Sandalwood, saffron, vanilla, musks, resins, and booze. Dark, mysterious, or warm and sensual.
my rotation: Underpants, Boomslang, Snake Oil. Those are my top 3, and I wear them regularly.
Profile Information
I'm a heavily tattooed, art-making, cat-loving crazy girl living life in Seattle at the moment. Here's the hundred and one (or so), listed in alphabetical order for your sanity, peek into things that rock my world!
absinthe, alice in wonderland, art, astrology, black birds, body art, body modification, books, boots, Burning Man, butches, chocolate, class politics, coffee shops, collage, corsets, costumes, crinoline, dancing, danish, demented music, design, dictionaries, diy, driving, dykes, el circo, electro-industrial, electronica, epiphanies, feminism, femmes, film, fire spinning, fireplay, fluidity, freaks, garden gnomes, geek girls, general naughtiness, genre fiction, guerilla art, handbags, independent media, industrial music and aesthetic, ink, intelligent beautiful women, john waters, languages, leather, letters, literature, live music, mark rothko, math, mc escher, motorcycles, movies, npr, perverts, piercing, piercings, pin-ups, play, playing pretend, poetry, pointy things, poker, politics, puzzles, queer kids, queers, radical self-expression, radical self-reliance, reading, red shoes, road trips, saul williams, scarification, sex work, sex-positivity, slam poetry, smut, social work, steampunk, storytelling, sushi, suspension, tattoo designs, tattoos, tentacle-free anime, traveling, tribe building, vintage, vintage fashion, welding, wine, writing, xena, youth activism