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Everything posted by angelicruin

  1. angelicruin

    Meskhenet, the Vulture Maiden

    Inside the imp, mainly hibiscus. On my skin, hibiscus and orris root to begin with. Frankincense comes out shortly after application. There's a bit of sweetness in this blend. Maybe the Orris root which sometimes goes sweet on my skin. Overall, I like it. Not sure I want a full bottle, but I will enjoy my decant.
  2. angelicruin

    Thalassa, the Galapagos Mermaid

    Inside the imp, this really smells like the ocean. Very aquatic and salty. On my skin, aquatic jasmine. Not a good combination of notes for my skin. I get a little frankincense as it begins to dry, but the jasmine and ocean spray overpower everything else.
  3. angelicruin

    Tiresias, the Androgyne

    Sniffing the imp, it's caramel and tobacco. Interesting... On my skin, tobacco, patchouli and black currant to start. I definitely pick of wafts of caramel periodically. Not getting much sandalwood or cinnamon leaf in this one.
  4. angelicruin

    The Wild Men of Jezirat al Tennyn (2006)

    Inside the imp, patchouli and clove. Wet on the skin, patchouli note starts out strong. Cloves and red peppers emerge a minute or two after application. Dries down to mainly patchouli, cloves, and almost a cinnamon scent.
  5. angelicruin

    Kataniya, the Clockwork Woman

    Gentle flowers over hot metal, shocked to life with electricity. Inside the imp, florals and metal. On the skin, it's still a light floral with just a touch of metallic. No change from wet to dry stages. Overall, meh.
  6. angelicruin

    Tzadikim Nistarim

    Inside the imp, vaguely fruity. Wet on the skin, I almost pick up an orris root note on my skin. It's slightly sweet, but not much throw. Very faint on my skin. Dries down to sweetened incense on my skin.
  7. angelicruin

    The Scales of Deprivation

    Inside the imp, light and sweet. Hard to pick out individual notes. Wet on the skin, lemon, sage, and very light lavender. No vetiver anywhere to be found. Sandalwood and Frankincense emerge as it begins to dry. I love this one. Not a lot of throw, but it's good enough that I would slather it on just to wear it.
  8. angelicruin


    Inside the imp, sweet floral. Wet on my skin, I immediately pick up the neroli and ylang ylang. As it begins to dry, becomes more resinous and I pick up the patchouli note. Lovely scent.
  9. angelicruin


    Love this scent. It's red musk and a faint bit of bubblegum sniffing the imp. On my skin, red musk, and bubblegum to start....as it dries, I do pick up the strawberry leaf and a little of the grapefruit. Sweet without going overboard. This does remind me of a few of the BPAL wine scents. One of my favorite GC blends.
  10. angelicruin

    Deep in Earth

    In the imp, rich damp soil. On my skin, damp soil and a hint of herbs. A little spicy too.
  11. angelicruin

    Eshe, A Vision of Life-In-Death (2006)

    Inside the imp, dust and sandalwood. Wet on the skin, very resinous. Sandalwood is strong in this blend. A little sour, but jasmine tends to do that on my skin. Dries down to a sweet floral incense. Very nice and very smooth scent.
  12. angelicruin

    Isaac, the Living Skeleton (2006)

    Inside the imp, rum and maybe some whiffs of tobacco. Wet on the skin, a little sour. I immediately pick up the tobacco, bourbon & rum. If it makes sense, there is a dry quality to this blend even with the hard liquor notes. I'll assume this is the effect of "dry bones". I kind of like this. Not enough for its own bottle, but enough to hang onto my decant.
  13. angelicruin

    Arachnina, The Spider Girl (2006)

    Inside the imp, definitely red musk and maybe cologne? Wet on the skin, poppy & red musk to begin with. Nicotiana and lilies a couple minutes after application. Dries down to a resinous floral musk with a tobacco twist.
  14. angelicruin

    The Parliament of Monsters (2006)

