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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by shriekingviolet

  1. Name: Diana

    URL, if applicable: http://log.impolite.org

    Photo, if you don't mind: none available at the moment

    Sin of choice: "Vanity, definitely my favorite sin"

    Virtue you embody: Loyalty, Dignity

    Astrological Info: *goes for the short version* Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius moon and Leo rising.

    How you found out about BPAL: My pal Sarah email Karyn & I the link after she saw it on the Lush forum.

    Any comments you'd like to add about the Lab or life in general: I've been a fragrance whore the better part of my life, but BPAL is the first company I've found that inspires brand loyalty. Not only are their scents creative and exciting (and numerous!), they're obvious created with love. The personal service the Lab provides is as fantastic as its products. I'm sure I'll be lifelong customer!

  2. With the sin, are we talking personality trait (like being overly prideful or lusty) or most frequent sin activity (frequent one-night stands, malicious gossip, violent temper tantrums etc.)?


    And how specific do you want the astrological info? LOL I'm an astro geek so I just want to make sure I don't bable on for a lengthy paragraph if you only want my sun and ascendant. :P

  3. A perfect amber note. Smoky but smooth, sweet, warm, thick and full of mystery. Couldn't have captured the scent of burning this resin better. Absolutely gorgeous. Amber's one of my favorite notes too, so I'm going to have to buy a bottle of this for layering purposes. Can't wait to try the Black Amber single note as well.

  4. *decides to throw out her usual review format for single notes*


    Yes that's definitely coffee. The rich, earthy, bitter smell of quality coffee beans.

    I could seriously use this in a burner on an early morning and not be able to tell the difference between this and the smell of a real pot brewing. Excellent copy of a familiar scent. Strong and longlasting too!

  5. Category: Love Potions


    Site Description:

    The tale of Cupid and Psyche is both a perfect love story and an allegory for the soul's search to reunite with Deity. This is the scent of true love, your heart's deepest, purest desires. Bulgar rose, Chinese white musk, lavender, orchid and frankincense.


    Initial Impression:

    A definite rose scent, but so complex. I can smell the frankincense for sure.


    After Wearing It:

    *keeps sniffing wrists* Huh, I think I really like this one. I think I've killed about a hundred brain cells today sniffing my wrist to make sure that, yes, I do indeed like this rose fragrance. I'm just baffled. When first wet, Psyche smells strongly of roses, almost like the dusty tea variety. Which wasn't so favorable for me, but I believe in giving each oil a fair opportunity to make its case so I stuck with it. After half an hour or so the rose mellows out. I doesn't hide or fade, it just gives the other notes room to be seen. The end result is a slightly powdery, slightly sweet, wistful rose scent that's absolutely lovely in its dreamlike, romatic quality. A complex and beautiful rose perfume.


    Final Thoughts:

    A fabulous oil, very fitting to the myth that inspired it. This should be a must try for any fan of rose oils, and should definitely be considered even by those who aren't.

  6. Category: Bewitching Brews


    A master storyteller who possessed unfailing courage and compassion, a sharp, quick wit, and a true understanding of human nature. Saffron and Middle Eastern spices swirled through sensual red musk.


    Initial Impression:

    Musky, but not at all overbearing. Very smooth and warm.


    After Wearing It:

    This is really smoky and complex. The musk is smooth, hot and sensual, making me feel light headed and content in that "good buzz" kind of way. Musks can often turn rancid or too overpowering on me, but this was just right. Emboldening the red musk are a multitude of spicy scents that give the fragrance a full flavor without subtracting any of the smoothness of the scent.


    Final Thoughts:

    A very apt scent for a storyteller. It inspires and excites while still lulling and relaxing its audience. Has a clear Middle Eastern feel. A winner!

  7. <span style='color:red'>Category:</span> Bewitching Brews


    <span style='color:red'>Site Description:</span>

    It is a day of days, a day of all days either to live or die. It is a fair day for the sons of earth and life - ah! more fair for the daughters of heaven and death.


    Sage with orris, Florentine iris and a drop of civet.


    <span style='color:red'>Initial Impression:</span>

    Herby, green floral with some spicy/woody undertones.


