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Everything posted by Myrrha

  1. Myrrha

    The search for the perfect Violet....

    OK, thanks all for answering! I have tried Veil, thought it was a little too gentle and indistinct on me. I'm not sure about sugary scents as I haven't tried any yet. I have an imp of Hope on the way and that will help me decide if I like the sugary florals.
  2. Myrrha

    The search for the perfect Violet....

    Could someone who has Faith please tell me how much vanilla is in it? A few of the reviews mentioned vanilla and it doesn't work on me at all, horrible play-doh scent. Maybe the reviewers were mistaken and there isn't vanilla in it but instead a sort of creamy note?
  3. Is Rose Red '08 different from the '07? I noticed in the Rose Red reviews that some of the years were different. '07 is amazing on me but I was hoping to read a review of the '08 before I buy it.
  4. Myrrha

    The Churchyard

    Wet -- I LOVE the first phase of this perfume. The rose doesn't overpower it just lends a floral, lady-like tone. The green notes are interesting and fresh. Like Witching Time of Night or Bat it gives the feeling of plants at night but this time without the white flowers. I've worn the scent three times hoping that this initial phase will last but it doesn't. As it dries -- After 10 minutes the green notes are not as obvious. The sweet blackberry and frankincense come out and the green notes become more of a background. The scent becomes sweeter and doesn't give such a night-time feeling anymore. The blackberry is not overwhelmingly fruity (coming from someone who dislikes fruity scents). Drydown -- Faint blackberry and frankincense are what is left after a couple of hours. I like this one quite a bit. It is just that the first few minutes are sublime and it breaks my heart when it changes. Putting more on every fifteen minutes seems excessive.
  5. Myrrha

    Queen Alice

    I was going to write a review saying that the reviews that analyzed the notes and talked about treacle, wine and wool were making the perfume sound more peculiar than it is, and that it really adds up to a sophisticated adult woman's "fun" scent and is more alluring than you might think from the notes. But then I caught a big whiff of it wafting around me, the wine being especially salient at that moment, and you know what? It is a peculiar scent. The treacle and wine combine into something you have not smelled before and will not smell again anywhere else. It is unique and a little strange. But it is also quite good, at least with my chemistry, and it is fun. I will wear it when I am in a peculiar mood and do not wish to smell of flowers.
  6. Myrrha

    Lady Lilith

    wet: at first it is fruity. This must be the mandarin. I can smell the vanilla flower and the violet and the vanilla cream which forms a base for the scent. As it dries: The musks come out, and the opium poppy, and there is a sense of the florals and musks trading off and dancing together, taking turns. It doesn't have a huge throw but I could smell it wafting around me a bit. The vanila/cream/vanilla flower background is sweetish but not candy-like. The rose is a very subtle note in the background. I can only smell it when I make an effort to pick it out. Drydown: After a couple of hours it faded to vanilla musk and opium poppy. It turned a bit thin and sour on me. I suspect that opium poppy is a bad note for me. I may also be one of those unfortunate people who can't wear cream notes. Too bad because for the right person this could be such a perfect fragrance. It has a real playfulness to it and is feminine but not conventional or old-ladyish.
  7. Myrrha

    The Witching Time of Night

    This one has a similar feeling to Bat, although it smells different. Both of them have a mysterious garden-at-night quality. Bat is sweeter and lighter, more of a summer fragrance. Witching Time of Night is deeper, greener and cooler for fall. Witching Time of Night is strong, I could smell it a little bit through the plastic baggie before I even opened the imp and once the imp was open the scent pervaded the room. Wet: I am not so good at picking out all the different flower notes yet. It is a clean, almost soapy fragrance with green notes underneath. I guess this is the ivy. It smells strongly, but the scent itself is delicate if that makes sense. As it Dries: I'm pretty sure I can make out the night blooming cereus note and it is lovely. I kept sticking my nose into the inside of my elbow fascinated by the scent. There really is something witchy about it. The floral notes are interesting: slightly sweet but realistic and botanical smelling. Dry: Perhaps a bit too high and sharp for me? On the other hand that is what I thought of Bat at first too and I really grew to like it. It lasted a good three hours on me and my skin eats scent fast. Update: I am liking this even more now. I got to smell an angel's trumpet plant in bloom at a florists and now I think I can pick out that delicate note in the scent.
  8. Myrrha

