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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by shriekingviolet

  1. Update: I found and removed the hijack and submitted the site to Google last night to have it reviewed for malware. The review was completed earlier today and Google says we're now free of suspicious content Things should be back to normal, but if you still run into malware warnings or hijacks, please PM me ASAP.

  2. Hey all. As many of you have noticed, the forum was a victim of a code injection hack. We are aware of the problem and are trying to get that fixed. As far as we can tell no actual malware was hosted on our site, but certain urls within the site were being hijacked and taken to sites that were host to suspicious content.


    We're working on getting everything cleaned up and appreciate your caution and patience in the meantime.

  3. Thanks for waiting everyone. For the moment at least, the forum is back open. I don't have any plans to take it back down again any time soon, but please keep in mind that I haven't had a chance to evaluate the work our host's IT team did under normal traffic conditions. I'm not entirely sure how it's going to behave. Hopefully what was done will put an end to the irregular periods of drag we've been experiencing as well as the odd multiple posting, but until we put it through its paces I can only hope. If you experience any errors over the next few days please PM me (shriekingviolet) as soon as you can so I can have an idea when and how they popped up. I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible. I will be away from the computer this evening as I have a standing weekly playdate every Thursday with the world's cutest baby, but after that I will be around all weekend.



  4. Is this a case of one being aged? Storage? How is it that one triggers allergies and one doesn't? Which is the normal state of affairs for this scent? Is there some strange alchemy that I can do to make this turn into the gorgeous imp smell? I can't imagine this type of difference is normal- no one could have a favorite if it smelled this different every time. Anything anyone could tell me would be hugely appreciated.


    This seems to be happening more and more lately, and it's starting to make me wary of purchasing bpal. I've ordered a lot of bottles over the past year and a half especially that smell nothing like what I was expecting, and different to bottles that I've compared them to of the same name. You could try messaging the lab about it, but I've messaged them about this sort of thing in the past and haven't gotten a response. A lot of times people will tell you to try aging a scent, which might help, but not in a case where the oils just flat out aren't the same...


    Natural ingredients aren't homogeneous like synthetic ones are, they can vary a lot with the location or the particular conditions of the time in which they were grown. It's like with wine. The same grape varietal can be grown in the same plot of land year after year, but the 2010 vintage will inevitably taste, smell and possibly even look different from the 2011 vintage. It doesn't matter if the same winemaking process was used on both, made with the same equipment, same hands. The nuances of the grape are shaped by the conditions they are grown in, and different weather and soil conditions can wildly vary the output of a particular harvest. Maybe it was colder one year, maybe there was less rain. Those variables will make a difference in the final product, and you'd be silly to expect two years' crops to produce identical wines. So why would you for perfume made from organic material?

  5. I'm happy to announce that we have a new, better, prettier icon_wink.gif mobile version of the website! The old one was useless and poorly designed for touch screen navigation, and as someone who is chained to my iPhone that annoyed me a lot. This new one is actually designed as a mobile site rather than just as a lo-fi version of the default IPB skin, and so it should be easier to navigate on small touch screens.


    This new skin should automatically load next time you access the forum from your phone (and you should be able to tell right away if it has), but if it doesn't let me know. I only have access to my iPhone 3GS, so I'd like feedback from other phone and tablet users if something doesn't seem to look or work right.


    Other things to note: the mobile version of the site isn't as feature rich as desktop version but you can access the full site by clicking a link at the bottom of the page. Also, to have access to the edit and quote buttons, just press down on an individual and hold it until the buttons appear. There is no multiple post quoting on the mobile version unfortunately.


    I think that's it! If you have any questions or issues to report about the new mobile version, just send me a message!

  6. Notes on skinning:



    So like much of the Midwest, I've been suffering through the after effects of last week's giant snow storm. The bad news was that since this is Oklahoma where we don't know how to handle snow, I have't been able to really leave the house for nearly a week. The good news is that weather enforced house arrests are apparently good for slogging through confusing software blockades. So, at long last, we finally have one of our original skins back. I know dark devil wasn't the highest up on most people's wishlist of skins to be brought back, but it was the one I knew would be the easiest to convert and if I tried to tackle reskinning by handling the tougher ones first this would never get done.


