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Posts posted by shriekingviolet

  1. awwww. miss you sweetie! I bought parrot eye shadow last week and wore today but you're not around to babble about my eye makeup to. :P I'm going to start taking pictures and posting them though. If only so I'll remember what it looked like and can redo it later.


    /end hijacking.

  2. Yes! This is honey. Warm, rich and sticky, sweet but not entirely candy like. Sensual. It has that heady, slightly boozy feel that I always associated with the scent of real honey too, so I was thrilled. Must be a honey meade association. Anyway, this is a lovely scent. Strong with good staying power and throw and smells complex enough to wear along even though its a single note. I'm happy to have a full bottle of this. Love it!

  3. Initial Impression:

    Rich and heady, warm and pulsing. This one really has a kick.


    After Wearing It:

    Wet, Glasya almost bowled me over with the strong musk, myrrh, patchouli, dragon's blood and civet combination. She's sweltering, she's smoldering and verily teething with raw sexuality and passion. It's a heated animalistic smell pushed through rich resiny smoke notes that's both appealing and disconcerting. But, fairly quickly, the rose and ylang ylang appear, the ylang ylang sweetening the fragrance up a notch, while the rose grooms and tames the beast within her, putting the princess back in Glasya. I can definitely smell the Rose, here, but thankfully for the entire life of the fragrance, she's a behind the scenes player. Like the stage manager of the play making sure the sets don't fall apart and the actors don't wander onto the stage when it isn't their time.


    About half way through the fragrance's life, the musks start to powder up, which isn't that uncommon for me. It's not really a bad thing, but I prefer it less to the heat and depth that the musks had before. Thankfully though, the process seems to stop before its complete. Toward hour 8 (where I am now), the musks smell powdery, but that fact is muted by the still warm presence of the myriad of resins that are still present. The ylang ylang keeps adding a sweet tone to the scent, but never oversteps herself, keeping it time with Glasya's glowing, but slightly menacing allure. There's an impression of much potential and much restraint in the last stage for this scent, like that of a dying fire's glowing embers that no longer consume, but can still be incited back to their original destructive force.


    Final Thoughts:

    Oh, how I love this one, but that was fairly predictable as I'm a sucker for this type of blend. The problem is Beth makes several of related scents that all smell wonderful, but similar enough that it's hard to decide which to buy more of. Glasya's in the same class as Lust, Malice and a few others and it'd be really hard to just choose one.

  4. Initial Impression:

    A milky floral with honey sweetening the edges.


    After Wearing It:

    When I first smeared Alice on my wrist, each of the notes were pretty clear and distinct. Carnation, a very light bergamot and a powdery rose swam in a sea of milk and honey. It was sweet and oddly simple, despite there being more than a few obvious notes making themselves known here. Perhaps the tone of the scent was predicting its upcoming behavior though, since within the hour the notes wove themselves together more closely until it was hard to pick them out individually. The integrated result was very powdery, though still milky and sweet. It felt very appropriate for the scent's namesake since it was all at once very little girlish and yet proper at the same time, like a small child pretending she's a great lady in her mother's hat and pearls as she entertains her dolls for tea.


    Final Thoughts:

    Lovely, though not for me. I don't mind powdery scents, but they have to be exceptional for me to want to wear them much. Still, for as well as Alice captures the idea behind her, she's worth keeping.

  5. Initial Impression:

    A sharp burst of red juiciness over a quieter floral base.


    After Wearing It:

    I have a pretty iffy relationship with rose scents, so even though I'm quite fond of pomegranates, I put off ordering Persephone for quite a while for fear it'd be too rosy. So when I first got my imp of it I was pleasantly pleased, for while I could smell the rose, the scent was dominated by a rich, juicy pomegranate note. Delightful


    Wet on my skin, Persephone smelled pretty much like it did in the imp. The pomegranate was so ripe and red, bursting with flavor that was neither too tart or too sweet. The rose was definitely there, but unlike with most rose scents, it didn't bind with my chemistry and leap out and conquer the entire scent. It made a soft, regal background for the pomegranate, keeping it from turning Persephone into a mad fruit scent.


    This however didn't last! Overtime the rose reasserted itself, but in a rather unusual way. Rather than making the scent all about rose, it turned it very powdery which took any sharper, tart edge off the pomegranate. The result was a mixture of expensive talc powder and candy that lasted and lasted and lasted. So disappointing!


    Final Thoughts:

    While Persephone ended pretty badly on me, its opening act was grand enough to entice me to give it another chance before completely giving up on it. It's also kicked Swank to the top of my wishlist, since it made me really eager for a good pomegranate blend now!

  6. Initial Impression:

    Resin notes flowing over a dark wood base.


    After Wearing It:

    When I first applied this, I didn't like it which I found totally disappointing. It was so dry and almost bitter, the frankincense note heavy over the cedar. It just smelled musty and wrong on me. I wasn't in the mood to be openminded today either so I really considered washing it off, but decided to suck it up and persist.


    After an hour or so, the scent began to acclimate to my skin. The White sandalwood came through making it a slightly sweeter scent. It was still smoky and woody, but much better. By hour three I even got around to liking it. It reminds me of back in junior high when I'd miss a few classes to serve at a funeral (everyone vyed for these jobs because you missed class and it paid) and you'd come back with your clothes smelling of sweet smoke. Everyone would be sniffing the sleeves of your shirt for the rest of the day, because oddly enough, it was a comforting, soothing scent to have around. That's what damnation smells like on me.


    Damnation also has good throw and staying power. I dabbed this one on rather than giving it my usual smear and it's still going strong 8 hours later.


    Final Thoughts:

    I do like this, but I'll have to test it once or twice more to decide whether or not I like it enough to keep the imp.

  7. Initial Impression:

    Very sweet and juicy. I smell apples and nectar.


    After Wearing It:

    Weird. I smelled fruit in the vial, but there is no evidence of such on my skin. On me Forbidden Fruit is primarily Amber and Lotus (and mayyyybe a hint of citrus), which blends together in the strangest way to smell something like a pale version of gingerbread or those pink frosted animal cookies that everyone loved as a kid. Very sweet, very warm and very foody.


    It smells delicious, but I find the scent so disconcerting on me. I usually don't have a problem wearing foody blends, but this one made me feel very, very weird. It was too little kiddish. Like how a pretty six year old girl might smell. Which is why I might be feeling creepy. If I were a man and someone caught a whiff of this on me, someone would assume I were some sort of sex offender. But instead, since I'm a woman, the association would probably lean more toward preschool teacher or young mother. Thank gods for small blessings, eh?


    This scent had good lasting power/throw btw. I should just mention in case anyone needs more things to add to the "pro" side of the list as its "kiddy porn" aura can really weigh down the cons.


    Final Thoughts:

    I both love and hate this oil. I'm really, really digging the way it smells, but then it keeps creeping me out that it's me that smells that way. What a bummer since I love both amber and lotus and this seemed like sure bet. Maybe it'll work out in the burner and keep its good smell but not give me such slimy vibes. Here's hoping!

  8. Yeah Pauline. Where are you located? Perhaps someone near you (or at least in the same country for postal reasons) can order for you. I just txted Karyn (BelladonnasTrap) about Blue Moon this afternoon since she's out of town this month and am ordering for her. Someone'll take pity on you, maybe even me. :P

  9. Initial Impression:

    Dark and insidious. Myrrh whispers through clearly while the rest blends into the base uniformly.


    After Wearing It:

    This is a lovely, lovely perfume. I ordered an imp of it because the notes sounded pretty appealing, and then Beth (or whoever kindly filled my order) upgraded the imp to a 5 ml bottle. I was thrilled by this act of generosity, but after sniffing the bottle, wasn't quite sure if I'd like it enough to need a full bottle. But then I tried it on and decided I do, I really, really do.


    First on, the patchouli and clove have the most prominence though, the other three notes are by no means undetectable. It's a spicy earthiness, with just a touch of sweetness from both the myrrh and ylang ylang, that's sexy and powerful without smelling dirty or depraved. It smells more sadistic than naughty.


    As time goes on, the notes switch places in terms of prominence. Toward the end of the day, the patchouli was more of a base note, grounding the sweet and sensual aura of the ylang ylang than standing out in front. The clove still lends its spicy presence but it's subtle, while the myrrh wraps everything in its loving embrace. It's just a beautiful fragrance from start to finish. It have great staying power (at least 10 hours on me) and plenty of throw. Malice is a total winner.


    Overall this is quite similar to Lust. It has that same sweet, sexy earthiness produced by the patchouli, ylang ylang & myrrh combo, but the substitution of clove to the blend rather than red musk makes it a spicier blend that has less sweaty, animalistic undertones and doesn't quite reach that initial bit of candylike sweetness that lust does.


    Final Thoughts:

    I almost bought a bottle of Lust in my last order, but decided to wait for whatever reason. So glad I did when I had a full bottle of this waiting upstairs! I'm not positive yet that I prefer Malice to Lust, as I want to wear one on each wrist before I decide. But my memory usually does serve me pretty well, and if it does, I find Malice to be a better version of a similar base so I may not need a bottle of Lust after all. Recommend this to anyone who liked the feel of Lust but had issues with the musk or it being too sweet.

  10. hey is there going to be any scent description available during ordering time? Since we'll be ordering these unsniffed, I'd like to know what notes were in them just in case I think I might have found my new love based on what's in it and need to order 3 bottles rather than just one. Because it'd be rather crushing to fall in love with it and then have to wait ages for its return! Less so with the other Lunar oils than with Blue Moon, but still.

  11. Available for 12 hours only?! Wow that's anxiety inducing! If I don't work those days I'm sooo going to be having nightmares about sleeping through the ordering window (unlikely sure, but ya never know).


    Hmmm these dates seem like we might finally have a good use for the forum's calendar function. I'd been meaning to mark the sabbats, major holidays and full moons down there anyway, but this'll give me a kick in the ass to actually do it.

  12. Initial Impression:

    A warm, golden outdoorsy smell. Makes me think of a wheat harvest.


    After Wearing It:

    First on this smelled like a combination of heat and alcohol. Not a musky sort of heat, but like that strong, scalding blast you catch when you open the door to the outside during August. The alcohol is similarly dry in that it's not a sweet, wet booziness. It's like strong, homemade meade or ale, very dry, acrid, golden, yet oddly satisfying. It's an outdoorsy smell to be sure, but not at all green on me. It's gold and straw colored like tall grasses and the first early harvest.


    Later it sweetens up, there's still that beerlike quality, but it runs over an undercurrant of sweet, strong winds and wild flowers. Towards the end it smelled like hot, sweat oats and grain.


    Final Thoughts:

    All and all it's a great scent, very familiar to me as an Oklahoman, though I'm not quite sure how I feel about it as a perfume. Will have to give this one a few more trial runs before I decide!

  13. This a really nice vanilla note. Sweet and creamy, but rich. A less sugary version of the way homemade vanilla ice cream smells. It has good throw and staying power too (I can still smell it strongly 10 hours later). It may be a bit much to wear on its own, since its a scent that people commonly associate with sweets or candles, but I can't wait to try layering it with other scents. I definitely am going to need a full bottle of this. The possibilities of layering with an added vanilla note are endless. And this is such a fine one. Joy!

  14. Initial Impression:

    Clean and green, yet somewhat dark and mysterious all at once.


    After Wearing It:

    First on this smells strongly of lemon and clover, though neither note is on the list. It's very fresh, clean and green, evoking images of brilliant green meadows and babbling brooks and waterfalls. Wet, the lemon-clover scent is so thick on me it almost smells juicy, it's very hard to explain.


    Later, the scent thins, and becomes sweeter and more ethereal. The lemon disappears but I still smells bits of clovers among the mists and wet leaves. The white rose here is subtle and surprisingly appealing (because I hate rose!), adding to the enchanting, soothing quality of fragrance very well. The scent is both fantastic and familiar. It's like those moments of deja vu in a dream where you're not sure if you've actually dreamed this dream before or if you're dreaming that you've dreamed this dream before. Like feeling at home in a place you've never been. It's refreshing and unusual. Very nice.


    Oddly enough it kind of reminds me of a shampoo my stylist used to use on my hair years ago that I liked. It had the same sort of clean, sweet green scent. It was biolage, maybe? Not sure, but I loved it. Decent staying power too, btw.


    Final Thoughts:

    This is so very different from the sort of scents I wear, so I'm not sure if it'd wind up in my regular rotation no matter how much I like it, but it'd make a fab room spray. It's that perfect blend of fresh, pretty and unobtrusive. I'd love it as a linen spray, or as a shampoo. I did enjoy having my clean hair smell like this.

  15. Initial Impression:

    Very sharp and herby, almost medicinal.


    After Wearing It:

    Wet, the pennyroyal in Pain is powerful and pungent all but drowning out the lavender which peaks out timidly from behind. It's an herbal and almost minty smell, that's reminiscent of vapor rub and homeopathic remedies. As it dries, the roar of the top note becomes softer but remains sharp. The lavender gains more strength but still stays in a supporting role. Both notes retain their characters for the rest of the lifespan of the oil, which wasn't too terribly long on me, fading out to a whisper at the end but still managing to make quite an impression at low levels.


    Final Thoughts:

    This doesn't really seem like something that would be worn as a perfume, but more as an aide of some kind. It might prove to do well with helping people with sinus problems, head colds or problems focusing. Will have to experiment with this in a burner for less cosmetic purposes.

  16. Initial Impression:

    A very tropical floral. A breezy plumeria note really stands out.


    After Wearing It:

    From start to finish, Pele stays soft, warm and subtle on me. It smells like heat, though not in a sensual body heat sort of way. More like clean air on a hot day would. There are mild flower notes, mainly something like plumeria, mixed in with something I can't quite identify but reminds me of sunscreen. Not the ultra fragrant coconut scented tanning oil, but a gentle sunblock that mothers carefully apply to their little ones before letting them play in the tide. All and all it's sweet and serene, warm and lulling. Like a pleasant nap in the sun during a well desevered holiday.


    Final Thoughts:

    Nice scent, and it certainly does brings up images of Hawaii, but it's ultimately not for me. I prefer heavier, more complicated scents. Might make a nice linen spray though.

  17. Initial Impression:

    Warm and foody, rich and indulgent.


    After Wearing It:

    I got this imp for free from the lovely Amy (_dark_cello_) when we went to dinner last weekend and boy did I love the scent in the vial! It smelled like everything a pumpkin pie should smell like: rich, wholesome, rich and wellspiced. Too bad it didn't quite smell that way on. Both wet and for a few hours later, Jack reeked of pumpkin and not much else. Bright orange, fruity, and so substantial it smelled solid, something you should be able to sink your teeth into. You could smell baking spices flitting around the edges, but this was still undeniably pumpkin rather than pumpkin pie.


    As time wore on though, the pumpkin faded and a lovely & sweet smell of pies baking in the oven came out. Too bad though, by this time it was fading fast and I had to really sniff to catch this lovely stage. Disappointing!


    Final Thoughts:

    I'd have adored this is the pumpkin note were more subtle. I'll give Jake a chance as a room scent before swapping it though. Might turn out to be beautiful in that medium!