    Hell's Belle

    Oh, vile!! Something in this is just not working at all with my chemistry. At first just a hot perfumy smell, probably magnolia on a rampage. The waft just smells like unpleasant overbearing floral perfume but when I put my nose right to my wrist it smells “broken”, that smell when a note really doesn’t work with your chemistry and seems to refract into a chemical scent. After an hour I am not getting any musky or fruity notes at all. Must wash it off now.
  9. Myrrha

    Fenris Wolf

    I don't like wearing masculine or even unisex scents so I almost didn't try this one. I am so glad I did! It is not a masculine scent after the first 15 minutes or so. It is actually hard for me to imagine a scent this sweet on a man. Wet Wood is the dominant note at first and it does smell masculine for about ten minutes. It almost smells like a mixture of Mandrake with the incense notes that are in Black Lily. As it dries It becomes much sweeter. I guess this is the red musk and amber. It is YUM! There is still some wood scent, especially when I sniff my wrist directly but the throw is all sweet and musky. There is some kind of flower in here as well, I think. Dry Sweet and musky with a little bit of elegant woodiness in the background. I LOVE this! It is sweet and sexy without being perfume-y. It doesn't smell like I'm screaming for attention. I am in my mid-forties and there are lots of scents I like but feel they are too young for me. This one feels all grown up. After three hours, when many BPALs are long gone on my scent-eating skin, I can still smell this although it doesn't seem to have the throw that it did for the first hour. I can imagine this smelling lovely layered with Queen Mab
  10. Myrrha

    When your favorite GC blends are discontinued

    Thanks for answering. It is good to know that Hamadryad has apple in it. I've noticed that apple is good on me so I will try Hesperides. Dragon's blood seems to not work so well on me but maybe in this case I should try it. I could look for something a little spicy to throw in there. I have al-shairan which has a lot of cinnamon, maybe a tiny touch of that would be good, or some Gingerbread Poppet.
  11. Myrrha

    When your favorite GC blends are discontinued

    I am heartbroken because this is a really good scent on me and it is discontinued. I love it so much. On me it isn't terribly woody, but more light honeyed flowers with wood notes in the background. I don't get the cinnamon and spices that the reviews mentioned at all. I have Madrake which is very woody. If I layered or mixed just a tiny bit of it with something that has honey and flowers maybe it would smell like Hamadryad? Any suggestions? I have an imp of Ulalume on the way because a review said it was in the neighborhood of Hamadryad, any other suggestions? thank you!!!
  12. WET: A murky indistinct whirl of sweetish, creamy scent. Honey and almond are the only notes I can pick out. AS IT DRIES: It goes through a phase where it does smell a little bitter and chocolaty. DRY: Honey on a creamy herbal base. A bit perfumy but lovely and enticing with an edge of bitterness. Medium throw. Slightly longer than average wear length for me. When I first smelled the creamy sweetness of this scent I realized that they probably put the poisons in a good-tasting base, perhaps containing something soothing to help the stomach keep it down. This filled me with horror and sorrow at the idea of people being condemned to die and made to drink poison. This is too emotionally intense a scent for me although I'm glad I got to try it.
  13. Myrrha


    Hooray for the Lab sending me an Imp frimp! WET: A bit too sweet and not very convincing peach. A bit scented-candle smelling. AS IT DRIES: It seems to settle down a bit and the more complex muskyness comes out to balance the peach. It is a golden and lazy scent. DRY: Lovely musky peach scent. I would not have guessed there was patchouli in the blend. EDIT: Wrong, I can definitely smell the patchouli this time (gently shaking the imp before applying is a good idea) but it is well blended in with the peach and just darkens it up some. It isn't the main note in the scent. I love this, it is perfect for this time of year (late August) and makes me feel playful and appreciative of the sun as the days get shorter.
  14. Myrrha

    Gingerbread Poppet

    Some kind forumite sent me a tester of Gingerbread Poppet '04 Wet: The whole room smells like baking (it is a small room) gingerbread cookies, the kind with lots of spices not the overly sweet kind. Drydown: It fades away to sweetened clove in about 2.5 hours. My skin eats scent and they always fade quickly on me. In the later stages it smells kind of spicy-sexy and enticing, less like baking. This is an amazing, delicous scent and I will look for more of it. Update: Gingerbread Poppet '07 is different! On me it started off very similar but as it dried there was a smokey scent added to the Gingerbread, exactly as if some of the gingerbread had burned at the edges. I kept catching whiffs of something burning. I really enjoyed it especially as I was one pissed-off little poppet that day and the gingery burnt scent matched my mood perfectly.
  15. Myrrha