    Now I don't want the reappearance of this skin to get anyone too excited. Even as the "easiest" of the bunch, it still took me about 10-12 hours to get this one finished and I don't think I learned enough from the process to believe the next will be easier going. Getting more skins added is going to be a slow process, and they're going to continue to be tackled in the order of their complexity and not their popularity. The Alice skin is not next on that hierarchy, though it's not at the end either. I'm not going to give an ETA for any of the returning skins, or announce the order of their return as I just don't know. As I'm the forum's only skinner and this process is incredibly time consuming, it's all about finding enough time.


    Now given that the process of adapting this skin has been one of trial and error, I would not be surprised if there were sections I missed resulting in impossible to read too-dark-on-dark/too-pale-on-pale text or things that don't match up with the color scheme (specifically, if you see green text anywhere, let me know!). If you run across this anywhere, please contact me either by PM or a comment on my profile with as much detail as possible. Screenshots would be best, but no worries if that can't be managed.


    Thanks for your patience guys!

  7. It's with much regret that I'm posting to announce some very important changes in leadership this week. After seven long, very productive years, Kate (quantum spice) will no longer be a part of our management team. As an extremely talented lady who has given the forum so much, she will certainly be missed. We hope she remains in touch and lets us know about her future projects so that everyone will have the opportunity to see what exciting places she goes next!


    As of this week, I'm officially back from my management hiatus. I've missed you all while I was dealing with family health issues and am eager to reconnect with familiar faces as well as with those of you who have joined us in the last year. Meg (Morrig) will continue as an additional admin, so forum questions and concerns can continue to be directed to her as well as to me.


    Now, given how much we have relied on Kate in the past to manage our forum on a technical level, it'd be unrealistic to assume that things will continue to run exactly as they have without her. We're likely going to have to reassess different aspects of the forum, just to ensure that the forum is running in a way that's manageable for our team. We will keep you guys informed with whatever may come, though I will say that we don't expect any major changes to come in the regular discussion aspects of our forum.


    We appreciate your patience during this period of transition. If anyone has any questions, feel free to drop me a line!



    Just as a refresher, here is a line up of our current active line up of moderators should you have any questions that pertain to more specific topics than the forum at large!


    alicia_stardust (BPAL Chatter, Cut & Paste)

    Andra (BPAL Chatter, Meet 'n'Sniffs, EatDrink&BeMerry, Roam If You Want To)

    Belladonnastrap (Fantasy Island, Retail Therapy)

    emzebel (Politics, Book Club)

    heartbeast (Believe It Or Not, EatDrink&BeMerry)

    ivyandpeony (Beyond Perfume, Recomendations, Roam If You Want To)

    jenpo (BPAL Chatter, Randomness)

    Jessica (Entertainment, Fantasy Island, Celebration Galore)

    LiberAmoris (Retail Therapy)

    maewitch (Swaps)

    parrot_suspect (Get Personal, Book Club)

    Sarah (Retail Therapy)

    Shollin (Reviews)

    Silvertree (Swaps)

    wickedgoddess (TAL Chatter)


    I better not have forgotten anyone......

  8. Hello! As I'm sure many of you have noticed, there are a lot of errors popping up today. There was a power surge at our hosting company last night that has caused connection issues for a lot of their clients including us unfortunately. I've been told they're working on it but have no more details. Hopefully they'll be able to fix it today, and because there's nothing else to do but be patient. If any one double posts today or the like, don't worry about it. We'll fix it when things are working properly again.


    As for getting around the errors in the meantime I've found entering topics using links for the individual pages works but trying to get to individual posts (either through direct links, "last updated" or returning to the topic after you've posted links) does not. Also at least from what I've been experiencing, your post/pm goes through even if that error message pops up after you hit submit. Reloading it submits the post/pm a second time. But don't worry if you end up double posting. Everyone's having the same problems right now.

