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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by UltraViolet

  1. In the bottle

    aquatic lavender



    Water and nice strong lavender.

    Whoa. Cinnamon (or clove rather) comes out from behind the bushes as the stronger note at about the 5 minute interval and the blend as a whole becomes sweet and muted.

    In the first minute I felt a wave of warm soft (but powerful) energy flowing inside by body and it lasted about 15 seconds.


    30 minutes

    It stays a nice warm strong clove and/or cinnamon when it dries.





    Scent category:




    This blend has an uncanny ability go from a water bright strong lavender to a sweet dark cinnamon. I've never seen that happen quite like this with any other bpal blend. And with such differing scents too! This is quite the Alchemic blend, and as such evokes the true spirit of Hermes , the great alchemist.

    Many people believe that Hermes (Hermes Trismegistus) was a reincarnation of Thoth, Akhenaten, Hermes (The Greek), Roger Bacon and even Isaac Newton. His "Emerald Tablets" contains an extremely succinct summary of what Aldous Huxley dubbed the "Perennial Philosophy," a timeless science of soul that keeps popping up despite centuries of effort to suppress it. The basic idea is that there exists a divine or archetypal level of mind that determines physical reality, and individuals can access that realm through direct knowledge of God. The teachings of Hermes -- the Hermetic tradition -- is one of the oldest spiritual traditions in the world. In Hermetic magic the deification of man is seen as a practical task, which can be approached through alchemy.

    An appropriate blend indeed.


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  2. ~The Lovers~


    In the bottle

    gorgeous green fruitiness



    So soft and beautiful.

    This reminds me of Eos. Like if Eos and O or Eos and Alice had offspring, this is what it would smell like. There's apple, and cinnamon (lightly though) and honey, and a milky/creamy note.


    30 minutes

    This has better than average staying power by the way.

    It turns more creamy/foody and a bit more spicy (cinnamon) as well but it's still glorious.





    Scent category:




    If you like foody, but not too foody, this is your blend. It's a summery, light, fruity, soft foody greenish floral. (That's alot of categories)

    It's absolutely gorgeous.


    Purchase again?

    Yes!, the biggest bottle I can.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  3. ~Binah~


    In the bottle

    A light wood and deep incense blend with a floral note in the middle.



    An absolutely fabulous myrrh incense smell. It's a strong scent. But it's not a sharp or bitter myrrh, it is a slightly sweet smokey myrrh.

    Here's a bit of "Lush" trivia: It's a sweeter, slightly more floral, smoky version of "Icon".


    30 minutes

    Not morphing at all with the exception of a tad more prominent floral note. I love this.



    More than average.


    Scent category:




    Once again, Beth proves to me that she is connected to something. Binah does indeed evoke the feminine in the Godhead and the source of the 50 gates of understanding all at once. It's a feminine scent because of the floral note. It's a strong, knowing scent because of the woody and deep myrrh incense notes. I don't think alot of people would like to wear this as a regular day scent. It is more of a "working" scent as far as ritual or meditation I think. And in that vein it is a powerful blend indeed. I am hook, line and sinkered on this blend. I cannot get enough. Very deep, dark, dense and feminine, like looking through the eyes, and into the soul, of the universe.


    Purchase again?

    God yes. A 10ml.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  4. ~Whippoorwill~


    In the bottle

    bright green lime



    very green fresh scent

    Someone mentioned Irish Spring above, Yes, it does smell like that but in a less chemically way and a more real fresh way.

    I do smell lime. In my opinion the lime scent (or whatever is making it seem like lime) makes this blend.

    As it begins to dry, the pepper and bamboo reed come out more making this an even more interesting scent. All this green and pepper and yet, this isn't a very sharp blend. I've smelled sharper green blends from bpal but this has a nice quality to it. It's somewhere between gentle green and sharp green. It's such a different scent that it brings your nose to your wrist many many times as mentioned above. I'm hoping for more cardamom.


    30 minutes

    Whippoorwil doesn't morph much at all. It stays a bright green, clear, fresh scent.

    Alas, no cardomom to be found.



    a bit more than average


    Scent category:




    It's not a grassy scent but more of a light mossy green, with a bit of a peppery bit and a lime-y splash.


