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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by shriekingviolet

  1. shriekingviolet


    Initial Impression: A sharp, strong citrus scent that's a touch herby. After Wearing It: A *bright* white scent. Not white as in innocent or bright as in cheerful, but like stepping out into the strong afternoon light after watching a long movie in the theater. Blinding and overwhelming almost to the point of pain. This scent smells of sharp lemon, but the lemon reminds me more of one of the lemony herbs like lemongrass or lemon verbena in their slight herbiness rather than straight citrus scent. There's some musk here as well, I think, giving the fragrance a husky and slightly masculine tone. Final Thoughts: Wonderful embodiment of solar energy though not really something I'd wear as it's not my style at all. I completely appreciate its accurancy in its portrayal though.
  2. shriekingviolet

    Input, please!

    Name: Diana URL, if applicable: http://log.impolite.org Photo, if you don't mind: none available at the moment Sin of choice: "Vanity, definitely my favorite sin" Virtue you embody: Loyalty, Dignity Astrological Info: *goes for the short version* Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius moon and Leo rising. How you found out about BPAL: My pal Sarah email Karyn & I the link after she saw it on the Lush forum. Any comments you'd like to add about the Lab or life in general: I've been a fragrance whore the better part of my life, but BPAL is the first company I've found that inspires brand loyalty. Not only are their scents creative and exciting (and numerous!), they're obvious created with love. The personal service the Lab provides is as fantastic as its products. I'm sure I'll be lifelong customer!
  3. shriekingviolet

    Reshipments: to clarify...

    Haha you could easily start a BPAL camp. Promise us free perfume is we fly out to LA to work in the lab. We'd sleep in sleeping bags on the floor. It'd be good for especially busy times of the year. We'd be like Santa's elves.
  4. shriekingviolet

    Input, please!

    With the sin, are we talking personality trait (like being overly prideful or lusty) or most frequent sin activity (frequent one-night stands, malicious gossip, violent temper tantrums etc.)? And how specific do you want the astrological info? LOL I'm an astro geek so I just want to make sure I don't bable on for a lengthy paragraph if you only want my sun and ascendant.
  5. shriekingviolet

    Sample Selection Field Fixed!

    ooh that's helpful! I know I've forgotten at least once to put my list of samples in the comments box when I've ordered. Good job.
  6. shriekingviolet

    Four new scents coming soon, and a small update.

    Blood Lotus *is* very nice. I might get a big bottle of it.
  7. shriekingviolet

    Reshipments: to clarify...

    I think she said she was shipping out the last of the orders outr on Saturday (yesterday) Cincity.
  8. shriekingviolet

    Reshipments: to clarify...

    nah. Rosefaith has been since the very start. Are you sure you aren't following her?
  9. shriekingviolet

    Reshipments: to clarify...

    LOL we don't really have rules here per say. The most we ask is that people post things in the correct forum, but if you don't, no one scolds you for it. We just move it for you. So long as people are happy with one another, pretty much anything goes.
  10. shriekingviolet

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I'm pretty sure the 10 ML bottles are just bigger versions of the 5 ML ones. I don't personally have one, but Quantum posted a pic of her collection in this thread and she has a 10 ML among the other bottles and samples. It looks the same only bigger. oh and just curious, but what does your custom scent smell like BlackRayne? I'm curious to know what scent *fits* people since it certainly does say a lot about someone's personality! Edit: Ah, I just noticed that my new Tarot oil bottles ARE 10 ML. (they're beautiful btw, with the pretty tarot cards pasted on the front). They are the same bottles: blue glass and the same black screwtops.
  11. shriekingviolet

    Reshipments: to clarify...

    She just has the lab, though there are a (very) few shops that carry her stuff. None that carries a full line though. She has them listed under "merchants" on the site.
  12. shriekingviolet

    What scents are masculine? Gender-neutral?

    LOL I can see where he might think sympathy seems a bit girly. I think a lot of foody scents might lean in that direction. You know baking = kitchen = estrogen mentality.
  13. shriekingviolet

    Bridal BPAL - BPAL for weddings?