  9. Just a reminder everyone, but I'm going to be away until July 6 so if you send me a PM between now and then, you likely won't hear a reply until at least the 8th. In the mean time, if you need help, please contact either Quantum Spice**, Morrighana or someone else on the mod team. However, if your problem or request is not urgent, we'd appreciate it if you held off on it until I get back so that no one gets overwhelmed.


    **QS will be in Boston through this weekend, so be patient with her if you PM her too.


    Take care guys!

  10. Hey everyone. Browsing the forum I've noticed that there are a lot of signatures out there that are not in compliance with our guidelines. Some of them contain too many big images, or too many images period, and some take up more than the ten lines of space required (if your signature takes up more space than the content of most of your actual posts, it's ridiculous). I noticed a few are even messing up the summer layout (which became the default yesterday) because there are too many images in a row and they stretch the table beyond the prescribed limits. Which is the quickest way to make me annoyed. :P


    Anyway we've rewritten the signature guidelines so that they read a little more coherently. Nothing is really new here except that we've added a row maximum for multiple images as some signatures were fine in one screen resolution and not in another. Or fine in one skin but not in another. So now there's a prescribed max that's allowed so there's no question.


    Below is the rewritten signature guidelines:

    Signatures are a place for members to personalize each of their posts, but there are rules in place to make sure they don't get out of control or violate other tenants of the board guidelines. Big signatures are unkind to members with slower connections and drag down the speed of the forum, so we encourage moderation.


    In terms of size, no signature should exceed in length the equivalent of 10 lines of text (which is approximately 185 pixels high). This goes for both text-only signatures and signatures with images. Images displayed in signatures must be no wider than 480 pixels and no taller than 100 pixels (though really, we'd be grateful if you didn't use anything that achieved both the width and height maximums). No image should be over 20kb in size. Members are allowed a maximum of 8 images in their signature, provided that all 8 together don't amount to over 100 pixels high (assuming the images are on multiple lines) or 480 pixels wide (if they're all in a row). In essence, if your signature has 8 tiny images, that's likely going to be ok. 8 larger images will not be.


    We allow links in members signatures, but not to off forum sales as this has been used as a way to skirt our swapping price caps. We do make exceptions for sales of nonBPAL items or for eBay auctions (bpal or otherwise). Other swapping in signatures (i.e. wanted notices, panhandling and mentioning items for sale) is not allowed. Please keep the swap and sales into their respective areas only!


    Violations of the signature guidelines are a warnable offense, though first time offenders will be given a reminder.


    We're giving everyone two weeks (until July 6) to comply. After that, we'll be issuing reminders to offenders.



    A special note to Dragon Cave players: you must keep a close eye on your signature if you want to post them there. As your dragons grow, your signature might grow beyond the guidelines. Some adult dragons are taller than allowed, and having multiple adult dragons is likely to exceed the signature maximums. As warnings will be issued on a second offense, you won't want to let any developments of your "pets" surprise you.



    Thanks everyone! If you have any questions, I'll be available until Tuesday night. After that I'll be flying to Barcelona and will be without net access until Sunday July 6. If you have any questions while I'm away, please direct them toward someone else on my team.

  11. Initial Impression:

    Rose! Lots of rose! With just a touch of gardenia


    After Wearing It:

    Elegant, regal floral. The rose is most prominent in this blend, with the sweetness of gardenia behind it. Rose gets really loud with my skin chemistry, so it can be pretty hard to smell any other notes in blend when its there. There are some exceptions of course, but at least on me, Marguerite is not one of them. I think this would be nice for rose fans, it's very elegant and sophisticated. But unfortunately it doesn't do a lot for me.


    Final Thoughts:

    Not my cup of tea, but I wasn't expecting it to be so I'm not too disappointed. I'm picky when it comes to floral scents, and rose in general rarely works on me. Still, I do think this would be a beautiful blend on the right person so I wouldn't discourage anyone from giving it a try!

