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Posts posted by Silvertree

  1. I'm a big fan of white musk, but given my love of patchouli and the heavier musks, I wasn't expecting this to be my favorite of the blends. The rich vanilla and light, airy white musk pair beautifully with the earthiness of the dead leaves, so it melds into this perfectly balanced swirl of leaves tumbling in a crisp autumn breeze.

  2. Autumn in BPAL-land is always full of amazing updates, and between Carnaval Diabolique, Scalias, Liliths, Weenies, and the looming specter of Crimson Peak, this year is no exception. Normally there's a little breathing room between Weenies and Yules, but with Crimson Peak just around the corner we wanted to make sure decanters have the ability to run circles even while their Weenie circles are live.


    This means that we are implementing A Decant Circle Forum Very Special Episode: Crimson Peak Bonus Life edition! Crimson Peak will launch on Halloween, so decanters, get your pipetting hand ready: for the purposes of the Crimson Peak update, all decanters will have an extra pool of bottles to play with according to their level.


    Level 1: maximum of 20 bottles

    Level 2: maximum of 40 bottles

    Level 3: maximum of 80 bottles

    Level 4: maximum of 160 bottles


    So even if you are not at the maximum number of bottles for your level (i.e., a level 4 decanter who is at 70 out of 80 bottles), you have those 10 bottles to play with plus the extra 80, for a total of 160. This does not only apply to Crimson Peak items--if you want to have some Weenies, Scalias, CDs, Liliths, etc., along for the ride, that's cool.

    All other limits/guidelines (pricing, decants per bottle, PayPal fee policies, etc.) still apply as usual.


    Since the mods will be approving circles left, right, and from all directions, please report all previously completed circles for closing ASAP to make the process as streamlined as possible.


    Please PM Silvertree and cupide430 with any questions!

  3. I believe Egyptian Musk was in the original run of Single Notes (the line that was discontinued years ago). If you go to the Lab's website and type "musk" in the search box, it will bring up a dropdown of product name and product tag results. Clicking around on the different product tags (especially Musk - African and Musk - Arabian) brought me to one result-- Mr. Ibis: "Papyrus, vanilla flower, Egyptian musk, African musk, aloe ferox, white sandalwood."

  4. Crowley is amazing and should be on everyone's to-try list! I think it's a unisex scent (I certainly wear it), but it has a smooth, smoldering, sexy-confident quality that is irresistible on a guy, in my opinion. The leather and musk are beautifully balanced with the vanilla and lilac, so it's neither too sweet or too aggressive, just rich and deep and gorgeous.


    Infernal musk, red patchouli, lilac cologne, mahogany, lemon rind, oakmoss, leather, and vanilla husk.

  5. Hi, all-


    A couple of new things in Swapland: BPTP price caps and updated guidelines for decant circles.




    While Trading Post items have previously been uncapped, we are implementing price caps for bath oils, atmosphere sprays, massage oils, and hair glosses:
    • $12.50 per 1 oz decant
    • A full 4 oz bottle may be sold for $50
    • A full 8 oz bottle may be sold for $100
    Soaps, plaques, jewelry, apparel, and other items are currently not being capped at this time. If we notice a need for price regulation in these categories, we will make an announcement accordingly.
    Perfume sold through the Trading Post is capped following the BPAL structure:
    • $10 per imp
    • $50 per full 5 mL bottle
    • $100 per full 10 mL bottle
    Sellers, you have 48 hours to review your sales topics and adjust prices accordingly. After 5pm EST on Monday, October 5, 2015, we will impose price caps for Black Phoenix Trading Post items, as laid out above.
    Decant circles:
    In the past we have allowed decanters to keep a waitlist of potential participants once a bottle's five-slot limit are full. However, we have never permitted decanters to charge waitlisted participants until a decant is guaranteed.
    Recently, it has come to our attention this policy is being abused, people on the waitlist are being charged, and decanters are guaranteeing/selling six or more slots per bottle. As forum guidelines have only ever permitted five slots per bottle, we are currently eliminating the waitlist option.
    Decanters who find that they have leftover oil in any bottles after fulfilling orders may sell decants or partials on their on-forum sales page.
    If you are a decanter and currently have a circle open with waitlisted participants, you may keep them on your waitlist. No new circles will be permitted to use the waitlist feature.
    Additionally, please keep in mind that gauging interest in off-forum swaps (decant circles, sales/swaps, ISOs, etc.), directing people to an off-forum swap page, or discussing off-forum swaps is not permitted.
    The Swapping 101, Price Caps, and Decant Circle posts are being updated to reflect the new guidelines. Please take this time to reacquaint yourselves with our forum rules.
    As always, please PM a swaps mod with any questions.

