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Posts posted by ianastar

  1. I wanted to love this for Calla Lilies…my favorite flower, but the rose is just too strong. Its very floral…not as bad as some Ive tried…I think the frankincense and sandalwood warm it up a bit. But still not for me

  2. In the bottle -- sickly sweet. V. powerful scent


    Wet -- smells v. similar to sweet tarts or spree or skittles or smarties. V. candy like.


    Dry Down -- still v. sweet but fading down much softer.


    Over all -- I really like it....might have to get a big bottle of this one too.

  3. To me I picked up more of the musk and the vanilla....I didnt really get a tea scent...might have to try again.


    However I loved it!! Its gorgeous......reminds me of Lolita Lempickas fragrance for men.


    I will most likely be gettting a bigger bottle of this.

  4. In the bottle this was so medicnal sweet....I agree.


    Wet it was very sweet and I thought for sure it was going to be a new fave and go well with LUSH Rockstar and Candy Fluff


    But now as its drying down the cloves are coming out and I think its giving me a headache.


    Strong clove and cinnamon notes tend to make me nauseous and have headaches.

  5. I tend to love the sweeter scents...but I am enjoying this one...its warm but almost herby and earthy.

    Defintely the mrryh comes out quite a bit. I might have to buy this in a bigger bottle soon.


    **edited to add an updated review**



    Out of the bottle and wet this is a deep incensy, resin like fragrance. Definitely has some depth to it.


    On the dry down there is more sweetness coming out and it is very reminiscent of my beloved Snake Oil.


    After a few hours, final thoughts are that is super similar to Snake Oil. As I'm running out of Snake Oil, I think Ill keep this and maybe switch over until this is gone.

  6. Oh my god. I love this....almost as much as Dana O'Shee.


    Wet -- its very strong of the amber. My fiance thought it was very honey smelling and to him it smelled like LUSH Honey I washed the Kids.


    Dry and during the die down it was more amber and a soft powedery smell...must be the vanilla.


    The fiance swore up and down all day that it was honey smelling to him. And now he really wants some......


    So I've hooked him on LUSH and BPAL.

  7. Hollywood Babylon - very sweet when wet and first put on the skin. Almost too perfumey for me. But as its dying down....i get more like strawberry and cream.....you can defintely smell the strawberry and vanilla combo....but still kind of more like a perfume smell. Im not sure about this one. I will have to wear it a bit more and see.


    This is really strong. I smelled it all day. I was knitting for a little while...and when my knitter friend picked up my work to look at it....she said my yarn now smelled like Hollywood Babylon.

  8. Vice - Very chocolate when I first put it on.....like chocolate cake batter with cherries on top. It has since died down to a nice chocolate smell....still a little of the cherries there. If you were to buy a box of chocolate covered cheeries and open it up and take a big whiff.....what you smell....would be Vice. I would buy this one again.

  9. I just got this in a swap and tested a tiny bit on my hand. It does smell an awful lot like LUSH Snowcake soap.


    I love it.


    This is pure almond, pure mazipan creamy deliciousness. Defintely one of my favorite BPAL fragrances. A true HG of perfumes.