  12. Initial Impression:

    Dry sandalwood and orris spiked with vanilla.


    After Wearing It:

    This smells of a really posh dusting powder on me(sort of reminds me of Lush's Silky Underwear!). Very powdery from the get go and remains so all the way to the dry down. Wet, it was a sweet and floral powder, with the champaca flower and vanilla being especially prominent. The sandalwood note is more dry and refined, but doesn't have much throw to it which is a shame. After an hour or so, the amber and the patchouli make an appearance, but are fairly subtle. Overall Cytherea smells of vanilla, crushed flowers and a puff of sweet incense smoke overlaying a deep powdery orris note that dominates the blend. It's exquisite, very elegant and gorgeous, but very powdery too. I don't mind powdery scents, but I prefer them to be less so than this. That doesn't keep me from liking Cytherea, but it makes it so this is a scent I'd have to be in the mood for whereas with less orris, I think I'd be wearing it all the time!


    Final Thoughts:

    Love it, but I think I'm going to have to test wearing this in a scent locket to see if wearing it off my skin will keep the powder in check. This one is just too lovely not to find a way to make it work.

  13. Initial Impression:

    Ripe fig spiked with tarragon and a hint of musk.


    After Wearing It:

    From the moment I first applied it until I washed it off in the shower 13 hours later, Aeronwen was a captivating mystery. It's deep but not heavy, dark yet has this wonderful effervescent quality. It's an odd paradox, but rather magical. It inspired visions of thick clouds of white fog on a dark, moonless night.


    Aeronwen is very well blended. While I can catch the different notes if I try, it's more like trying to see the red that was used to make up orange than it is to try to hear the sound of a drum in a song. It can be done, but to do so would almost be missing the point because you'd be ignoring the entirely different color by trying to dissect it. Aeronwen had fruit notes, but isn't fruity. It has spice, but isn't spicy. It has musk but isn't musky. It's a complex scent without being too "noisy" and I think has to be experienced to be understood.


    This scent was very long lasting, and had good throw without being overpowering. I think I put it on around 8am and could still smell it when I showered late that night. It didn't seem to fade much at all, or even get powdery toward the end of the day which scents with black musk and amber can sometimes do.


    Final Thoughts:

    Love this one, though it may not be for everyone. It's unique and the slightly herby quality (I'm guessing that was the tarragon) might scare some off, but I thought it was perfect. Wouldn't swap my bottle of this for anything!

  14. Initial Impression:

    A damp earthy fragrance sweetened with honeysuckle.


    After Wearing It:

    Starts out as a powdery musk tempered with moss and a kick of sweet honeysuckle. I can smell the star jasmine in the background, but it's not too aggressive. It just adds a more floral element to the blend as the honeysuckle smells more sweet (like the nectar on the inside, not much like the petals) to my nose than floral. After it dries, the musk and orris really start to get powdery. Not necessarily in a bad way, but it definitely smells like baby powder to my nose with a kick of honeysuckle and oakmoss. It reminds me of an earthier version of Unseelie that way, which I appreciate though Unseelie wasn't really my thing either. It's sort of serene and gentle in a vaguely outdoorsy way, yet still sophisticated. The baby powder quality doesn't keep it from being grown-up. There's something sophisticated and almost classic about it that keeps this powdery fragrance from evoking images of my tween years experimenting with Love's Baby Soft (which is what I usually think about when I smell baby powder on me). I think it's the hint of star jasmine and the earthiness lurking behind it, but I can't be sure.


    Final Thoughts:

    Pretty, but not really me. I might reach for this occasionally, but I don't think it's my style enough to wear regularly.

  15. Initial Impression:

    Juicy nectarines grounded with beeswax.


