scent which I find intriguing and strangely alluring....I can't stop sniffing it, yet I don't think I like it. But I can tell that it would be an AMAZING room scent in an oil burner. Will report back after I try it this way.
  15. lunalight7

    Mata Hari

    I smell nothing but pure, strong jasmine. Pretty, but not as complex as I would like. I've only had it on for a few minutes so I will edit this post if the scent morphs. I can't believe that there's coffee, tonka, and other notes here...I can't detect them at all.