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  5. ~Antique Lace~


    In the bottle

    soft vanilla with a very light perfumey quality



    Mmm. It reminds me of the perfume my Aunt use to wear when it was a special occasion. It's medium light musky vanilla with a light perfumey floral in the background.


    30 minutes

    Soft and powder vanilla floral. Very elegant beautiful scent.



    More than average-lovely


    Scent category:

    Foody/Floral/Animal Musk



    Boy if Tiffany's got ahold of this scent, they'd make millions. That's how good this is. It's so unassuming and lovely. There's not one thing in this blend that is offensive, strange or even questionable. Just enelegant, lightly perfumey vanilla andmusk.


    Purchase again?

    Yes! a 10ml if I could.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  6. ~Decadence~


    In the bottle

    Almond and citrus



    Almond and cherry...or orange (?)

    The almond goes immediately to the background and the orangey/ cherry comes to the forefront. This is different then any bpal blend I've tried. From the description I thought it would smell similar to Bastet and it does within the first 20 seconds, then it turns almost Akuma-like.


    30 minutes

    Okay now I smell the cinnamon, but it's not strong, just lets it's presence known and blends rather perfectly with the other two fruits. In fact, I wish the fruit, almond and cinnamon were stronger. This is one I'd have to slather on or reapply often.





    Scent category:




    A not often found combo here with the almond, orange/cherry and cinnamon.

    Everything blends well with each other and no one thing (almond, orange, cinnamon) is stronger then the others. However I do wish this were stronger in total, as it's too gorgeous a blend to disappear so quickly into my arm. I actually put two applications on in order to do this review and I'm still having trouble smelling it enough to point things out. People who know my scent likes know I like me a spicy orange. This wants to be that. If this was stronger it would go up a full point in my opinion to a 4.5.


    Purchase again?

    Yes. A 5 ml


    1-5 rating (5 being best)



    ADDED Jan. 17:




    In the bottle

    I can't believe I've had this, saw it in a baggie in my drawer and went "what is that, I've never heard of it?", tried it, then looked for it here and went *thud*

    Delectable almond and fruity goodness with just a wee waft of some sensual spice in the background.


    My nose is either exaggerating or this is the best smelling bpal blend ever.

    Almonds, cardomom maybe and either cherry, rasberry sometimes it even smells like orange to me but whatever it is it's damn good. And it's the most lushious fruitness/just the right amount of spice and then that gorgeous almond. Holy mother of God.

    30 minutes

    The dry down is just better and better.


    a bit

    Scent category:



    This smells to me like cherry almond or something and a bit of a light spiciness, so good. I can't believe it, I like this even more than "Bastet".

    Purchase again?

    God yes, if I could possibly.

    1-5 rating (5 being best)

    5 without question

    Edited to add: This is now in my "Top Ten bpal blends" list.

  7. In the bottle

    perfectly sweet, lemon



    Lemon, lemon, lemon

    Just as pure and strong a lemon as you'll ever find. I've smelled alot of lemon BPAL blends, and this is the only one that smells like an unadulterated lemon.

    10 minutes and turning a bit powdery on the dry down.

    Maybe a bit of an herby quality in there now but lightly so. I keep expecting this to turn "Gaslight" smelling. I guess I thought "Gaslight" smelling would be... not yummy. Maybe it's good that I don't know what citronella smells like. :P

    I made my husband smell it to get a harsher view. He said it's lemony but smells like natural gas too. Then I asked him, "Is it like ooh yuck get it away?", He said it's not a "get it away" scent but it does make his eyes water a bit. Okay, I've done my part to be objective, but , it doesn't make my eyes water.


    30 minutes

    Smells lighter, more bitter, not as bright pure lemon juice smelling. It's also sweeter, herbier and powdery. Smells like a summery scent, with a bitterness, and a wafting of bakery goodness thrown in.





    Scent category:




    I can see the "Gaslight" quality...I suppose, but with my chemistry this is beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Go figure.


    Purchase again?

    Yes. A 5ml if it were available.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  8. ~Pumpkin King~



    In the bottle

    Pumpkin, ginger, something aquatic or cider-y.