    I would think with all the stress an actual wedding could create, I would pick something you personally find soothing or uplifting. I've never been big on "special occasion" scents though (I wear whatever I want whenever I want, regardless if it seems appropriate or not ) so that's all the advice I can offer!
  14. shriekingviolet

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    What about a swizzle stick? I haven't tried it, but I'd think it'd work just as well as the dip stick in the imp ears. And it'd be easy to swipe one from a coffee shop!
  15. shriekingviolet

    Bust Magazine, March 2004

    ah! Congratulations on your first press mention (it IS your first right?). What a glowing review. They really did you justice. Glad you're getting some well deserved recognition!
  16. shriekingviolet

    new avatars in the gallery!

    I made 15 new avatars for your use and viewing pleasure. (see them here by clicking the link and then choosing the IPB community option. All of the ones I made are labed x_....) Yes I have a thing for tigers. They're my favorite animals. Whenever I go to zoos I just stand and stare at them for 20-30 minutes. One of the ones at the Audubon zoo in New Orleans often stares back which thrills me to no end. Anyway, I'll be making more and adding them soon, but for now enjoy the ones you've got!
  17. shriekingviolet

    new avatars in the gallery!

    we can upload them if you want. nicely done. And it's okay to have no life on a Sunday night.
  18. shriekingviolet

    new avatars in the gallery!

    If you guys want to make them, I'll add them to the gallery. And thank you Clephan & Rosefaith! You're welcome to everyone else.
  19. shriekingviolet

    new avatars in the gallery!

    I'm working on it. I just keep getting sidetracked.
  20. shriekingviolet

    New features & new subforum

    All right, I created a new subforum to separate Elizabeth's updates from any forum-related updates. Just felt the need, as it seemed more organized. Particularly since I've been in a hacking mood lately and will probably do some more during the next few weeks. Don't want to clutter up the announcements forum! Anyway, I'm sure some people have found a few of the new features I've installed but I'll list them anyway. I added a TON of new colors and a few fonts for your post text choices. Some of the colors are a bit pale for this forum, so use your own discretion. I added a mood hack, meaning you can go into your user CP ("my controls") and set your current mood which will display beside your posts *points to hers on the left*. I think I put in like 165 choices, so surely you can find something to suit you! I also hacked into the code for date of birth settings. You no longer have to put in your year, so any age sensitive members can add theirs in without having to worry about their age popping up on the calendar or in the birthday announcements. Instead of your age it'll just input the current year. I added 3 new member field for the profile where you can list your gender (LOL kind of pointless since guys are such a small minority here), your astrological information and your scent preferences. There's also a feature to set your default text color and font, so that you don't have to put in font and color tags every time you post, it'll show up automatically. This hack is a bit buggy though. Nothing major, but once you change your font & color, the change applies to all of your posts where you hadn't already inserted font & color tags. It also resets your font & color choice whenever you go to edit your profile which is kinda a pain in the ass. Not a big deal though since you just reselect your preferences whenever you update your other info. I'm looking into getting that last one fixed. It's a bug in the hack that the author never addressed, so I'm waiting for him to either stop ignoring his support thread and answer my question or try to find another hack that does the same thing but works better. Last hack of mention: I added a quick reply hack to the PM system, so there'll be a form to reply to messages without having to load up another page. Had Elizabeth in mind here since I know she gets so many PMs! Ahhh I think that's all. Have fun guys.
  21. shriekingviolet

    Home early, because I can't take the strain.

    Has there been any more word about the sales at the swap meet? I'm curious to know how much they were selling and if it was the imp ears too and not just the bottles.
  22. shriekingviolet

    Hullo, update, and a welcome to Brian!

    We'll be plenty patient. Make sure you're getting enough rest dear! And welcome Brian!
  23. shriekingviolet

    New features & new subforum

    ack! I'll fix it. edit -- embarrassing error now fixed.
  24. shriekingviolet

    New features & new subforum

    haha! It's the end of cold season. I thought we might need something for people who are zonked on too much cough medicine. Or for me when I'm talking painkillers during PMS for menstral cramps. Doped up is a necessity.
  25. shriekingviolet

    New features & new subforum

    you may no longer be menstral today, but the emotion is now an option.