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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by cam

  1. I earned the Couch Potato(50) sticker on @GetGlue! http://bit.ly/ctPbXn

  2. It's Friday, baby! Getting ready to head out for a date with my handsome Hubby. :)

  3. Considering a run to B&N today. Need a cool journal for a class I'm taking. Not sure I can find quite what I want in Bristol.

  4. Harry Potter time! (@ Carmike 14) http://4sq.com/avCkaI

  5. Had a really fun day with the Hubby, followed by wine tasting and dinner with our friend Meryl. Loved Harry Potter. Try as I might to understand the appeal, do not love Beaujolais Nouveau.

  6. likes Body Talk, Pt. 3 - EP by Robyn on Ping http://t.co/jy0eIUV #iTunes

  7. Um, @bpal, not freaking bowl. Have I mentioned how I hate autocorrect?

  8. According to Apple's website, iOS 4.2 is now available for iPad (and iPhone, iPod Touch, etc.). Unfortunately, when I check for updates in iTunes, I get a message that tells me my iPad software (3.2.2) is up to date. Big fat fail, Apple.

  9. I have addicted my husband to Angry Birds.

  10. I earned the Movie Buff(100) sticker on @GetGlue! http://bit.ly/e97hsr

  11. Happy Thanksgiving, twitterverse. Making mashed potatoes & cranberry sauce, then heading over to spend the holiday with friends.

  12. 4 of 5 stars to Sixty-One Nails by Mike Shevdon http://bit.ly/aGoqBI

  13. Tree is up, with room to spare for new decorations we plan to buy and/or make this year. Yay.

  14. Tree is up, with room to spare for decorations. We had planned on buying and/or making some new ones this year, so yay.

  15. I earned the Triathlon sticker on @GetGlue! http://bit.ly/i04NGT

  16. It's cold & snowy in Bristol today (yay!). Got to try out the fingerless glove/convertible mittens my #switchwitch sent me. Love them!

  17. It's been a lovely snowy day in Bristol (welcome, winter!) and I've enjoyed it. Also, we finally got our little VW back from our mechanic today. We can haz breaks now. Yay!

  18. Reading @caitkitt's new book, Bone Gods. I love the Black London series. :) http://bit.ly/e8jIPD #BoneGods (via @GetGlue)

  19. And we're here! :)

  20. I earned the Boardwalk Empire Season One Finale sticker on @GetGlue! http://is.gd/igFTY

  21. Wow, Mozilla Firefox is helping raise money for the Knoxville Zoo's red panda (aka firefox) program. Cool! http://firefoxlive.mozilla.org/

  22. I earned the Marathoner(14) sticker on @GetGlue! http://bit.ly/fuLWwm
