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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by cam

  1. I earned the Water for Elephants sticker on @GetGlue! http://bit.ly/gGCfuY

  2. Home still. Have to go the office late this morning due to a plumbing issue that prevents showering until fixed. Happily, plumber is here fixing it.

  3. I earned the Being Human Coming Soon sticker on @GetGlue! http://bit.ly/i8cI2X

  4. Loki has developed this new habit of carrying articles of our clothing into the living room, if he finds them not put away somewhere. Mostly it's been socks, but I just found a shirt of Ben's in the middle of the living room floor. Weird dog.

  5. I earned the Must See sticker on @GetGlue! http://bit.ly/i9fgf4

  6. 4 of 5 stars to Angelic by Kelley Armstrong http://bit.ly/fJOy2d

  7. Workout time. Followed by homework time. Then wine time. :)

  8. Ok, so homework didn't happen. Instead, worked out, baked cookies, washed dishes, made salsa. Now wine. :)

  9. Got my iPad skin from @gelaskins today. I can finally stop worrying about the back getting scratched. Also it's awesome. http://j.mp/dJKWVr

  10. likes Running Up That Hill by Placebo on Ping http://t.co/0IiWaNk #iTunes

  11. Just got a shipping notification from @DarkDel! RED LACE!!!! #bpal *squee*

  12. I just got the awesome, addictive Penguins Arena game for free and saved $20! Check it out... http://goo.gl/hFg1O

  13. I should be doing homework. Somehow, this is not happening. *eyes glass of bubbly suspiciously*

  14. Local ISP refusing to honor registrar-level DNS changes for a client domain (because they previously hosted). Not acceptable!

  15. Finally made it to the office after a morning packed full of meetings.

  16. To my delight, Red Lace arrived today! :D #bpal

  17. Brightcat & Sybil. Warning: potentially toxic levels of cuteness ahead. http://twitpic.com/3sqi1m

  18. This day has been ridiculously stressful. Can't wait to go home.

  19. I just got a birthday card from @tracykitn, one of the best friends a girl could have. Love ya, hon! *hugs*

  20. Morning, twitterverse. Have been awake since 4:30 or so, when Loki woke me up whining (ugh). Will probably require a nap later.

  21. And I don't think it indicates insecurity. People just like to be with those w/ whom they share common interests.

  22. Used my last sliver of Snow White soap today. :( #bpal #sadness
