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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by shriekingviolet

  1. Initial Impression:

    Mad, delightful and very citrusy. Sweet pink grapefruit.


    After Wearing It:

    When I first put this on, I hated it. All I could smell was the grapefruit, but it wasn't a sweet, round grapefruit note. It was horribly sour and almost bitter. Kind of like swallowing a big mouthful of any type of citrus fruit juice right after brushing your teeth. But, since I have a policy of letting all fragrances run their course on my skin, I didn't wash it off.


    Fortunately, things got much better. The other notes (particularly the red currant) started gaining strength and balanced out the scent, smaking it smoother, sweeter. The final result was a sweet, subtle, slightly floral & powdery berry scent with a touch of tart grapefruit. I just wish the end result was as powerful as its opening act because by that point it had faded quite a bit.



    Final Thoughts:

    I'm going to have to wear this again before I make a final decision about how I feel about this fragrance. I've found that sometimes after wearing a scent once, the initial effects that I may not like are often shortened or sometimes even completely eliminated. Here's hoping!

  2. friendthegirl, ask your desk assistant. S/he should know


    Gothabillywench, UPS always leaves our boxes at the door (though they ring the bell well the drop them on our porch, even though they don't wait for us to answer). Not sure if we ever signed a slip to allow them to do so. We live in a really safe neighborhood so it doesn't both us. I'm fairly sure that all of our mail-delivering personnel and neighbors (elderly folk with toy cars) are pretty honest.

  3. third it. It can be slightly disappointing to see that I've missed a package and have to wait until the next day to pick it up, but that's so much better than having it not arrive at all and having to wait and wait to confirm that no, it's not coming after all and having it re-sent.


    If you post the policv and insert a link to a page that explains why people will understand. And if they don't they're assholes and you don't want their business anyway. Because assholes are often cheap and always headache inducing.

  4. Since quite a few of us are pagan, and many more study, practice or are at least interested in different occult practices. I though it'd be fun to add a forum for discussion of them. Particularly since the subjects are directly related to the oils themselves. Have fun kids. :P

  5. LOL you're not supposed to like the idea.  But I think with poor women going through all sorts of torture, it's only fair that there's something to balance out the scales.


    Though it's hardly as though if one were found, you'd HAVE to use it.

    Oh, Diana, if only you knew... the angry, ANGRY, resentful thoughts I was having while I was in the doctor's office today...

    I can imagine. Mine would have been completely murderous. And I would have had an awful time resisting the urge to speed up whenever I was driving around and saw a man try to cross the street.


    There's just something truly evil about the fact that some man out there designed a birth control method that could cause so much pain to begin and deem it a success ready for use.

  6. Warning: Vulgar and Blunt Post Ahead



    I feel like I had a boiler room coat hanger abortion. Today was HORRIBLE.

    Owwww! *clutches her lower abdomen in sympathy* Poor dear. The things women have to go through, I swear. We need to get some women scientists in the fertility field and find a similar set of alternatives on the male end. It's only fair!

  7. Initial Impression:

    Very clean, quiet and light. Slightly sweet. There's something so familiar about this scent that it makes it hard to smell. Like something you've been overexposed to to the point that you don't notice it any longer.


    After Wearing It:

    On me this scent was very soft, sweet and slightly fruity. I think I smell lotus (which can often smell at tad fruity to me) and maybe a touch of something like honeysuckle? After a bit of wear, the scent became more powdery taking on an almost introverted tone to it. Overall the scent didn't smell sad so much to me as resigned but relieved. Like someone who has made a tough decision, but feels better now that they've decided in which direction to turn.


    Final Thoughts:

    This isn't exactly what I pictured in terms of the Hanged Man card, but I do want to meditate on it more. It's a nice scent on its own as well.

  8. I second what Ebonykawai said. As an e-tailer you have every right to automatically tack on extra for insurance on every order. Since you're going to have to deal with the fuss if something doesn't get delivered, it's only sane that putting including insurance in the shipping cost be compulsory for everyone's people of mind.


    Don't be a martyr dear! We don't mind paying the extra $$, and the people who do are the ones who are overly optimistic about the percentage of packages that get lost in the mail. As soon as theirs is lost for the first time, they come around.

  9. ahhh count me in on those sympathy kegel contractions. You poor thing! I can't believe they didn't give you anything for pain!!! Makes me appreciate my parents more, if I were in your position and the doctor didn't give me anything, they'd scrounge some up themselves. I sprained my ankle my first year of college and my mother express shipped a bottle of darvoset the next morning!


