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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by shriekingviolet

  1. shriekingviolet

    New features & new subforum

    LOL menstral? Sure, why not? I dopn't mind taking mood suggestions btw if anyone else feels one is missing.
  2. shriekingviolet

    Home early, because I can't take the strain.

    Aww sorry your trip to Las Vegas didn't end up as nice as we all would have liked! I guess our positive energy and wellwishing was smited by the fates. After all of this finally calms down, hopefully there will be some kind of opportunity for a nice spa day for you. Even if we girls have to start taking up donations to get you into one. Do take care of yourself. Most of us would prefer your better health to speedy delivery.
  3. shriekingviolet

    New features & new subforum

    No problem Siren. Glad you like them! And I'm a geek so I enjoy hacking. Will probably keep doing it until I run out of things to do!
  4. shriekingviolet

    New features & new subforum

    LOL I've been known to be quite the enabler when it comes to binge drinking, so perhaps I was subconsciously trying to guide people. So wonderful that someone picked it up!
  5. shriekingviolet

    New features & new subforum

    Yes it is trying to tell you something, but it's telling you something about me. Perhaps I shouldn't code over margaritas anymore. There was a lot of copying and pasting when I was editing the code and I didn't completely edit the line for dreamy. It's fixed now though so you can be dreamy all you like! And Shollin, I'm sure it's possible, not quite sure how I'd go about it yet. I'll put it on my list for things to look into.
  6. shriekingviolet

    Before I go...

    That sounds probable Blu. He did regularly carry out the role as the messenger of the Judeo-Christian God.
  7. shriekingviolet

    Before I go...

    Yes! tell Ted good luck! Do take care and have fun in Vegas. Have many drinks and enjoy the buffets! Have a happy birthday while you're gone as well. We'll all send positive energy in your direction so that your break will be restful and healing and that the repairs on the lab will turn out well and be finished when you return. Happy trails!
  8. shriekingviolet

    good enough for now

    Wow this took longer than I thought it would, but that's okay because it's (mostly) done. The posts and memberships seem to have all moved without a problem, but if you see something/someone missing let me know. Or any other problems of course. I'm sure I slipped up somewhere. Mind fuddled with too little sleep. There was a few problems with some of the tags/images during the conversion process. The converter decided to skip alot of the closing tags messing things up a bit. I've cleaned up most of the posts, but I might have missed some and I didn't finish the ones in the review section. It also decided to eat all of the image tags (except for the sig ones which is odd), but it just turned them into links so I left them as is. You'll notice this forum layout is less flexible and forgiving to large pics, so please if you're posting a large image, just link it rather than just posting it up and save my sense of aestheticism. Some of the smilies posted in posts don't show up either since some of the codes on this forum are different but that shouldn't be a big deal. I added a TON of new smilies to placate you all anyway. You'll also notice there are subforums in the review section! I haven't got around to moving all of the threads yet, but I'll finish that today, If you post a new review with an existing thread, just go ahead and post it there. If it's a scent that hasn't been reviewed, post it in the appropriate category. Shollin, quantum and Slyth_witch, if you have time and feel like moving review threads, go on right ahead. If not, I'll just get back to work on it later this afternoon. Ummm I feel like there was more I planned on saying, but I don't really remember. Oh if there are any volunteers for more mods, a few of the forums (randomness in particular) are getting big enough to where they might be useful. I might add another on to Reviews to help Shollin out. PM in if you're interested. I'm sure I'll think of something later that I forgot. But I'm going to bed anyway.
  9. shriekingviolet

    Ace of Pentacles

    Initial Impression: Earthy, but not in a fresh dirt kind of way. Has vetivert or patchouli in it maybe? Seems to have a slight incense tinge to it as well. After Wearing It: The smells very earthy to me, but not in a dirt sort of way. It's heavy and pungent with a sharp note piercing through the center, something like pine maybe. I smell patchouli and rich fragrant woods. Vaguely reminds of the smell of an old redwood box my mom had, only richer and a touch sweet. Final Thoughts: Very nice. I think it captures the pure energy of the Earth element without just taking on its most obvious physical form. It carries everything that lies in its sphere of influence. Would be nice for where when concentrating on earth energies.
  10. shriekingviolet

