Burial, Zombi, Whip, Lump of Coal, Door 13, Shanghai Tunnel, 51, Mechanical Phoenix, Old Moon, Loup Garou, Ouija, Omen
Profile Information
Hey itsa me! Mario! Just kidding!<br /><br />Lessee my interests in no particular order are;<br /><br />polar bears, comic books, neil gaiman, bpal (<- shocking), crafting (painting, light sculpting, and gluing whatever I can to whatever I get my hands on), cultural taboos, religion, serial killers (fascinating really and I've been known to creep myself out by reading crimelibrary.com), annoying my cat, pestering my hetero life mate and occasionally drinking way to much alcohol for the hell of it. <br /><br />I'll be adding more eventually. For now its a start!
Astrological Info
Sun in Taurus with my Moon in Leo. Finally got it straightened out once I realized I was born at 3:03 pm and not am.