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BPAL Madness!


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About Nadirah

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    obsessive precious hoarder
  • Birthday 12/31/1926


  • Location
    Scotia, CA
  • Country
    United States

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  • BPAL of the Day
  • Favorite Scents
    All time favorites:Van VanMama-JiMme MoriartyCharismaDragons MilkLoviatarSnake CharmerLove MeBlack RoseSamhainAged Snake OilBilquisHauntednotes I like;(but never limited to)FrankincensePatchoulimyrrhLavenderVanillacardamomJasmineCinnamonpinecloveSandalwoodspiceynessred musk

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    Flying Penis.


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  1. Nadirah

    Haitian Vetiver

    I already love Vetiver, I keep the essential oil/ooze with me in case I want to ground a bit, So I know I love the stuff. BPALS is that deep dark earth with a smokey edge to it. Haitian Vetiver comes out of the bottle as a thick dark oil, it has good throw and I am very happy with it. I think it may be my new favorite scent! Still, I need to try a few more, but this is really good- A lovely single note!
  2. Nadirah

    Honey Hair Gloss

    Ok I got my Honey Gloss and had the chance to use it a couple times. To note I have *Very* Thick and Frizzy hair that is rarely ever controlled by anything. I used about 5 pumps of the honey gloss (into my hands and onto my damp hair starting at the frizziest bits, then brushing in after application). My hair is soft and lovely~ It is bouncy and was easy to comb after. I got comments on my hair when I used it yesterday, and people got handsy w/ my hair when it was down (at work I keep it in a bun usually, couldnt help but let the scent of the honey gloss envelop around me at the end of the day this time. The honey scent is not too strong though, and I did use a lot. The smell of it is much nicer when it is on my your hair than in the bottle. Today I did not use any, because my hair looks so good! It is still working its magic, and while the scent has faded, the silkiness remains~ I am Very happy I got this!
  3. Nadirah

    Benevolent Triple Conjunction

    I got a couple of Decants of this and I'm so grateful to get to use it~ So far so good, I got it 2 days ago and I'm finding opportunities are popping up more than normal. I've made BTC part of my morning practice. This is what I've done (results of course, may vary): I took the key words of this blend from the description, I added the one of my own that I feel I need and falls into the same category. I wrote them out with my special writing instrument and individually placed each word around my mirror. So that would be: movement, adaptability, expansion, optimism, creativity, confidence, attraction, inspiration and my "added word." I say each word around the mirror, invoking them as I dab a bit of the BTC on each word. I look at myself in the mirror starting and ending with my word (in the beginning I dab a little BTC on myself and also at the End.) I do this after my shower, and before my Artistic practice of the morning. This is strong stuff, I barely dab it on with the impy wand and it is enveloping. It smells like lavender jasmine with a creamy musky thickness going on. It reminded me of Somnus or Nanshe in a way with a bit of the feel that TALs' Glamour has. I think it smells delightful and that a little goes a long way!
  4. Nadirah


    I got a aged bottle in a swap. Warm Musk and Almond are bold and the first thing I notice once this one hits my skin. This smells like a darker version of Queen of Sheba, imagine that? The honey is not giving me a headache and I love a blend with fig leaf in it. The fig leaf gives it some green and spice. The throw is great, this one is strong! I will be keeping this bottle and collecting more once it gets low.
  5. Nadirah

    Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse

    I get the fruity note at first too, This is a very light and airy blend. It smells a little like how Chrysanthemum Moon did on me but not as sharp. The Musk, Patchouli and amber seem to take over with some of the winter rose hanging out. Everything really is blended very well, it is lovely. Is this one a keeper? I get the feeling this will evoke the feeling of the Lunar Eclipse for a long time and it will age wonderfully so I may just be putting it away for later use
  6. Nadirah


    My bottle has a Sexy male werewolf on it - I agree with the Smut comparison. Wilf is sugary and sweet to my nose once the mint wore off (which was a few minutes) Like sugared plums, but it does have a bit of the vanilla that snake oil has. Plum scents actually give me a headache, and this one does not (it has no plum I realize this, it just smells like it to me) This is really something that you know will age gloriously. I am delighted to have a bottle and this is something I would like to hoard. Go Lab!
  7. Nadirah

    An Introduction to the Stash Manager

    I am SO enjoying this~!
  8. Nadirah

    The Black Temple Burlesque Troupe

    Smokey Tobacco and vanilla with leather. BTBT is wonderful, long lasting and sexy. The one part of it I am not too fond of is how ooie gooie the oil is. It stains my hands. When I apply the oil I find the best way is behind my neck in my hair. This way it warms up and is not sticky on my skin. I have rather thick dark hair so it works best for me this way. This is something worth having or at least trying out once in your life.
  9. Nadirah

