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Posts posted by ~AmusedMuse~

  1. This is earthy, woody and citrusy ....The earthy wood is prominent with a citrus note rounding it our. I think this is a wonderful masculine scent and I would love this on a man. Additionally, I haven't seen a werewolf all day. My scale of 1-5...3 :P

  2. My Impression:

    Almonds dusted lightly in cinnamon. Something else adds a sweetness to this blend. Lovely as it is, the almond note goes somewhat playdohish on me. Although the cinnamon note more than makes up for this. I think it woud be a lovely room scent, but I think my body chemistry would not agree with it as a perfume. My scale of 1-5....3

  3. My Impression:

    This is a sharp boozy mint that errupts from the vial. As with most all other the Twighlight Alchemy Oils I have tried to date they all have alot of throw and umph to them. After drydown, it really does morph into something quite softer. Normally I dislike mint scents but this is truly very lovely. My scale of 1-5.... 4

  4. My Impression:

    This smells exsctly like fresh gingerbread straight from the oven. I really don't have much to add here to the earlier reviews except to say this would make a lovely seasonal room scent. I can't see myself wearing it as a perfume. To me it really reminds me of the Christmas type of scents.

  5. My Impression:

    To me this is a real clean and masculine scent. There is a dark note that I can't place but it only adds to the mystique of the scent. It is quite appealing and the main note that I can detect is either oak moss or juniper. It screams earthy at me and I would love it on a man. This is a very mature and grown up scent. Don't play with this little boys. My scale of 1-5... 4 :P

  6. My Impression:

    Well this is definitely dark pine with eucalyptus while wet. As a matter of fact I never even detected the orange note until after drydown. But it comes out as the eucalyptus fades somewhat. I would love this on a man, although I would have to agree with earlier reviews that stated it faded way too fast. While it lasts it is quite lovely though.

  7. A crisp ozone-tinged breeze. The scent of the first gentle rain before the storm.

    My impression:
    This is a cool, drisp, clean scent with a citrus undertone to it. A really "nice girl"
    kind of scent and although the throw is not quite what I would like it to be, ( a little stronger) overall I find it to be a pleasing and appealing scent. My scale from 1-5...3 :P

  8. My Impression:

    Cherry Liqour. I find it totally appealing and am glad I had the opportunity to try this. I could even see me wearing this everyday. Although I would not find it appropriate for the winter months, pretty much it would work for spring, summer & fall to me. My scale of 1-5..... 3.5

  9. My Impression:

    Definitely floral notes that my untrained nose cant pick out from one another. I agree with the earlier reviews about its complexity. To me this is a regal and refined dark sensual scent. On my scale of 1-5.....4 Congratulations on another wonderful success Beth :P

  10. My Impression:

    Wet, and woodsy earth. Upon drydown I can detect something slightly floral about it but the earth smell is the prominent note in this one. Not likely that I would wear as a perfume but perhaps it would make a lovely room scent. My scale of 1-5...

    2.5 :P

  11. My Impression:

    The rose note is not overwhelming in this one (Thank goodness) and the lilac and wisteria even it out into a really lovely blend. Although it does not have a lot of throw to it and I certainly wish it were a bit stronger and longer lasting, it truly is lovely. My scale from 1-5 ... 3

  12. My Impression:

    This musky rose scent is quite lovely. (It is hard for this reviewer to wear rose scents). The amber rounds it out into a lovely blend that has a good amount of throw to it. Unfortunately the staying power is not nearly long enough in my opinion. I wish it had more umph. My scale on 1-5 ....3

  13. My Impression:

    OMGOSH This is one of the most awesome and complex lunacy oils I have yet to try...I rate it up there with Red Moon and Blue Moon....It is truly that lovely. The musk is not at all overwhelming and I agree with the earlier reveiwer that stated that this was "Sweet Outdoors". My Scale of 1-5....5

    You will have a hard time prying this one out of my hands and I will be seeking more of it as well. Congratulations Beth on a Super Special Blend :P

  14. My Impression:

    This is the first of the Carnaval Noir scents I have had a chance to review.

    I am totally blown away by its enticing amber and black cocconut. Not at all what I expected when I ordered it but truly one of my new favorites. A must have for any one who appreciates the spicy goodness in this one.

    My scale of 1-5.....5 :P

  15. My Impression:

    To me this is a great masculine scent. Love it :P I can't actually pick out individual notes other than to say that the lavender noted in the description is not like a floral at all, it is definitely an earthy, herbal which works fantastic in this.

    My scale of 1-5 ....4

  16. My impression:

    This is a lovely orange blossom and honeysuckle scent. It leans more toward the citrus side and is quite lovely. I can detect another floral element for which I am unable to identify but it certainly works well with this and is a beautiful blend.

    My scale of 1-5 ....4

  17. My Impression:

    This is a very dark herbal and peppery tea scent in which the fig comes out after drydown. Not at all sweet and somewhat bittersweet. It amazed me that it was so smoky dark. Perhaps this is best as a room scent or on a man, as it is just not me.

    I conduded that it was the black pepper that seemed to dominate the vetiver and fig in this one. :P

    My scale of 1-5 ....3

  18. My Impression:

    Green herbal and somewhat bitter pine. I am not sure if the scent actually matches belladonna however, I would have to say that I can't see it as a perfume that I would wear, and wouldn't you know I spilled the imp all over myself and rushed to wash it off quickly. I agree with grrrlennyl that this reminds me of a pine scratch and sniff card from a book from childhood. Odd that it is, it is so. :P

  19. ... His scent is deep, swarthy, and darkly commanding, and compliments the Queen of Swords perfectly: oakmoss, vetiver and opoponax with black plum, wild blackberry, soft woods, sharp and glinting white musk under a soft, velvety robe of vanilla and coconut.

    My Impression:
    In two words, Bottled Sunshine :P
    Oh this is lovely indeed. The sweetest plum and vanilla. Just a light hint of the sweet coconut . I must admit I was not prepared for the elegant, wonderful blend that met my senses upon trying this one. It is almost an overload of the senses because it is so warm and inviting. Such a shame it is not offered anymore. My Scale of 1-5....5 :D

  20. My Impression:

    This is quite lovely. I can detect sandalwood, jasmine and lavender. There are other notes that I am unable to identify in this complex blend but it truly is lovely and on a scale of 1-5 I rate this a 4. Will update the sleep qualities after tonight.

  21. My Impresssion:

    Wow, this one took me by compelete surprise and completely won me over. It is a lovely white floral without turning soapy. I was only in agreement with the description that stated this is a passionate wish..Dead on. I could see where it would be entrancing.

  22. My Impression:

    I agree with instone's earlier review when stated "This is desert roses".

    After drydown the vetiver almost overtakes this one and is making the scent turn almost soapy on me. My scale of 1-5 ....2
