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Posts posted by shriekingviolet

  1. Initial Impression:

    Heavily spiced amber! LOVE SPICE & AMBER


    After Wearing It:

    First on, all I can smell is amber and spice which is such a treat because I adore amber as it suits me so well (a friend of mine even associates the smell of amber resin with how she thinks I smell naturally) and I adore spicy scents. Very heated and full bodies. As it dries, a dry grass/straw leaps out with surprising force. I can still smell the amber and spice, as well as a soft musk note that floats in the background, but the blend (at this point) revolves around this scent of dry grass. Which is very familiar to me as you will find many a vast field of dry, golden grass in Oklahoma. Reminds me very much of when a friend told me her father (who had worked in central Africa at one point) had said that the landscape of my state looks very similar to the Sarengeti, which I definitely see.


    After an hour or so the grass drifts off a bit and blends more seamlessly with the other notes, leaving the smell of a swelteringly hot day on the plains of the savannah. I can smell the soft musk of cat fur and spice and its very pleasing. Paints a very good picture of a lion in its natural habitat.


    Final Thoughts:

    Love this one and wish I had gotten a bottle instead of just an imp! Has good staying power, good throw and is just gorgeous!

  2. Initial Impression:

    Smells like a christmas party! Mint and cookies and a bit of booze


    After Wearing It:

    Wet, the peppermint note in Spooky was screamingly obvious and while I could smell the other notes in the blend they all but cowered behind the semisweet mint note. The coconut note in it had that sort of candle wax quality to it that I recognize from The Star and Passion. Smelled boozy too, but not like any of the other rum notes I've smelled in BPAL blends before. Far less obvious and reminds me more of how you can often smell liquor in a cocktail but you might not be able to identify what kind is in it until you taste it. Nice fresh and slightly sweet but really not too foody.


    The foodiness factor grows in volume as time goes by, and after hour two I can finally start to smell the cocoa. The coconut loses its waxiness and becomes sweeter, giving Spooky its clear cookie vibe. Becomes more buttery too, making it smell like those lovely danish cookies. The dash of peppermint and booze keeps it grounded, from smelling too sweet. Absolutely lovely.


    In the final stages of spooky, the cocoa asserts itself. Definitely smells like cocoa powder rather than a chocolate bar, and was very reminiscent of the hot cocoa spiked with peppermint schnapps that my parents used to fix for us kids when I was little. Spooky was even better than I had imagined!


    Final Thoughts:

    Mmm this was so, so yummy on its own, yet it's the first BPAL scent I've really been tempted to blend with other scents. I really want to try layering it with grog or cerberus. Bliss might be lovely too. So glad Beth is rereleasing this so that I can have enough to where I won't freak about wasting it in a failed "experiment!"

  3. Initial Impression:

    Strong juicy fruit gum note bathed in crisp mint


    After Wearing It:

    First on, I smell soft mint, eucalyptus and orange, which is oddly pleasant. I usually associate mint-orange combos with that awful taste you get in your mouth when you try to drink juice or eat hard candy too soon after brushing your teeth. But this was sweet and nice. Slightly medicinal, but not too much. Overtime the lotus bloomed out, making the blend even sweeter. But it never drowns out the mint, so the blend remains clear and sparkling.


    Despite the mint, this didn't smell frosty to me. A touch cool maybe, but not sharp enough to feel really cold. But then that's fine with me as I'm not fan of the cold! Ice is horrible in my opinion, so the lack of it here doesn't really disappointment.


    Final Thoughts:

    Very nice! Probably not something I'll wear often, but it's very beautiful and a gem in my collection.

  4. The Full Moon that shines over the frost-rimed heart of winter. Traditional lunar oils combined with glittering snow flowers, soft breezes and frozen ferns.

    Initial Impression:
    A very muted and pale floral scent. Can smell a bit of lotus.

    After Wearing It:
    This was a very pale white floral on me. I usually don't like white florals but this was pretty nice. Cool and flowing like water, but not too crisp. I also smelled a few light melon notes, and possibly some cucumber but they weren't very prominent.

    Toward the end, the blend sweetened a bit and turned a bit powdery which was really nice. Thought I might have smelled lotus. All and all it was a very elegant, refined scent to enjoy.

    Final Thoughts:
    Wow that was a short review for me. I guess it was because while I liked Cold Moon, it really didn't move me and wasn't my style at all. I can still certainly appreciate its merits nonetheless!

