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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by anshara

  1. In the imp: Athens, minus the spice... All honey, and, Vanilla... YUM!!!!


    On me, swiped on wrist, wet: Honeyed amber, strong, rich, musky, and, unabashedly sexual.


    drydown: two to three minutes: This is actually getting MORE powerful as it dries... Amber is the dominant musky note, with a supporting sweetness from the honey... The vanilla is gone, just gone...... I love this :P but I need to be wearing it on a day when I'm less hungry, it's curiously foody.....

  2. In the imp: Ok, I must be kooky, but, at first whiff this smelled almost exactly like "Bon Vivant".... Don't know why it would, but hey.... I'm kooky. Second whiff... Yup Apricots belly-dancing with Pommegranates, and, the pommegranates are being real sex kittens, (yay Pommegranates!). No Plum yet, but I think I detect a bit of musk. I like this, I really like this......


    On me, swiped on wrist wet: Sweet mother of baby Jesus, there's "Bon Vivant" again! Something about this is going completely Champagne-y to my nose... This is a good thing, but odd for a blend with no champagne in it....


    Drydown, two to three minuts: Yerevan is itself again... Apricots, the tartness of Pommegranates, the depth of musk, and THERE'S the Plums!!! This is sweet and rich with just enough tart crispness to add balance. This is sophisticated foody, like high priced fruit preserves made with imported fruts served on artisan bread off crystal plates in an exquisitely decorated parlor... :P :D Glad I put this on my ten ml wishlist unsniffed!

  3. In the imp: Oh my, wow... Beth wasn't kidding ::resists urge to chug imp dry::


    On me swiped on wrist wet: Oh my GODS I want to eat my damn wrist!!!! Nutella flavored milk!


    Drydown, immediate: I smell like I've bathed in warm, milky nutella syrup.... My skin loves this oil so much!!!! :D When there is money available there will be a huge, I do mean huge order coming... This is a definite 10 ml or three... :P :D :D :D

  4. In the bottle: Saffron, Almonds, and, orange blossom. The scent of royal surrender.


    On me swiped on hand: Saffron, and, orange blossom with a trace of sweetened almonds a beautiful scent :P


    drydown three to five minutes honeyed almonds and incense... Orange blossom coming on really strong, mild, sweet throw in this blend Saffron calming down a little. I really love this. :D New signature scent here. :D If she was as beautiful as the scent named for her, then, she was a very lucky woman.

  5. In the imp: Marzipan and honeyed milk....... Making me quite hungry, actually ( I looooove marzipan).


    On me swiped on wrist, wet: Honeyed almond milk with some almond still floating at the bottom of the glass


    Drydown, one to two minutes: Vanilla note coming out with a grainy backdrop... Soft subtle snuggly and second skin... YUM, my instincts with this one were dead on... Will be needing a vat :D :P :D :D

  6. In the imp: Oh my word!!!! Oh that's beautiful!!!!!! The soft aquatic quality of creamy white ginger moistening the gentle powdery scent of lovely tropical blooms.... Beautiful!!! :P


    Swiped on wrist, wet: Oh this is beautiful.... Whisper quiet, not a bit of throw, a very feminine close to the skin scent... Beautiful tropical blooms warm and wet, with a hint of creamy sweetness from the ginger....


    Drdown, ten minutes: :D this isn't morphing much... It's perfect, but it's fading so quickly..... I don't mind re applying this, it's so lovely..... another future 10 ml :D :D

  7. In the imp: Cinnamon dipped Roses in full bloom :D :D :P


    Swiped on hand wet: Spicy Roses.... HOLY SHIT this is sex in a vial.... Soft rose with the naughty bite of cinnamon.... MMMMMMMMM


    Drydown, immediate: MMMMM cinnamon comes to the foreground held up on the perfect blend of Roses..... Damn this is hot... Perfect scent to punish a man with, and feel good doing it ;-)...

  8. ::says silent prayer that the honeysuckle won't murder all the other notes then cling to me for dear life::


    In the imp: :: celebrates: OH this IS GORGEOUS!!!! Barely any honeysuckle.... sweet pea, lillies, and yes, the sweetness of pear....


    Swiped on both wrists, wet: Ok, this is wierd: left wrist is the lovely combo of sweet pea, lillies, and, pear, right wrist: pure honeysuckle!!! GRRRRR!!! DAMN IT!!!!


    Drydown, ten minutes: Right and left wrist starting to smell a lot alike... Thankfully very little honeysuckle.... Very soft scent... Extremely feminine.... Love this so far... Consideration for a 10 ml... :D :D :D :P


    ETA: The scent has faded, completely... Meaning the honeysuckle didn't cling hopelessly to my skin!!!! YAY!!!! Maybe this is a sign I should give "Twilight" another shot? Wierd-ass body chemistry....

