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BPAL Madness!


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About artemisia

  • Rank
    a little too imp-ulsive
  • Birthday 08/10/1948


  • Location
    too far from the ocean
  • Country
    United States

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  • BPAL of the Day
    October 2010
  • Favorite Scents
    Dead Leaves, various — Pile of Fallen Leaves — Visions of Autumn 6 + 7

Profile Information

  • Pronouns
  • Interests
    Learning, travel, wildlife rescue, Fifth Column endeavors, working to repeal the 2nd Ammendment, collage/mixed media/book & paper arts, jewelry designing/making, non-digital books, magazines & newspapers.
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  • Astrological Info
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  1. Just read your comments about A Boar & a Goat mentioning that it smells like almonds & Amaretto and wondered if you know Amaretto is made from almonds. Now that you know you can win more money on Jeopardy. But you have to split it with me ;o)

    1. Casablanca




      Amaretto has almonds, but it's also hella syrupy. I don't remember now, but I was probably getting some syrup with those almonds. ?


  2. Pkg landed! With a splash! Many hugs for all the little sensory adventures ???



  3. Would you take $20 and wait a few days for payment? I’m waiting for 2 PayPal refunds to transfer to my bank.




  4. O, I am absolutely crushed. I can’t pay $43 for World Octobers. We’re you always in Germany? Thought I’d bought from you before.


    :: exits weeping ::

    1. Ashmedai


      Hi! Aw yeah, I always was in Germany. Problem is the postal system has new rules now and items other than documents or letters can't be shipped in a bubble mailer anymore. They have to go into a box, and that raises the postage. Believe me, I'm just as upset about this as you are! And yes, I'll sell it for $20 if you still want it. I'll go check the PM you sent.

    2. artemisia


      I’m pretty sure I can do this even tho I feel a little insane even considering it ?. Let me see if my refunds have processed thru PayPal yet. I’ll be back.

      Well ... guess what? Let’s do this! Now I’m feeling kinda thrilled at the prospect of smelling Octobers again and feeling it working its autumn magic on my dead of Deep South summer self. :: drifts dreamily away ::

  5. Hope I just sent you a message but since I come here in the fall I thought I should write here, too. Would love World with No Octobers, if you still have it — lmk, thanks. Lynn

  6. artemisia

    The Drunk Astronomers

    This is the fragrance I first associated with BPAL more than 10 years ago heavy, sweet, overwhelming even. But, since I had never smelled anything like it, I was smitten. Over the years Ive grown to love lighter blends Dead Leaves variations, Octobers, Envy, for instance. Now this feels like being clobbered with a amber-musk sledgehammer or forced to inhale jasmine pimp oil. Not for me any more, alas. An ancient astronomer might have gargled a little to disguise the alcohol on his breath though and lovers of Haunted, Perversion, Red Queen and the like might fancy it. All that said, I tried to wash it off with lemon verbena soap and 30 minutes later, softened into submission, its still not my huckleberry. ISO: Pile of Fallen Leaves SN, A World with Octobers, Pepper ...
  7. [No additional description provided.] Imagine youve invited your 3 favorite people to eat dinner with you on Halloween. All three are smart, interesting and attractive and youre excited because youre sure theyre going to love each other. But unexpectedly something goes awry! When the three arrive, not only are they not talking, they arent even acknowledging the others. OMG! Is the moon in Mercury? Thats how this blend affected me. Individually, the 3 notes are among my Top 10, especially the BPAL earthy, green-spiced dead leaves (as in Pile of Fallen Leaves). It can be mid-August with temps in the hundreds and murderous humidity but a sniff of the SN tricks my brain into imagining mushrooms, rain-soaked earth and drifts of maple leaves outside. The smooth, soothing, spicy warmth of cedar seemed like a natural complement to the bite of green, maybe adding a subtly darker spice to the base. I wasnt so sure about the Lemon Verbena, even though LOccitane Lemon Verbena soap is almost always in a soap dish somewhere in my house. At best, I reasoned, it would work with the green spice of the leaves to enhance their invigorating rush. At worst I worried it might sink the boat. Im not savvy enough to know if thats where this Dead Leaves blend veered off course. But thats my guess since I got the references to Lemon Pledge I remember from reviews of other blends. Color me Sad. Hoping time would encourage the notes to cooperate, I was about to store my bottle. Then, on a whim, I decided to try a 50/50 mix with some of my beloved Pile of Dead Leaves. The result is a greener, spicier fragrance that seems more grounded (or rounded) than either blend alone. Im completely delighted with this serendipitous concoction. Earlier, I had tried layering the two but being in the same bottle enables them to enjoy each others company more fully. OCTOBER 2018: What a difference a year makes! The 3 components have commingled and the result seems very nearly perfect to my nose - deeper, rounder and smoother, if a green scent can be described as round. I havent bought a backup bottle in years but its definitely time.
  8. artemisia

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    I keep wondering if it's safe to order a bottle again in the hopes of getting the oil I actually wanted. This dark one seems like an error no one will cop to, frankly. It doesn't match the description at all, while the older one did. It would be nice if someone would acknowledge an official change and alter the scent description to reflect it, or acknowledge the mistake and fix it. I don't even begrudge the money, frankly, I just want the bubbly ginger. This sounds like the issue I had with Dee last year. I have an ancient 4oz bottle and a 5ml from 2012 that smell amazing, and 2 bottles from 2013 that don't remotely smell the same. I've only been back about 8 mos. after a yearlong sabbatical and already have had huge discrepancies in Antique and 2 other 5ml. So, naturally I was interested in this thread. I decided to write you since Dee is an old fave and it's about time to buy a bottle but now ... ??? I dunno. Has anyone every asked for a refund or talked to Beth about this expensive and disheartening problem? If so, I'd love to hear the outcome.
  9. artemisia

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    My problems so far have been Antique and Tisiphone, a relatively new fragrance and a classic from the Lab's early days.The difference is the same -- there's a mellow Antique and Tisi and a sharp, almost unpleasant version of each. Is the difference due to using different sources for the components when the original sources run out? Do batches of the same oils from the same suppliers also vary? Or both? If so and they smell different, I thought that's when particular BPAL blends are discontinued temporarily or altogether. As far as yearly variations go, I always assumed that Beth was experimenting, tweaking last year's blend to improve on it. Now, I'm not so sure. Raven Moon, for instance, was made in 2009 and 2012. The 2009 version has depth and mystery and is IMO one of the most successful blends BPAL has ever produced. When I ran out of my first bottle, someone encouraged me to take a chance on the 2012 version since "the ingredients are the same." Yes, they are but without looking at the label I wouldn't have known my second purchase was Raven Moon. I can understand that an older imp of Tisi might have lost some of its freshness but how do we explain the older blend smelling better? It's disappointing because BPAL oils, on my small budget and those of lots of us, are expensive. Not saying it costs more than it's worth when it's consistent. Definitely not. But when it isn't, I understand why people look to other small companies (Conjure Oils, Blooddrop, Solstice Scents) for what's sometimes lacking in BPAL. Has Beth ever addressed this issue in any way? If so, I'd be very interested in her reponse.