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Posts posted by amnerine

  1. In the imp: Delicious and sweet, I can't place all of the scents but I can definitely smell the honey. I might be getting a faint undertone of either the apple blossom or the fig, but I can't tell for sure.

    Wet: Most everything fades out right away and then it's just pure honeycomb. I'm a little worried on that count since it's a bit too cloying for my liking....


    Drying: Oh! The honeycomb's gone, replaced with a sweet fig scent and it's kind of cloying, but might just be perfect for the upcoming hot summer weather! There's a bit of floral behind it that's very hard to detect, I can't really smell the peach, but the incense-y undertone that comes right at the end before the honeycomb hits again is my skin's reaction to sandalwood but it's almost hidden so I'm not minding it.

    Dry-fade: For the first time I've found a really complex bpal that hasn't morphed a ton on my skin during the dry-fade period! It's a bit more strong on the figs, but for the rest of it it's the same delicious overly-sweet summer scent. I'll give the imp a test run during this summer and if I like it....I'd seriously consider it for a bottle candidate.


    Later: After several hours (and a night's sleep) the scent's morphed and turned a little too sickly, but by then it's also very faint and you can only smell it by shoving your nose against it, so if it's washed off before then this scent should be no trouble whatsoever. The rest of the time I wouldn't advise putting the nose too close to the application point because it's got a decent throw and too close makes the scent too strong and sharp in the nose.

  2. In the imp: It's the scent of roses with a sweet undertone that I can't place. Maybe a touch aquatic? But it's really more of a whiff of that if there's any at all. It's a delicious and delicate scent.


    Wet: Instantly on my skin the pale sweetness dies away and it's just a strong, if lovely, scent of roses. It's mature and feminine and all I'd want out of a rose perfume if I was maybe...six or seven years older than my current nineteen.


    Drying: Okay, the roses are no longer quite as strong. It has a very decent throw and I can smell the sweetness under the roses again. I'm wondering if that's the moonflower because it smells like a floral, I just can't place it. And every so often I get maybe a hint of aquatics or something else. Could be the "midnight dew" could be something else entirely.


    Dry-fade: Roses, sweet roses, apparently this smells especially good on me because I asked my friend to smell my wrist and the first thing she said afterwards was "Get a bottle of this. Definitely." And she's really picky about scents too...usually she just tells me that the ones I like are okay or decent, but this one was a definite bottle. It's a bit like an expensive rose soap I used once, except that it doesn't have that strange tang soap sometimes develops.


    Later: It's almost nonexistent the morning after, just the faintest scent of lush roses, but the scent is so very very pretty! And the fact that it's lasted...seriously for over eight to ten hours....is pretty impressive, especially with my particular body chem since most scents tend to disappear on me (like The Hesperides T-T).


    Obviously, this is a bottle candidate. I love it to death and if you love rose scents this is a definite keeper for you! I'm also wearing a leather cuff that's not mine but a friend's, and the mix of roses and leather was also very tantalizingly delicious (in a completely different and not so feminine as moon rose manner) so a friend of mine suggested Whip. I might try it ^^

  3. In the imp: Sweet, kinda floral-y but not really. It's a generic enough smell, not much to actually pick out individual note wise. I'm wondering if this is a really well-blended scent, or if it's just the way the imp smells.


    Wet: Clean sort of scent, though it's more like a freesia soap than anything else at the initial moment of application. I think that familiar scent I'm remembering is the white musk...it's a sharp, not so mellow at first sort of scent. It's a bit...aquatic? Like the scent of the ocean sweetened by sunscreen. No, there goes that, it's back to florals again.


    Drying: Oh there are the florals. No rose scent that I love so much, but possibly that's because there are no roses in this one ^^. Whatever the flower is, I'm liking it quite a bit, though I do wish it wasn't quite so astringent...or at least not as sharp in the nose.


    Dry-fade: Florals...they're very sweet and innocent, a nice green scent for a quiet dinner for two with someone special or an idyllic walk in a forest with someone you can talk to. It's a little too floral-y for my picky picky tastes, but it's very good as a scent on the whole.

  4. Bright, sweet and youthful, but swelling with a poisonous sexuality. Glittering heliotrope, honeysuckle, orange blossom and lemon verbena.

    In the imp: Spicy and sweet, I can't really place any of the initial smells. It's just really spicy and sweet. Not the first thing that comes to mind when someone says "Lolita" but I can kinda see it.

    Wet: Spicy, vaguely minty, I think that might be the verbena actually since it's pretty herbal.... The orange is getting out a bit, this slight, sharp, bite of a scent, but I'm getting more of the "mature" than I'm getting the "youthful" at the moment.

    Drying: Fruity? It's vaguely like the orange fruit loops, but softer, so...orange blossoms? It's getting delicious and mellow, and I can definitely smell the blend of verbena with the orange blossom. I don't really know what heliotrope smells like so I can't say much about that, but there might be a faint hint of honeysuckle. My body chem tends to amp most fruit-related-blossom scents so that might be why I'm not getting any of that though.

    Dry-fade: NOW I'm getting the youthful! The orange blossom's definitely coming through, and I love how it blends with the verbena. It's a really cute scent! I might have to wear it longer to see if it's a real bottle candidate like Alice, but at the moment I'm liking it a lot. Definitely a sweet scent for everyday, just the way I like them ^^. Oh! Give it a little time and yum! It's both youthful AND has that scent that's reminiscent of a girl trying out mom's perfume for the first time and uncertainly trying new things. This is getting closer to bottle candidacy as I type! It's gone away from being sweet to being more spicy, but that just adds to the appeal. Like the character of Lolita herself, the scent does a lot of morphing before it's through.

  5. In the imp: It starts off very floral with a light hint of roses, there's a sharp...pale green sort of note to it that I'm guessing is just all the florals at the moment.


