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Posts posted by JazzieCazzie

  1. When I first opened the imp, I thought "uh oh, bubble gum" but as soon as I put it on, whatever note that was mellowed into a much richer and fruitier scent.


    I generally don't like fruity, but this one was different ... I never thought of pineapple, for some reason, but kept thinking peach or maybe even mango ... yet, not the synthetic fruit-flavory scent, rather the scent from an orchard of ripe fruit on a late summer afternoon. Just subtle and tangy enough to work ...


    On later drydown, it got sweeter and a bit bubble-gummy again, but not unpleasantly so. Right now, maybe two hours later, it's still definitely noticeable and deeply fruity. This may be my first-ever fruity keeper!!! (Maybe it works on my because I'm Jewish, LOL???)


    AND ... this prompted my first ever unsolicited compliment! From a woman next to me at the postal shop, where I was coincidentally sending off a dozen imps in a swap!!!

  2. Isn't it funny how all of us smell the mint first but the next notes are anyone's guess ... I can't wait to see the "official" description ...


    Sadly, much as I love mint, this one didn't work for me ... not sure why. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was I didn't like ... it's vaguely watery, perhaps lotus, which someone mentioned and which has never been a good note on me ... it just smelled "off" on me ... it was all I could do to wait it out and not jump in the shower.

  3. This is one I'd chosen as an imp, based on the description, because I do love mint. But sadly it didn't work for me ...


    I loved the mint in the initial wet scent ... but on drydown the mint kind of morphed out into something much more aqueous which made me scrunch my nose up. And it really had legs so I was scrunching it all night (fortunately, my daughter liked it and since she was with me, she didn't think I was stinky).


    I would have loved this to be a keeper but instead it's my loss and Spark's goodie-package gain :P

  4. This one is very interesting and like others I'm having trouble pinning down the notes, but then again that's not something I'm very good at to start with :P


    But my first thought when it went on wet was ... pepper???


    There's something very foody in an unsweet way, like something you might use making chicken soup or something.


    There's also something in it that kind of reminds me of childhood arts and crafts, that paste we would use, but not in an unpleasant way, just in an evocative one. (ETA: Now that it's 2013 and I have more BPAL experience, I can attest that would have been the wet patchouli scent for me which is "nursery school paste" but in a good way).


    As it's drying, I get more of the patchouli or cedar sense that others are mentioning. I really like this scent but maybe not as a perfume, more as a room scent or something. It is somehow quite calming. I think I'd like it in a candle or something like that ... or a car scent.

  5. I probably don't have anything much to add that hasn't been said before me but I did want to chime in on this one because it's become, much to my surprise, one of my favorite BPAL scents.


    I don't think I ever would have thought to order it on my own based on description, but Summer (see above) sent it to me in a little gifty-swap and I'm in love ...


    Wet, it is very hazelnutty/chocolate/vanilla. But it dries down to almost pure sandalwood, which I have found to be one of my favorite BPAL notes.


    Here is the one thing I would add, and I'm also going to post this in the thread that is devoted to this ... if you are a Lushie, I think this would go really well with Gentle Lentil -- that same kind of "chocolate and vanilla at the same time creaminess.




    Working my way through all of my BPAL and am almost done as I finish up the Vs tonight. After trying Velvet I bought a 10 ML bottle and it is from a decanted imp from that bottle that I am reviewing now ... so this is obviously a well-aged scent.


    IN THE IMP: The absolutely perfect marriage of chocolate and vanilla. Just a moment after that first sniff, the sandalwood also escapes from the imp and waves hello.


    Dabbed lavishly on wrist and in crook of arm.


    WET: I no longer get any hazelnut from this (which is good because I've discovered I'm not a big fan of the nutty notes). I think my original observation that this is not unlike Lush's Gentle Lentil is still accurate, a blend of cocoa and vanilla with the soft resin of the sandalwood to round it off and keep it from being a truly foody scent.


