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Posts posted by quimerula

  1. Wet it's oleander and spices, a bit sweet in a caramel way.

    Something in the spices reminds me of Snake Oil, maybe there are some in common.

    Drying the magnolia comes out just a bit, and goes less sweet.

    Smoky, interseting and sexy, it's better when dry.

    We don't get along well, but again it's my skin's chemistry fooling me (I guess).

  2. It starts with a clean, neat rose note, strong and quite true, with a very subtle leather undertone.


    It's more inocent than what I expected, but as time goes by the leather grows up a bit, making it more interesting.


    I really like it, but I wouldn't mind if the leather was stronger... I'm pondering to layer it with some De Sade.

  3. Wet it's strong myrrh with the flowers on the bottom, more rose than jasmine.


    As it dries down the jasmine goes stronger, and myrrh is a perfect note to support the flowers.


    Inviting but distant, feminine but not carnal. I close my eyes and see the evil stepmother that plays with men. Kind of "we will bed, but not yet... before you have to do something for me" and never keep the promise.


    It lasts quite a lot on my skin, and I find it perfect for the winter.

  4. Wet I smell more the vanilla note each time I use it, as someone else has said.


    Oriental with a hidden fresh point; tobacco?, bergamot?

    Maybe musk, patchouli or even myrrh? I can't pick up any clear note beside the vanilla one.

    It has a soft medicinal tone, maybe labdanum? OK, I have no idea and I'm totally lost.

    Misterious, warming and a bit bizarre. Quite intriguing.


    Anyway, it goes better as it dries down, and it's quite unisex.

    I bet it's better when aged. And it would be quite sexy in a man.


    I recognize that, since people say that it's an aquired taste, I gave it another try to find out that it's even worse. We don't match. We hate each other.

    Snake Oil sinked into every pore until it reached my brain and left me sleepless and with a continuous dizzyness, despite I surrendered and washed my hand with a lot of soap!

    I'm not saying it's a horrible one, nor even a bad one... it's just that we can't mate.


    *runs away before being killed*

  5. Wet it's just earth, moss and roses.

    Intense but not cloying, a bit odd but nice... a lot of contradictions!


    After a while the leaves are going stronger, giving this scent a green and fresh tone, and the earth gives it a powdery undertone (maybe dusty).


    It's like a fresh bouquet of dry roses... I know, another contradiction.

    Lovely, anyway!


    ETA: it is a gift from the lab, thank you very much!

  6. Green and sharp at first, in a kind of "cleaner" way. Is it eucaliptus what I smell?


    It's almost medicinal, but as time goes by it looses a bit of it's pungent scent and a hidden floral garden apears (but very subtle).


    Nice and fresh, good for both winter and summer.

  7. Wet is cocoa and vanille, with a light sandalwood and myrrh undertone.


    As it dries it switches upside down, and I can't smell the strong foody notes because they're very subtle now. It goes deeper and a bit darker, lovelier IMO.


    It's a perfect myrrh and saldalwood scent with something more that keeps it interesting and not as dry as they would be on their own.

    No chocolate scent for me, thanks!

  8. Wet is an adorable coffee/jasmine duo, but then mahogany comes out followed by the roses.

    After a while the coffe almost disappears, remaining a wonderful rose and jasmine floral with a subtle juicy (fig, tonka bean and vanilla) bottom.

    Strong and powerful, the balance between roses and jasmine changes several times.

    When dry the mahogany and a little hint of coffe can be noticed, intensifying the scent.

    Its feminine but not at all in a girly way. It's womanly and sexy, carnal and intriguing.

    I need a bottle of this! :P

  9. Wet it's quite like marzipan to me, and the honey is quite strong.

    Giving it some time the sweetness goes down, and a kind of smoky undertone is coming out. It melts with the skin in a very nice way.

    It's sexy and juicy, very nice when dry.

    It's just not me, but I will keep the imp. I only wish it would stay longer on my skin...

  10. At first the mango is quite strong, mixed with amber and lavender.

    Then the sage comes out just a bit and I can smell every note it has in.

    It's a sweet and smooth fruity, juicy but not in a cloyingly way.

    Lovely as a summer perfume, but just not my cup of tea. :P


    ETA: thanks to the lab for adding this to my order!