  5. Initial Impression:

    Mmm this is sweet. Smells like tea and honeyed vanilla.


    After Wearing It:

    Yummy on so many different levels! Very sweet in a vanilla sugar kind of way and just delightful. Sensual and playful, something that just wants to completely indulge itself every moment of everyday because it has no conception of tomorrow. So it's sexy yes, but more of a solitary hedonism, because going solo eliminates the call for compromise or explanation. That's the greatest love of all, eh? :P


    During the first two hours of this fragrance, Dorian smelled of murky lavender floating in a cup of tea completely saturated with sugar with a tang of lemon. So sweet, smooth and cool with a wicked quirk to it. It's not masculine at all, but it's not feminine either. It goes beyond simply being gender neutral and embodies all that is androgynous and is quite proud of its ambiguity. It's a girl in a tux and a guy who enjoys the thrill of wearing ladies' lingerie, and feels quite smug when people stare. Very reminiscent of Neil Gaiman's Desire from The Sandman series.


    After hour two, the lemon and lavender fade away and the soft musks take their place leaving me with something that smells a lot like Snake Oil. It's definitely the same sugary vanilla note, but instead of the spices, it's musk and a bit of bittersweetness leftover from the tea. Which is lovely because I adore Snake Oil, and Dorian agrees with me in the same way. Lasts just as long too, so this is a real winner. So glad Ted was willing to share this one because I want to smell of this too!



    Final Thoughts:

    Wish I had ordered a bottle of this rather than an imp!! This is definitely on my "must repurchase immediately!" list. So fucking lovely!

  6. Initial Impression:

    Very warm scent, sweet but not overly so, and heady.


    After Wearing It:

    HONEY was my first thought, but that's to be expected. I'm such a nut for honey scents that my nose has become a very excitable homing device that (temporarily) blocks out all else once it finds it. After my excitement abated a bit, I found the blend to have a very strong ylang ylang not too which gave Skuld that sensual with a bite! tone. I didn't notice the musk notes until about half an hour after the scent dried, and even after that they basically served as just a very warm and slightly spicy foundation. Also made Skuld smell similar to O, yet definitely not as aggressively sexual.


    Skuld was sweet and inviting yet strangely hazy. It was like trying to focus while in a very pleasant haze of mind. Yet it also was an very unobtrusive scent, in that the scent whispered its presence instead of screaming it. It was an ever-present halo around me, but it was a bit evasive and I had to seek its presence to really enjoy it. Which sounds contrary I guess, especially for a scent with notes like this, but I think it's very appropriate for Skuld.


    Final Thoughts:

    Loved this one as much as I knew I would. But then with honey and arabian musk, how could it go wrong??

  7. Site Description:

    there isn't one, but Beth tells me it was intended to amplify not only sexual passion, but a joy & lust for life. Desire without its darkside.


    Initial Impression:

    Citrusy floral blend, tropical feeling with an slightly waxy smelling overlay


    After Wearing It:

    Wet and during the first hour after application, Passion smelled to me like the lovechild of The Star and Pele with the lime turned all the way up. I could smell the "just lit" candle smell I noticed in The Star along with the lime, with Pele's soft, warm floral breeze. The scent was warm, but only comfortably so. Like a sunny day in late spring when the chill of winter is barely even a memory but the heat of summer hasn't started to set in. My favorite type of weather too, so I was tickled by that, particularly since it was very cold when I wore it.


    After about an hour the candle wax note had burned off and Passion didn't remind me of Pele much anymore. The lime note was still very strong and dominant, but round and smooth. It lay over a bed of flowers that briefly peaked out clearly, but were really hard to pick out individually. At one point I thought I could smell carnations, but that note was whisked away before I could be sure it had really been there. A powdery jasmine note was the only one I felt somewhat confident in identifying. The scent wore on the rest of the day that way: a strong but sleek, bright lime over a soft, slightly powdery floral base.


    This scent was very cheery and positively buoyant. Didn't feel much sexuality to it, but the joy was definitely there and a sort of innocent sensuality to it that enlightened you to the sensuality that lies in all things. I don't know if it was actually the therapeutic vibes built into the blend or if it was what I had read in Beth's PM to me about the blend that I carried with me in the back of my mind as I wore it, but I couldn't stop smiling all day. It was like wearing a hug in the way it was so aggressively comforting. It's the bottled, concentrated feeling of knowing someone loves you and was so touching I almost felt moved to tears whenever I sniffed my wrist. It inspired a lot of confidence too and oddly made me think of something President Clinton said about how people who were loved can accomplish anything. It certainly felt that way!