  6. We have a bunch of old, out of date topics cluttering up the various Swaps forums, so next Monday, May 11th, we'll be pruning anything that hasn't been updated since May 31, 2014. If you don't want your For Sale, Swap, or Wanted topic sent to the Dead Swaps Cemetery, simply make sure it's been bumped on or after May 31 of last year.


    PM the mods with any questions!

  7. With a touch of cinnamon, tobacco, and oudh.

    This gloss is gorgeous, and deceptively simple. Its rich melange of sweet vanilla and softly spiced cardamom swirls around a deep, dark core of tobacco and oudh, creating a warm, beautifully blended scent. It's gentle, even comforting, yet utterly alluring. The throw is lighter compared to some of my other glosses, but it still works its smoothing, detangling, silkifying magic. I get a little cinnamon, but not that much, which is surprising--I'm used to that dominating most blends it's in.

    Cardamom is one of my most beloved notes, and I can't wait to wear it with some of my favorite cardamom BPALs like Southern Cloudywing, Mama-Ji, Café Mille et une Nuits, or Pumpkin I from this year's Weenies.

  8. The lust incense of a corrupted Astarte. A blend of ritual herbs and dark resins, shot through with three gingers and aphrodisiacal spices.

    (Bringin' it back: I looked up my old (2005!) review of the original Shub-Niggurath before writing this up. Ladies and gentlemen, Shoggoths of all ages: it is the 10th anniversary of Shub!

    I'm pleased to report that the ol' black goat is just as spicy, sexy, and swoonworthy as ever, if not more. My Shub HG arrived in a new style of bottle: taller and slimmer than the other HGs I own. Which is great, because now I can cram more in my hair gloss drawer!

    I could cut and paste my old review here, as the gloss is a twin of the perfume, but I'll see if my review-writing skills have improved at all. Apologies in advance for the second person POV....)

    Shub-Niggurath rushes through the forest, her midnight-black hooves crushing the secret herbs that grow in the shadows. You hold your breath as she passes, fearful of her horns and huge, heaving flanks. In the wake of her passing, you catch the hint of her scent. You thought it would be animalic, heavy and rank.

    You thought wrong.

    Warm, biting ginger tingles in your nostrils, making you gasp in delight. And as you open your mouth, you take a full, deep breath, drawing her perfumed essence deep into your lungs. The ginger blooms with life inside your body, growing hotter. Spicier. It reminds you of familiar scents--cinnamon, perhaps? But something wilder, nothing so tame as the powdered stuff you sprinkle over buttered toast in the morning. These are not daylight scents. You're bathed in fresh bark, and rushing sap, and oddly shaped leaves, growing fierce and free in ancient, hidden groves of trees. It's a green-gold scent, alive and lit from within like an ember, glowing and growing warmer and warmer...

    You aren't certain when you started running, but you're loping through the forest fleet as a deer, that scent on your tongue and steam rising from your skin as the cold air kisses your bare limbs. Laughing, you tilt your head to the sky, getting your bearings from the stars as they wheel through the branches of the trees above. You take another gulping breath of that invigorating, intoxicating, gently radiant heat, and follow its trail into the woods and into the night....

    ...You wake up in your bed as the sky changes from inky blue-black to the pinkish gray of dawn. You stretch sore muscles, luxuriating in the slight burn of your limbs. As you arch your back, your husband rolls over and sleepily wraps you in his arms. He picks a leaf out of your tangled hair, and then buries his face in the curve of your neck.

    "Mmmm," he says, suddenly sounding much more awake. "You smell incredible."

  9. For this lunacy round, I voted for Scherezade + hair gloss, hands down, no second guessing. I may have even browbeaten several kind and understanding friends into voting, too. ;)

    All that pestering and refreshing and hand-wringing has more than paid off, and I'm sad that Scherezade came and went while the forum was down--this gorgeous scent needs its own horde of rabid followers. The perfume has been one of my favorite fragrances since the earliest days of my BPAL obsession, and the gloss transforms it into a glorious new medium. If you're worried that red musk, saffron, and spices sounds heavy or too aggressive, fear not--the scent of the master storyteller is soft, sensual, and beguiling. I use two pumps, which infuses my shoulder-length curly hair with a lightly resinous cloud that hovers tantalizingly on the border between warm incense and sultry musk.