    <span style='color:red'>After Wearing It:</span>

    This is a predominantly sage fragrance, and for this reason I didn't expect much from it and kept trying to write it off as something that wasn't for me. But Morella is persistant. Yes it smells like sage and Yes it's a lot herbier and green than I usually like my scents, but it's still *very* nice. Morella is a complex floral scent that makes me think of crushes herbs and florals laying the undergrowth of a dark and damp forest, lying among moss and the fungi that would seek to help it decay. It's deep, dark and interesting. Something one of the less benevolent varieties of forest elves might wear.


    <span style='color:red'>Final Thoughts:</span>

    Even if this doesn't initially seem like your kind of thing, Morella deserves a chance to convince you of its charms. It's very unique and pretty unisex, so if it doesn't turn out to be your thing, you might like it on a boy!


    Mod note: This scent was briefly resurrected from February to May of 2006 as part of the Limited Edition "Into the Maelstrom" series, with the same notes as the discontinued GC blend.

  8. Category: Bewitching Brews Excolo


    Site Description:

    Patron of the Aztec pantheon, he is the personification of light within darkness, warmth in the cold, and life in, and after, death. He is a creative and destructive God of Fire and Light, and is appeased only by sacrifice, trial, and the slaughter of his people’s enemies. Copal, plumeria and sweet orange and the smoke of South American incense and crushed jungle blooms.


    Initial Impression:

    Floral, white but sweet enough to interest me so it's not just a "Diana-hates-random-florals" scent. Lily maybe? There are other floral notes that I can't quite trace, but there's also something sweet here. Perhaps a light almond note or honey.


    After Wearing It:

    This a really light, white, sweet. brings up images of the pale new light at dawn. The sweet note is what tickles me most, it smells like either honey or almond. I can't really pick out the individual floral notes, but they all have a mellow yet glorious aura about them.


    Final Thoughts:

    This is a very subtle & polished scent. I liked it a lot. It smells like something that would be divine in a lotion or body cream. Perfect for someone who wants scent but doesn't necessarily want to smell like perfume.

  9. Lush, velvet-red blooms born from the blood shed in the eternal battle between Set and Horus the Avenger. Inspired by Tammy Roth.

    Initial Impression:
    Sweet and thick. Less sweet than dragon's milk though the scent is along the same lines. Almost fruity, but not. It's rich and the scent pulses like blood.

    After Wearing It:
    My first thoughts when I applied this were rich and full-bodied. It was thick and oozing in a syrup kind of way, sweet yet a bit tart. Languorous. I can definitely smell the Lotus here though there's no aquatic feel to the scent. The Lotus brings images of Egyptian religious orders, and this would be something they'd serve to drink before a more feverish, spirited ceremony.

    I smell wine and Dragon's Blood in here as well, give the scent a round fruity aura, though in a heady, overripe sort of way. Makes me wonder if this is the Lotus version of the popular blood rose.

    Final Thoughts:
    This was lovely. I've been wanting to try Blood Rose but have been waffling about it since even though the reviews make it seem extra appealing, I don't often get on very well with rose blends. Lotus, on the other hand, is one of the few floral notes I embrace enthusiastically. So I might just skip Blood Rose all together and embrace this! Love it!

  10. I'm pretty sure the 10 ML bottles are just bigger versions of the 5 ML ones. I don't personally have one, but Quantum posted a pic of her collection in this thread and she has a 10 ML among the other bottles and samples. It looks the same only bigger.


    oh and just curious, but what does your custom scent smell like BlackRayne? I'm curious to know what scent *fits* people since it certainly does say a lot about someone's personality!


    Edit: Ah, I just noticed that my new Tarot oil bottles ARE 10 ML. (they're beautiful btw, with the pretty tarot cards pasted on the front). They are the same bottles: blue glass and the same black screwtops.

  11. I would think with all the stress an actual wedding could create, I would pick something you personally find soothing or uplifting. I've never been big on "special occasion" scents though (I wear whatever I want whenever I want, regardless if it seems appropriate or not :P) so that's all the advice I can offer!

  12. I made 15 new avatars for your use and viewing pleasure. (see them here by clicking the link and then choosing the IPB community option. All of the ones I made are labed x_....) Yes I have a thing for tigers. They're my favorite animals. Whenever I go to zoos I just stand and stare at them for 20-30 minutes. One of the ones at the Audubon zoo in New Orleans often stares back which thrills me to no end.



    Anyway, I'll be making more and adding them soon, but for now enjoy the ones you've got!