    Feel better sweetheart! :P


    Ah and I think the few guys on the board that they're already in for high estrogen exposure on this forum. They're smart enough to look the other way. :D

  10. Initial Impression:

    Smells like early summer mornings with their freshly mowed lawns and garden clippings. Very green and fresh.


    After Wearing It:

    For the first few hours I could smell nothing but bright, green grass. At about hour five, I'm finally smelling the berry notes starting to come through. The berries are slightly sweet, but more tart against the grass, making me think of the wild raspberries that grew by my grandparents' house when I was a kid. The floral notes are extremely subtle, but give an impression of wildflowers crushed underfoot.


    This is a very green, youthful fragrance. It's all warm days and children racing around on grassy fields. It's innocence, laughter and unfailing optimism.


    Final Thoughts:

    Nice scent, but this is too fresh and green for me. Grass scents have never been my thing, though I think this would be great on someone else.

  11. Initial Impression:

    Slightly musky. Stern, yet kind. Masculine but not oppressively so. It's a good "father-in-a-bottle" scent.


    After Wearing It:

    This is a really confident, masculine smell. Regal almost. It's earthy, woody and slightly smoky. I definitely smell sandalwood here, and probably some frankincence and a wood note (cedar maybe?). Possibly some patchouli too, and something green and slightly herby.


    This scent evokes an aura of competence and power, yet of benevolence as well. It somewhat reminds me of the way my grandfather looked before his final illness. Even into his late sixties her still had his hair color, casual dress meant not having to wear a jacket and a tie and had such an air of dignity. He had a reserved and somewhat stern demeanor, but he always gave the best hugs and to everyone who knew him he was truly kind. He was firm, disciplined, but also compassionate and fair. Which is what The Emperor says to me.


    Final Thoughts:

    I got this because The Emperor is my soul card. It captures the meaning of the card very well. However I can't imagine actually wearing it. It's much too masculine for me. But I will be keeping the imp for meditation purposes.

  12. Initial Impression:

    Smells strongly of lilac. Not much Dragon's Blood is appearing from the bottle. Classically floral.



    After Wearing It:

    Ah! I've been vigilantly sniffing my wrist for 3 hours and I cannot smell any Dragon's Blood. *pouts*


    This scent is STRONGLY floral. The lilac is the most overwhelming note of the bunch, but I can smell the Lily of the Valley wafting in the background. It's a very springtime scent. Like Sunday brunches on mild days, with a gentle breeze carrying the fragrance of the garden blooms to your table.


    Final Thoughts:

    I'm very picky about my florals and Lilac isn't on my beloved list. The note in general reminds me too much of the generic floral air freshener. Would be a winner for someone who does like Lilacs though.

  13. Initial Impression:

    Bright, sweet fruity and hopeful. A youthful smell, representing more youth's eagerness to learn and experience and their optimism than their naivete. An eagerness to embrace and envelop everything that it encounters.


    After Wearing It:

    This scent was so uplifting ang cheering for me. When I first put it on, it smelled very sweet, almost with a light sugar note tying light fruit, floral and wood scents together. I think I smell some jasmine, a sweeter type of sandalwood and maybe a light plum. The scent deepened after a while, smelling less sweet and more warm. Like the feel of warm sunshine on bare skin.


    The feelings I get from this scent are of relief and joy. That a clear, warm, sunny day after weeks of horrible storms. That serene, but happy feeling that you get when you are reminded that life does go on and everything will be okay after all.


    Final Thoughts:

    This is so not my usual fare (LOL cheerful scents aren't me much(, but I'm so glad I have a full bottle of this. It promoted a state in me that fell somewhere between serenity and mild euphoria. A very beautiful and potentially therapeutic scent.

  14. Initial Impression:

    Thick, heavy and more than a bit fruity. But dark.


    After Wearing It:

    I really liked this! Which is unsurprising I guess since I like everyone of the notes. When I first put it on, the scent was quite fruity, the bold, round cherry note twirling around for all of the attention in the front while the dragon's blood resin (which has always smelled a bit fruity to me) stood behind it. There are suggestions of myrrh and clove, which helped to keep the cherry from being too candy like.


