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Posts posted by blueoceanflower

  1. A frimp from the lab! Thank you!!


    Oh what a surprise!


    Sweet bubble gum and lollipops. Drys down to a sultry, soft powdery scent with just a kiss of cinnamon. Very pretty!!

    Reminds me of Lolita Lempicka , but better :P

    I can see a 5ml in my future

  2. Upon the Sea of Glass, glowing with the perfection of spiritual union and the radiance of true wisdom, rests the throne of God. A scent of inimitable purity, crystalline grace, and limitless light.

    I can't really add much that hasn't been said, but this is simply beautiful :P
    If I want to feel feminine and pretty, I wear Sea of Glass. I get the most compliment on this oil than any other blend.
    Deep blues and greens, fresh ocean winds, waves with white peaks against a craggy shore...sigh
    I love it, and it loves me.

  3. So sad :P

    This is gorgeous in the bottle...rich, warm, sweet creamy notes. But whatever notes my body corrupts in Spooky, Tarot: The Star and Milk Moon are, no doubt, in Midway...

    It turns into that wretched off smelling plastic on me :D

  4. Received this a frimp from the lab :P Thank you!


    First sniff: Estee Lauder's White Linen. We had a family friend who always wore White Linen and this reminded me of her right away :D


    Beautiful, sharp, crisp floral. Soft with just a hint of egde.

    Very classy scent...


    will add more...
