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BPAL Madness!


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About UltraViolet

  • Rank
    one imp short of a six-pack
  • Birthday 04/18/1964


  • Location
    Over under sideways down
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    Scrapbooking, Metaphysics
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  • Favorite Scents
    Fave notes: Blackberry, Currant, Foody scents, Grapefruit, Orange, Plum, Pomegranate, Peony, Sandalwood, fresh florals.


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  1. UltraViolet

    Pumpkin Cheesecake

    It smells vaguely of pumpkin cheesecake. It's smells more of a real pumpkin scent that is mixed in with the cheesecake smell. It doesn't morph or turn into anything weird or bad on my skin. It has little throw not much. It's an alright blend, not one I would wear though. I like other bpal or bptp pumpkin blends more than this one. My nose gives this a 3
  2. UltraViolet

    Marshmallow Poof

    Wow this is really yummy and great smelling in the bottle. It reminds me of Midway. And it smells the same on my skin so far. It smells like cherry with another fruit. God this is good. My nose like this one most of the two Pumpkin Patch blends i've opened so far. God this is good. Now at 2 minutes it smells sort of like Lush's Creamy Candy bubble bar with some fruity and smokey undertones. In general I smell a broad subtley sweet pinkness. A yummy pink scent, not sickeningly sweet or anything like that. It's a foody scent but not as much as the Pumpkin Patch blends for instance. It's like a big cloud of pink with a slight fruitiness and a light to medium waft of toasted marshmellow. It does in fact smell like a pink marshmellow that has been toasted in a woodfire like when one is camping. It doesn't stay as strong as I'd like on the dry down. But it's a great scent. I'd wear it all season. I give this a 4.
  3. UltraViolet

    Sugar-Slathered Candied Apple

    In the bottle it smells lightly of a boozy candied apple. heh heh On my skin now and it's absolutely great. Crisp red apple, cinnamon like that crunchy shell coating on Candy Apples. It smells just like a candy apple. It does have an amount of throw. And even the throw smells like a Candy Apple. It doesn't morph in anyway on my skin and it stays the same medium strong red apple scent with a sugary, cinnamon shell still now at 10 minutes. The apple is pure and prounounced, it doesn't become overwhelmed by the other ingredients. They all work together beautifully. I'd wear this all season. My nose gives this a 4.
  4. UltraViolet

    Pumpkin I (2007)

    I opened all the pumpkin patch bottles and sniffed each one and then picked my two favorites to review first. Pumpkin Patch #1 was one of the two that I really liked the smell of when I sniffed it in the bottle. It's a full on buttery goodness that I get initially with a fruity but crisp scent underneath that. It gets better the longer it stays on my skin. Now it smells like caramel corn and that fruity clean scent underneath that. At 5 minutes. Now it's kind of "meh". If I were eating caramel corn (fresh, warm, home made caramel corn) with a glass of champagne, Pumpkin Patch #1 is what that would smell like. I'd give it a 3, I like it but not enough to wear it on a regular basis. If there were a blend with just the sparkly fruity undernotes of this, then I would wear it on a regular basis.
  5. UltraViolet

    The Lurid Library

    The Lurid library is a tad sweet, with prounounced musk, and that musty old "Library" smell. But not libraryish like Miskatonic U, it's more musky and perfumey, less coffee like and the old books smell, and the musty old library smell is more an underneath not, not a primary note to my nose. The scent lasts a long time. A medium amount of throw. It's not a shy scent. It wouldn't be a regular one I'd wear. My nose gives this a "3".
  6. UltraViolet


    In the bottle Yum at first sniff. On It's nice but a bit too something. 30 minutes Throw: no Scent category: Green/Aquatic/Foody/Floral Summary It smells good, icey and then foody like pies with clove. Purchase again? No 1-5 rating (5 being best) 3
  7. UltraViolet

    The Winter of Our Discontent

    In the bottle I smell balsam and cypress...and I agree with the above poster it's like a bay leave scent (I don't like that). On Now I smell , nutmeg and clove. I love these so that is a great thing. I must admit I don't smell orange nor any musk. What I do smell is gorgeous though, almost reminds me of Three Witches, the first one. But add to that more of a woody and cypress smell. 30 minutes I can see how some may not like this and some will be in love with it. Throw: No Scent category: Foody/Woodsy/Green Summary Mu summary is that I'm not sure if I like this or hate it. I also think it is aptly titled. Purchase again? No. It's almost too complex if that makes any sense. 1-5 rating (5 being best) 3 because I cannot decide on this one. It's almost like two blends for me *scratches head*
  8. UltraViolet

