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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by KyrieArashi

  1. Imp: Motor oil. x.x At least that's what it smells like to me. There is something creeping beneath the surface, I just can't figure out what.


    Wet: This brings back memories of being a little girl in the bath tub with pouffes of powder, apothecary jars of decorative soaps, and wooden walls surrounding me (we had a very unique bathroom). I think this must be the violet, but with a soapy undertone that... isn't bad.


    Dry down: The sandalwood is peaking out now. I seem to remember some sandalwood soap in that bathroom of the past!


    Later: Within an hour or so, it is gone. Sad... ;-; It is a nice trip down memory lane and I may get a bottle just for that reason.


    Very light throw, like it is meant to be very personal.

  2. Imp: Peppery and cinnamon, straight up!


    First Applied: Cinnamon with something dark underneath


    30 Minutes Later: CLOVES! Massively cloves. I ended up stinking up the entire classroom. :P


    1 Hour Later: Still very much cloves and still very strong, but not as overpowering as when it was just barely dry.


    8 Hours Later: Cloves and cinnamon and pepper all together and yes... that is 8 hours later. :D Even after a shower, I still smelled it.


    I didn't expect to like this as much as I did. It isn't really me, though, so I will probably not wear it very often. I can imagine coupling it with a tame, flowery scent to take the edge off. Very long wear, high throw, very true to its components. This feels like such a perfect cool weather scent, since it really warms you! I can just imagine sitting curled up in a blanket in front of a fireplace with a cup of Spiced Chai tea and a small amount of this anointing my skin.

  3. Oh dear god. I should have bought multiple bottles. >.<


    In the bottle: Soil! Pure, wet, fresh soil!


    Wet: Soil, but not quite as fresh. There is some over ripened fruit sitting just below the surface. Not rotting, just slightly past its prime.


    Dry: The flowers are just peeking out, but the soil is still on top. I can smell how dry the flowers are with age.


    After 5 minutes: As it dries down some more, a nice, light wood scent seeps out to the front.


    After 10 minutes: Boy, this is a fast morpher! It is almost like I am laying in a coffin as the years go by in seconds. I can smell the blood now, but very faintly. I can imagine the soil dropping onto me through the planks of a poorly made coffin.


    After 20 minutes: There are the flowers again! Much stronger than before and with more life to them, I imagine I've broken from the coffin to find years of bouquets in various stages of decay and freshness.


    After a few hours, I have to be really close to my wrist to smell it, but I just put on a bit of Dirty and Worm Moon is coming back strong! Could this be... a layering combination!?


    This stuff is so good that I am actually drooling! This is exactly what I imagined the land of the dead in Corpse Bride to smell like.

  4. For me, De Sade morphs subtly, but clearly. Wet, it starts out reminding me of the old west. I imagine myself standing next to an old, worn, yet freshly oiled saddle.


    As it dries, the saddle turns to a pure black leather coat. This doesn't last long, though, as I am taken back into the old west, this time specifically into a saloon. The leather from men's chaps is apparent, but so is a subtle smell of tobacco. Not the pungent stench from a cigarette, but the pure, untainted tobacco leaf.


    Sadly for me, this scent is far too manly. However I will be hanging onto it and, possibly, purchasing a bottle for this reason alone:


    It combines with other scents divinely! I put it with Lilith and the experience was magnificent. I can't even find the proper words to describe how lovely the result was. It was sexy, yet sweet; innocent, yet experienced. Trully this is a woman's scent,


    So, alone, no; with a femanine scent, my god yes!

  5. Having gone through so many reviews, I was getting really excited about trying Snake Oil. I got an imp of it from another member and decided to try it today.


    Sadly, my results were horrendous...


    In the bottle, it smells like syrup and vanilla, but as soon as I put it on I reeked of motor oil. The scent is still there four hours later and is still as strongly motor oil as when I put it on. I put on a bit of De Sade and it dulled the motor oil scent, but I honestly don't think even De Sade is strong enough.


    Edit: After seven hours the vanilla was finally peaking out a bit and the motor oil lessening. I fell asleep before I could smell any other changes, but since both scents were on their way out, I doubt it was anything fantastic.


    I'll try it again in a couple weeks. Until then, I'm staying away.
