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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by cam

  1. Utterly awesome new car acquired! Black Nissan Juke SV. *dances*

  2. Woke up early in spite of going to bed late = boo! Breakfast at Blackbird (weekly diet cheat day ftw!) = yay!

  3. At the office, syncing up the iPod for car use. :) Wow, I'm really behind on syncing this thing.

  4. For those who asked, our new car has a name! Her name is Serenity, because my hubby says she's like a spaceship. :)

  5. Have been captured by cats. Sat down to read for a few minutes, and Sya and Meme piled themselves onto my lap.

  6. Ate at Macado's for the first - and last - time. Bad food and worse service. We won't be going back.

  7. Yay, the sun is coming out! Looked like it might be a rainy day earlier.

  8. My birthday wish: help me support @BFAS at causes.com http://wishes.causes.com/wishes/214935

  9. Why do we have to work in the noisiest building ever? Why are they (apparently) constructing a tree house in the parking lot? I wish I knew.

  10. ZOMG, they just went to a place Ben and I have been to. How cool! http://bit.ly/ekY568 (via @GetGlue) #AmericanPickers

  11. Good morning, Twitterverse.

  12. Long day! So happy to be done with work & workout. Time to snuggle up with a good book. http://bit.ly/hbofBf (via @GetGlue)

  13. Put my hoodie in the laundry, and am now regretting it because I'm chilly. Hope it's dry soon. *brr*

  14. I'm a Fan of Star Trek The Next Generation on @GetGlue http://bit.ly/hjPWsu

  15. Good morning, twitterverse. :)

  16. Just received a fantastic NAlentine order from @NocturneAlchemy. Can't wait to get home & test these. :)

  17. Good morning, twitterers.

  18. Skipped lunch today, and now I'm really hungry and want to go home. Hoping @bencollins is ready to go soon.

  19. We seem to be up with lawyers in 2011. Signing a new client who's a lawyer today, and just had another walk into the office cold. Huh.

  20. Having a fantastic evening at home with my awesome hubby. Featuring delicious Mexican food (made by the aforementioned hubby).

  21. Thinking I might go out this afternoon and try to find something pretty to wear to dinner tomorrow (Town House FTW!).

  22. Happy Valentine's Day! <3