    DRYDOWN: This has great legs and throw, with the sandalwood becoming the most prevalent note as time passes but with that cocoa blend still floating in the background.


    OVERALL: This is my favorite of the BPAL chocolate/cocoa scents (and I am a fan of them). It ages absolutely magnificently.


    On a scale of 1-5, a 5.

  6. My big negative issue with CCNow is their misleading info when looking up the status of an order. When they say an order has "Shipped", it means that the Lab has received the order and it's in the queue for them to fill. It does not mean the shipment is on it's way.


    I don't think CCNow INTENDS to be misleading. As far as they are concerned, they have done their job ... the fact that BPAL then has the order for up to a month before THEY ship it really isn't CCNow's problem and in fact they seem to be unaware of just how long that turnaround is ...


    I know this because I e-mailed CCNow a few days ago because I lost my credit card and I wanted to make sure that the charge had already gone through for the current order (placed July 10, "shipped" July 14) ... I figured with all the backup at BPAL right now, if the charge hadn't already been placed and it got declined it would go back to the bottom of the queue and I might not get my order until Thanksgiving, LOL.


    Anyway, I got a personal response from CCNow within THE HOUR! Confirmed that the charge was fine and that they figured I should have gotten my package by now since it shipped July 14. So clearly they are not familiar with the BPAL situation either. They're just doing their own job.

  7. I could have sworn I'd posted on this yesterday but it's nowhere to be found ... anyway, when I first got this in a set of imps on my first order I thought I'd like it a lot based on the description, but it did nothing for me at all ... to the point that I swapped it away.


    I got another imp of it as a freebie in my most recent order and decided to give it another try, and it's really growing on me ... but this morning I figured out EXACTLY what it smells like (and apologies to those who hate comparisons to other existing scents): Crabtree and Evelyn's Nantucket Briar line.




    Purchased as part of an impapalooza order from the Lab in February


    IN THE IMP: Spicy incense, with the incense and the carnation the two predominant scents. Which is a good thing.


    Applied generously to wrist, crook of arm and cleavage as part of dual-scent-testing morning.


    WET: That delicious "comfort pharmacy" scent for me. Clean, sacred, grounding. Despite all the outdoorsy notes that are listed, to me it's a very "indoor scent." Someplace safe and clean and cozy.


    DRYDOWN: Remains true to its original scent, which, to me, is incense and carnation, two of my very favorite notes. It has good legs and slight throw but is not "in your face" at all.


    OVERALL: This is something I need to get in a big bottle. It's a light and lovely scent I feel I could wear anywhere at anytime, that would make me happy but not be offensive to anyone around me.


    I do still see why I made the Nantucket Briar comparison ... it has that clean spicy woodsy gentle scent.


    SCORE: On a scale of 1-5, a definitely 5.

  8. I bought a 5 ML of this based solely on the description, even though I am usually a floral (lilac, lavender, tuberose) kind of a girl, and I am so glad I did. This is delicious, warm, spicy without being in your face about it. I couldn't stop sniffing myself for hours ... and for those of you who are Lushies, it is divine with Hot Toddy.




    From an imp I decanted from my own bottle which remains from the 2004 release. It's actually been decanted into a different 5 ML cobalt bottle because I had an issue with the bottle cap way back when ... I'd estimate I still have about 2.5 ML remaining (it's a slightly different shape than the BPAL bottles which makes it tougher to be accurate eyeballing with the amount -- same issue with my bottle of unreleased Peace, which I'll revisit when I get to the Ps).


    IMP: An eye-opening blend of pepper and spice!


    Applied to wrists, crook of arm and cleavage.


    WET: My first thought was that it's a slightly spicier and gentler version of Anne Bonny, which was yesterday's revisit scent ... which also allowed me to identify the frankincense part of the AB! This just adores my skin and vice versa, melding into the most intoxicating blend of golden spice, fizz and comfort.