    Wet: Floral...I'm afraid it's going soapy on me!


    Drying: It's warming to my skin now, I'm feeling more of the hyacinth and I can definitely identify the roses though they're not super strong. I think the very faint sweet note somewhere in the middle is the vanilla, only you can't tell it's vanilla or something else unless you know it's coming. Everything else is just...blended into the florals because I can't smell it.


    Dry-fade: The florals aren't so sharp any more, which is nice, I like that. Vague, it's still a bit soapy though you can't really tell with the florals on. It wouldn't be something I would wear on a regular basis because it reminds me of my aunt...but if you like mature florals then I say go for it!

  6. In the imp: Pale, clear, very sharp floral scent, I think it's the wisteria because I'm not getting the softness of rose. It's sweet too, wonder what that is....


    Wet: Sharp florals, wisteria, getting a hint of the lavender, the sweetness is evaporating. Not a lot of throw but it's a vague cloud of scent around my wrists. Has a depth of scent that IS very melancholy.


    Drying: It's a very clean scent now, the florals are definitely there, with the sandalwood beginning to creep out. I can't identify any white musk, but it might just be hidden. It's very reminiscent of its namesake mood! I can definitely imagine a cliff with chill winds around it, flowers fading on a cold evening. Very evocative and emotional of a scent.


    Dry-fade: Ooh, roses are coming out now. Very floral, this scent smells a hint incense-y but that might be the sandalwood. The musk isn't really coming out but that might be my body chem killing it. It's okay because I'm not horrendously partial to it. I might not get a bottle of this, but I'd certainly try for another imp of this!

  7. In the imp: Almond? Cherries? Florals? Did I get the wrong scent?


    Wet: Nope, it's Alice alright. It's vague, lotion-y, with roses? I think I smell roses.


    Drying: Roses but oh so faint! Oh Alice I'd like you better if I could smell you more! There's the powder and lotion that I think might be the milk, but the roses are getting amped (if this scent could BE amped considering how faint it is on my skin) and the other scents are faintly lotion-y and almost not there at all!


    Dry-fade: I'm so sad. This scent is deliciously sweet and girlish and innocent and you can hardly smell it at all. Is my nose just dead or does my body chem just kill this pretty scent? If it was stronger or had a better throw it'd be perfect! I'll try this again later and see if it gets better because now I'm dying for a bottle and it's too faint to tell just yet!


    Later: I can still smell it faintly, it lasts a long long time, there just isn't all that much throw. And when I say a long time I mean I put it on last night around 6:30, and I can still smell it on my wrists more than 12 hours later. Yes some of that time was spent sleeping but that's a long time isn't it?

  8. In the imp: Fruity? Honey and rum I think. There's a bit of sweet almond that I can tell at once.


    Wet: Straight up rum and honey, with a hint of that almond again. The buttercream and hazelnut are, I think, what's giving this scent a musty and dark overtone. More like coffee....


    Drying: I'm getting a bite to it now, kind of bitter. I'm guessing it might be the hazelnut and rum combo. Not a bad scent but a bit thick and musty for my liking.


    Dry-fade: The buttercream is getting much more prominent, but there's still that darkness to it. It's not too bad now, and it's quite a nice scent without being too foodie, but I think I'm going to let it age a while first.

  9. In the imp: sweet, cinnamon-y, there's something vaguely vogue or commercial about it.


    Wet: A sweet, clean, flowery and rose-laced scent, I'm really getting the tuberose I think. It's a bit like classy soap at a hotel, but in a good way...like being a little kid and sniffing elegant soap for the first time and seeing silky dresses or something.


    Drying: Very floral, no longer sweet, it's vaguely tropical on me like a hidden beach! I don't need to shove my wrist up my nose to smell it, a gentle breeze with my wrist a foot away brings a hint of this delicious scent. I think the sweet, warm scent is a combination of the skin musk and the phlox.

    Dry-fade: It's like a sweeter version of a "beach" reminiscent perfume. It's tropical, sweet, it reminds me of sunscreen and the ocean and the sand on the beach on a warm day out in the sun. Bottle candidate for sure!

  10. In the imp: Cherries. sharp, delicious cherries. I can't smell anything other than cherries....


    Wet: Again, cherries, by the pound! The scent of cherries is almost overwhelming. They're good but it's a really strong note.


    Drying: Cherry blossoms! I was afraid it'd be all cherries again, but under the cherry not there was this sudden, sweet scent of cherry blossoms so that I had this lightning flash of flowers, dark wood, and silk kimonos.


    Dry-fade: Minty? That might be the star anise. Vague, still cherries, but mellower. Apparently I amp the cherries like no other, but the sandalwood and star anise are finally getting through, like vague ghosts. Very delicious, a bottle candidate for sure though it's pretty sweet.


    Much later: I wonder if it's because i kind of rubbed the fingers that had Frederic on them with the wrist that had Kyoto. It was good for about an hour, and then it went all play-doh on me.

  11. In the imp: Vaguely minty? There was a sort of salty scent to it, woodsy, with some pine-spice that might have been the bay rum. Couldn't smell anything else really.


    Wet: Musky, sharp and astringent, and then it was...nutty?


    Drying: Very nutty, it has a bitter and corrosive note I can't place. It's masculine and nothing I'd want on me or a guy I'm interested in.


    Dry-fade: Woodsy! The scent is getting slightly spicier and sweeter, but still very woodsy. The nutty note is much less but still apparent. There might be a "sea" or aquatic quality to it, but it's hard to tell under the woodsy scent. I can't smell the rose or the red current at ALL which is a disappointment, but it might be my body chem. Either that or this scent is too well blended because I can't pick out the individual notes. Not a scent I want on my guys, but it's very masculine so if you like that kind of thing....
