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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by jynxjynx

  1. Bottle: I'm getting the citrus notes that others seem to be picking up on.


    Wet: My chemistry is a bit wonky right now but I swear this started smelling like anise. Perhaps it's the sassafras that others are picking up on? I'm not sure but it was pretty weird.


    Dry: Now it's mellowed down into warm spices that I love with a slight underfloral that I don't love. Everything is so blended it's very difficult to pick out notes with my novice nose. I get a hint of the creaminess as well. It reminds me of mulled milk over lilies. Not that I've ever smelled "mulled milk" but y'know, if someone tried it, that's what it'd smell like!


    Every time I put this fragrance on it smells different on me. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I don't. Tonight, I am really enjoying the spiciness of it. I think this will be one of those scents that I just wear for myself.


    Edit: After I posted, the florals did their normal thing on me and went soapy. :P Ended up smelling like soap in a spicy potpourri bowl. I think I need to accept that florals just don't work on my skin.

  2. Bottle: Very perfume-y and artificial strawberry smelling.


    Wet: The perfume part fades away immediately and just leaves the strawberry and cherry in the foreground. It really smells like candy on me. The artificial smell has also left.


    Dry: The vanilla comes out more to play and it ends up smelling smooth and strawberry like. After a while the musk comes out a bit as well. Unfortunately the strawberry or cherry returns to smelling artificial on me after a while and the smell dissipates very quickly.


    I liked the strawberry/cherry/vanilla aspect of it, but it dissipated too quickly for me to see if the artificial part would go away again. As it is, I'm not sure if this type of scent is "my thing" anyway, but since I'm still learning what "my thing" is, I'm not sure I'm equipped to make those judgment calls. :P


    Edit: The smell came back. o.O I think I'd been sniffing my wrist so much, I couldn't smell it anymore. Unfortunately, the plastic part of the scent is back in force. It smells like a slightly cherry version of a strawberry shortcake doll. Ah well. :|

  3. Dark, decadent and incomparably exotic: the rich scent of buttered rum flavored with almond, bay, clove and sassafras.

    Bottle: It smells very rummy to me, but not super overpowering like some of the other alcoholic scents. I can also definitely smell the almond.

    Wet: The rum and almost are still very much there. I'm not a huge fan of either scent, so I was a tad worried. It actually reminds me a lot of a date cake or fruit cake dough with an overload of rum mixed in.

    Dry: I didn't need to be worried! Per usual, my skin soaked up all the alcohol and left the lovely spicy clove smell behind. There's some other scent there mellowing it out a little bit, but I can't identify it. I love the smell of clove in general, so I'm loving this one. Yah it may be a bit masculine; this is a scent I would wear for myself, not for others. Definitely a good scent for colder days.

  4. Oh florals, they really don't like me. :P


    Almost immediately upon touching my skin, Alice turned soapy. Even after an hour it smells exactly like those little soaps that are carved into shells and roses and put into a dish with a dash of potpourri and left in a bathroom where no one actually uses them.

  5. I'm new to bpal and scents in general, so it's hard for me to pick out particular notes. However, this is the first scent I've tried that I've absolutely loved, so I'll give it a go!


    Bottle: I can smell the vanilla but also what I assume is the tea. I also smell something else sweet, possibly floral in the background.


    Wet: Just like in the bottle, but the sweet and tea are stronger. It smells clean but familiar, sort of an ivory color of something hand-stitched by my grandmother. It's a comforting smell.


    Dry: The vanilla begins to come through in a big way. It's not a foody vanilla on me, but it's definitely the note I smell the most. There's a hint of the tea and musk which keeps the vanilla under control and gives the scent some complexity. It's warm and comfortable, but not overly thick. I adore it! This may just be the first bottle I buy. :P


    The only downside is that it fades fairly quickly and doesn't have much throw after the first 30 minutes or so, but being new to scents, I feel more comfortable with things that don't have a lot of throw anyway.

  6. I loved this when I put it on, and even at the first stages of drydown. Winter berries with a hint of floral in the background, and a nice sweetness.


    Unfortunately, after about 30 minutes it went very artificial and almost plastic? The smell was reminiscent of something but I couldn't remember what, but it wasn't terribly pleasant. I'm really sad because I loved how it smelled in the beginning.


    The search continues for a perfect winter scent for me!