    DRYDOWN: When it dries, another very light layer of a new scent comes out that I can't put my finger on but which is definitely familiar from other BPAL scents. Slightly "funky" but not in a bad way (Hod comes to mind, no pun intended, so maybe I should check the notes that were ascertained by other BPALers on that one to see if there is something in common).


    OVERALL: I find it so interesting to note my initial comments ... it's true that when I first ventured into BPAL buying, I went floral because it seemed safer, since I knew which florals I liked. But as I got more daring, I discovered that, in fact, I'm NOT a floral girl ... I am definitely a pepper-ginger-resin-spice girl (Scary, maybe, or Ginger). I think Aries was one of the first scents that made me realize that ... I'm so glad I still have some left. I save it for special occasions.

  9. Delicious. Cool and evocative of childhood memories I can't place (but I never went to church so that leaves that out) ... this is a scent I would not only wear out, but would wear on days I just want to relax and be contemplative. I would also love it as a bath oil for pure relaxation and reflection.

  10. I would have thought I might have liked this by the description, but it is absolutely horrible on me ... smells like cheap department store old-lady perfume and, naturally, is almost impossible to wash off.


    Of course, I had the exact same reaction to Embalming Fluid and many have compared the two, so I guess it makes sense.


    I would rank this with Kitsune-Tsuki at the very bottom of my BPAL list. I wonder what note my body hates so much???

  11. I love this one ... it is one I got as a free imp and it is SO a keeper ... on application, it is green and fresh and herbal and interesting. On drydown, there is more of a spiciness I can't place but I love it!!!




    Received an imp of this as lagniappe in a swap and cannot for the life of me figure out why I didn't re-order this and/or have a big bottle! SO grateful for the reminder!


    IN THE IMP: Primarily lavender, but with that bit of softening from the other notes.


    Applied on wrist and in crook of arm.


    WET: The frankincense rises immediately upon meeting my skin to join the lavender, and the two make a fantastic complement to one another.


    DRYDOWN: I definitely got lucky with this. The rose comes out just enough to make it a bit more complex but doesn't get "in your face" rosy on me like it does in many blends. And as far as I can tell I am getting NO neroli (which is good because that can be really bubble-gum on me) and if I'm getting lemon verbena, it's not something I recognize.


    OVERALL: This is a fantastic blend on me and is going onto the "I want more!" list!


    On a scale of 1-5, about a 4.8

  12. Is there a way we are supposed to know if our order shipped on the 10th? I am doubting mine did, since it's only been less than four weeks since I placed my order ... my CC Now order says shipped May 31 (I ordered May 25) but obviously I know that just means you guys "harvested" my order that day ...


    However, I have never gotten any kind of e-mail or anything in the past from BPAL or USPS or anyone else when my order has actually shipped. It's just shown up in my mailbox. :P


    ETA: On June 19, well, for the first time I just got an e-mail from USPS that my package was shipping "priority mail" today with a tracking link and everything! Woo hoo!!!


    I wonder why I never got one of these before? Perhaps to keep me from checking the link 82 times a day???

  13. For some strange and wonderful reason, while most of the heavily rosey (rosy?) scents here don't work on me at all, this one was divine! The apple blossom and ylang-ylang scents were definitely the overriding notes on me, which I just loved. I bought a 5 ML bottle and can't wait!!!




    I look at this review, and I look at the non-rose notes in the blend, and I can't figure out -- or remember -- why I don't have any Eve in my collection. So I added it to my "imp wishlist" and my fairy godmother swap-friend added an imp as lagniappe. And I remember why Eve has been such a confuzzling heartbreaker for me.


    IN THE IMP: The apple blossom is the predominant note and reminds me so much of my childhood and, in particular, a "kid cologne" I owned that came from Avon, I think, and was a little blue bird in a translucent green plastic egg.


    WET: As it usually does, the honey amps immediately, and the ylang-ylang comes right after it. Those are another two of my favorite notes so for awhile there I smell like apple blossom, honey and ylang-ylang and that is DIVINE.