    The Darkling Thrush

    In the bottle At first it smells like Ice Queen, Skadi, Yule, that green aquatic scent. On ...., than the violet comes out...peep. So pretty. It's fresh, and a shy fresh floral, shy but not weak. It gets prettier as it stays on, less green and more like a wafting of air carrying the scent of violets. The amber and the violet go SO well together. Thank goodness Beth put these two things together in a blend. 30 minutes More floral. Throw: No Scent category: Resinous/ Floral Summary A light, fresh floral. Purchase again? Yes. 1-5 rating (5 being best) 4
  9. UltraViolet

    Sol Invictus

    In the bottle At first sniff it says "TWANG!" Dill pickle-y smelling almost with the frankincense, citron and .... And then comes the tangerine through....Ohhh. I've had the pleasure of smelling Beth's Saffron, orange blossom and frankincense and yep, it's all here. I love all of the ingredients in here but Sol Invictus has definitely got a "twang" to it. On Nicer, less harsh, more orangey and warm, but only a bit. 30 minutes Same. Throw: A wee bit. Scent category: Herby/Resinous/Citrus Summary It reminds me a wee bit of "Sol". It's a teeny weeny bit sweet but mostly it's acrid, acidic and sharp. Then there's the lushious orange, orange blossom, tangerine and golden amber underneath.....way under. Purchase again? No. 1-5 rating (5 being best) 3
  10. UltraViolet

    The Snow Maiden

    In the bottle Very fresh smelling. On Soooo Good. If you liked Skadi, you'll like this. It's a green scent but also a berry scent. It reminds me Misteltoe or Skadi with a jolt of something akin to grapefruit. So fresh, clean and green smelling. 30 minutes Hasn't changed. Throw: A bit. Scent category: Aquatic/Green/Fruity Summary Along the lines of Skadi, Misteltoe, Snow Angel even but more of a fruity quality. Nice. Purchase again? Yes. 1-5 rating (5 being best) 4
  11. UltraViolet


    In the bottle hehe At first I thought it smelled like Krampus would smells, like a crocethy old man with wino breath. On Krampus actually smells alright when I put it on. It's a nice smell. The Red musk is really nice on my skin. 30 minutes It only changes when I first put it on, it actually gets better on my skin than it was in the bottle. In the bottle it was kidn of scary . On the skin though the wood switches smell like fresh cut wood to me, and the red musk is sensual. Throw: A bit yes. Scent category: animalistic/woody Summary It's a different and good scent. But I don't know if I'd wear it all the time. Purchase again? No 1-5 rating (5 being best) 3
  12. UltraViolet

    Black Ice

    In the bottle It smells like black ice. It reminds me of Ice Queen a bit. On It just gets better. It's a bit mens cologne-like but only on whiffs, not in general. 30 minutes Stays the same Throw: A bit. Scent category: Aquatic/Green Summary It's twangy, and it does smell like black ice would smell. It's a bit sweet but barely and it's twangy like Ice Queen. Purchase again? No. 1-5 rating (5 being best) 3
  13. UltraViolet


    In the bottle Like sweet fresh snow or cold air. On It's so feminine and light. What bpal can I compare this to? It's not easy...okay, kind of like if Snow White and Anthelion mated an had offspring. 30 minutes Still the same Throw: No Scent category: SummaryIt's like Sniw White but more powdery. It's got a bit of almond I can smell. It's not quite as foody as Snow White though. Snow Flakes is like a breath of fresh winter air, with a tad of sweetness (not foodiness). Purchase again? Yes! 1-5 rating (5 being best) 5
  14. UltraViolet


    In the bottle Butterscotch and booze, no red apples yet. On Okay, red apple now. Yum-ay. 30 minutes Red apples and caramel, the booziness has gone underground and there's a bit of coconut left behind (I'll ignore that for now). Throw: no Scent category: Foody Summary Creepy is really good, however if I need an Autmn-like red apple fix, I'll reach for Punkiee Night more I think. Purchase again? Yes 1-5 rating (5 being best) 4
  15. UltraViolet

    The Brides of Dracula

    In the bottle I smell musk, honey, and plum blossom only. On Lightly sweet musk, honey, white amber, cally lily and plum blossom. The eastern spices and sandalwood are nowhere to be found yet which is a pity because I love sandalwood very much. That said, this is a pretty blend. 30 minutes Hasn't changed. Throw: no Scent category: Resinous/Floral/Incensey Summary Primarily plum blossom, calla lily, honey and musk on my skin. It's is more of a soft and feminine floral blend that is light and slightly sweet. Purchase again? Yes 1-5 rating (5 being best) 4