    This is warring with Sin for my favorite hair gloss, and as a writer, I use a little whenever I need some creative inspiration. My only complaint is that I didn't buy two bottles. Perhaps if we tell Puddin' stories for 1,001 nights, he might bring Scherezade back!

  10. Looks like the butterfly's scientific name is Megathymus yuccae and it's found "in deserts, foothills, and woodlands where yucca plants occur," so it's a [Yucca] [Giant-Skipper], not a [Yucca Giant]-[skipper]. I'm no lepidopterist, but I'd say Yucca GI-ant Skipper.


    Then again, I suspect you wouldn't make an ass of yourself unless you happened to be chatting about perfume with a very judgmental lepidopterist. ;)

  11. Thoroughly corrupted: amber, sandalwood, black patchouli and cinnamon.

    Oh, sweet, sweet, Sin. You spicy, resinous, glorious, irresistible temptress.

    I thought I loved all my hair glosses equally (at least that's what I tell them), but I may have a new favorite. If you already love Sin, you might think you know what to expect. Wafts of deep golden amber winding through clouds of heady patchouli. Rich sandalwood twining lovingly around plumes of tantalizing cinnamon. This hair gloss is all that, and a little bit more. The formula is lighter and not as thick as some of the other glosses, but it is silky and made my hair incredibly soft to the touch. Every time I turn my head, I get a hint of the most warm, beautiful, seductive scent. It's utterly rapturous and I'm suddenly wondering if two bottles were enough. If there's any way this could become a GC....

  12. I tend to gravitate towards more traditionally masculine scents. This might fall into the "too green" category for you, but I love Dawn: Cernunnos (Terebinth pine, basil, green sandalwood, fig leaf, armoise, lemon balm, cypress, myrrh, black cedar, and juniper). It's more rich/resinous than herbal.


    If you can find a decant in the Swaps forum to test, one of my favorite scents of all time is Crowley from Good Omens (Infernal musk, red patchouli, lilac cologne, mahogany, lemon rind, oakmoss, leather, and vanilla husk). It does have a number of your iffy notes, which is why I thought you might want to test it before committing to a bottle, but it's extremely well-blended and just so. dang. good. Not too musky, not too patchouli-aggressive, not too floral.

  13. Since we currently don't have the swaplift center accessible, we've made a swaplift reports topic. Please post there and report your post to immediately bring it to the mods' attention. (This can and should be done in addition to leaving feedback in a member's individual thread, FYI!)


    We realize that sometimes people may be reluctant to "tattle" on a forum member, but notifying the mods ensures that a member's activity will be tracked, and that they can have their access to the swap area restricted if need be. Filing a report ensures that the rest of the community is aware of the situation.


    Please PM both Maewitch and Silvertree with any questions!

  14. I thought of a fun game to play. I'm sure some/most of you have seen the Disney Villains Perfume Bottles fanart, and the only thing that would make this particular artist's fantasy better is if BPAL perfumes were matched to each bottle!


    The Evil Queen: Poisoned Apple OR Vain Sorceress

    Ursula: Ekhidna OR R'Lyeh/Cthulhu/The Deep Ones/Y’ha-Nthlei

    Cruella de Vil: Malediction

    Maleficent: Dragon's Claw OR Medea

    Jafar: Corrupt Chancellor OR Djinn OR Al-Shairan (honorable mention: Iago. You got a problem, pinky?)

    Gaston: Pride

    Hades: Hades

    Mother Gothel: The Other Mother's Right Hand

    Foulfellow & Gideon: Kitsune-Tsuki & The Sluggard

    Doctor Facilier: Jazz Funeral (possibly too positive for him, maybe skekZok the Ritual Master?)

    Lady Tremaine: Wicked OR Wicked Matriarch OR Marquise de Merteuil

    Scar: Lady MacBeth

    Yzma: A Countenance Foreboding Evil

    Madame Medusa: Bayou

    Prince John: Greed

    Queen of Hearts: Queen of Hearts

    Dom Frollo: Anathema OR Tavern of Hell

    Captain Hook: Jolly Roger (or How Doth the Little Crocodile, if you prefer)

    Governor Ratcliffe: Villain OR Iago


    Please feel free to make other suggestions! Now...imagine if these bottles became a reality and they tapped Beth to create a unique perfume for each villain...then we could play "what should _____ smell like?" :thud:
