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Everything posted by angelicruin

  1. angelicruin

    High John the Conqueror

    Inside the imp, smells like soap. Wet on the skin, milk & honey soap. This isn't much of a morpher on my skin. Scent stays pretty much the same from wet to dry. Not really my kind of scent. Makes me feel vaguely nauseous sniffing the application area of my skin. Time to wash this off.
  2. angelicruin


    Inside the imp, hello grapefruit. Wet on the skin, white grapefruit exclusively at first. As it dries, grapefruit scent mixes with florals. Dries down to a vague floral citrus scent.
  3. angelicruin


    Sniffing the imp, it's burnt lemon to my nose. Wet on the skin, sharp wood and lemon. Kind of smells a bit like some mens' colognes I've smelled in the past. The vetiver really isn't coming out in my skin, maybe just contributing to the overall sharpness of this scent. As it dries, I am getting some of the sandalwood. Dries down to woody lemon cologne.
  4. angelicruin

    Against Idleness and Mischief

    Inside the imp, honeyed chamomile. Wet on the skin, honeyed creamy chamomile. Dries down to a vanilla chamomile on my skin. Not much throw and fades fairly fast on my skin.
  5. angelicruin

    Imperious Tiger-Lily

    Inside the imp, it's lilies and ginger root. Wet on the skin, just lilies right after application. Less than a minute later, here comes the frankincense. I'm not really getting any fruit with this blend. Just incense and lily. After dry, I can smell ginger root, lily, and frankincense. Ok, but a little too heavily floral for my tastes.
  6. angelicruin

    'Tis The Voice Of The Lobster

    Whoo in the imp, this is fruit juicy musk. Wet on the skin, this just bursts in strawberry, tangerine, and blackberry with hints of gardenia that come out and then fade behind the fruits only to emerge again a few minutes later. This scent has a wonderful blackberry note in it. I think I need a bottle of this stuff. Dries down to a fizzy citrus berry punch musk. :heart:
  7. angelicruin

    Snooty Rose

    Sniffing the imp, it's just red rose to my nose. Wet on the skin, red rose dominates with a bit of the red sandalwood. The more it dries, the rose note fades in intensity and is replaced by the oud & plum notes. As rose blends go, I do like this one because it doesn't scream rose on my skin. Will see how the imp ages and decide if a bottle is in my future.
  8. angelicruin

    High-Strung Daisies

    Sniffing the imp, candied flowers. Wet on the skin, sugary daisies & carnations. I'm also getting the bubblegum-feel of this scent. Dries down to candied carnations. Very much reminds me of Pink Moon. I'd buy a bottle but I already own both Pink Moons, but this is nice GC substitute for those LE bottles.
  9. angelicruin


    Oooh wow. Lab frimp in my most recent order and I will definitely be purchasing a bottle soon. This is sandalwood, cloves, and frankincense on my skin. Very sensual, resinous, and mysterious. Throw is average on my skin and wears off in about 2 hours. Worth the re-application though. Makes me swoon.
  10. angelicruin

    The Sluggard

    Inside the imp, wood and pear. Very resinous. Wet on the skin, this is a perfect balance of the pear, gardenia, and wood. The 3 notes just seem to blend beautifully together without any of them trying to drown out the others. Oooh, and the more it dries, the lavender note emerges. And again, it's just this perfect balance of fruit, floral, and wood notes. This is another blend that I think is going to age to perfection. Definitely will be getting a bottle soon. I just can't seem to stop huffing my wrist with this scent.
  11. angelicruin

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Stinky Dog is so cute.
  12. angelicruin

    All In The Golden Afternoon

    Inside the imp, I can pick out the apricot and tangerine notes immediately. Wet on the skin, fizzy apricot, pineapple, and tangerine. On drydown, I get less of the fruit and more tobacco and soft floral amber. Very nice. I am thinking a bottle may be added to a future order.
  13. angelicruin

    Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bat

    Inside the imp, I immediately smell the melon note. Uh oh. Melon and I don't mix well. Wet on the skin, all CANTALOUPE. As it dries more, I can finally smell something other than melon. Lemon Mint Tea layers under the melon. If the melon didn't amp so much on my skin, I think I would have enjoyed this scent more. Melon just seems to be a death note on my skin.
  14. angelicruin

    Alice's Evidence

    Sniffing the imp, it's like sniffing liquid red hots. Wet on the skin, spicy rum punch. I'm really loving this one so far... As it begins to dry, I can finally pick out the prunes note. Dries down to spiced dark fruit rum. Yes, I will be buying a bottle of this.
  15. angelicruin

    Brusque Violet

    Inside the imp, sharp green & violet. Wet on the skin, still sharp and green floral. A few minutes after application, the mint note comes out. Dries down sharp mint and violets. Not a soft scent at all. I'd like to see it age, so I will keep the imp, but no bottle for me.
  16. angelicruin

    How Doth the Little Crocodile

    This is the Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp meets Monster Bait: Ventriloquist Dummy scent. Sniffing the imp, it's minty chocolate yummyness. Wet on the skin, Girl Scout Thin Mints with a dash of wood. As it dries, cedar note gets a little stronger. Once fully dry the cedar note is balanced with the chocolate peppermint which keeps this scent from going too foody. I love the scent, but I have a LOT of chocolate scents, so I may be just hanging onto the imp and not pursuing a full bottle.
  17. angelicruin

    Whoso List To Hunt

    Sniffing the imp, rose and maybe some amber? Wet on the skin, rose is strongest note...bark and moss are there too. Musk is more noticeable as the oil begins to dry on my skin. Dries down to rose, moss, and faint amber. I will keep my imp for now, but probably not a bottle in my future.
  18. angelicruin

    Aperotos Eros

    Inside the imp, I smell very spicy musk and bark. On the skin, initially spicy fir and bark. As it dries, it becomes muskier, still very spicy and myrrh emerges. This sweetens as it dries but retains it spicy musk scent over everything else. It's a dark scent, but not oppressive. More a mysterious dark scent than hellfire and brimstone dark. Just a hunch, but I believe this one is going to age magnificently.
  19. angelicruin


    Like Berry Moon, this was another pleasant surprise for me. I think I was expecting baby powder and sour-ish milk when I first read the description, but I just couldn't resist ordering a bottle "Stinky". I was surprised when I began reading Will-Call reviews and confirmed when I received my bottle in the mail today. The milk note is not the usual that I have tried in other scents. This is a creamy milk, no sourness at all. Also, the baby powder scent is very understated, almost non-existent on my skin. Sniffing the bottle, this smells like more of a cream and honey. Wet on the skin, honey, heavy cream, & a tiny trace of baby powder. My skin just amps the honey and milk notes. Dries down to a soft, sweet cream scent. Not at all powdery on my skin....OK, well maybe just a little.
  20. angelicruin

    Berry Moon 2009

    This is quite different from what I expected, but not in a bad way. Sniffing the bottle, it's mainly fig and musk to my nose. Wet on the skin, it's more of a green & honey scent than berry scent....a lightly sweet scent, but definitely green--maybe it's the orange blossom, but that note doesn't normally turn like that on my skin. The more it dries, the greenery disappears and I am left with a sweet berry musk. I'm really not picking up specific blueberry or raspberry notes, just a general berry note. It's a very smooth, delicate, and pleasant scent on my skin.
  21. angelicruin

    The Organ Grinder (2006)

    One whiff of the decant and I knew there were almonds and milk in this one. In fact, that's all I smell right after application. Fortunately, less than a minute later, the sarsparilla and tobacco smoke emerge and chase off all traces of the almond milk. The patchouli note is there, but I can't really distinguish it much from the tobacco smoke. Just a trace of bark in the background. Another more masculine Carnaval scent, but worth trying the decant of it.
  22. angelicruin

    Nanny Ashtoreth

    On my skin, leather and wood dominate. I'm not getting any floral or berries. Amber is more noticeable as it dries on my skin. More of a masculine scent. I will keep my decant, but will pass on a bottle.
  23. angelicruin


    Inside the decant, this is a sweet milky scent. Wet on the skin, sweet condensed milk. The tea note emerges after drydown, but this scent remains mostly sweetened milk on my skin.
  24. angelicruin

    Doc Constantine (2006)

    Wet, this is sharp lemon and leather. I begin to notice the smoke shortly after application. This is a lovely clean light musk and leather scent after dry down. I may need to consider a bottle of this as well.