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BPAL Madness!


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About veronicafranco

  • Rank
    sexy swapper
  • Birthday 04/26/1971


  • BPAL of the Day
    odds favor inez...
  • Favorite Scents
    notes - amber, frankincense, honey, spice (if only my skin would not devour it whole), carnation blends - hermia, mag mell, brisingamen, o, clemence, inez, jacob's ladder, les bijoux, hymn to proserpine, hetairae

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  • Pronouns
  • Interests
    foreign languages, food & wine, dance (especially egyptian), christianity, girlyness
  • Mood
    back to work ;^P


  • Astrological Info
    generally prefer to get my inspiration and guidance direct from the manufacturer of the solar system... ;)
  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
    Nothing Selected
  • Western Zodiac Sign
    Nothing Selected


  • Country
    United States

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  1. veronicafranco

    I want a BPAL that smells like Bath & Body Works...

    welcome! i don't have many recs but i did want to agree that moonlight path is delish. it's one of very few non-oil perfumes i have kept around. if you can find "the gladdener of all hearts," the two have some notes in common and harmonize nicely...
  2. veronicafranco

    The Velvets

    really? no one else so far gets snake family from this scent? skin chemistry is so interesting. on me, this is definitely a soft, smoky, warmer, powdery-er snake oil cousin. when very dry, i get a bit of the violet/ylang ylang in the form of a lighter floral edge. i enjoy it, but it's not the grail i thought it would be (which is ok!)
  3. veronicafranco

    Bette Noir

    wow. add me to those who thought this would be darker. it's fuchsia to me when first applied - i mainly get the plum, berries, and orange blossom. when fully dried down, the amber does peek through. not getting a lot of myrrh or bergamot; the benzoin i guess i can detect because i know it's there. after a number of hours, this smells a lot like "red door" (elizabeth arden?) on me (only, of course, nicer). i think that's the amber + orange blossom. not what i expected (noir), but this is very pretty and i will wear it again for sure.
  4. veronicafranco


    ohhhhhhh yeah... i always go for plum scents and incense scents. wasn't sure about the jonquil, but it's fine - just blends into the landscape. the rosehip really smells like what you get in rosehip tea - a hint floral, but tangy and almost a touch earthy. it's great with the plum and sandalwood. on my skin, the sandalwood + amber incense + soft plum is the story here. almost like an expensive candle. i don't know anything about kaidan, but her scent is asian, ladylike and yet bad@$$ in my book. on a random and amusing note, my preschooler is wearing her kai-lan underpants today as i am trying this scent. i wonder if i could get mom-sized kaidan underoos?
  5. veronicafranco

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    kewl. thanks, girasol.
  6. veronicafranco

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    i've got one. does "kebechet" rhyme approximately with "trebuchet"? that's how it sounds in my head. heh!
  7. veronicafranco


    oh, wow. full disclosure - i have not personally experienced the kind of wild night where i would be tasting blood. but i'm pretty sure that kind of night would not smell this great! the afterglow could feel a lot like this smells, though, in my humble opinion. when first applied, i get how the sharply spicy dragon's blood evokes violence. normally i'm one of those people on whom dragon's blood goes to weird loud floral, but apparently honey and amber are good matches for the note and i am enjoying it for the first time! all the rest of the notes are generally win on me, and so i'm not as surprised that the amber-white honey-currant-musk is a gorgeous combination.
  8. veronicafranco

    Does BPAL stain?

    any of the snake scents i've tried look like an old yellowy bruise! i wear 'em anyway. (womb furie isn't so bad.)
  9. veronicafranco

    Recommend a scent for a specific dress or outfit

    thanks, guys! keep 'em coming. my first thought was black butterfly moon.... but i won't like it enough unless the ambergris does some serious fading in 2 months, for when i'll want to wear it. unveiled! i'm so color-focused that i didn't think about how well that would suit. and i do really, frelling, love that one. hmmmm....
  10. what scent would you wear with this? http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B0...mp;color_name=1 i'm being deliberately vague about the event, etc. just curious what you'll come up with!
  11. veronicafranco

    Pink Mood

    ok, in the vial and when first applied, i expected to add my "SN licorice" review to the many here. but lo, it's not!! so if you're worried about the anise taking over the whole show, i'd still try a decant. as this dries, the peony + cherry blossom and vanilla come out more and more until the scent is definitely the soft pink of the shunga image's, um, focal point. there's just a slight soapy edge (violet leaf or neroli? anyway it's pretty mild... she's a nice clean girl lookin' at that dirty picture) but it doesn't spoil the fragrance for me. i can't say it's the most me of perfumes, and i didn't really think it would be, but it will be required wearing with a cherry blossom scarf i have, and i think it is also calling the name of a particular pink lace dress that didn't turn out to "match" katrina van tassel in my book.
  12. veronicafranco


    oh WOW. lucky for me, i am not a hoarder. this is the most golden-sweet thing i have ever smelled. something about the combination of notes makes it not strike me as peach at all. the tea anchoring the fragrance is almost like a soft warm musk. on me, no one thing dominates: it's perfectly blended. there was a YSL scent called champagne, that then they changed the name of and i don't remember what it is now, but this is akin to that - only better.
  13. veronicafranco


    oh my goodness. this is nice. in the very beginning, the snow (which on me is a touch eucalyptus-y) is a little much. but as it dries, this is quite beautiful! the amber and lily make it rich and creamy, as others have said; the bergamot and cardamom lend it a high-end herbal fragrance. i can't say why, since they share zero notes, but this reminds me a lot of quicksilver phoenix (which i also really like). rich, sweet (this one more so than quicksilver), fancy-spa-stuff herbal. very much like something wonderful you might spend a lot more money on at an aveda salon. as far as capturing the shunga image, i will say that besides the snow note, the olive-green/golden "color" of this scent is exactly true to the picture. beth, for reals, hats off on this one.
  14. veronicafranco

    Kiss Amongst Discarded Tissues

    my first shunga! i get a very similar scent to what theseagrows describes. the sparkly mandarin/blackberry/khus that pops out when it's freshly applied is nice at first, though not at all what i was expecting. but i really wanted gardenia and musk. right next to my skin i can smell them, but the throw is all tart fruit/citrus/vetiver. i like the parts of this scent, but they haven't melded together yet, and i suspect aging will put them into a proportion with one another that works better for me.
  15. veronicafranco

    Womb Furie

    oh yum. this definitely has the famous O honey, but i also get a more flowery one, and maybe the delicately tangy white honey around the edges? on me, it's like 2/3 honey, 1/3 snake oil, which suits me fine. also, if you are thinking you can approximate this by layering O and snake oil.... that's going to be the poor girll's version, for sure. the 3 honeys are nicer, plus if musks are strong on you, that combo is too much. (and thus i considered breaking my "just enjoy the decants, don't need LE bottles" rule...)