    After Wearing It:

    Wet on my wrist, Marcilla smells of nectarines and slightly buttery (??) beeswax. Not sure where the butteriness is coming from, but that was what hit my nose at first. After a few minutes, that yellow butter smell evaporated (though a touch of saltiness remained) and the floral notes started to come in but gently. Even after a few hours, the springy floral notes never dominate the fragrance. It's mostly nectarines, beeswax, golden musk, white ginger and a touch of something sugary that I can't define. I can only really smell the lily and lilac when I go to sniff my wrist. The throw is all sugary nectarines and golden musk, yet it isn't heavy or cloying at all. It's very fresh and springy without being all the things that typically make me hate "spring" scents. Instead it's gorgeous. I'm loving it.


    Final Thoughts:

    I will admit to being a little "frightened" of Marcilla before I got the chance to smell her. Cupide430 and I have very different tastes in perfume, so before the Grindhouse was released, I joked to her that our ladies' fragrances would be diametrically opposed and that we'd hate each other. When the notes were released, I was still a little wary of it as while I do like ginger, beeswax, nectarines and golden musk, I hate lilies. They go all soapy, awful and LOUD on me, and lilac and bergamot are only good in small doses. So I was a little worried about how this would turn out on me. But I'm pleasantly surprised. I'm glad I gave it a chance. If I had let the note list scare me off, I might have missed out on something great. Marcilla's a keeper.

  16. Initial Impression:

    Straight up peach.


    After Wearing It:

    Wet, Eisheth Zenunium smells like cocoa powder. It's not a sweet, chocolatey scent, but like the dark, bittersweet cocoa powder you use to bake with. There's something earthy lingering behind it, either the ambergris or the patchouli. It's too subtle to really tell. After a few minutes, the peach and honey notes come out, which made me a bit edgy. I love me some honey, but the smell of peach makes me ill. Fortunately, the peach note isn't quite as aggressive smelling on as it is in the bottle. It's definitely present, but it's softer. Part of a choir rather than a soloist, which is how things should be. Still, given my aversion to peach (I think I associate the smell of peach with the taste of peach schnapps and that makes things unpleasant), it took about an hour to get used to smell enough to be able to appreciate the fragrance.


    The honey note in this blend is gorgeous. Honey is one of my favorite notes in general, but not all honey notes are the same. Some are more floral, others herby, but the best (IMO) is the heady, variety and this is it. It's sweet and almost resinous, warm, dense and sticky. It complimented the dusty cocoa note well and helped keep the peach in check. Most of the time anyway. :P I could smell the patchouli, ambergris and neroli in the background, but they continued to be more subtle and elusive throughout the life of the fragrance. They helped to give the oil some depth, but didn't do much to define its character. The effect was lovely, but still, from time to time that peach note billowed up to consume my senses and I felt a bit queasy for a moment. I think when I rested my head on my hand is when it was the worst as the peach note is especially strong close to my skin. Not pleasant, but that's probably something I can work around.


    Final Thoughts:

    I'm very ambivalent about this scent. On one hand, the honey note is sublime. Probably better than in any other BPAL blend I've tried. And the cocoa/patchouli/ambergris combo helps to ground it so it doesn't get too cloying. But the peach!! It wasn't enough to ruin the scent for me, but still, I spent all day praying it'd fade away. No luck. :D I think I'll have to experiment with this one to see if I can further minimize the peachiness. If I can, Morrighana will be my favorite whore!

  17. Initial Impression:

    Bright red fruit grounded with smoke and wood.


    After Wearing It:

    Delicious! I wasn't sure whether or not I'd love this scent. There isn't one note in the list that I don't like, but my general opinion on fruity scents is that less is more. I love plum, I love pomegranate, I love berries, but I like them more as accents in nonfruity blends that in scents that showcase them. Fruity blends can often smell too much like hard candy for my taste, which isn't bad for a room scent but not my thing for a personal fragrance. Dionysia though, is an interesting success. On me, it definitely is a fruity blend. I don't really smell the benzoin, patchouli, mahogany or the frankincense. It's all about the plum, the pomegranate and the raspberry, and each note is so bright and so juicy. But somehow, the fragrance is kept in check. It's bright and fruity, but not too cloying, overripe or candylike. And it has an unusual depth to it, that if I were to guess came from the mahogany. The fruity notes are so distracting I can't be sure. The effect is subtle, but lovely, giving a slight earthiness to an otherwise bright purple scent.


    Final Thoughts:

    Fabulous! Still a bit too fruity to make it into my regular rotation, but I love it all the same. I'd like to try it in an oil burner as it seems like it'd make a gorgeous room fragrance.

  18. Initial Impression:

    Sweet berries tempered with tea leaf.


    After Wearing It:

    This scent is dominated by the acai note, though it's not quite as powerful on my skin as it is in the bottle. In the bottle, it was berry with a hint of tea leaf, but on it smells like someone steeped the berries in tea. The tea leaf and the chrysanthemum note give the acai an earthiness that I couldn't smell in the bottle, so rather than being bright and candylike, it's more grounded and sultry. I can smell the jasmine, but thankfully it's more of a subtle nuance than a major player. Jasmine can often go loud and shrill on me, but that wasn't the case here. Even after 8 hours, the jasmine never became unpleasant. I couldn't really smell the white musk at all, but I could smell something sugary lurking in the scent that I couldn't identify. Daiyu is a warm, cheerful scent. It's somewhat exotic, yet still is sort of comforting and familiar. It's fruity without being too fruity, and never gets cloying. It has a zen like balance that's very appealing.


    Final Thoughts:

    Very nice, though not necessarily me. I loved the acai berry in this fragrance, but I'm not big on tea (except for chai, that's different :P). Either to drink or to wear, and while it can be nice when it's a small part of a complex blend, the tea note was rather prominent here. Which I'm sure pleased Sarah, but it's not my style.

  19. Initial Impression:

    Floral. Very floral. With just the slightest mossy undercurrent.


    After Wearing It:

    First applied all I smelled is rose, lots of rose with a green undercurrent that I'm guessing was the sage. After a few seconds, the calla lily rode up and then it's all rose and lily. Which smells really heinous on me. Like a combination of the guest soap from my grandmother's house and hair spray. It's so awful that I was tempted to wash it off immediately, but I always try to give every blend a fair shake because you never know how a fragrance will develop until you give it time, so I persevered.


    Unfortunately things didn't get any better for me. Even after two hours, I couldn't pick up any of the other notes in this blend and what I could smell didn't get any more pleasant. After hour three, I finally gave up and washed it off as the smell was started to give me a headache.


    Final Thoughts:

    Definitely not for me. Not a big surprise as I don't do well with rose and lily, but this was particularly bad on me. None of the other notes were strong enough to overcome their presence. I'm sure this could be lovely on someone who does better with florals, but on me it was a disaster.

  20. Initial Impression:

    Honeyed caramels with a kick of something darker lurking underneath


    After Wearing It:

    From the note list, the early buzz on this scent and even the way it smelled in the bottle, I was expecting Agrat-Bat-Mahlaht to smell pretty foody but it wasn't much at all on me. That teak note that was lurking in the background really bloomed when it hit my skin, so when I sniffed my wrist right after application the first thought that came to my mind was "mmm teak-y." Which made me giggle, as it seemed like a very appropriate joke given that this scent was made with Karyn in mind. (to anyone who doesn't know Belladonnastrap well enough to get that, the theme of the summer forum layout was due to her incessant begging me for a tiki skin) I'm assuming an unintentional one, but way clever if it was on purpose!


    Anyway the teak note is gorgeous. Dark but not harsh, and not dry like some wood notes can be. It combined with the honey, skin musk, amber and a touch of caramel to create a very richly dark scent that was deeply sweet, but not at all cloying or foody. I didn't notice any of the cream accord in this scent, which was a good thing for me. "Milk" notes are hit or miss on me. Sometimes they're light and creamy, sometimes they're sort of sickly cloying, or at worst they go sour on me like curdled milk. I don't know how cream would have played on my skin with the teak, so I was grateful that it never showed up. I didn't notice the apple blossom either, but I think I was just too distracted by the heavier notes to notice it.