  9. In the imp: Cherry sucrettes, like others have mentioned.... But I'll swipe some on anyway...


    Swiped on wrist, wet: YOWZA!!!!! Very strong Cherry sucrettes.... I'm worried.... The first time I tried this, the wet stage was such a problem, I had to wash this off, I'm going to let this dry down this time....


    Drydown 10 minutes: Much less menthol... Thank God. Sage is mellowing and letting the sweetness of the berry come through, no apple yet. This is a very cool, crisp scent...


    twenty minutes: The herbs keep this sharp rather than warm and subtle, I'm getting the fruit blossoms now, though. Herbs need to mellow out some more. Ok, this is beginning to remind me a little of a children's pain ointment I used in the hospital.... but only faintly in the top note... The scent beneath that is a lovely soft floral.... This is getting nice... But I honestly think that the wet stage is too much for me.... Something about sage mingling with hops isn't working for me, I'm actually a bit scared by the first ten minutes of this.... Off to the swap pile it goes...

  10. In the imp: Musk with a hint of Saffron, and poppy......... Yum, smells like home... Or at least, the grocery stores across the street.... (I love being Middle Eastern sometimes.). Actually, this is the exact scent of Kaak ( cruchy, savory tea biscuit sometimes made with poppy) and the ritual perfume they use at the end of Sabbath services at the Sephardic Synagogues down the block..... Some of the memories associated with this scent are kind of, well, yuck.... But it's still a yummy scent that's cozy and familiar, and makes me feel like apologizing profusely to everyone around me for some reason..... And it kind of makes me miss my dad. ::sigh::


    On me, swiped on wrist wet: Ok, methinks I swiped a bit too much.... This is throwing like mad.... but yup, true to the imp with warmer musk.... Still reminds me of daddy... Actually, this is a rather masculine blend, now that I think about it....


    Drydown, fifteen minutes: This is the longest drydown I've ever experienced with a BPAL scent.... Throw has calmed down considerably. I feel holy now, like I did when I was little after coming home from Synagogue on a saturday night... Damn I miss my dad.... This blend is dry now... Saffron and poppy and maybe cardamon... with a background of dried musk.... It's delicious..... But I seriously miss my dad now. :-( However, the scent.... :P

  11. In the imp: ::swoon:: woodsy spice!!! YUM!!!! :P :D Cinnamon!!! I LOVE cinnamon!!!


    On me swiped on both wrists: smelling cinnamon!!! fresh warm cinnamon stick! Warm woods


    Drydown:10 minutes: Soft, sweet, dry cinnamon with a hint of warm woods!!!! LOVELY!!!!! I promised this to someone! Broke my heart to have to give up the imp but I WILL get a bottle.... If not now, then soon!!!! :D :D :D

  12. In the imp: CARNATION??? WHY?


    On me, swiped on wrist, wet: PURE Carnation.... Carnation hates me.... WHY??? I WANT TO LOVE THIS ONE!!!!!!


    Drydown: DAMN IT!!!!!! CARNATION!!!! It's giving me a headache.... HELP! Is there Carnation in this???


    Final thoughts: :P I wanted to love this... I WANTED TO LOVE THIS!!!! Why carnation, and only carnation???? I had to scrub this off and it made me sad to do it... The imp has been swapped.... I might get another one though, just to see if it starts to like me eventually....

  13. In the imp: HOLY MEADE MUGS BATMAN!!!!! This is a good thing!!! Honey and wine, with a hint of spice.... YUMMY!!!!!


    On me: Swiped on wrist wet: True to the imp with a hint of floral... VERY NICE....

    Drydown five to ten minutes: OH MY!!!!! Second skin scent the florals are fading and it's back to spiced Meade.... MMMMM.... Though someone said that it's a rather obvious tribute to Dionysis, I agree... But I think that's a GOOD thing.... Wonderful in fact. :D :D :D :P :D Another hit for the lab...

  14. In the bottle: Sugar cookie with a very boozy note of Vanilla extract



    On me wet, swiped on writsts: Eye watering, boozy vanilla uh oh......


    Drydown, 10 minutes: Redhots and alcohol, and the boozy note is taking its time dissapating..... OH No!!! I think this scent hates me, and it refuses to layer with anything else...

    20 minutes: Sugarless Redhots- it's strange, cinammon usually LOVES my skin... This cinammon is sharp, it's actually making my nose burn when I smell my wrists


    There's not enough sugar in this to mellow it.... I think I have to let this one go... I just can't bring myself to do it... Especially after the orgasmic experience I had with my beloved Sugar Skull, I keep hoping that this will learn to love me.... So sad... :P :D


  15. In the bottle: Gingersnaps. Heavy on the ginger.... YUMMI


    On me, swiped on wrist wet: Yummi!!! Gingersnaps.... I want milk and cookies now....


    Drydown , almost instanteneous: Yum!!! Gingersnaps with a hint of lemon.... I'm hungry..... :D :D :D :P :D

  16. In the imp: Grapefruit with a midground of Orchid in a base of Mandarin and Lemon Bark.... Much citrus.


    On me swiped on fingers wet: Well this queen loves her Grapefruits, and her grapefruits love me


    Drydown: 5 minutes:This is interesting because this scent throws, and the scent that's thrown is pale floral, and Orchid, but, close to my skin it's all grapefruit and lemon bark..... I have wierd chemistry.


    Ten minutes: Ok, the Orchid is in a fight to the death with the lemon bark and grapefruit. This queen must like her blood sports. Oh my word the Orchid is winning! Talk about David and Goliath! ETA: Strike that, I think they're shaking hands and making peace....


    Final thoughts: Honestly, I don't know yet, must give Her Majesty a fair chance to have her say.... ETA: She's eloquent, and I love her....


    ETA: OK I love this scent, really love it... I don't know what the hell was wrong with me this morning, but I love the citrusy floral drydown of this, even though the citrus was a bit sharp in the wet stage.... Pain does strange things to me, and I think I couldn't properly smell the blend this morning, because I wrote this review first thing in the morning, and I had worn sugar skull to bed.... My nose was cloudy...... I'm going to make this imp last as long as possible.

  17. In the imp: Oh my!!! This is awesome Musk, Sandalwood, cinnamon!!!!! OH MY GODDESS this is good! I just realized that this is the blend used in a commercial Men's cologne I love wearing, only this is better, the musk and cinammon are more balanced in Morocco!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :P :D How on earth does Beth do this?????


    On me: swiped on both wrists and my neck, wet: YUM!!! True to the imp, but the cinammon is having a lovefest with my skin with the sandalwood holding it up, I smell a bit of dark sweetness.... Gods I love musk!


    Drydown: immediate, musk mellowing slightly leaving a scent true to the wet stage but with a cleaner edge. Other spices are blooming around the cinnamon and sandalwood, but I can't differentiate them.... I think there's some nutmeg.... YUM! :D :D This is on my 10 ml list!


    ETA: So THAT's what that is!!!! Cassia.... that's what's giving the cinnamon such a sweet feel....

  18. Note: There's Eucalyptus in this? :D :P I smelled more Eucalyptus in "Twilight"... Hmmm.... Methinks my nose is all wonky....


    In the imp: Rich, cool, buttery, yet floral mint.... Me likey, me likey muchly. There's more than one mint varietal in this... I detect some spearmint, maybe some apple mint to lend that sweet slightly creamy note... OOOH Yummi.... No Eucalyptus yet....


    On me: Swiped on wrist wet: Warm creamy mint with just a bite of crisp coolness (maybe THAT's the Eucalyptus???) And there's a slightly floral note, I believe that's the Lotus behaving like mint flowers rather than the foliage of the plant.


    Drydown: one to five minutes: The cool note is coming to the forefront with the warm creamy floral of the mint/Lotus combination supporting it.... LOVELY!!!! The description is dead on.... Except for the Eucalyptus which seems to only be lending a feel rather than a scent... OH what a perfectly cuddly scent on a day like today!!! Like sitting by your window, watching a snow storm your face close enough to the glass to feel the radiating cold with a cup of steaming hot cocoa and candycanes in your hand, while the radiator hisses away making you warm and toasty......... Must have bottle!!!!


  19. In the imp: Rose geranium topnote :P with a midground of sweetness (mandarn and dragon's blood?) with a dark musky base I think that's the amber and currant... This combo is familiar....


    On my neck, wet: true to the imp with a hint more black currant in the top note


    drydown: 5 minutes: Oh, amber, and dragon's blood love me, as much as they love each other appearently.... They've melded together into a smooth creamy warm base for the light sweetness of the Rose geranium and mandarin the black currant is turning very "cherry" and rounding out the scent.... Yummi!!! I like this one better on skin than I do on cloth.... The scent that's on my shirt isn't half as lovely as the one on my skin.... Definitely NOT one for a locket... :D :D :D Another 10 ml candidate... Though this scent is powerful a 5 ml might last as long as 10 ml of another blend.

    - Miriam

    ETA: It's been three hours and rage is pretty much gone..... Not a lot of staying power in this blend but still worth a 10ml bottle

  20. In the imp: Honeyed ginger warm and sweet with a slight midground of creaminess( I think that's the milk)


    On me- swiped on wrist, wet: Honeyed ginger, slightly sharp with a hint of milk underneath


    drydown 5 minutes: ginger is still the most pronounced note, but it's becoming more creamy/milky and the honey is turning this into an elegant spicy floral.... VERY NICE!!! I really wish I wasn't typing... The fragrance is rubbing off on my keyboard a little.... This is so elegant and exotic, I can definitely see a queen wearing a scent like this, it's regal... It's beautiful and it lasts too! I think this is tied with Sugar Skull, and Samhain for the most staying power on me.... Also a great scent to make you care how you look, you cant wear sweats when you have this on... It makes you want to be elegant and well put together.