    Black Lotus

    Initial Impression: Earth and incense here. Rich and full bodied, sweetened up just a bit by smoky amber. Seems like something that would have been used to inspire visions of religious fervor. After Wearing It: Rich, warm, and thick. The texture reminds me of honey in it's sticky thickness, though it doesn't smell like it. It's very sweet in a pungent, decadent kind of way. Heady and a bit smoky, though I don't notice that as much as I do the sweet warmth. Makes me think of heavily perfume air on a humid night. Final Thoughts: I really like this one. It's sweet and complex and has a nice full-bodied texture. Nice!
  11. shriekingviolet

    good enough for now

    errr..... The important thing is that I *finished* it and finally got everything how my neurotic little heart wanted it to be. Besides I had taken a nap earlier in the day and was wired until like 5 am. So it was only the last 2 hours that were hard.
  12. shriekingviolet

    good enough for now

    Thanks for all of the praise everyone. Makes me feel all fuzzy inside. I do realize the change in forum scripts might confuse a few people, so if anyone has any questions, do email me and I'll answer them ASAP. New features to note though: if you go into "My Controls" (how you edit your profile, sig, personal board settings, etc.) there's an option to put your personal photo in there, as well as an option to change the forum "skin." If this layout's a little much or you have a really slow connection or something, the plain original forum design that comes with the board is still available for you. Also if you look at the code buttons on your posting screen, you'll notice there are radio buttons marked "guided" and "normal" mode. If you select guided mode, you'll find that when you want to post links or images, the forum will help you along by prompting you for the url and the text you want for the link (or just the url for an image) so you don't have to stumble over coding it yourself. It also guides you through all of the other tags as well. The option can be turned on and off during your post as often as you like. Also it doesn't automatically close any font tags that you put in, but it keeps track of all your open tags as you'll see in a text box below the tag buttons. You'll also see an asterick inside the Bold, Italic or Underline button if you have one of those tags open. Just click that button again and it'll close the tag wherever your cursor is. There is also a link marked "close all tags" next to the font and color drop boxes, so if you click that as you finish your post, it'll close any you have open. Also, there's a "quick reply" option at the bottom of every thread. click the button and a reply box will open up if you don't want to load the full post reply page. Other feature to note: if you put in your birthday in your profile, notice of your birthday will be added to the calendar (there's a link in the layout) and the forum script will wish you a happy birthday too. I think anyone can add other events to the calendar as well so if there any important holidays or events, fell free to add. Errr I think I covered everything important. Gods know I'll probably pop back in and mention other features when I remember, I keep eyeing new features to add to the forum, but I think I'll hold off until everyone gets settled. There's a hack that I want to install where you can imput your mood every time you post and it'll display in the side of your post with your avatar, post count and join date. OK I'm going to step away from the computer now and force myself to eat.
  13. shriekingviolet


    Initial Impression: Smells like tea and roses, which doesn't go over so well with me. The carnation note is very faint. I'll still give it a fair shot regardless. After Wearing It: Rosy, but sweeter than your average rose and with a slightly powdery/spicy note from the carnation. You can smell the tea here too. The fragrance stays true from its wet to dry stage. It's an innocent smell, very clean and gentle. Final Thoughts: Nice for what it is. I can't get on well with Rose scents, but this is probably the more pleasing of the ones I've tried so far.
  14. shriekingviolet


    Initial Impression: Sharper than I expected when I first sniff, but the sweetness of the vanilla and peach hits me as I exhale. Interesting. After Wearing It: The peach is strong when the fragrance is wet, but not so much it turns me off. It's a sweet warm peach, like being in an orchard rather than a sticky or candy smell. The amber and vanilla really enrich this scent, making it warm and luxurious smelling. As it wears down it stays sweet but goes more powdery, though in a pleasant way. All around really great fragrance. Final Thoughts: Might have to get a bottle of this. Will have to wear a few more times to be sure!
  15. shriekingviolet

    Three Witches

    Initial Impression: I can really smell the pepper here, the cloves too but not as much. Oddly I don't smell the cinnamon as much. Reminds me of a christmas-type candle. After Wearing It: The pepper is realy prominent on me, pepper mixed with a light clove note. Very spicy, but I don't find it to be too foody. As it wears on the cinnamon reveals itself and the scent sweetens up a bit, but it's still very peppery. I like this, but it didn't last so well on me, but then the last few scents haven't so I'm wondering if it's because of a change in the weather or my body chemistry. Final Thoughts: Good fiery scent. Might be good for days when I need to feel unyielding and fiery.
  16. shriekingviolet


    Initial Impression: Oh this is nice. Heavy, smoky and a touch spicy. It's sinful, though perhaps not in the typical sexy, seductive way. It's wicked in a sort of shady deals made in the back alleys after dark kind of way. After Wearing It: I wore this last night and got comments from a coworker. It was actually pretty funny. I had just got there 15 minute or so before and walked past him on the way to get something while he was checking people out (a pretty girl and her boyfriend) when he caught a whiff of the smell. He immediately assumed it was the girl in front of him and asked her about what she was wearing (he said it smelled like sandalwood or incense), though the way he did it made it seem like he was hitting on her. To come his ass in front of her boyfriend, he asked him about it as well. I didn't hear the couple's response, but I'm guessing they either said they weren't wearing anything or they didn't know. After the left, my manager started laughing and said that if he had been the boyfriend he would have been really pissed off that Roger seemed to have jumped on his girlfriend right in front of him, and that he wouldn't have been surprised if Roger had jumped over the counter and attacked the girl (which he said he would have paid to see). Roger tried to defend himself saying that he asked the boyfriend about it too, trying to lessen how it looked like his was hitting on his girl, to which my manager replied that it only made it look like he was now hitting on the guy! The teasing kept up, Chris (my manager) now insisting that it was he was wearing the perfume. All the while I was suspecting that he was actually smelling me but didn't say anything. Roger passed me on the way to get something on my side of the work area, when he figured out that it was me. He exclaimed that my silence had made him looked like an idiot and look like he was hitting on a guy. It was pretty funny. Anyway, the point of the story is that Sin is a beautiful, sexy smell. The sandalwood was pretty apparent on me, and the overall tone of the fragrance was sweet, smoky, and spicy. Smelled like a really posh incense and made me think of lush, 19th century opium dens. It's rich and complex, inducing the smug confidence of a real vixen. The only problem was this oil wasn't as lasting as some of the other BPAL fragrances I've tried, which is odd for thing type of fragrance particularly since it was so strong when first applied. After 4 or 5 hours, the scent was just a whisper on my skin. Final Thoughts: Even though the staying power isn't the best, this oil is definitely a keeper. It makes me feel confident and sexy, and would definitely good for any man-chasing kind of evenings. Excellent!
  17. shriekingviolet


    Initial Impression: Sweet, I can smell the almond (which is more bitter than sweet) and the heliotrope prominently with the frankincense and what I'm guessing is the vanilla sweetening up a bit. Intriguing scent. After Wearing It: This is a very almondy fragrance, but while this note is *very* strong, it's not so in a way that the oil smells like a single note. This is a smoky almond, a slightly spicy and sweet almond. Close to being a foody scent, but not quite. Final Thoughts: I really liked this. It's a warm pretty scent and slightly comforting. I think it must be the almond = food association.
  18. shriekingviolet


    Initial Impression: Herby and sharp, but not in a herbal tea sort of way. Kind of like walking through an herb garden when someone's harvesting. There might be something like lemon peel or bergamont here. After Wearing It: This scent was clean almost to the point of smelling a bit soapy. Maybe there's some sort of freesia note in it? That always reminds me of laundry detergent. This scent is a green, herby floral with sharp notes like lemon in it. Final Thoughts: Not really my type of fragrance at all, but the effects of it were definitely soothing. Might have to keep around for high anxiety days.
  19. shriekingviolet


    Initial Impression: Sharp ginger with a touch of jasmine in the background. Really strong in the vial, will have to see how this mellows on my skin. After Wearing It: When I first put this on, the ginger note was so sharp it almost stung. I really like ginger, but it was too much. Thankfully, however, the scent gradually mellowed out, allowing the back notes to poke through. The end result is a soft, sweet and pretty scent that's still deep and a bit biting. Very slightly fruity too. Final Thoughts: I really liked this scent. I will definitely have to wear it again in the near future.
  20. shriekingviolet

    News about forums

    It's really not a problem. I have an obsene amount of bandwidth that I don't use. LOL this will make me feel less wasteful. Besides, it's been a while since I've had the opportunity to play around with a forum script. My inner geek is looking forward to it. 8)
  21. shriekingviolet

    The Lowdown on Incense & Resin - The Best Recommendations

    I'm sure the incense in Anglican churches are similar to those in Catholic churches. I've been in both Catholic and Episcopalian (the US version of Anglicanism) churches here and the practices, sights are smells are very, very similar.
  22. shriekingviolet

    News about forums

    I pmed you about hosting the forum if you'd really rather go that way. I have plenty of bandwidth so it wouldn't be a problem.
  23. shriekingviolet

    News about forums

    I have no problem contributing. Just let us know where and when.
  24. shriekingviolet

    Hollywood Babylon

    Initial Impression: Fruity, but not candy like. Like too ripe fruit in the dead of summer. After Wearing It: When wet, this fragrance is really warm, juicy and fruity. The orange strikes out over the strawberry, though the berry tone is still evident. As it wears on, the scent cools down a few notches as the amber starts to recede and the vanilla becomes stronger. In its final stages, the scent has more of a powdery tone. Very sweet and more candylike than it was when first applied. Final Thoughts: Lovely, but not really my style so I can't see myself wearing it often. I really need to try it as a roomscent though. Seems like it'd be gorgeous as that.
  25. shriekingviolet

    The Lowdown on Incense & Resin - The Best Recommendations

    It isn't. I'm actually not sure what the blend is, but when I was in junior high I used to serve at funerals (good money by the way, and it got me out of class!) from time to time and spooned it into the censer. It's a pretty mixed blend. Had at least 5 different components. I'm sure there's some frankincense and myrrh in it, but I know there's some other stuff in it. I ought to go look through the spice aisle next time I'm in the grocer because I'm pretty sure I could recognize some of what was in there if I saw it. There was some kind of pepper I think. Little round balls. I'll have to think on that one.