    Final Thoughts:

    Passion is certainly not the sort of scent I normally wear, but I love it all the same. How could I not adore something so positive? This bottle was such a touching gift and I'll cherish it forever!

  8. Initial Impression:

    Musty yet sweet woody scent


    After Wearing It:

    Wet and for the first half hour, Cerberus smelled really masculine on me. It was a strong, sharp juniper note spiking out from a musky base. I could smell some woody, bitter notes as well but I couldn't pinpoint what they were. It was a really nice scent, but disappointing, because it smelled way too masculine for my taste and is something I would rather smell on someone else.


    Since I put this on before running off to the movies with a friend, I sort of "lost track" of the scent for about half an hour as I was surrounded by the smell of popcorn and got distracted. So imagine my surprise when I sniffed my wrist about ten minutes into the movie and smelled something gorgeously foody. Mmmmmm lots of really warm chocolate and rum! Still could smell a bit of the juniper at this point, but when combined with the chocolate it smelled a bit minty. If I really tried I could smell the fig and the walnut, though only subtly, and the musk just presented itself as a deep warmth. God I wanted to eat my wrist! I kept sniffing my wrist so often that I started to feel self-conscious about my freakish looking behavior even though I was in a dark movie theater. But it was so yummy! Good thing I love foody scents!


    The chocolate-rum scent stuck around for the rest of the evening until fading about eight hours after the first application. So happy the the scent morphed from the masculine juniper scent!


    Final Thoughts:

    Such a warm, comforting blend. Would be fab for those days when you feel like you need to stay in bed because you don't think you can stand leaving the level of warmth and comfort you have underneath you blankets. I've been having lots of those days lately so this may get a good amount of use!

  9. Initial Impression:

    A warm, slightly tart floral


    After Wearing It:



    *ahem* :P anyway....... Wet this smelled primarily of Arabian Musk, which I've grown to love through Beth's blends. It's warm, rich and slightly spicy without being too over powering. I could smell the plum at the core, and it was sweet and juicy and slightly tart. It reminded me of a younger woman, someone beautiful and sensual, but wasn't really aware of it yet. Sweet innocence yes, but there's a bit of danger in that because she hasn't learned the strength of her own ability to draw (sometimes unwanted) attention.


    As it dries the plum and carnation notes really start to come out, and they strike out almost singularly, and I could alternately smell each note on its own, pulsing like flashes of light. It was like watching a dancer who had several panels of brightly colored gauze in her costume and as she twirls you are exposed to each color in a dazzling show. This continues for about an hour before the notes settle down and blend to together to create a masterpiece of a fragrance that is rich and smooth with a velvety texture. The scent is sweet and juicy without being too much, musky without smelling sweaty or animalistic, and with that lovely clove/floral twist that comes with a good carnation component. The blend stayed this way for hours, wearing very well and evenly, still lingering even as I went to bed. Fabulous!


    Final Thoughts:

    Bathsheba is such an utterly gorgeous blend. I knew from the description immediately that I had to have it, but I was still surprised by just how lovely this was upon wearing it. It has magnificent staying power, has good throw, and is intoxicating enough to tempt me to wear it every day. Will definitely be added to my regular rotation.

  10. Initial Impression:

    An odd blend of spicy, smoky notes and the buttery-ness I remember from Harvest Moon


    After Wearing It:

    Wet this smelled incredibly buttery which wasn't what I was expecting from the description. Butter, a bit of smoke and dry leaves. The butter notes backed off once it was dry though, and the smokiness was kicked up several notches and some of the floral notes began to peek through. Didn't smell much myrrh, but I smelled lots frankincense which bummed me a bit as I'm not too wild about frankincense in large doses as it's a bit too dry for me. The floral notes that I could make out were the lily of the valley and the rose, which really had me thinking that All Saints would not be the scent for me as those are the two floral notes I hate the most. Disappointing because I wanted so much to like All Saints!


    Very fortunately, the scent morphed again after an hour or so. The myrrh finall made an appearance and drove the dreadful rose and lily of the valley notes away, creating the most gorgeous incense blend I've ever been exposed to. Smoky, deep, & rich with just the right touch of sweetness. Utterly lovely, and this stage lingered for hours until it finally faded away.