    Mmm. It's not as foody as I thought. It's more "halloween cocktail-y" to me. It's good. There's an initial pumpkin/rum/butter note, then it turns into a more cinnamon based blend, still yummy.

    Less buttery foody or dessert-like than "Jack". Less "autumn leaves and smoke-like than "Samhain". It's spicier then either one in my opinion, but not alot.

    30 minutes

    Dries to an even scrummier scent. Smells like spicy pumpkin pie.



    Scent category:



    Doesnt' morph a whole lot, which is good. If you like pumpkin this is your blend.

    Purchase again?


    1-5 rating (5 being best).


  9. ~Midway~


    In the bottle

    Oh sweet mother of God, I smell cotton candy and candy apples, and butter, and...everything good smelling about a midway.



    Same smell as in the bottle.

    After 5 minutes, it turns a little bit herby, maybe white lotus? But not alot. It's just a celery note that pops up in the background. It's um...the fated what I smell in blends at that "time of the month" celery note methinks. Unfortunately the damn celery note is relentless. I'm waiting it out.


    30 minutes

    The celery note has gone now, thank goodness. It smells fresh and cotton candy like.





    Scent category:




    Incredible soft, foody scent. A pure soft cotton candy scent. Nothing too strong nor too anything, just perfection. Not fake cotton candy, but the real thing, in fact it's better then the real thing.


    Purchase again?

    Yes! I may have found the only scent I like better or as much as Snow White. This is the kind of blend I would buy 6 bottles of.


    1-5 rating (5 being best).


  10. ~Yemeya~


    In the bottle

    Strawberry and melon.



    Wow. It's fragrant bright watermelony- strawberries.

    It mellows at about 10 minutes to a warmer melon scent. It's got a musk-like note peeking out now.


    30 minutes

    This really has alot of staying power.

    I detect what may or may not be vanilla.

    It has the same middle or bottom note as "Swank" to me but of course the blend as a whole isn't as deep and muted as Swank. There's a similar ingredient though. It's that bit of bitter green way way in the back (that is wonderful with the other ingredients I might add) that I'm referring to.

    Anyway, This also a blend that doesn't "morph" much at all (which is a nice change ).



    More then average


    Scent category:

    Fruity, without a doubt.



    This is another blend that bestows alot of imagery initially. As someone said above, it is definitely representative of a bright pink and yellow kind of color.

    It's really bright, cheery, watermelon initially.

    Then it becomes primarily melony with a bit of musk and a lone herby note way in the background.

    Very summery sunshine, and girl-y.

    Dries to a warmer softer pink melon/light brown sugar scent.

    If you like Pink Lemonade, Pink Sugar, Fruit or Melon, you'll go crazy for Yemeya.


    Purchase again?

    Yes! I'd buy another bottle when I used this up if it were available.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  11. In the bottle

    Darkly Fruity



    I smell pears, grapevine and plum primarily.

    With pomegranate, and plumeria as the middle notes.

    Rose bottom note.


    30 minutes

    This is deeper and thicker, more resin-y then Heteaire. And it's also sweeter then I initially imagined.

    Even though I'm sure it's more complicated than this, HG smells like a mx of Lampades and Swank, with a dash of Sugar Skull to me.

    Not as mellow-y fig and plum as you might think intially from the description. Plum in a more dominanat role is always more muted and densely berryish to me.





    Scent category:




    This is nice, real nice. I was saying in my head while reviewing "If it was just a wee bit less of this and more of that it would be really good like "Swank", but thought that maybe it really doesn't need to be like Swank.

    On my skin, it dries to a scent very nice and deep, the plums still there and the fig but it's "Sugar Skull" like to me with a bit more twig-ish notes.

    I'm going to go try this with "Malkuth" or "King of Spades" and just ride the exceptional scent wave that I know this combo will be. :P


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best).


  12. In the bottle

    clean, slightly sweet and fresh



    Soft fresh white floral.

    I smell a cucumber-y freshness that is just beautiful. It's along the lines of maybe Blue Moon, Danube, or Havisham, but greener smelling.

    It's also sort of watery smelling blend but not in an ozone-y way.

    Morphing now into a stronger floral.


    30 minutes

    Lasts longer than the average blend.