    This scent smells like the ocean. If I smell it and close my eyes and can see aquamarine water above and all around me. I know these notes are “really” ozone and some sharp white florals but I try not to think about that. To me it is the ocean in a tiny tube. Beautiful! On me it lasts a little over two hours (my skin eats scent). It doesn‘t change very much in this time. I’d like to have this scent in a roller ball for frequent application. There is some throw, maybe two to three feet if I put quite a bit on.
  16. Myrrha


    Wet -- Violet As it dries -- Tuberose and violet. It is a very elegant scent. I can’t quite make out the lilac but I think it is giving the scent a creamy softness. Drydown -- It stays consistent as it dries. BPAL tends to stay close to my skin but this one has some throw, wafting around in a cool, elegant indigo cloud. I like that this is cooler and darker than many florals. It feels calming. The only thing I don’t like about this scent is that on me it fades completely in about an hour and a half. It doesn’t go through changes as it dries so I suppose I could just keep putting more on.
  17. Myrrha

    The Phantom Wooer

    Wet -- Flowers and bone dust. Really, I can smell the bone dust. How does Beth do this? It is a very eerie note. The flowers are pale and languid smelling. I can’t pick out stargazer lily. It is truly ghostly. As it dries -- The scent of lemon comes out and brings it back to reality. Just because it smells like something familiar and everyday the scent no longer seems so eerie and otherworldly. Dry -- Lemon on a background of delicate, powdery florals. If I put my nose right to my wrist I can still smell the bone dust (actually this is probably the moss.) Very little throw. My skin eats scent so I would have to apply frequently if I liked this one enough to wear. It might be nice to wear to a picnic in Mt. Auburn Cemetery with cucumber sandwiches and lemon bars and powdery Victorian funeral cakes.
  18. Myrrha

    The Lantern Ghost of Oiwa

    Wet -- Mostly cherry blossom and calla lily. The mint is light and fresh, giving the scent a refreshing, stimulating zing. As it dries -- There is a vanilla-like note in the scent, pulling the cherry blossom and calla together. It is is a softly sweet, feminine scent with a playful attitude. However something in it turns perfumy on me. Perhaps the black tea?. Darn. Dry -- I can smell the rice wine now. Everything is balanced and blended and a really enchanting scent wafts up from my wrists. The mint is still there enlivening the scent. It smells like the mint that is in Snowflakes, light and delicate. Lovely scent but something in here still smells a little too “hot” and perfumy on my skin. After 3 hours whatever it was that smelled too perfumy has settled down and now it is a very elegant and interesting scent. Much longer wearing on me than most BPAL and more throw.
  19. Myrrha

    L'Inverno Atmospheric Spray

    One spray scents my 12X12 bedroom and it lasts for a few hours. I was a little worried by the review that mentioned a chemical smell but it doesn't seem chemical. There is a little bit of alcohol scent at first, suspect that is the carrier. The scent is chilly with a floral aspect to it. The cedar and sandalwood blend together and are soft, sweetened by the flowers, not at all "dry wood" or "pencil shavings". It must be the cedar and sandalwood that makes it seem calming, which seems like a very good idea for a room spray. I can't really pick out the honeysuckle, just the orchid which is similar to the L'Inverno perfume.
  20. Myrrha


    Wet -- The lily, ozone, and pine sort of club together and that mixture is what I smell first. The lily doesn’t jump out and scream “lily!” at all, you have to look for it buried under the ice. The musk is in the background. Dry -- It gets sweeter as it dries. The plum comes out and sweetens the musk. The different notes seem to take turns mingling with each other. After about a half hour the gorgeous plum-sweetened musk comes to the forefront with the orchid, and the ice is in the background. Oh, this is lovely! It has delicacy and strength. Like a really beautiful, detailed ice sculpture. Drydown -- After 2 ½ hours (scent goes quickly on my skin) it is an icy white scent of chilled musk with just a little bit of orchid lingering. After 3 ½ hours I could still smell it but only with my nose right up to my wrist.
  21. Myrrha

