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Everything posted by angelicruin

  1. angelicruin

    Dove's Heart

    Inside the imp, it does smell like old lady perfume. Wet on the skin, I am getting mostly heavy, overwhelming rose. A few minutes after application I can smell lavender as well. I usually like lavender scents, but this one is giving me a headache. I think it's the combination of roses and lavender. Just too floral for my tastes.
  2. angelicruin


    Inside the imp, strong resin and lavender. Wet on the skin, resin, lavender, and ozone. Musk emerges more as it dries on my skin, but I get no currant notes from this blend.
  3. angelicruin


    Inside the imp, I'm detecting mostly herbs and something vaguely sweet. Wet on my skin, this is a soft, somewhat sweet herbal green scent. The more it dries, though, the more it develops a "soapy" quality to it.
  4. angelicruin


    Inside the imp, it's a warm, spicy blend. Wet on my skin, I get mostly cinnamon and clove to start. As it begins to dry the honey note emerges. Dries down to a soft, spicy, sweet musk. Very nice.
  5. angelicruin

    Aqua Vitae v2

    This is great boozy concoction of champagne, lime, and apricot brandy. This prototype may be worth seeking a full bottle of.
  6. angelicruin

    Gossamer v3

    A lovely floral blend. I agree that it smells like lily to me more than any other floral. Very delicate and feminine.
  7. angelicruin

    Chaste Moon 2005

    On my skin, this is a beautiful soft, creamy vanilla. Sweet, but not too sweet. Delicate florals. Lasts a long time (mine's been on my skin for 14 hours and I can still faintly smell it when I put my nose to my wrists.) Throw is just perfect amount. I wish I had more than a decant's worth of this stuff.
  8. angelicruin

    Smoky Moon 2009: Tristesses de la Lune

    Inside the imp, sandalwood and orris. On my skin, begins as sandalwood and orris. A light, perfume-y musk emerges shortly after application. The more it dries, the more I am getting a sweet, smoky throw that I assume is the nicotiana. Whatever it is, it's divine. I initially ordered just a decant from a LJ circle because the "smoky" title scared me off, but then after reading reviews, decided to get a bottle of it (which is still on back-order atm) and after receiving my decant in the mail yesterday, I am quite glad I ordered a full bottle of this based on just the reviews.
  9. angelicruin

    The Festival of Anuket

    Inside the imp, aquatic cologne. On the skin, very aquatic, but I am also getting a metallic sharp note along with that same cologne-like scent. I don't hate this scent, but it's nothing I would reach for. Nice to try a decant of it though.
  10. angelicruin

    Nonae Caprotina

    Inside the imp, reminds me of sour cream and fig. On the skin, it's not quite as sour as it was inside the imp. I'm getting a creamy fig, slightly sweet. As I suspected, this is not really a blend for me. I had to try a decant though just to satisfy myself that my assumption was correct.
  11. Thanks for the info. I hadn't caught that SM was back-ordered.
  12. Anyone still waiting on a CnS from around 6/11? Normally, I would not be wondering except I keep seeing CnS' for orders placed a week or more after mine. I know Brian said they're packed through 6/18, so I suppose if a CnS does not come through in the next 2 days, I will check with the lab.
  13. angelicruin


    Sniffing the imp, mostly bright, floral notes. Wet on skin, lemon blossom, some rose, and other floral notes. This does go a bit soapy on my skin, the longer it's on. Dries down to citrus floral. It's still kind of soapy, but I confess that I do rather like this blend. I was frimped a testable sniffie and I wouldn't mind finding a bit more of this stuff.
  14. angelicruin

    The East

    Inside the imp, mint floral tea. Wet on the skin, mint, thyme, and red currant with floral background. Dries down to floral tea. Fades very quickly.
  15. angelicruin


    Sniffing the imp, it's mostly melon to my nose. Wet on the skin, predominantly honeydew melon and white tea. Peach Blossom is faint, but recognizable. Not getting any of the other floral notes though. Drys down to vanilla and melon. Nice, but I'm not a fan of melon scents.
  16. angelicruin

    Mr. Nancy

    Inside the imp, rum and sugar cookies. Wet on the skin, rum and tobacco notes initially. As it begins to dry, I begin to pick up the lime note and cookies again. Drys down to tobacco, rum, & lime. Another great BPAL tobacco scent.
  17. angelicruin

    Miskatonic Valley Speedway Atmosphere Spray

    A decant of this prototype was gifted to me from a kind forumite. As I smell this spray, I'm getting aquatic notes and something sharp & metallic. I'm also picking up citrus notes as well. I do like this and think it would make a wonderful addition to the BPTP Atmospheric Spray line.
  18. angelicruin

    The Torture Queen

    White amber, vanilla musk, white tea, ambergris, gardenia, and chrome. Inside the bottle, vanilla musk and tea with sharp metal. Wet on the skin, lovely white musk, vanilla, tea, and the chrome note. Shortly after application, the floral note comes out too. Dry, it's ambergris, white tea, and chrome. I love this scent and will need to buy another bottle before the carnaval comes down.
  19. angelicruin


    Sniffing the imp, it's honey and fig. Wet on my skin, this becomes a really bad patchouli blend. As it dries, the patchouli softens and the clove comes out. Better dry, but still not me.
  20. angelicruin


    Inside the imp, it's all rose. On my skin, roses and also the cinnamon note. I'm not much for rose scents, but I do kind of like the way the cinnamon note spices up all the roses.
  21. angelicruin


    Inside the imp, aquatic and wood notes. Wet on the skin, cypress & aquatic notes are strong. As it dries, the oak note emerges and the lily. Cypress disappears the more it dries. Fully dry it's aquatic lily and oak.
  22. angelicruin


    Inside the imp, mostly rose and lily. Very heavy floral scent to my nose. Wet on the skin, rose, lemon, and red currant. As it dries, becomes all floral on my skin. Too much so. Have to pass on this one.
  23. angelicruin

    The Robotic Scarab

    Sniffing the imp, it's metal and something sweet. Wet on the skin, anise and frankincense with an undercurrent of leather beneath. I'm also getting just a bit of sharp metallic which just really makes this scent come together. I definitely want to invest in a future bottle of this scent.
  24. angelicruin


    In the imp, very lavender. On my skin, I'm only getting lavender with this scent. Very nice and relaxing. BPAL's lavender note always makes me sleepy.
  25. angelicruin

    Grand Guignol

    Inside the imp, mostly apricot. Wet on the skin, apricot note is strongest. I smell the brandy note after a few minutes. Despite the description, I don't find it to be THAT boozy. It's mostly apricots on my skin.