    Final thoughts: Beautiful!!!! Gorgeous, and healing... Must have a 10 ml of this.


    ETA: I keep sniffing looking for the foodiness other people have mentioned, it isn't there.... On me this is decidedly un-foody and sophisticated.



  21. :D


    In the Bottle: Oooh frozen sweetened Pommegranate with a topping of tart (vermouth? Vodka?) yummi!

    On me: Swiped generously on both wrists: Yum, yum, yum... Crisp pommegranate dusted with sugar, and, yup, that's vermouth. The whole thing smells "just out of the freezer"... A very summery scent


    Drydown 5-10 minutes: stays true to initial application, for the most part, except my skin is warming the pommegranate, while the Vermouth stays cool! Interesting, uexpected and lovely!


    Final thoughts: This is a scent that makes me feel "fresh out of a shower" for some reason, it's clean, crisp, and, in my opinion a great scent to wear to a job interview if applied sparingly. Definite 10 ml in the future. :P :D :D Hooray for foody scents!!! :D


  22. I got this imp included as a feebie in an e-bay buy... Thank you! :P


    In the imp

    Perfectly ripe strawberries soaked in high quality champagne.... The grape note in this is lovely.


    swiped on my wrist and collarbone- wet... true to the bottle and darkening with the grapiness of the champagne becoming more pronounced...


    Drydown 10 minutes: high quality champagne with all the full bodied fruitiness that the description implies... YUM with a sweet floral hint of perfect strawberry... Perfect... Going on 10 ml list .


    Final thoughts: lovely sweet, yet sophisticated... Elegant yet celebratory.... A happy scent perfect for a gathering of any kind.... Love LOVE LOVE!!!!! Future bottle definitely.... :D :D :D


  23. In the bottle (Bottle!! Yay for bottles!): Candied fruits!!! dead on, candied blood oranges and orange blossoms to be exact, but not dry candied fruits, but moist and still dripping with hot turbinado sugar syrup!!!!! A scent that throws to fill the room just likecandied fruits bubbling away on the stove would fill the house with a delicious sweet floral candy smell!!!! And the thrown scent has a bit of juicy caramel apple!!!! This is frikkin fabulous and I haven't even tried it on yet! ::Joyous leaping:: I love you Beth!!!!


    Dabbed on my fingers: ::tearing up with joy:: Wow! Beth, you've managed to give me back a little bit of my childhood without all the bad memories.... The scent stays true to the bottle yet the scents of hot fruited sugar melds so perfectly with my natural scent that it's me, my natural scent, but, younger... Less cynical...Better. This is what children smell like before life teaches them awful things and takes bits of their innocence away. I feel like this scent is giving me a hug... It's one of those scents that will take you back to a comforting place, or even smooth over the uncomfortable bumps in your memory. It's innocence in a bottle, but it warms with your skin and amps up its throw as you move so in the right circumstances this is a lickably sexy scent. At any rate I'm glad that I have two more bottles of this on the way because I never want to run out!!!!


    Beth, please bring this back, I've checked the poles, and I know that this scent didn't rate very high with most, but I've rarely if ever been brought to tears of joy by a scent before today, and, today it's happened twice, and both times with your LE scents. If I could ask you to change one thing it would be to put this in a much bigger bottle and make it part of the permanent collection. That's two things isn't it??? Oh well.... :D :P :D

    I :D Sugar Skull

  24. OH Samhain HOW DO I LOVE THEE!!!!


    In the imp: spice lucious warm nutty spice freshly toasted and milled (HEAVEN)

    Wet- swiped on my wrist - :MOAN: warm spice with a sweet pumkin basenote! I'm going to cry I smell heavenly!!!!


    Drydown: Immediate and Orgasmic!!!!! Warm pumkin accented by sweet spice... Must be the apples mixing with the cloves and patchuli.... This is insane, I'm going up to perfect strangers and telling them to smell me... I'm edible this is gorgeous like a cloud of the best freshly baked pumkin cookies on the planet... :D :P


    :D :D :D Elizabeth, I beg you please bring this back next year and don't change a thing about it!!!!

    ETA: AS IF this could get any better!!! It's faded to the sweetest subtlest most sophisticated patchuli after having stayed true to warm sweet pumkin spice goodness for hours!!!! I MUST HAVE A BOTTLE OF THIS!!!!
