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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by tativa

  1. I was pleasantly surprised by this one. I almost didn't try it on because I dreaded the florals.


    Its golden, and floral and lovely... the ginger comes out quite a bit in the first few minutes.


    And then it dries down to something mentholy that reminds me of my grandma (tiger balm and lily of the valley perfume perhaps?).


    And then it changes back and forth between that stage and floral sunshine.


    I'm not quite sure how I feel about her... but i'll keep the imp.

  2. Oh! This is exactly what I had hoped Bezoar would be (it went minty on me). It reminds me alot of the lion... and like the lion I believe that this will smooth out and sweeten with age.


    Great summer scent... definitely feels like hay and lemony sunshine.


    Its beautiful now... but I believe it may grow up to be an ambery knockout!

  3. At first it smells like a wonderful spicy subtlely berry gingerbread... yumm... I can see the hermia references (which started off good on me too, and then turned into amber powder)


    I loved it... and then within 10 mins my skin ate it up. I had my nose glued to my wrist for the next hour, looking for something, anything. But alas, Pepper was lost.


    My skin must have seen the evil grinning red head on the label, and gone 'o, thats me.' and eaten all the smell. O Pepper... we had so much in common!


    It is beautiful while it lasts, but officially the shortest lasting BPAL on me ever!


    Edit 2/17/09:

    This has aged divinely! Its one of my to 10, and def my fav pink pepper scents ever. Its creamy, and soft, but with a kick. Lasts quite a while too.

    It was just meh for the first few months, but man does pepper age well.

  4. this scent would have been beautiful, if it didnt have lilac... I have determined its a fail note on me over the course of CD.


    I can totally see the sunblock references.


    Oh, coconut... how can you betray me like this? This is the first coconut bpal blend that hasn't been absolutely lovely on me.


    I'll give it another try in a few days... but likely off to swaps.

  5. The two prominent scents to my nose are frankincense and cedar. Probably some sandalwood as well.

    Woody incense.

    Bright and happy (frankincense is starting to be explored medically as an antidepressant, which is really cool in my mind), lets see how today goes. The scent is very uplifting.

  6. i didn't get any incense or snake oil... in fact after temple viper was scared to try snake oil until the lab frimped me with it.


    temple viper was grape baby powder on me


    went right off to swaps so it can be properly loved by someone with different skin chemistry.

  7. smells very rosey... not a huge fan. But let me promise you... it worked very very well *winks*


    edit: it worked again today... not as extreme as yesterday (long story. but worked for both of its uses). But I met so many people... and if i wasn't so tired, I would have gone to dinner with them.

    This stuff is pure magic... all I have been doing is anointing my chakras and wrists with intent.

  8. there is the blood garden from CD act 4. Also the chapel has blood.

    I'm in love with Mort de Cesar and Valentine of Rome. I have it bad for the blood accord. On me it dries down to an almost metallic, but still palpably "alive" scent if that makes sense. I did a search and blood accord is only really used in select LEs. Does anyone know of any scents that are GC or more widely available LE that have a scent similar to the blood accord?

  9. its tamora the dominatrix... peach totally takes over in this blend on me... like a chocolate covered peach. Its a little too foodie for me... but I will hold on to it and age it and see if it gets any less foodie.


    Edit: its alot less foodie now that its had a few days to mellow... reminding me more of les bijoux now. A darker version of it, but similar. Neroli is coming out to play now.


    Edit a month later: Its really smoothed out to match the picture. I smell it and think... slippy snake! At first i thought it to be too similar to les bijoux to require hoarding... but its turned into something completely different, alas beautiful. The scent is starting to balance itself out with age... neroli, peach and just a hint of cocoa patchouli. I need more!

  10. A cluster of wooden wagons stands off to the side of the Midway, removed from the bustle of the dirt-caked makeshift street. A bonfire burns in the center of the lot, shining its light on a tattoo-covered woman. The images embedded in her skin writhe like living things, and the sigils that mark her glow faintly. She is filing her nails and smoking a cheroot while chatting idly with an impassive naked blonde who has been hoisted into the air by thick, gleaming meathooks. The blonde is pinioned; the blackened metal cables that bind her hang tightly from the branches of a massive grey oak. Her skin seems strangely translucent, and her veins and arteries are boldly visible. Two painted signs are propped, sideways, against the side of the tree:


    The tattoo'd woman winks at you as you pass by. "Break time, honey," she growls, as she blows a smoke ring in your direction.

    White amber, vanilla musk, white tea, ambergris, gardenia, and chrome.

    In the bottle, it has a very mild astringent green teaish smell.
    On, at first it has a very light white tea smell to it
    5 minutes in, gardenia mixed with white tea, maybe a hint of resin.
    7-8 min... wow... the chrome is starting to make and appearance, its like a light shell over the 5 minute scent, taking down the floral's intensity a bit. Now its just playing around, making appearances and disappearances. It makes the tea feel shiny and lends it a perfume vibe.

    Doesn't seem to have a lot of throw. Very fresh and light. I'm going to have to wear this one for a walk later and edit my post, it seems like a very lovely summer scent.