    DRYDOWN: I am pretty sure I wrote my 2004 review within a short time of applying Eve. I definitely didn't wait for full drydown. Because on full drydown everything's coming up roses. And I remember why Eve broke my heart. *sigh*


    OVERALL: I think this would be great as a bath oil or something where I can maintain the "wet" note without the drydown. But, sadly, the rose factor is too much for me and I will somewhat wistfully pass it on to someone that will love it more.


    On a scale of 1-5, 3 for the lovely complexity but not the drydown.

  14. I am really surprised by how much I like this one ... I ordered it off the site description, mainly because I LOVE Lush Sakura ballistic which is also cherry blossom ...


    Then, when I was reading the reviews here, I started thinking "uh oh" ... and then when I tried the Imps Ear I was sent as an extra of Kitsune-whatever, which I HATED, I thought I was not going to like this at all.


    I can't stand fruity scents, normally. But this one was lovely and odd and strange and mesmerizing. I'd get a hiff of grapeyness, but a deep red-purple one that had some spice to it ... like glogg, maybe, more than wine.


    When I do first try, I apply it sparingly, to wrists and inner arm ... I am looking forward to my next test drive on this one where I will put on a little more and if I still like it, this could definitely be a 5 ML purchase (so far, with four imps ears left to try, it looks like I will be buying six of the eight that I chose for myself in my 12 imps ears package, as well as another 5 ML of my old favorite Veil ... I am thinking I did some very good choosing!!!)


    UPDATE JULY 10, 2005: Interesting turn of events ... on that aforementioned test drive I didn't like this AT ALL and ended up swapping it ... but as you can see that was also early in my BPAL-dom ... I re-ordered this recently and also got it as a frimp, so I have yet another imp forthcoming ... I wanted to give it another try and am now going to review this with a newer and I'd like to think more sophisticated nose ...


    BOTTLE: For whatever reason I am getting almond!!!

    WET: A sugary medicinal cherry combined with almond. NOT Sakura but nevertheless intriguing. I usually hate cherry but this works for me and I keep sniffing my wrist ... It's very sweet candy!

    DRYDOWN: The anise rises and I smell like a Good N Plenty but a really complex sophisticated one.

    I am so glad I tried this again ... it's not something I would wear on a regular basis but it is definitely a keeper this time around!!!


    ON a scale of 1-5 I'd give it a strong 4.

  15. This is one where I didn't think I liked the scent in the vial, but ON me, I loved it ... probably the first non-floral BPAL that's worked for me ...


    The cedar is definitely the overwhelming scent and for me that's a very comforting one ... I wouldn't know the smell of a church from Adam, but when I was little we had this cedar-lined closet in our apartment (named, appropriately enough, the "cedar closet") where my family stored winter clothes in the summer, old suitcases and, at birthdays and holiday time, "hid" our presents (like we didn't know where they were). Sometimes when I was young and needed to get away I would go in there and sit on the floor and just breathe in the woody smell and be calmed by it.


    It took me a few minutes of sniffing my wrists and arms (I put it in the inner crook of my elbow and on my wrists when I'm testing it) to realize that the familiarity of the scent comes from the closet.


    Definitely a 5 ML purchase on this one. (Thanks, Andra, for the swap!)




    Bought an imp of this to add to my stash and am revisiting from that, with a little more note-specific knowledge than I had 9 years ago!


    IN THE IMP: Frankincense, frankincense, frankincense and cedar.


    Dabbed on wrist and in crook of arm.


    WET: Frankincense, frankincense, frankincense and cedar, cedar, cedar.


    DRYDOWN: See above.


    OVERALL: Love love love love love. But yes, I am much more familiar now with the scent of frankincense, thanks to BPAL (how else would a nice Jewish girl be familiar with it???) so some of what I thought was pure cedar was actually frankincense. Cedar is a little sweeter on me while frankincense is dryer. Combined? Truly divine. Pun intended or not.


    On a scale of 1-5, a 5.