    The cherry mellows down and the scent becomes sweet, smoky and resinous. Myrrh has thicked the scent up and empowers the Drogon's Blood to take a firmer stand, while the clove note meanders through the oil, giving this sweet, red dense haze a spicy bite. The whole scent is very rich and thick in texture, heady, sweet and primal. There's still a fruitiness to the scent as it's dying down, but it now sings in chorus with the other notes rather than giving a solo performance.


    Final Thoughts:

    I really like this scent. Really, really. The blood image of the scent reminds me more of the way blood flows, its color and the primal beat of it being pushed through our systems, rather than the actual fluid, spattering across a crime scheme or being guzzled by a vampire. I think even thoses with more...pastel tastes could appreciate Blood as a fragrance.

  15. Initial Impression:

    dry and wispy. Like a more somber, bitter scented incense flowing on the wind.


    After Wearing It:

    On me this smells like a typical women's department store perfume. Not in that it smells alcohol-y, but in that several of these notes (the rose, lily & white sandalwood) are a common combination that you'd find in department store fragrances. I'm getting particular Estee Lauder vibes here.


    The scent is quite dry and a touch grainy, from the frankincense. The florals are white and austere. Stainless. I'm not huge on florals, and the woody/incense notes aren't warming me up to this one as they help add to the scent's aura of classic polished lady's perfume. Which isn't my style at all.


    Final Thoughts:

    Mmm just couldn't get on with this at all. For once I don't even have something nice to say. It reminds me of the genres of commercial perfumes that I have always snubbed. But hey if you were an old fan of something like EL's Beautiful and want to find a better update, you might like this.

  16. It stopped doing that for me too out of the blue but I forgot to look into it. I will now while you've got me thinking about it.


    Edit: Shollin check your email for me. I changed the email utility from PHP_email and SMTP so it might work better. Worked for me a moment ago, but I won't say it's fixed until it works for someone else!

  17. Ok my apologies to anyone who was surfing the boards in the last half hour! I was trying to add an extra stats feature on the boards for admin purposes but the hack result my global config. file! LOL that probably doesn't mean anything to someone who's never looked at big php scripts, but I assure you it's bad. Or at least fucking annoying. Anyway I think everything's fixed back to the way it was, but if you run into an unusual error, do PM me.


    Oh and if you ever arrive to the forums only to be greeted by a cryptic error message, rest assured that I'm sitting somewhere typing away furiously, screaming expletives at my screen, and rushing to fix it. Just reload (because it might already be fixed) and if it's still broken, think happy, soothing thoughts for me and wait 15 minutes.


    And no I haven't learned my lesson here. It still might happen again. :P

  18. Initial Impression:

    A sharp, strong citrus scent that's a touch herby.


    After Wearing It:

    A *bright* white scent. Not white as in innocent or bright as in cheerful, but like stepping out into the strong afternoon light after watching a long movie in the theater. Blinding and overwhelming almost to the point of pain. This scent smells of sharp lemon, but the lemon reminds me more of one of the lemony herbs like lemongrass or lemon verbena in their slight herbiness rather than straight citrus scent. There's some musk here as well, I think, giving the fragrance a husky and slightly masculine tone.


    Final Thoughts:

    Wonderful embodiment of solar energy though not really something I'd wear as it's not my style at all. I completely appreciate its accurancy in its portrayal though.

  19. Category: Tarot Oils


    Site Description:

    None as of yet.


    Initial Impression:

    Mysterious and indefinable. Is it earthy, is it smoky? Shadowy, yet raw in a way that's open and everpresent.


    After Wearing It:

    First on, the scent is very earthy. From what I can tell, it's a heavy mixture of dark musk, vetivert and earth. Over time it starts to lighten up, becoming less dark but still warthy. Smoother, but not at all sweet. So imagine my surprise when 5 hours later I sniff my wrist and smell traces of sweet flowers among soft, wispy musk and earth. I can't tell exactly exactly what I'm smelling but it's not sweet in a foody, vanilla kind of way, but like small sweet wildflowers you might find growing across a field somwhere. A bit powdery too. This is a very complex scent, morphable, totally capturing the meaning of the death card as a sign of transformation. It started out dark and oppressive, but came out with a sweet new beginning. Amazing.


    Final Thoughts:.

    I don't think this is something I'll wear as a personal fragrance, but it'd be a wonderful aide during reading & meditation sessions. It's definitely worth your time if you appreciate scents for more than their aesthetic qualities.