    Edit: much more throw than I previously gave her credit for. With time the chrome dominates, making it a bit more perfumy than fresh... but I still love her and need at least another bottle.

    I tried it again today... this time I got the amber and light floral mixed with chrome perfume... She is really growing on me. I guess I am acquiring a 'torture fetish'. I really don't smell the torture though.
    Medium throw, So-So wearing length on the skin... great where it got on my shirt.

  11. BEZOAR
    Much smoother in texture than I had thought it would be. How does one employ it?
    Copaiba balsam, Tolu balsam, hay absolute, cardamom, and hiba wood.

    Interesting... I am covered in scents right now so I am likely going to come back and edit later... but this scent is definitely interesting. (And I'm starving for any info on the other new carnivals right now, so thought I would contribute what I can.)
    There is almost a rotting citrusy mint smell about this in the bottle, that really grows stronger, yet fresher on the skin. I'm liking it more and more as it warms up... its like the Antikytheric mechanism's grandfather. The Lion definitely is a family relation as well.
    After 5 minutes, the hay is really coming out, along with a fresher wood note and the cardamom... lets see how long this lasts. The hay seems to be crescendoing at the moment, as well as the cardamom.
    The throw isn't too strong on me... and the whifts seem to be a fresher version of what I get smelling it close up.
    Very close to the skin, very unisex.
    It smells like one of the earlier stages of the Lion's dry down. Well... a lion eating licorice instead of cake.

  12. Teakwood, oak, black vanilla, and tobacco.

    I am not a fan of the wet stage of this... but dry... it took me a while to place it, but it puts me in the same mind set of Piercing, a brazilian perfume I have not been able to get shipped to the US (from way back when before BPAL). I think AKM has more of a base not than that one though.

    Its so well blended that 15 mins into dry down, the only note I can pick out is the wood. Warm spicy delicious wood. I want to cuddle with my arm. I had to order a bottle after two times of wearing it... even though I shouldn't have.

    This one's popularity is not undeserved. Its a beautiful, very evocative scent. Not something I really see as being part of a steamworks line, it feels older, like old wood rather than mechanical.

  13. I feel like a bit of a cuddle whore saying this... but last night was the first night in a long time I was sleeping completely alone. Normally its the boyfriend, or I have crashed at a friend's... or a friend has crashed at my place, or I am at the parent's home with my sister a few feet away...


    So, needless to say I was a bit freaked out, and lurking about the internet for comfort until 4 am... That was when I decided Wulric might make a nice snuggle buddy... despite him ripping out girl's hearts.


    In the bottle, its a deep chocolate elixir.

    On the skin it starts out as an herby chocolate... at times I can pick out the lavender or ververt, but its so well blended they all have taken on the traits of the other. Its really comforting. Then the lavender really comes out to play for a bit.... Then I feel asleep. Good ol' lavender.


    Oh, and what a nice snuggle buddy he was... he stayed with me all night long... and when I awoke, he was a beautiful creamy chocolate... not feral or bitter at all. Yet, he wasn't a sappy and clingy cloyingly sweet either.


    I love you Wulric! :D I need to stock up lots and lots of bottles of you to sit on my night stand for nights I am alone or being an insomniac. I really like the scent, but I don't see myself wearing it out and about too much. You see... Wulric has become my secret night time lover :P


    Best sleep blend ever! The lavender has become a thing of comfort rather than the sharp harsh floral to which I am accustom. :D

  14. i think my skin eats up coffee (remembers misc u)... i never smell coffee in this at all. And it doesn't morph on me... weird.

    Its not an unpleasant scent, but it smells like a flatter Medea on me, all florals...

    Where is my coffee you whore?! *referring to Mata Hari of course*

    Still... flat jasmine/rose. As it fades away fairly quickly.

    Its very lady like though, and somewhat sophisticated. It just lacks any depth or character on my skin.


    I might have to get ahold of another imp at some point and retry it.

  15. agree with the red-hot sentiment, that is what i smelt at first. is it just me, or does the lab have a minty undertone to their cinnamon? All the ones I have smelt so far seem to.


    The almond comes out a little, but... where is my neroli *searches*?


    it seems to have drown in a sea of red-hots.

  16. mmm... such a good scent.

    Starbucks... gets taken over by zombis... and then an army of caramelized nuts come along and save the coffee beans, and run away and have a love child together. Then have a long and happy 6-7 hour marriage together... occasionally reading bedtime stories from the dusty bookshelf.

    That is the progression of this scent. So delicious in all of its forms... if you forgive it minutes 5-10.

  17. not sure about the duration or effects yet... but its doing a good job at getting me roused up.

    My friends were kinda grossed out by the smell though... so it definitely won't be a day oil agian. I don't really feel like i smell like much, but other people are being knocked out.

  18. mmm... to me this smells like sun bathed skin... perhaps what a nun would smell like if she sunbathed between masses?


    I love the complexity of this, and the feeling of it, but I don't see there being enough places to really wear this to justify a bottle.


    Its more of a feeling you want to have than a perfume you want to smell, IMO.