  11. This is a lovely single note indeed!

    It's green and fresh, but still delicate and very "clean".

    This single note is very true to the flower's perfume, and keeps being true once in my skin.

    It doesn't vanish quickly, quite the opposite, actually.

    I'm glad I've bought two imps, otherwise I would be regretting it just now.

  12. Wet it's way too marzipan-like, with a sublte sadalwood hint, but it morphes quickly letting the musk and the moss go stronger, turning it just a bit smooky.

    Drying the base notes go stronger, holded back by the star jasmine and the almond that's still there somehow, more in a buttery way, almost all gone.

    This is an oriental perfume, like the greatest classic of the past.

    With some time it goes softer and a bit sweet, letting (at last) the star jasmine have it's own space to grow up.

    At the end Salomé doesn't want the head of John the Baptist, she wants to find a good husband, settle down and have children. :P

  13. Wet the cedar is almost too much, hidding the rest of the notes and giving the scent a tone too woody for my taste; a quick turn puts the spices and the saffran in the first line, followed by the lotus.

    Drying the cedar goes softer and softer, blending with the spices and the sandalwood and keeping the lotus and the saffran in a leading role.

    I think this one smells just like an ancient chinese shop with all those spices and laqued furniture, with that mixture of powder and a bit of incensy sandalwood in the air.

    Lovely, I have to try it again to figure our how much it lasts.

  14. Indeed this is a quick changeling.

    It starts with an aquatic note, over sharp green and woody ones...

    And then it turns into a soft floral on my skin, keeping a silver-like cold final sensation that's barely there just like a star that looks brighter if you don't stare at it.

    There's a subtle hot spicy tone as it dryes down, making it quite misterious and still lovely... I need more!

  15. Lovely, lovely, lovely! I was hoocked at the very first sniff. :P


    Wet it's a floral scent with a green base; I pick up some lily of the valley and honeysuckle for sure, maybe with some bulgarian rose and white lilac... and some jasmine perhaps, not sure if star jasmine.

    A lot of white flowers but not a pure floral one, as the green bit withdraws those notes.


    Dry it goes deeper and greener, the honeysuckle winning in power against the white flowers.


    It's so clean and fresh... ant it has a lot of personality.


    I do need a bottle of this one! :D


    ETA: I have my bottle on my desk, and I will use it a lot this summer! :D

  16. Wet is fresh but whith a nice body behind, maybe due to the maple leaf.

    Dry it goes like a soft floral bouquet with green and cold undertones, making it a perfect winter scent.

    Really nice, I will probably buy a bottle for next winter. :P

  17. Wet the lavender and the fruits are strong, with a touch of chamomille.

    But soon it turns soapy. :P OK, no more grapefruit for me...

    And the lasting power wasn't too impresive.

    Going to the swap pile, and I wish I loved it...

  18. Fresh I smell the grapefruit and the ginger, with white tea and apple blossom behing.

    I find it fresh and fruity, with a soft spicy tone... perfect for the summer.

    After a while the roles are inverted, the tea and the flower go stronger over the other notes... to end with a soapy tone. I think my skin just hates grapefruit. :P

  19. Wet I get the fruity undertones, and it's quite too sweet for my taste.

    As it dryes down it goes more like the scent I find in the flowers (freesia is my favourite flower, by the way) a bit powdery but just not as strong as smelling the fresh ones.

    But I have to say that it doesn't stay too much on my skin. :P

  20. Wet I can smell the dragon's blood as a rich and not too sweet note, the pepper (dry and sharp) and a bit of the cinnamon.

    As time goes by the clove turns up to compensate the smell, and I get strong chaish undertones with this one.

    Warm and a bit sweet, I wish wrath would be like this! :P


    ET: change the spelling.

  21. OK, I've got a problem.

    I've tried Curious and I've found out that I really love magnolia... but my pride doesn't allow me to buy such a thing.

    So I've been around the site and I've found that Hell's Belle and La Belle au Bois Dormant have both magnolia between their notes, Hell's Belle has been already ordered a while ago (and I hope the Click and Ship will come soon) but La Belle au Bois Dormant has pear... and I'm not too sure about it.

    Any other magnolia scents that I haven't found?

    Thank you very much.


    Edited because my cat pressed a lot of keys without me noticing it before sending the post. It's true! LOL :P
