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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Mary

  1. This is my first review ever, so please bear with me. :D



    MCLXXXVIII (1,188)


    EDITED - My sister and I worked on this and she helped me pin down some things that I couldn't place before. :D



    In the bottle: Faint chocolate smell, with something lighter in the background.


    Wet on skin: The chocolate evaporates (yay!) and turns into musk. Sweetness fades also, but is still there.


    Drydown: ... this is gonna sound weird, but it really does smell like walnuts. My skin smells like I've been rolling around in walnuts. :P


    This is very autumn, VERY pretty despite the strangeness, and totally unlike any other blend I've tried. I'm so glad I have something that says autumn to me without also saying potpourri. :D

  2. This may sound weird, but I think the most "old lady"-smelling thing I've had was a bottle of Follow Me Boy. I bought it from someone else who'd had it a while (don't know how long), but when I tried it on my skin, all I could picture was a nursing home. Not really the kind of thing to make me feel sexy, so I stopped wearing it. It's literally collecting dust on a shelf now.

  3. I'm looking for a solar scent. Something like sunlight and gold. I love Ahathoor and that suited my tastes very well, but now that that's discontinued, and I know my one 5 ml. bottle ain't gonna last forever, I'm looking for something else to eventually replace it. I don't want anything earthy, but I'd be ok with some light florals if it wasn't too overpowering.


    I know that TAL has something that sounded close (Radiance of Ra) but I'm not looking for a strict ritual oil.


    So, any suggestions?