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Is anyone familiar with Cartier's Le Baiser du Dragon? I tried this at Sephora and was surprised how much I liked it. Here is a description, I think this description is from the makers rather than a customer review: A masterpiece of unique origin, the scent blends a variety of powerful elements. Delicate, sweet top notes of bitter almond, neroli orange, and gardenia. Woody, powdery heart notes of iris, cedar, and musk; Bulgarian rose, unique to the parfum blend, imparts a deep, mellow scent. And earthy, sensual base notes of vetiver, patchouli, and benzoin. The one I tried was not the Parfum, so there wasn't the Bulgarian rose. Basically, it is an oriental but sweeter than Samsara. It didn't have any spicy notes. Are there any BPALs that might come close? Especially if there is a Salon scent that might be similar as so far I have really enjoyed the salon scents I've tried. thanks for any ideas
  22. Myrrha

    House of Night

    I've tried this one three times now. People describe it as a “floral” and one person even said a “feminine floral” but on me the scent is mostly green. Wet -- Just green, dark boughs of not-quite-pine greenery. As it dries -- a sweetish scent comes out. I guess these are the flowers, lilies? But very well blended with the greenery. After 20 minutes it becomes something very interesting and lovely. There is a creamy soft tone to the scent that is just gorgeous although it is blended withe the greenery . It adds up to a scent that I like very much. It seems peaceful and cool, very elegant. It is less floral than my usual choices, deeper and darker. It makes me feel composed and serious. It does not seem to have much throw but people could smell it if they come close. One Hour -- Now it smells much thinner, and lighter. it is fading already. Darn body chemistry! I may experiment with re-applying it every hour. It is gorgeous and I like it enough to bother doing that. EDIT: April 2010 -- I still love this one. It is a comforting scent, possibly has cypress which is used in aromatherapy for calming. It is a bit somber to wear day after day though.
  23. Myrrha


    The first time I tried this scent I didn’t like it at all. It smelled to me like one of those common ozone-ish florals, high and piercing and very ordinary. I don’t understand how I can try it again three days later and absolutely love it but that is what happened. Wet: airy floral. There is quite a bit of what I believe is the orchid (still new at picking out notes). I think I can pick out the honeysuckle and the ivy as well, or something a bit green and herbal. Drydown: After one hour it is a feminine, sophisticated blend of musk overlain with evening florals. It seems to have more of a throw than many other BPAL scents I’ve tried. I could smell it wafting around me. Emotionally it seems more enlivening than calming. It makes me feel breezy and playful. After three hours it was fading out, could still smell it on my wrists directly but need to re-apply (scents fade quickly on me). I am strongly considering a bottle of this.
  24. Myrrha


    Wet -- At first just a flash of cinnamon candy. Then it gets deeper and I can smell the supporting scents of the fruit and patchouli. As it dries -- I keep thinking the cinnamon is gone but then it flares up again. It is a bright, hot scent. There is rage and aggression in this scent but nothing sullen. It is all turned to Martial fire and brightness. Drydown -- It becomes a patchouli and incense blend with cinnamon overtones. Now it seems to be speaking more of power than of rage. The individual notes are not standing out so much, it is more blended. It is a fairly masculine scent but I could see a woman who likes warm spicy scents and who does well with patchouli enjoying this one. It might be a good oil to wear for cultivating anger or aggression as useful emotional fuel. On me it lasted about four hours (my chemistry eats scent).
  25. Myrrha

    Cloister Graveyard in the Snow

    When I first put it on the frankincense and cold snowy notes together were dominant. It is a somber scent and put me in a meditative, contemplative mood. After ten minutes some sweet notes came out. This must be the white musk. The frankincense and ozone “chilly” notes don’t jump out so much now, they blend with the sweet notes to give a scent that is very beautiful. It is thoughtful, somber, elegant and unusual. Drydown -- This one seems a little bit lighter and juicier than some of the other snowy/winter scents, maybe it is the mint that lightens it. Something (I think it is the frankincense) keeps it from being an ice-cold scent, adds a hint of warmth. I really like this one and it is going on my possible bottle list. This is a very accurate scent-picture of the painting. I am amazed that I can (with Beth’s help) smell what a painting is about. Scents never last as long on me as I’d like them to and every time I’ve worn this I’ve wanted to put more on after a few hours. Update: Now that I’ve sampled “Death of the Grave Digger” I want to add that Cloister Graveyard is a more ethereal, high pitched scent. Death of the Grave Digger is heartier and sweeter and in that one the cold notes don’t last as long.