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Posts posted by Coldfire




    Bottle: smokey treacle.

    Wet on Me: woodsmoke for sure, tar…over the sticky of treacle. Very industrial smelling

    Drying Down: more tar than treacle now and just wrapped in woodsmoke. Faint ghost-like whispers of beer in my nose

    Dry: sweet tar and woodsmoke. A bit antiseptic. The beer took a hike. This is interesting.







    Bottle: Snowy Evergreen/Balsam

    Wet on Me: Snow! Winter in the woods! Pine! Evergreen!

    Drying Down: Oh to be in Winter in a cabin in the woods right now! Tree and Snow and Snow and evergreen trees! I could just roll around in this.

    Dry: Oh the Love! TwilightEyes gets mad love from me for scoring this one for me.!!!!!!!!!







    Decant: pears and leaves. Like a golden autumn day

    Wet on Me: more pears and leaves. Earthy and golden fruity. I an almost smell the sunbeams coming down thru autumn colored trees.

    Drying down: Now it’s pear and autumn leaves with patchouli lying underneath. I’m walking thru an autumn forest kicking leaves and rich dirt.

    Dry: This is patchouli in the fall. It’s golden and crisp and completely an autumn scent.


  4. Decant: dark, incense-y. Heady.

    Wet on me: Sharp from the red currant but tempered by the frankincense. WOW! Heady in a great way!

    Drying Down: HOLY Cow this Morrocan musk is amazing. Now I get all the notes. They are swirling around my nose and intoxicating me.

    Dry: Dang..Beth Scores AGAIN! This thing is amazing. I’m hypnotized. My nose to my wrist, I close my eyes, inhale and I am transported. Wearing this is like having an out of body experience. Great when I’m slumping at work.






    Decant: wow Black currant first and foremost, then the champaca and rhubarb

    Wet On Me: more of the same but really POW!

    Drying Down: everything is all blending nicely now.

    Dry: Nothing truly standing out from the rest. Just a fruity incense-y scent that swirls around your mind and makes you smile.



  6. Decant: strawberry but not as sugary as I was expecting
    Wet on Me: oh…the sugar part comes out. Strawberry cream now
    Drying Down: now it’s like a strawberry cocktail. I get the alchohol touches now.
    Dry: this smells like something I’d drink when I am invoking my inner girlie goddess. The only thing that does not sit well on me is the traces of sugar. I’m glad I got to try it.





    Decant: blackberry and bergamot with hints of patchouli to come

    Wet On Me: mmmm I love Beth’s Blackberry scents when they are not foodie. I get the patchouli now.

    Drying down: blackberry patchouli with touches of pomegranate and bergamot….all dancing as one!

    Dry: WOW! This is amazing! Gonna have to seek out more of this. I love how Beth blends blackberry and patchouli for this amazing perfume. All the other notes just add to the joy under my nose!


  8. Decant: Lavender and Verbena

    Wet on Me: Lavender and Verbena and a touch of the white peach. There is some sweet softness I get that must be the amber

    Drying Down: Lavender Musk is what I am getting now

    Dry: gentle lavender musk. Not catching much of any of the other notes. But this is nice.





    Decant: GREEN! Deeper huff of this brings green citrus rain. So clean, so spring-y

    Wet on Me: definitely green citrus.

    Drying Down: green citrus with a touch of the softness of amber, but I get the cologne vibe. Very refined, airy but not faint.

    Dry: the green and citrus they temper each other, the amber and flowers provide a soft and gentle base for the green and citrus to play over. Really, a terrific blend that reminds of me something from days past, as well as today.






    Decant: Sharp bitter green

    Wet on Me: I get tea, the fir sap and pine and salt spray. Dark, green and bitter/sharp.

    Drying Down: Mosting biting green herbs. Sharp, dark, no nonsense, tiny faint traces of the incense underneath.

    Dry: I like these kinds of scents. They keep you off balance. You don’t know what you will get next. I ended up with a nice blend of the biting, sharp, green and soft headiness of incense. To keep.






    Decant: I get lavender and chamomile and poppy

    Wet on Me: oooooo pretty! Flowers with out being too cloyingly floral. The lavender is kept in check by the poppy, and chamomile and the ylang ylang

    Drying Down: aaaahh now the sandalwood comes out to play with the pretty. This starts to round things off nicely and keep it from becoming too flower-y.

    Dry: Gentle flowers that waft over you as you fall to slumber. Very nice.





    Decant: green and evergreen

    Wet on Me: soooo lovely so far. I get evergreen with the pine and juniper, but green with the tea, clover and grass and sage making this a deep green plant scent trip

    Drying down: green and clean but not soapy clean. Just fresh green forest.

    Dry: I am in love with this Green. Keeping the decant. Just gorgeous on me.


  13. Decant: Sandalwood and tea

    Wet on Me: sandalwood mostly, pale hints of the tea.

