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Everything posted by tinyvulture

  1. tinyvulture


    in the imp it smells like condensed milk and very faint coconut and aquatic notes. on my skin, it’s those same notes, only much sweeter. a few minutes later, the tobacco and mildew notes come out and the aquatic disappears. it's not nearly as sweet now. i like it at this point. it's more masculine and earthy now, than when first applied. still no trace of the tea – oh well.
  2. tinyvulture

    Fairy Market

    i smell a variety of fresh-cut flowers and greenery, with an undercurrent of soft warm incense (and maybe some amber?) the florals are lush and almost fruity. the gentle incense nicely balances the bold florals. it’s long-lasting. the sweetness of the candies comes out hours later. i can only wear some florals, and unfortunately not this one, but it’s still a super-pretty scent.
  3. tinyvulture


    a pale, light scent without a lot of throw. soft warm musk over dry, dusty cedar or sandalwood. gently masculine. i like this musk, it reminds me of the musk in Coyote. i’m not sure what Bible accord smells like, so i thought this might smell like a stack of old Bibles but i’m not picking up any paper/parchment notes. it’s a nice scent, but i wish it was stronger.
  4. tinyvulture

    The Lurid Library

    as an incense-loving librarian, this should be my signature scent! you really do smell that dusty, papery, slightly mildewed scent of old books. yet the musk and incense make this a warm and, yes, sexy blend. the incense is patchouli-heavy and seems very similar to my beloved Urd. i couldn’t smell the “books” note in Miskatonic University so i’m really glad i can pick it out here. must have a bottle and wear to work frequently
  5. tinyvulture

    The Forbidding Foyer

    cognac is my favorite booze note ever since i smelled it in some Lush shampoo, and i love the warm, rich smell of mahogany. but there is also a dank, musty scent. it’s not unpleasant, though. it gives the overall impression of a deserted, forgotten room in a haunted old house. some debauchery happened here, back in the day, but now there's nobody around except for the ghosts! perfect!
  6. tinyvulture

    Devil's Claw

    i would guess that this contains tons of dark, earthy vetiver combined with acrid smoke, burning cedar wood, and something nutty (almond?). it makes me think of a bonfire in a graveyard. i don’t always do well with earthy blends, but i friggin’ love this one.
  7. tinyvulture

    Pumpkin II (2007)

    i wouldn’t call this a foody scent. the pumpkin is on equal footing with the other notes, with the tobacco being especially dominant. its dark spiciness cuts the richness of the buttery pumpkin, in a good way. the sweet tonka and light florals round out the scent. what a warm, pretty combination of smells.
  8. tinyvulture

    Bonfire Night

    the combination of woodsmoke and syrup calls to mind Hearth 2005 minus the pine notes. to me, they are very similar. this is a heavy, dark scent, but also sweet and comforting. i don’t smell the beer or the tar, just the thick bonfire smoke and caramelized sugary treacle. there’s a slight nuttiness as well, maybe hazelnut? but i wouldn’t say it’s a foody scent, because the smoke is such a strong element. a quintessential autumn blend for sure.
  9. tinyvulture


    this isn’t what i expected. it’s a grassy, ozone-y men’s cologne. rather than brisk october nights, it actually reminds me of sunny indian summer afternoons. there was frost on the ground this morning so you wore a jacket, but now it’s tied around your waist as you walk along, noticing the brightly colored leaves raked into piles on the ground. autumn is definitely here, but you’ve got several warm days left before the chill and gloom set in. i like it for what it is, although it’s a bit masculine for me to wear regularly. i’ll have to try it on my husband.
  10. tinyvulture

    Pumpkin III (2007)

    Pumpkin with white chocolate, caramel, pomegranate, and cream. instant love! pomegranate turns out to be an excellent fruity companion for pumpkin, saving it from becoming too buttery (as it often does on me). the tart fruit notes are perfectly balanced with the rich white chocolate and luscious caramel and cream (i'd say the cream is more prominent than the caramel -- it's that lovely creamy note also found in the candy butcher). an outstanding foody scent. i need a bottle immediately
  11. tinyvulture


    to me, this is the scent of relaxation. imagine it was a long, stressful, hot day but now you’re finally home, freshly showered, in your comfy clothes. you’ve got the shades drawn, air conditioning turned up, relaxing on the couch, burning head shop incense, sucking on lemon drops, with a lavender eye mask over your eyes. ahhhh. you’re even starting to feel energized again. really nice. ADDED Nov. 24: a contradictory blend -- soothing, calming lavender contrasts with the peppy, cheerful citrus of verbena and neroli. there’s a lovely soft layer of powdery, resinous frankincense, and hints of sharp, medicinal rosemary that come and go. i like it, only it’s a bit too bright and citrusy for me.
  12. tinyvulture


    i once had a cat named luna, so the name and its associations are dear to me. so, i’m happy that this is one of my favorite celestial blends. it’s cool, beautiful, delicate and feminine. floral, but not overwhelmingly so. very light jasmine. and something that reminds me of a lemon ice. or chilled grapefruit, maybe? the citrus is very subtle and comes and goes. in my mind, this scent is the palest yellow.
  13. tinyvulture


    at first i smell crisp winter woods and slushy snow notes. it reminds me of several BPAL yule scents i’ve tried. then the dark earthiness of the vetiver makes its presence felt. the slush note turns lemony. now it smells like lemon-scented cleaner. it’s making my nose itch, so i better wash it off. darn lemon. it takes over everything, with my skin chemistry. off to swaps for this one.
  14. tinyvulture


    cinnamon, anise, and a very dry, dusty wood. sandalwood, maybe. and dragon’s blood too, judging from the bold red of the oil in the vial. its sweet spiciness pulls the other notes together. and i think there’s something dank and earthy and mossy, as well. it’s an undertone i can’t put my finger on. i don’t really get a ‘mood’ from this. that is, it’s not really evoking any particular images or feelings. it is what it is. it’s neat, but i’m not big on cinnamon.
  15. tinyvulture

    Le Serpent Qui Danse

    i just reviewed I Died For Beauty and it made me realize how much i love violet. and now this! the ultimate violet scent for me, as i also adore vanilla. a lovely, creamy, sweet floral. i’ve hardly ever bought 5mls of floral scents, but i need more of this.
  16. tinyvulture


    when i first apply this, it smells medicinal and astringent. i guess there’s some mint in it, and maybe other herbs. then a strong metallic note comes out. and lavender. and then cinnamon. it’s funny how the notes just keep popping up and announcing their presence. seems so chaotic. it’s just not a good combination of notes for my chemistry.
  17. tinyvulture

    I Died For Beauty

    i’m surprised at how much i’ve come to appreciate florals thanks to BPAL. not all of them are for me, but now i know i should at least try them out. i’m often pleasantly surprised – like now. this is gorgeous. sweet violet and spicy ylang ylang and combine perfectly. is there vanilla in this? it’s so sweet. i guess it’s just the frankincense resins amping up the sugary violet. i don’t smell grave loam at all. this really reminds me of an old fave, Morgause. i’m realizing how much i like violet!
  18. tinyvulture


    a cold, mechanical scent. i smell eucalyptus and oiled metal. i’m not sure how else to describe it. picture being in a chilly factory, the assembly line cogs grinding together, steam rising in the air... i can’t wear it, but i’ll try it on my husband. it might make me think he’s been working in the garage all day!
  19. tinyvulture

    La Belle Dame Sans Merci

    sharp greenery blended with powdery florals. i believe i smell rose and orchid. i do find it a little soapy. a serious, even haughty scent… there’s nothing playful about it. but the bitter herbal green quality softens and there’s a gentle sweetness. pretty but not my cup of tea.
  20. tinyvulture


    Majesty - Expansion - Optimism Politics - Civic & Religious Leadership - Health Prosperity - Advancement - Justice - Benevolent Power - Responsibility Sagacity - Sworn Oaths dark, spicy and woodsy. the other reviews say it's redwood, so i'll go with that. (i tend to confuse cedar, redwood and sometimes sandalwood because they can all smell like pencil shavings.) i think there's also patchouli and a hint of sweet orange blossom. i love woodsy blends so this is right up my alley.
  21. tinyvulture


    a warm, fiery blend. there is sweet citrus in this, but also something sharp and almost acrid, like dry grasses set ablaze by the sun. truly scorching and solar. one of the more interesting blends i’ve tried and one that truly lives up to its name.
  22. tinyvulture


    a syrupy, dark resinous blend. i see that opoponax, onycha and labdanum are all resins, although i’m not familiar enough with them to say definitively that they’re what i smell. i can’t make out any florals, but the ambergris is apparent. i’m drawing comparisons between this scent and The Black Tower – another heavy ambergris/resin blend. a sweet, sinful scent.
  23. tinyvulture


    i smell sweet tart apple, soft rose, and a drop of lemon. conflicted perhaps, but these notes actually seem to mesh very well! a cheery, youthful scent. i’m not head over heels for it, but it’s a perfectly good, fun, everyday type of scent.
  24. tinyvulture


    a bold, spicy, extremely woodsy scent. it’s powerful; it has a real presence. there’s a strong cedar or sandalwood note (whichever one smells like pencil shavings and is kind of peanutty) combined with some herbs and spices i can’t identify. i think it’s too “dark” for summer, but it’ll be just right when the days get shorter and the weather turns crisp and cool. some might say this blend is masculine, but i’m a woman and this is my favorite of the Celestials, so i dunno.
  25. tinyvulture


    a soft, romantic, feminine rose scent. it’s really light, dreamy and slightly powdery. i’m not picking up the citrusy or green elements that others have, but my skin really amps up rose. i’d wear this year-round whenever i want something simple but lovely.