    Final Thoughts:

    Overall I would describe this scent as being like a darker and more complex version of O. It's very sexy and a little on the heavy side, but wonderful. One of my favorite Grindhouse scents for sure!

  21. Initial Impression:

    Red musk with a hint of patchouli and lotus root.


    After Wearing It:

    Warning: Marianne is STRONG and slatherers like me should try on a dab first before deciding whether or not it's safe to apply as usual. I applied Marianne in my usual excessive fashion as I was rushing out the door in the morning and regretted it as soon as I got into the car. Not because it didn't smell lovely, mind you, but just because it was so potent. Applying Marianne the way I did was like taking a huge gulp of tequila when you assumed it was beer. Nothing wrong with tequila or drinking in excess, but when you're expecting something much weaker, it's more than you signed on for. The cloud of fragrance filled my entire car so much I wondered if people could smell it in the next car over even with my windows up. I felt highly embarrassed when I got to class, as while I'm obviously a fan of smelling good and scents with throw, I don't really want to share my perfume with the entire room. And that strength stayed strong for all three hours of my class. :P


    But on to the smell! Wet and for the first hour or so, Marianne was very "perfumey" and I mean that in the best possible way. It reminded me of all the good parts of the expensive and classic oriental perfumes that have maintained their prestige over the past century, only better. It was a very musky floral with a bit of patchouli to ground it, though not the springy sort of floral that often goes soapy and stringent of me. It was rich and heady, and the red musk that accompanied it just sang on me. I love red musk, can't get enough of it, and it really worked well in Marianne. The scent felt very refined and sophisticated, yet aggressive and a little intimidating. The scent of a real lady who knows what she wants, and isn't too shy to seize it.


    The final dry down for this blend is slightly sweet. The lotus root peeked out and softened the floral notes and the red musk got a bit chocolatey on me, as it tends to do with my skin chemistry. Not in a foody way, but it gives the fragrance warmth and depth. I'm not sure I ever really smelled the black currant or bergamot in the scent. They might have added nuance to the fragrance but I wasn't able to pick them out on my own. This scent lasted for a good 10-12 hours too, though, thankfully, it wasn't QUITE as strong after the first 3-4 hours. Still kept a decent amount of throw though all day long.


    Final Thoughts:

    A winner, and a blend I'm sure will earn many fans. Unlike some of the early commenters on Marianne, I didn't think it smelled much like Snake Charmer though. Where Snake Charmer is thick and resinous, Marianne is much more floral. The only thing I thought they had in common was its musky quality. If I had to pick any bpal fragrance to compare Marianne to, I'd say Hell's Belle though Marianne isn't as creamy or have the subtle citrus kick.

  22. Initial Impression:

    Warm, sweet and slightly nutty.


    After Wearing It:

    For some reason, when I first looked at the note list, I was expecting Inez to be a powerful and heavy scent but it wasn't. For all the resin and wood notes, I found it to be like a stream of sunshine: full of warmth, gold and light. It was a very comforting fragrance, very sweet and a bit powdery. I didn't get the cedar or myrrh in this fragrance at all, maybe a bit of the red sandalwood, but it was elusive. It was mostly amber and vanilla musk with a touch of spice from the carnation.


    The scent was fairly consistent and didn't do a lot of morphing on me, but after the first couple of hours, it got a little less powdery on me which made the scent smell more foody. Specifically? Like those animal cookies with pink icing that come in the hot pink bag. This is at least the third BPAL fragrance (Hod and Forbidden Fruit were the others that I can remember) I've tried that I've had that have smelled this way on me. I think I've finally figured out that fragrances that smell predominantly of amber plus one sweet note (usually vanilla, sometimes lotus) and not much else go "cookie" on me. Which isn't a bad thing at all, but not for every day. I like foody scents, but prefer them in bath products over perfume unless I'm just in the mood for them.


    Final Thoughts:

    Overall pretty good. On me it had good throw and lasted about 6-8 hours. And while it's not a scent I think I'll wear often (it's almost too yummy! :P), I can see this one becoming very popular.