    Inside the imp, sweet tobacco and incense. Wet on the skin, it's swirling dust and incense with a touch of sweetness added from the tobacco note. Sweet without being foody. This will probably just get better with age.
  15. angelicruin

    Priala, the Human Phoenix (2006)

    Inside the imp, all I get is smoke. Wet on the skin, it's myrrh and smoke to begin with. Smoke being a bit stronger than the myrrh. Within a few minutes after application, the smoke has tamed down considerably, though definitely still there. I begin to pick up the cinnamon bark the more the oil dries on my skin. Dries down to faint smoke and cinnamon.
  16. angelicruin


    This is so, so gorgeous on my skin. Sniffing the bottle, it smells like bitter patchouli and scared me at first. But, wow, once it hits my skin, it's this gorgeous sweet (but not too sweet) wine scent with light rose wafting in and out.
  17. angelicruin


    Inside the imp, it smells of tea rose to me. Wet on the skin, mostly a light delicate rose scent. A minute or two after application and I can smell the leather note mixed in with the rose. Rose is definitely dominating this blend, but the leather gives it just enough to temper the rose from going too strong. Rose is one of those notes that sometimes goes very bad on me and other times just works. This is one of those times it's cooperating with my skin. I will keep my imp, but I don't really see a bottle in my future.
  18. angelicruin

    Water of Notre Dame

    Inside the imp, sharp citrus. Wet on the skin, starts out with that sharp citrus scent I caught in the imp. Goes aquatic citrus within seconds of application. Still quite sharp to my nose. I think it's the citrus feel of the perfume that makes me associate this as a fresh clean scent. It reminds me of a really nice laundry detergent, but not really anything I want to wear as perfume.
  19. angelicruin


    Inside the imp, chamomile and musk. Wet on the skin, heavy florals and spicy musk. I agree it smells like old lady perfume. After this dries down, it kind of reminds me of the Dove soap my grandma always uses. Maybe it's the "old lady perfume scent" making me think of this, but that's what's caught in my mind right now.
  20. angelicruin


    Inside the imp, Jasmine & Rose. Wet on my skin, more of the same but with an aquatic feel to it. Dries down to heavy jasmine. Not for me.
  21. angelicruin


    Inside the imp, I'm just getting violets. Wet on my skin, frankincense and violets at the start. A bit of cinnamon as it begins to dry on my skin. Dries to mostly violet incense. A bit soapy.
  22. angelicruin


    Inside the imp, it's patchouli and oak notes. Wet on the skin, starts out the same: patchouli & oak. Goes to woody incense within minutes of application. I get a little juniper berry as it dries more. Surprisingly nice on my skin. I will keep my imp, but I don't love this enough for an entire bottle.
  23. angelicruin

    Phantom Queen

    Sniffing the imp, I smell the apple blossom, but it's very faint. Actually, the throw from the imp itself is barely noticeable. Wet on the skin, this starts out as a sour apple on my skin. A few seconds later, I pick up the black orchid note and moss. There is very little throw on my skin as well. I see this fading fast on my arm. Dries down to apple blossom & black orchid and fades quickly.
  24. angelicruin


    Inside the imp, I can pick out the juniper, lilac, and orchid notes straight away. Wet on the skin, it's a soft lovely floral with just a bit of sweetness. The floral notes are so well blended on my skin that no single note stands out among the others, although I do get a bit of the rosewood over anything else. Sandalwood just loves my skin. It always softens and sweetens any normally heavy floral notes as is the case again here. I love my imp, but I probably will not buy a bottle any time soon.
  25. angelicruin

    MB: Underbed v1

    When I first sniffed the bottle, it seemed pretty much the same as the released version of Underbed. However, once on the skin, there are subtle differences. The released version is definitely more "cake-y" than the prototype. Wet on my skin, this is still a very foody scent with cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, and butter. I do get a bit of cocoa, but not nearly what is in the released version. I agree with a previous reviewer that this does smell a lot like the released version once fully dry. :love!: