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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Galena

  1. this would be great to have in an oil burner while telling ghost stories at midnight on Halloween, you think?



    not so very far from where I live (Cornwall, England. okay this place I'm talking about is in Devon, but not far from me all the same) there is a place called Lydford Gorge.


    at the end of the Gorge is a chamber, water worn from the boulders, called The Devils Cauldron. you walk along a metal bridge type thing into the heart of the chamber and you are entombed in the Cauldron. it's very Earth Womby. the rock curves around you with only a very little daylight through a chink at the top. the water roars below you, white and fast and cold. the rock is wet and cold, and you can taste stone in the damp air you breathe. mosses and lichens cling to the walls and drip.


    it smells a lot like this.


    The Devils Cauldron, Lydford Gorge, Devon



    and another one

  2. Oooohh this is lovely.


    initial sniff.


    pure creamy vanillary milky loveliness.


    like the bit in Chaste Moon, on it's own without the red fruits and pink flowers.


    and there's mint.


    do they have Murray Mints over there? creamy hard mints. there's a whiff of them.


    it's buttery, creamy, butterskotchy, fudgey, caramel, and ... coconut. and sometimes we get on, sometimes we don't. this time we do.


    after a while....popcorn? yup. toffee popcorn. no wonder Mr Galena likes it.



    I love this. I'm so glad I bought 2 bottles.

  3. this reminds me so much of somthing. there is resin and spice mostly for me.


    a touch of mint, but not likely to go bad on me (skin is already occupied so sniffing from bottle)


    Dragons blood? or Amber?


    maybe some cinnamon, but not so as it would take over.



    but definitely resin. touch of mint.


    really hefty floral there too, but mostly resin.

  4. I really like this.


    a lot more subtle and gentle than the name would have you believe.


    a lovely red red rose floral with warm leather, more like the leather of saddlery than of bondage straps.


    really nice and warm

  5. I don't get any butteryness.



    this is SO pretty. it's delicate without being faint.


    I get Vanilla and Milk and lovely fresh crisp florals. a touch of coconut maybe.


    it's a wafter too. you just get fluffy little clouds that every now and then sneak up on you.


    I really like this a lot. I normally like stronger heavier smells and more in your face and sexy florals, but this is just so lovely, that I very often reach for it.

  6. WOW!


    This really is something quite special and unique.



    dark dry bitter bitter cocoa


    this makes me think of those lovely truffle chocolates that are rolled in cocoa powder. yummy. in a very grown up, and not at all sweet way.


    the other notes in it come through a little later, and soften the cocoa just a little, very delicately sweetening it.


    but still bitter bitter bitter.



    I'm one of those perverse people that like my chocolate as high percent as possible. chocolate so harsh you can barely nibble the corner off a square, adn the bar lasts weeks, because it is so severe


    this is the bitterest, most sublime cocoa and spice


    a darker cousin to Lush 13 Rabbit bubble bath.


    for chocolate heaven for grown ups, bath with 13 Rabbit and Sonic Death Monkey, and annoint with Centzon Totochtin.







    *some time later*








    nope. this doesn't work for me.


    I'm sure for other people it is all those lovely things.


    on me, it's pure cinnamon. in fearsome nausea and headache fullness.



    like 3 Witches, the Cinnamon is too much for me.


    and I like Cinnamon, honest.

  8. okay, I have a fruit problem.


    it either dissappears within a few hours or less, or turns cats pissy.


    but this one doesn't.


    the warmth of it holds the fruit there, and stops that nastiness turning up.


    I think this one is a success for me.


    although it does need reapplying a few times a day, but not as much as most of the fruities (at least the non felinewiddle ones) do.

  9. I get coconut too. thought that was just me imagining it.


    I don't find this at all kinky or sexual.


    but I find it very comforting.


    this isn't leather like whips and paddles and bondage gear.


    this is leather like your boyfriends old well worn leather jacket when you snuggle into it for a big warm friendly hug.

  10. to me this isn't a heavy damp Earth smell (which I love) but really really DRY.


    it's DUST!


    but like that dusty scent you get in the air when it's been dry a while, and the rain is coming.


    and I love that smell.



    I find this a very peaceful but very melancholy smell. I couldn't wear it if I was feeling fragile, I know that.


    and after about an hour, I get the very first hint of rose. old dried roses and dry Earth.



    this is such a sad smell. but I love it.




    this isn't the sort of zombi that shuffles about with an appetite for brains, that's for sure.