    Drying down: woody but sweet like baby powder. The patchouli seems like it wants to come out and play but is being blocked.

    Dry: slight sandalwood with ghost patchouli and bits of baby powder? Hmmmm Nice…but I think I’ll re-home this.

  14. Decant: benzoin, juniper and jasmine

    Wet on Me: Now I get bergamot joining the dance under my nose. Bits of plumeria popping in to say Oh Hai but very quietly.
    Drying Down: More lovely dancing of scents under my nose. A gorgeous blend of all the scents and the pine and juniper are not dominating but playing nicely with others. No trace of the tea rose yet.
    Dry: man…this one is a keeper. I like wearing flowers but I like sharper florals. This is a terrific blend of green and floral and it just dances on me!





    Decant: grass!

    Wet on Me: grass and dandelion and heather

    Drying Down: sharp green. Not so much grass green, but grass blending with the clover and heather and dandelion. What a meadow on the back of my hand!

    Dry: This smells like I imagine Ireland to smell like. The greens and heathers and dandelions and clover. So lovely. Keeping!





    Decant: more brown sugar than dark chocolate

    Wet on Me: mostly dark brown sugar, I get the ginger, and allspice now too

    Drying down: A spice cabinet galore in my nose. Almost like a GingerSnap scent.

    Dry: don’t get much chocolate at all. Mostly all the spices in a ginger snap scent.







    Imp: omg…headshop incense, leather, MAN! musk!

    Wet on Me: Already my nose is attached to my arm. Already I can tell this is going to be LOVE!

    Drying Down: still a spicy headshop incense. Can’t get enough of this. This is heady and gorgeous and MAN!

    Dry: gorgeous incense with an under current of leather. Faint hints of pepper make it spice feeling but not spicy. The chamomile joined the all male dance and gave it a touch of sweetness along with the musk without being at all overbearing! THE LOVE!






    Imp: very very light. Very pale purple. Light light mint with light light violet and ylangyalng

    Wet on me: This almost disappears from the get go. Very light…when I close my eyes and inhale I get the palest of purple scent vibes.

    Drying Down: disappears very quickly. Faint sweet mint. Pretty.

    Dry: this is a ghost scent. I could have sworn I put it on…just disappeared to a ghost of a violet mint.






    Imp: oh. Food. Sweet food. I get the praline and the buttercream and hazelnut

    Wet on me: WOAH….the sweet and nut is very strong.

    Drying down: oh man…this is food. This is just not smelling well in my nose.

    Dry: sorry…confirms I’m not a foody.






    Imp: rose. Rose with aquatic

    Wet on Me: Still rose. Oh this might not be good. Rose amps bad on me.

    Drying down: Rose. But metallic air freshener rose on me.

    Dry: I give up. Fresh cut roses in a vase or fresh roses on the bush..my nose loves. Rose scent on ME? My nose and skin revolt and declare a fatwa on each other!







    Imp: crisp tart sandalwood

    Wet on me: I get the sandalwood, and the licorice vibe of the star anise

    Drying Down: mostly licorice now.

    Dry: I get the anise/licorice. It’s okay..but it’s not the jelly bead I reach for in my easter basket.






    Imp: soft and sweet. I get the wisteria and some musk

    Wet on Me: musk, wisteria, rose and rice flower

    Drying Down: this rose is really fighting to take over and dominate this for me. The wisteria, rice flower and peach blossom are giving it a run for its money. There is a scent war on my wrist and black musk went into a fox hole and is not coming out!

    Dry: the rose lost the war. This is light and sweet floral.





    Imp: sharp, astringent, medicinal..Listerine?

    Wet on Me: now I get hints of wood thru the sharp astringent and medicinal almost a vetiver vibe

    Drying down: man. How do I describe man scent. Clean dressedup man. Some wood…no vetiver…some spice…still astringent..less sharp…still medicinal.

    Dry: Not bad. Not making me pick up mah pompoms and I’m a sucker for a man scent. But its okay. Re-home pile for someone who might like it better





    Decant: sharp, green, piney, faint tart berry

    Wet on Me: Christmas-y! evergreenish, very faint tart spicy berry

    Drying Down: This just gets better and better and better. Christmas Berry! Which is nothing like a juicy sweet summer berry. This is cold and dark and winter-y and green and sharp spicy berry.

    Dry: completely in love with this. When I walk into the Kirklands Store in the mall…it smells like this. I wanna just roll around in this scent. Must acquire more.





    Decant: Sweet Dragon’s blood with a cherry/almond vibe.

    Wet on Me: More vanilla Cherry…over faint Dragon’s blood

    Drying Down: mostly vanilla over dragon’s blood now. The cherry/almond is a lingering whisper.

    Dry: Boozy vanilla over dragon’s blood. Not bad. Interesting