    An Introduction to the Stash Manager

    Great work! Is Fiery wall of protection on there? I didnt see it.
  10. II. THE PRIESTESS Her skin was pale, and her eyes were dark, and her hair was dyed black. She went on a daytime talk show and proclaimed herself a vampire queen. She showed the cameras her dentally crafted fangs, and brought on ex-lovers who, in various stages of embarrassment, admitted that she had drawn their blood, and that she drank it. “You can be seen in a mirror, though?” asked the talk show hostess. She was the richest woman in America, and had got that way by bringing the freaks and the hurt and the lost out in front of her cameras and showing their pain to the world. The studio audience laughed. The woman seemed slightly affronted. “Yes. Contrary to what people may think, vampires can be seen in mirrors and on television cameras.” “Well, that’s one thing you finally got right, honey,” said the hostess of the daytime talk show. But she put her hand over her microphone as she said it, and it was never broadcast. White sandalwood, life everlasting, nicotiana, iris pallida, and juniper berry. My bottle says the High Priestess but it is the Vampire tarot one. I won it in the Twitter contest! Yay me! So onto the review. Out of the bottle I smell a light musk, there is something sweet and fruity in there. There might even be a small amount of tea tree, or some other herb that smells like that. It is not as sharp as tea tree though. When the Priestess is applied to my skin the musk is the first thing I notice there is also a floral that could be peony or chamomile or something along those lines. I want to say this reminds me of Ice Queen but The Priestess is much more subtle, like the rest of the tarot blends seem to be. Plus the Priestess has something that smells like woods. This blend is a mystery to me, the staying power seems really good, but it is more subtle. I really enjoy this! What the priestess looks like: She looks like a statue with slit wrists both arms raised one slightly higher than the other. She is wearing what looks like a simple mardi gra mask or glasses.The crescent moon is in the sky on the right and he backround is similar to the fool, with gravestones. The priestess is wearing a robe (also looks like fabric draped around her head and body)
  11. Nadirah

    Vampire Tarot: The Magician

    Out of the bottle The Magician smells bright, sweet, and crisp, not sure where this is coming from. On me the Magician turns to woods and black pepper. This definatly smells like someone is brewing a potion. Smells like smoky fire, and this reminds me of a kitchen, it is not foody, but it must be the Turmeric that is doing that. I see how all the elements are getting action here. The Magician goes from Airy to Watery onto Fire and back to Earth . This really is delightful, The Magician is very subtle, but the scent lingers there as the hours pass... I want to use this in ritual because all of the elements are present in here. Good Work! (also like to add, this smells like The World from the earlier Tarot oils with less of an earthy note) a lovely scent that works well with my skin chemistry.
  12. Nadirah

    Vampire Tarot: The Fool

    I have to agree that this smells very similar to the Fool from way back. Though I think this one might have a bit more peppermint to it. The fool smells bubbly and fruity, but the fruit is hard to place, the peppermint hides it well... I swear this is peppermint, but there may be something else that has an astringent smell to it too. As the peppermint fades like it always does, there is that earthy scent everyone is talking about. Is it just a touch of oakmoss maybe? Ok yeah. Green apples being thrown so hard into a planter of peppermint that they explode and dirt goes flying (and maybe some bubbly lemon lime Sprite soda gets spilled at a nearby table). Well something like that. This is good, I really liked the fool the first time around and this has a similar scent (they are based on the tarot card) I say this would be a great slathering scent. I cant wait to see how it goes in my locket!
  13. Nadirah

    Crown of Success

    Crown of Success smells very hoodoo. It is strong stuff. I anoint my feet up t my crown with this and also put it on a purple candle and on occasion I put a dab of it on a dryer sheet and in the laundry with my clothes. A few people I came in contact with said it reeked something awful but I enjoy the scent of it. It is a thick scent, adn I apply very little but I guess my body heat amps it up. (the folks that commented may just be the folks intent on keeping me down I think) I got this just before my fall finals. I had been worried about passing a certain class and tests arent my best area. Also for other areas of my personal life. Becoming a priestess and dealing with the stress of a more than full class schedual. etc etc. So I got a B in the class I thought I would fail and A s in the rest. My final for one class didnt go so well but everyone else did alot worse than I did so My grade was adjusted to reflect me being in the higher score area. Win! Also I have am nearing my ordination for becoming a priestess, and it is all comign together nicely. ( I also employed Middle Pillar with cos) and for those folks that don't like the smell... Well they have been proved wrong (makes no sense to you Im sure but I wont be getting into too many details) Nearing one of my favorite TALs!
  14. Nadirah

    Down the Rabbit Hole Atmosphere Spray

    I was lucky enough to get a Swap for a Goblin Squirt of this stuff and I am so happy with it! It smells like linens and light flowers and some grass. I love to spray my pillows with it and I get a nice whiff as a surprise when I go to bed at night. it is so pleasant and uplifting~ I can't wait to try the other atmosphere spray blends!
  15. Nadirah

    The Shattered Pumpkin

    Oh Man! The Pumpkin! The Leather! I was worried about this blend because of the leather and the pumpkin. Sometimes pumpkin is good and sometimes bad on me (same goes for leather) but 2 out of 2 with this one! At first it is a buttery pumpkin note but not as buttery as Jack. Then the leather saddle comes in with the pumpkin and you can almost smell the reeds, I still don't quite get the pine but I love pine and this is definatly big bottle worthy. This makes me think of Loviatar which has been my favorite leather blend for a while. Shattered pumpkin isnt as heavy on me but it is defintly a strong one!! I love decant circles but Now I wished I had a Big Giant Bottle of this stuff!