    It's a softer fresher green floral now.



    more than average


    Scent category:




    It's wonderfully fresh and summery.


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best).


  13. In the bottle

    Sharp, citrus, green



    Definitely astringent as mentioned above. Piercingly spicey, green, woody, citrus.

    I think there's some Myrrh in here.

    There's chocolate or cocoa or some foody note in here that is all but non existent.

    The top note is something fruity/green.

    There's an underlying woody middle note that I can't place.

    I think it would be great and all of these layers are really different and nice...were it not one lone sweet vinegary note.


    Now it's morphing and there is a predominant sweet white floral note with a greenish woody middle and bottom.


    30 minutes

    More powdery at this point which is fortunate.

    I'd consider this a "male" scent, but that's me.



    More than average


    Scent category:

    Fruity/Green/Floral/Spicey/Woody :P



    Starts out fruity, green, spicey.

    Morphs into a sweet vinegary mix (not my favorite stage).

    Ends in a sharp floral with woody undertones


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best).


  14. ~Two, Five, and Seven~


    In the bottle

    bright, clear rose



    It's a really pretty, pure rose scent that's not too heavy and not too light.

    Not as strong as "Rose Red" or "The Empress" but not as light as "Hymn", "Alice" or "Lucy's Kiss".

    Not as perfumey (though they are lightly so) as

    Le Bella Donna Della Mia Mente" or "Endymion".

    It's along the lines of "Kostnice" really. There's a note in here on the bottom that is just inches from being funky, I don't know what it is. It's definitely not the rose, it's Lotus maybe? I don't think Lotus is funky, I just think there's a note in this blend that is teetering on being weird with my chemistry. It smells like a beer note is underneath the rose.


    30 minutes

    Okay wait. This is getting really nice on the drydown.

    The "Ale" smell now vascillates between smelling like something refreshing and smelling like rising dough but it's very light and in the background.



    Medium light


    Scent category:




    I like "The Empress" better for a Rose scent. Though it is good to have a medium pure rose blend for folks. It took alot of work, but I do like this alot. Maybe it's because I was reviewing it with "Eos" and I think Eos would leave any blend behind actually.

    I think "Two, Five and Seven" will be a big hit with single note rose lovers.


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best).


  15. On

    Fresh floral

    Wow, this is really, really pretty. Slightly sweet (not too sweet at all), and if I close my eyes and ignore the "notes" I get a very definite visual of smell young love, sweet rose, apple and honey. It's medium pink (not light, not dark) for a visual.



    30 minutes

    It hasn't changed (yay).

    If you like being young, and in love during the Springtime, you'll love this blend.

    It's not too conservative, not too immature and sweet, not too floral.



    Light medium


    Scent category:

    Floral (fresh floral)



    Um...this is perfection in a bottle. It's a perfect mix of floral, fresh, fruity.

    And it doesn't fade as much as alot of blends do. Yay!

    It's a slam dunk Beth.


    Purchase again?

    YES! Hostage taking, non critical organ selling, whatever it takes.


    1-5 rating (5 being best).

    5 <---Yes, it's a five.

  16. In the bottle

    spicy, creamy, drunken wonderfullness



    This is divine. It's a perfect blend of fresh, lovely allspice, and bourbon with that wonderful eggnog like creaminess to it.


    30 minutes

    Sweeter, more powdery. Still heavenly. It has faded, but not too much to where it's pissing me off.





    Scent category:




    Oh my goodness, this is just so good, it's as good as "Three Witches" or Eclipse or even "Eggnog" but more drunken and foody. Not more foody in a Hellcat way though and not as drunken as "Glog".


    Purchase again?

    Hell yeah. A 10ml if I could.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  17. In the bottle

    spicy hot orange heaven



    I felt and smelled a warmness, and about 60 seconds later could feel it in my tummy. That wonderful traveling of the spice. I love when hot red chile does that too.

    It's first 10 seconds were sheer heaven for me. I like me some orange. And I likey likey the spicy orange. wink.gif


    30 minutes

    surprisingly, when dry the cinnamon recedes a bit and the neroli becomes more pronounced, providing more of a balance, and therefore even better then the drying down time.

    When it's totally dry however it does flatten out. The punch of it, and the orange is gone and now it's mostly a sweet cinnamon scent.





