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Everything posted by angelicruin

  1. angelicruin

    Astraphobia v1

    Inside the imp, eucalyptus. Wet on my skin, eucalyptus, peppermint, and medicinal. And, yes, this will clear your sinuses in a hurry. Dries down to a soft peppermint. If you can get past the initial blast while wet, it really does turn lovely after it fully dries.
  2. angelicruin


    In the bottle, it's pale, soft floral. Wet on my skin, the most lovely mandarin orange scent mingled with sandalwood and lilac. It dries down on my skin to oranges, sandalwood, and a delicate floral in the background. Definitely a keeper.
  3. angelicruin

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Similar. The bath oils have their torsos included in the picture. Jingu is quite obviously pregnant in her bath oil picture. ETA: Here are the bath oils:
  4. angelicruin

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    The lovely Warrior Queens bottles: I'm in love with these labels.
  5. angelicruin


    Sniffing the imp, it's strong eucalyptus. Lovely light green color to oil. Wet on my skin, eucalyptus and floral. I agree with the prior reviews that compare it to medicine. Starts to go soapy as it begins to dry. Dry it's green herbs and floral.
  6. angelicruin


    Inside the imp, I'm picking up the star anise (licorice) and cherry blossom Wet on my skin, initially licorice and cherry blossom. As it dries, goes much more floral. I'm almost getting an orange blossom note on my skin. Dry it's mainly sandalwood and floral.
  7. angelicruin

    Death Cap

    Inside the imp, mildly sweetened earth. Wet on skin, smells much like it did inside the imp. I'm getting a rich earth note, but instead of being bitter (like most dirt scents are on my skin), this has a hint of sweetness and wood. It dries to much the same scent it was wet. Actually, quite a lovely scent. Very mild.
  8. angelicruin

    The Sea Foams Milk

    Sniffing imp it's sweetened milk. Wet on skin, it smells like milk flavored soap. Not really doing anything for me. Dries down to sweetened soap on my skin.
  9. angelicruin

    Set v3

    Sniffing the bottle, it's blood and red musk. Initially sniffing the bottle reminds me of The Blood Garden. On the skin, red musk, a very mild vetiver, patchouli, and floral. Stays pretty true on my skin from wet to dry down.
  10. angelicruin


    Sniffing the bottle, it's like licorice root beer to my nose. Wet on the skin, smells strongly of sarsaparilla (root beer) that turns to a nearly perfect black licorice scent as it dries on my arm. Definitely a keeper.
  11. angelicruin


    Inside the bottle, apple spice. Wet on the skin, still spice and apples but I am also getting a mild wood note that keeps this from going foodie on my skin. As it dries, becomes muskier with underlying apple and spice notes.
  12. angelicruin


    Sniffing the imp, it's all smoky, harsh brimstone. Wet on my skin, smoke & vetiver are the predominant notes I smell on my skin. Dries to to a softer version of the 2 notes above, but not soft enough to work on my skin.
  13. angelicruin


    Sniffing the imp, I'm getting lemon verbena and cedar. Wet on my skin, this is a dusty lemon and cedar scent. As it dries, I'm getting more amber, but the cedar and citrus/verbena notes are still quite strong. Interesting, but nothing I would reach for daily.
  14. angelicruin

    St. Lucia v8

    I was gifted a bit of this from a kind fellow forumite. Inside the imp, it's warm and spicy. Wet on my skin, I'm getting mostly cinnamon and spice. The more it dries, the more foody it goes on my skin. It does turn into cinnamon bun on my skin. Very very nummy.
  15. angelicruin

    The Antikythera Mechanism

    Inside the bottle, tobacco and vanilla. Wet on the skin, I'm getting mostly tobacco, oak, and a little bit of vanilla. I agree with previous reviews that this scent does remind me a bit of Black Lace, although Black Lace is a sweeter blend on my skin with the sugar and cognac notes. And while the Antikythera Mechanism not really blowing me away right now, I believe this will be much like Black Lace and age into something magnificent.
  16. angelicruin

    Aswang v1

    Inside the bottle, I'm getting ripe bananas and earth. Wet on my skin, bananas and something green. As it dries, the green note sharpens a bit with the scent of bananas underneath. I'm looking forward to seeing how this one ages.
  17. angelicruin


    Inside the imp, rose rose and rose. Wet on skin, rose. Dries down to....rose.
  18. angelicruin

    Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo

    Inside the imp, pink bubble gum. Wet on the skin, strawberry bubble gum. Dries down to cotton candy on my skin. Smells yummy but doesn't last long on my skin. Definitely a happy pink scent.
  19. angelicruin


    Inside the imp, it's sweet aquatic fir. Wet on the skin, still getting that sweet aquatic fir scent. Very feminine. Drys down to sugared fir. Strangely, the jasmine was nowhere to be found on my skin.
  20. angelicruin

    Silk Road

    Inside the imp, I'm getting spicy cardamom. Wet on skin, spicy floral. Dries to much the same on my skin, just a little softer.
  21. angelicruin


    Inside the imp, it's all jasmine. Wet on my skin, still all jasmine and a little myrrh. Rose begins to emerge as it dries. Becomes more smoky as it further dries. Once dry, it's a soft myrrh with vague floral notes---can't really pick out rose or jasmine any longer.
  22. angelicruin


    Inside the imp, roses and lily. Wet on the skin, rose mostly with other floral in background. Drys down to mostly rose. The rose note really steals the show here.
  23. angelicruin


    In the imp, sharp and bitter. Wet on skin, sharp brimstone and smoke....and something sweet. As it dries, it goes to a strong minty scent. Then when completely dry it's a soft peppermint and floral. This one really morphs. By the time it's dry, it's turned into this soft delicate scent, so very different from where it started.
  24. angelicruin

    Temple of Dreams

    In the imp, it's strong lavender and sage. Just sniffing the bottle cleared my sinus'. Wet on my skin, STRONG lavender initially overpowers everything else. Drys down to still strong lavender, rosemary, and a little sage. I still prefer TKO for sleeping.
  25. angelicruin


    In the imp, very dark smoky scent. Wet on skin, bitter smoke and brimstone. As it dries, it remains bitter but is also sweet. Reminds me of fruit & vetiver on my skin. Usually incense blends are gorgeous on my skin, but this one is just not working on me.