  16. I absolutely adore this ... yes, definitely similarities to Veil (which is my favorite BPAL scent so far), a little lighter but also, somehow, a little more tropical and passion-flowery. Not only a keeper, but definitely one I will buy a 5 or 10 ML of on my next order (along with more Veil and Twilight) ...


    My daughter, who tends to either be critical or not say anything, was leaning over my shoulder and commented "You smell great!" Ding ding ding ding ding!!!

  17. Wow, I am clearly not only in the minority here but the minority of ... um, one. I HATED this ... I tried to stick it out for about 15 minutes to see if it started to dry down and I just couldn't stand being in my own body. I washed it off as best I could and I can still smell it and it turns my stomach.


    It is WAY too fruity for me ... I can't put my finger on it but it reminds me of something else, maybe one of the Bath and Body Works splashes? The kind that people slather on and you don't want to get near them but are usually stuck next to them on a subway or something ...


    With the other BPAL scents that haven't "done it" for me, I've been kind of meh. This one is just nauseating ... so it figures with my luck that it seems to have legs as well. Even now I can't get it out of my nose. I wish I could go shower again but I'm at work. Ick.


    I don't smell any jasmine or orchid or daffodil. Just fruity fruity plum.

  18. This is definitely not for me, but I can't put my finger on what the notes are that I don't like (maybe the sage, since I'm not sure I could recognize that anyway) ... I don't see it as green on me, just kind of sickly sweet, nothing special, more "department store" scent than most of the BPAL scents (IIRC, Embalming Fluid was the other one I felt that way about).


    Ah well ... one more for the swap list :P

  19. Another one that didn't really work on me and I am starting to wonder if it's something about me and rose scents (even though I love them in bubble bath a la Amandopando and Softy and Tisty-Tosty) ...


    When I first put it on, it was overpoweringly sweet like baby powder with a touch of bubble gum. Dried down much later I liked it more, kind of a wild rose scent. But overall, it just was too cloying for me. Again, one that could definitely work as a bath oil and that's what I'm going to try.


    EDITED MARCH 21, 2005: I received another frimp of this with my last order and decided to try it again ... and this time I love it! Go figure ... NO bubblegum, no powder ... just a very comforting, warm and familiar scent sort of like the closet where we used to keep all of our soaps and medicinal supplies. It reminds me quite a bit of Spellbound ...

  20. I never got an e-mail from USPS, BPAL or anyplace else on my last order, not on the first one that got lost nor the second one that didn't. The only way I have any clue as to the status of my order, and even that is vague, is that it lists on CCNow as "shipped" which means that BPAL actually has the order. Maybe I'll get a USPS e-mail this time, who knows. As long as I get my package, that's enough for me.

  21. Sounds like a plan!!! Of course, you'll have to pass me one of those cyber-beers (thoough I'm more of a cyber-wine girl myself) ... where do you live? I'min the Washington DC area (Maryland).


    In case anyone cares (probably not, but I like seeing the list), these are the 12 Imps Ears I ordered!!!!! Squeeeeeeeeeeee ...


    -- Chypre

    -- Eve

    -- Whitechapel

    -- Les Fleurs du Mal

    -- Nocturne

    -- Delight

    -- Lolita

    -- Lorelei

    -- Succubus

    -- Spectre

    -- Old Kyoto

    -- Old New Orleans


    I actually got a Succubus in a swap (I like it for bath oil more than perfume I think) and have a Chypre and Spectre coming in another swap, but the other nine will be all new to me (and of course I have all 10 fingers crossed that I will get a few additional Imps Ears as well!!!!! But not assuming it ...)

  22. Jazzie:


    I'm an April 12, and I checked this morning and it said Shipped, so hopefully we'll be getting those soon


    Wow, enozgirl, I hope you're right ... I thought I read they only go in and swoop up orders en masse about once a week, though, so if that's the case then I guess they stopped swooping right when they got to mine. Wonder if it's because I'm whining about it??? :P