    Final Thoughts:

    While the opening stages of this blend didn't appeal to me, my bottle of All Saints' is definitely a keeper! So glad to have it!

  11. Also wanted to note that in cases where the hijacking is a conversation between two people, please know when it's time to take it to PM! It can be frustrating for individuals trying to follow a topic to get lost trying to find where it picks up again after a string of unrelated posts. We're just trying to keep the threads more discussion oriented, since there's already a few threads devoted just to unfettered chattering.

  12. The Randomness area has been becoming rather messy lately as the topic is just a bit TOO broad for a forum of our size, so we've added some extra subsection to help organize things better. So don't be alarmed if several threads you started or have been following suddenly isn't where it used to be. There will be lots of moving this weekend.


    The new areas added are for crafts (by much popular demand), an area for quizzes/role-calls/memes and name generators that's now in the intro forum, and a forum for personal matters (such as relationships etc.) that is a subforum of Randomness.


    I should also ask that while the mod team would really appreciate the help in spotting threads that need to moved, please wait until Tuesday to do any reports for this so we can avoid flooding poor Michelle's (minilux, our Randomness mod where most threads to be moved are likely to be housed) pm box.


    In other news, as a few of you might have noticed if you've glanced at the "who's online?" list, a few new mods have been added. Scylla, Clover and Heartbeast (along with Fulltiltredhead who was added a month ago, but still needs to be trained) have agreed to join the mod team and give us a hand. None have been assigned to sections or have been trained yet, so I'd hold off peppering them with questions just yet, but feel free to welcome them!


    Plus, tomorrow is the one year anniversary of when slythwitch opened the board and I haven't had time to develop anything to celebrate the matter. Actually started thinking about planning something back in November, but the holidays got me all sidetracked and I lost time. We'll have a proper forum-birthday celebration in mid February as that's when *I* took control of the board, promise!


    Have a happy weekend everyone!

  13. Initial Impression:

    Yummy pumpkin pie!


    After Wearing It:

    Wet this smelled just like pumpkin pie on me. Sweet, well spiced pumpkin scent with something in it that even made me think I could smell a crust. Very golden and smooth. Delicious!


    After an hour the pumpkin note all but disappeared on me and the spices in the blend overpowered just about everything else in the oil. I could smell pepper, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, probably nutmeg, and gods know what else. Just so many lovely warm spices with a pale sugary note at the core. Smells a lot like chai on me, which made me ecstatic. This is exactly what I wanted Three Witches to smell like! Very, very nice!


    Final Thoughts:

    I love spicy scents and this is the best one I've found so far. I will cherish my bottle.



    A question along these lines...


    How does one know in advance which L.E.'s will be out...? I know the calendar shows the Lunacy blends...


    But the others...?


    Thanks...and sorry if it's a silly question...I'm new!   :D



    There are no silly questions here! Well no there are but the number is very few especially for new people here :D The short answer to your question is this: We don't. Beth & the lab sometimes tell us what's coming up (ie the Lunacy blends) and others are guesstimates. We assume there will be an Imbolc/Beltane etc scent because there were scents for all the other holidays starting with Lammas. Just makes more sense but we have been known to be proven wrong!


    I concur with the above that we don't have access to a set LE schedule aside from the Lunacy blends, but you can kind of predict when updates (they usually happen around sabbats, which I'm in the process of marking on the boards' calendar for this year) will occur and for the last 6 months, all major updates have come with LEs. So while you might not know the exact date of an LE blends' release, you can usually tell when it's time to start stalking the Announcements section of the board. :P

  15. Initial Impression:

    Smells like roses pulled straight from the cooler at a florist's shop


    After Wearing It:

    I have to start off by saying that this truly is the most perfectly accurate rose scent I've ever encountered. If I closed my eyes and sniffed my wrist I might have trouble believing that I didn't have a chilled bouquet of roses right in front of me. You can smell the petals, the stems, leaves, the water they rest in, everything! And it never went powdery as rose oils sometimes do on me. Completely genius in the way it was captured and yet I totally hated every second of it. I hate rose scents. I don't know why, but I do. They don't really smell poisonous, but I have this aversion to the way they smell. Which is a shame because I like actual roses and think they're visually stunning and am thrilled to receive them, but you won't ever catch me sticking my nose into a bouquet of them. So having a scent that just so completely capture the smell of real roses wafting up from my wrist was a bit repelling and I had a hard time keeping myself from washing it off. The green notes in it didn't help much as green scents are definitely not my thing either.


    The scent has faded now and I'm immensely grateful. I can still smell it if I sniff my wrists, but it's softened so much the smell is almost pleasant. Lovely rose blend in its realism, but certainly not for me.


    Final Thoughts:

    Despite my feelings toward the actual scent, I'm glad I did have a chance to experience this one. Because it truly is a masterpiece in its presentation and would be a joy if I didn't have such a dislike for rose oils.

  16. Initial Impression:

    Sweet, cold lime tinged blend. Cultured and interesting.


    After Wearing It:

    Havisham started out on my skin as a crisp, cool, white floral that was slightly astringent smelling. I could definitely smell roses here, bathed in salty aquatic notes. I don't pull off roses or white florals well and don't have a strong liking for aquatic notes, so I wasn't too terribly pleased with it. But it was still very interesting, and the blend made me think of the shock that comes right before a huge disappointment. That numbness that comes when you don't know what to think or what to feel because the news that has just been delivered is so unexpected and devastating.


    After a few hours, Havisham sweetened a bit and lost its salt and the elements of the white floral notes that I generally find off-putting. The rose backed off as well, and the blend just turned into a very pleasant but subtle elegant floral scent. Quite a nice surprise.


    Final Thoughts:

    I've grown to like Havisham, particularly in the end stages, but it's not really me. It's just too floral and too white for my taste. Yet it's so hard to part with!

  17. Initial Impression:

    Gingerbread from heaven, gloriously foody


    After Wearing It:

    First on, Gingerbread was very hot and very spicy. I could definitely smell the ginger and the spices, but it didn't smell quite sweet enough to qualify as foody. It was like that hot rush of spices you might experience upon first opening the oven to check on a pan on baking gingerbread. Your senses are overwhelmed by the heat coming from the oven that you can only make out the strongest of notes.


    Overtime though, the ginger backs off slowly and the blend gets sweeter and rounder, becoming the scent of fresh baked gingerbread cookies that I hoped it would be. This is a very lovely and comforting smell and lasts for a while. Serves for a wonderful replacement for cookies if you can't have the real thing!


    Final Thoughts:

    Lovely! I love the smell of gingerbread so I was really pleased with this one. Can't wait to try it as a room scent!

  18. Initial Impression:

    Like a light, fluffy, marzipan scented cloud


    After Wearing It:

    When I first put this on, I was a bit disappointed with it as it was too light for me and I actually prefer heavier scents. I kept thinking maybe if I actually bathed in it, it might work. My perfume style is oddly extroverted for my personality type, and I like to share my scent with everyone...whether they like it or not. So a scent only I can smell when I think about smelling it, no matter how pretty, doesn't hold much appeal.


    Fortunately (and surprisingly!), Snow White bloomed on me right after it dried. Wet it was just a sweet wisp of a scent, but once it dried, the notes just billowed out in waves, enveloping me in a marshmallow cloud. And then Snow White and I were in love. This is such a sweet, fluffy, gentle scent. It didn't smell cold to me at all, and while it wasn't warm, it did make me think of being wrapped in a blanket.


    The scent itself smelled mainly of almond and vanilla, laced with coconut. I could smell a bit of mint, but just a whisper of it every now and then. It did remind me of Dana, though it was less green in its finish and I liked it much better. The scent lasted surprisingly long and had great throw, so all around, Snow White's a winner!


    Final Thoughts:

    So glad I bought two bottles of this! It's too gorgeous for words and has definitely made it into my top ten!

  19. Sweet pipe tobacco, cherry wood, the warm, worn leather of an easy chair and a pleasant, subtle waft of fireplace smoke.

    Initial Impression:
    Deep red scent: cherries, gleaming wood and sweet smoke

    After Wearing It:
    Wet, Hearth burned like fire on me everywhere I slathered it which is highly unusual as my skin isn't particularly sensitive to oils, and when it is, I usually only feel it on my neck. But this stung on my neck, my cleavage and wrists. Oddly appropriate I guess, that a scent called hearth should burn. I didn't wash it off though as I'm a trooper when it comes to perfume, and fortunately no welts appeared and the stinging sensation faded in about 5 minutes.

    Scentwise, this scent had a very warm glow from start to finish, like a gorgeous red aura that could protect you from the chill in any room. It was very, very cherry too, particularly toward the end. It was only for the first hour and a half that I smelled any smoke, tobacco or wood notes, but even then, they were more supporting notes. Later, this smelled pleasantly of dark, warm, syrupy cherries. Oddly buttery too, and I can totally get where diabolique smelled pancakes. Really, really yummy, but much more foody than I had been expecting from Hearth. Didn't mind a bit though!

    Final Thoughts:
    I really, really liked Hearth, though I think this might be better suited for a room scent for me. I think it'd lend an irresistibly cozy aura to any environment and I can't wait to try it in my burner.

  20. Initial Impression:

    Very clean, crisp outdoorsy scent


    After Wearing It:

    Wet, this very much smelled like a walk in a park during winter. Not really cold, but certainly not warm. The pine was particularly strong, and while I appreciated the scent, I'm not really an outdoorsy type of gal so I wasn't expecting to like this one. Fortunately, winthin half an hour, the scent started to change. The pine backed off and the blend sweetened, the beerries coming through, though subtly. Those who have said Skadi smells like Dublin are totally right. This has the same wet & fresh, yet slightly tangy and sweet green smell that I fell in love with in Dublin, but with berries instead of white rose. So cheerful and lovely!


    After the scent dried, Skadi no longer reminded me of a winter walk, but one in early spring. It made me think of budding life, of that time of the year when the trees are preparing to bloom again and nature is struggling to throw off the mantle of winter. It's hopeful and full of life, yet pale and quiet.


    Final Thoughts:

    I loved this, though it's not my usual style. Not sure how much I'll wear it, but I'll certainly treasure my bottle as it's absolutely gorgeous.

  21. Initial Impression:

    Sweet, dark chocolate swirled with smoke.


    After Wearing It:

    I had to wear this scent several times before I felt comfortable reviewing it because though I couldn't have predicted it after reading the description, Dia de los Muertos is a very subtle scent on me. The first two times I wore it I only noticed the smell of pipe tobacco and smoke, slightly sweet, but more smoky than anything else. After my skin got to know it better, I started noticing the chocolate and other sweetie smells, but the sweets were still rather soft and inobtrusive, hiding beneath the blanket of cigarette smoke.


    The scent makes me think of celebration and ceremonies past rather than present. This isn't the smell of the parades and the rituals as they happen, it's the smell you might catch walking through the streets early on the morning after. There are treats caught in the cracks on the road, reminents of trampled offerings piles in the gutters with the afterglow of smoke clinging to every hard surface. It's a memory that doesn't belong to your own catalogue of experience, it's one you read in the clues the event leaves behind.


    Final Thoughts:

    I like this blend though not as much as I expected to. The tobacco is a bit too dominant for my liking, and overall the scent is much too subtle for me.

  22. Initial Impression:

    Spicy berries and pine.


    After Wearing It:

    Interesting scent, and fairly consistent from start to finish. I agree with what the others have said about this smelling like potpourri, because it really, really does. It makes me think of glazed pine cones and cinnamon sticks tossed in with a colorful mix of pungent wood shaving. I can even smell something like orris root, which is often used as a fixative. I can smell the berries here, though not as strongly as I would have expected from the description. They make a hazy base, crimson base for the an array of wood notes and spices that dominate the scent. Lots of pine and cinnamon, with maybe a bit of cedar? All and all, this is most certainly a scent that clearly represents the holiday season. Not just winter, but Yule/Christmas. If you could bottle tradition and holiday cheer, it would smell like Yuletide.


    Final Thoughts:

    Lovely, though definitely not my style. This sort of scent seems much better suited as a room scent than a perfume.

  23. Affectionately nicknamed 'The Devil's Bake Sale'.

    Initial Impression:
    Mmm smells just like the real thing

    After Wearing It:
    In the bottle, this smelled just like sugar cookies; on my skin it smelled pretty odd. I got more of shortbread smell than a sugar cookie smell, and while I could smell the cinnamon others had talked about in this scent, it wasn't very strong for me. Flour was mostly what I smelled, almost to the point of the scent smelling mealy. About an hour into the scent something jam-like appeared in the scent too. Not exactly fruity, but fruity like. It actually made me think of poptarts, un-iced, the filling maybe something like apples or figs. But mild, like smelling it from across the room while it's in the toaster, rathing than holding it in your hand. It was very weird.

    Final Thoughts:
    I really wanted this one to smell sweet on me because I LIKE sweet, foody scents. I will wear it a few more times though before deciding whether or not I like it, because it's been in my experience that scents I don't like (but expected to like) the first time smell really different to me on the second or third I wear them.