    Scent category:




    It's like those cinnamon toothpicks I chewed on when I was a kid and other kids would make and sell them in high school. But Inferno smells deeper than that candy cinnamon. There's another layer there of warm golden sweetness under all this hot cinnamon.

    I just wanna dive in it.

    The experience of putting it on is worth it even if the scent fades a bit.


    Purchase again?

    Yes. A 5ml.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  18. In the bottle

    Very sweet, Fruity and lightly floral underneath.



    Smells a little like a citrussy kind of dragon's blood.

    It's passed the 5 second rule, meaning it hasn't turned from citrus to chokingly floral on me.

    It's not at all as intensely sweet as in the bottle.

    I dont' know why, but this smells a little Bordello-ish on me as well. Yes, really.

    I expected to smell the marvelous wood that I've smelled in other bpal blends but this has a little something extra, a light, dried leaves smell.

    Primarily, I smell dried leaves that still have a leaf scent to them (probably from the maple, birch and dogwood) and the cypress, pine and pixie moss, blood root and bergamot are primary notes as well.

    I don't smell the blue violet nor the other florals.


    30 minutes

    This hasn't changed much since I put it on which is good. It has a better than average staying power and a nice touch of throw.

    As it dries it turns into more of a golden brown deep autumn woods smell

    It smells as it would smell in the woods of Arkham.





    Scent category:




    Eve though there are no berries in this blend, I can't help it, my nose smells a little Bordello or Skadi like but with just a blush more of a floral woody twist.

    This is a definitive "walk throught he woods" smell.

    It also sparks a definite imagery, one that matches the images in my head after reading about Lovecraft's Arkham long, long ago. Well done Beth.


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  19. In the bottle

    dark green



    Ooh, dark green and woodsy but with an unexpected crispness. :P

    For those lush fans, this is like "Tramp" with a light clear brightess to it and no patchouli. I am really surprised how well I like this. I bought this because i'm a fanatic of the book mainly.


    30 minutes

    It's still the same only less so.





    Scent category:




    I like this as much as Mi-Go. This smells exactly as it sounds on the description; woody, green (dark green) and crisp. As it dries it has somewhat of an aqueous feel to it.



    Purchase again?

    Heaven help me, Yes.


    1-5 rating (5 being best).


  20. In the bottle




    Pineapple and Mango are the primary notes.

    Kiwi is coming in now too.

    It's turning a tad powdery (which is good).

    I'm unable to pick out any pink pepper or ginger at this point.

    And the jasmine, pomegranate are way in the background too.

    It' still great.

    The peony is coming out with it's floral note and so is the jasmine.


    30 minutes

    I believe it's the pepper that I can pick out now which makes this spicier as it dries.

    It's a wonderful light spiced pina colada scent with just a titch of jasmine floral.

    When it dries completely, the pink pepper (so that's what it smells like) and ginger are primary but soft...and just a drop of pineapple creaminess in the background.

    If your skin chemistry is at all similar to mine, it won't be too fruity, especially on the dry down.

    Mi-Go smells more like Aquolina's "Pink Sugar" (when it's dry) then Pink Moon does interestingly enough. The lightly spicy notes from PS are here just not quite the pink fruitiness of PS. Not at all like Pink Moon, not sweet, it's very light, and the spiciness is not brown sugary it's pink peppery so it's not as sweet all together, wet or dry.






    Scent category:




    This is the fruitiest blend I've tried to date. I was afraid this would turn way too floral on me but it has not, thank goodness. The white tea and the musk is a gorgeous blanket of calm sensuality over the bright fruitiness.

    My skin just soaks this blend up, so it fades in a hurry on me.

    It dries into a lightly spicy fruity Pina colada-ish mix with jasmine.

    This is one I'll have to slather on or reapply often.


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best).


  21. ~Nuit~


    In the bottle

    light incense and musk with equal parts rose and jasmine.



    This is one of those wonderful Beth blends where all the ingredients just seemlessly blend perfectly together.

    It seems they were made for each other.


    30 minutes

    This hasn't morphed at all, bright but sensual jasmine and rose with a light incense and must background.



