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BPAL Madness!


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About Felix

  • Rank
    casual sniffer
  • Birthday 03/15/1978


  • Location
    Melbourne, Australia
  • Country
    Nothing Selected

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  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
    Nothing Selected
  • Western Zodiac Sign
    Nothing Selected
  1. Felix

    Job Interview Recommendations

    Thank you all for your suggestions! I think I will end up going with The Raven, it's quite clean and fresh, and also doesn't involve me saying "Vulva" to a complete stranger (which oddly is something I had to do a lot in one of my old jobs). I'll keep you posted on how it goes. Big respect!
  2. Felix

    Job Interview Recommendations

    Hola! I've got an interview coming up on Tuesday for my absolute dream job - web designer for my State Gallery! I'd love to hear your suggestions for something subtle to wear during the interview (I would go scentless however I have a tendency to get very warm whilst nervous and I'd hate to smell like perspiration!). Normally I prefer heady ambers and very strong, unusual scents - current favourites being Tezcatlipoca, Wilde, Freak Show, Blood Pearl & The Lion. I could really use some suggestions for subtle, confident scents from my collection (listed below). I'm likely to be interviewed by a woman, and the atmosphere will be extremely professional and slightly older than myself (I'm 30), plus I suspect we'll be in a small folio viewing room. Any help would be most grand - especially if you can come up with something that screams "technically savvy genius art nerd"! xx bottles: Blood Pearl Brisingamen Frederic Intrigue The Lion Mata Hari Plunder Wulric the wolf man -------- Imps: Alecto ahathoor amsterdam Bayou black phoenix baku cathode cheshire cat crypt queen danube de sade dragon's milk dragon's claw erato Follow me boy faustus GLowing Vulva kitsune-tsuki khephra loviatar leanan sidhe Machu Picchu medea Nyarlathotep nosferatu niflheim ogun oneiroi penny dreadful Roadhouse the raven salome siren stimulating sassafras strengthener Temple of Dreams Tarot: Ace of Wands Tarot: Judgement tezcatlipoca Tisiphone Tum tweedledum ulalume Val Sans Retour Velvet violet ray wolfsbane wilde