    Light medium


    Scent category:




    What a great floral. This is real close to "Salome" but with rose. It's not a strong floral, but it's not light. It's heady but not in a headache inducing way. It's light and deep all at once.

    What is it about Jasmine that it goes so well with musk or incense?

    And the rose? Who knew. I think I still might like Salome better though.


    Purchase again?

    Yes. a 5ml


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  22. ~Prague~


    In the bottle

    sweet bright fresh floral



    So good. There's a wee bit of medicial or herby smell and a golden yellow sweet sunshiney flower smell that reminds me of Buttercups.

    It's damn addictive. It's one of those blends that has you sniffing your wrist as a canine would? I know you know what I mean.


    30 minutes

    The brightness f this blend has all but left and I'm left with a loud "thud" But...it's still a pretty smell. It gets a bit more powdery as it dries and even a bit more resinous too.





    Scent category:




    This is so lovely, yellow, fresh, sweet and bright when wet. And even after it dries to a more dull scent I would still use up my imp.

    When it dries and combines with my skin, it's a little lemon Pledge like. However, it's not quite as off putting as the usual "Lemon Pledge" turn that some blends take on me. In fact, to show that this is not a gross or funky smell, if there was a furniture polish that smelled like this, I'd be cleaning...ALOT.


    Purchase again?

    Yes. Another imp


    1-5 rating, (5 being best)



    ADDED June 26:


    In the bottle

    Light lovely white floral



    Spring fresh floral with a lovely bright citrus note.


    30 minutes

    The fresh and the bright go away when it's dry. Leaving it to be still a light floral but somewhat flat.





    Scent category:




    It's lovelier when it's wet, as it dries it get's a little muddy.


    Purchase again?

    No, not a big floral fiend anyway.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  23. ~Beth's experimental blend "C"

    (Thank you Holeysox...and I think by way VioletBlue too :P )


    In the bottle

    Orangey and honeyish



    orange/lemon/vanilla/ for sure maybe some bergamot, amber


    30 minutes

    Oh this is a great lasting blend. It's smell is still here hours later. And it hasn't changed much. It's still a thick lushious sweet orange primary note with vanilla and lemon underneath.



    Light Medium


    Scent category:




    This is a "Wow".


    Purchase again?

    Oy. Yes! If I could.


    1-5 rating, (5 being best)


  24. In the bottle

    Unmistakeably lavender and lime.



    A watery blend of Lavender primarily, then lime, a note of something sweet and a note of something fresh like peppermint, and finally a note that is powdery. These last three middle and bottom notes are very lightly and only in the background.


    30 minutes

    It turns a little off putting to me before it once again turns into the fine scent it was, only not as strong of course. It does last a whole long time as far as that goes..





    Scent category:




    It works. It is a quieting, serenity producing blend. Just as sure as I'm standing here this blend has brought down my stress level from whence it was, I can feel it.

    Different then you're regular "calming lavender blends", this is definitively watery in nature, not earthy. Also the lime adds a nice dimension not found in any lavender blend I've found.

    The only problem is right before it's fully dry. It smells a little funny to me. I knew my chemistry couldn't let anything be that beautiful on me for too long. Now that it's all dry, it's nicer and similar to "Water of Notre Dame" on my skin.


    Purchase again?

    Yes. a 10ml


    1-5 rating, (5 being best)


  25. In the bottle

    lovely spring and summer flowers



    Initially a gorgeous floral. Fruity and fresh! Oh my God the fruitiness combined with whatever that green fresh note is, makes for an indescribabley lovely scent.

    Just as Mabon had those thick, dark, fall time notes, Beltane has the fresh, sunshiney, fruity, florals. My nose cannot tell whether the fruitiness is coming from a citrus blend or a berry blend, so I'm going to guess both.


    30 minutes

    This has not changed one iota, it's still a lovely fruity floral. It has not turned strange or anything negative on my skin. Yay!



    Light medium


    Scent category:




    I'm a picky floral person but this floral is beautiful.

    Whe it dries it smells wonderfully citrussy and floral.

    There is nothing too harsh about this and nothing off smelling or anything negative the whole time it was on my arm.


    Purchase again?

    Yes. a 10ml.


    1-5 rating, (5 being best).

