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BPAL Madness!


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About zenvodunista

  • Rank
    obsessive precious hoarder
  • Birthday 01/03/1973


  • Location
    New York, NY
  • Country
    United States

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  • Interests
    I'm a landscape architect and artist. I live in NYC with my BF and always feel like there isn't enough time in the world for all the wonderful stories and people in it -- or enough time for sleeping in and snuggling.
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  • Favorite Scents
    current favorites: Storyville, Tezcatlipoca, Snake Oil always, Pirate Moon, Smut, and Snake Charmer. There seems to be a theme here...


  • Astrological Info
    capricorn, saggitarious rising.
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  1. zenvodunista

    Chaos Theory V: Recursive Self Similarity v4

    DCLV (655) : Snake Oil is VERY apparent in the bottle and on my skin. In fact, it feels like straight up Snake Oil without vanilla - but with a bit of cinnamon and some kind of wood. But it can't be cinnamon because that goes to plastic on me - but some kind of spice. I'm pleased because I'll definitely wear this one - but I'm not blown away. It's nice enough, but Snake Oil proper is really fantastic too, and it's very very close. But I'm pleased it works. The first CT I've *ever* gotten that worked on me (and two years ago I bought a total of 15 bottles none of which worked on me)! Towards some wearing, some berry comes out - which for me is nice as most berry scents I can't wear (too sweet). D(?)CCIV (704): The numbers are hard to read on this one. Bottle is EXTREMELY full. Frighteningly full. Like it probably overspilled when they capped it. Whoa. This one has some kind of fresh scent to it - and a weird slightly vomity thing going on... It reminds me of the back end of Prunus. On, the Prunus whiff disappears completely (its really only a tiny hint) but this has a bubblegum feel to it that really doesn't work with either my personality or my skin chemistry. It doesn't smell bad - but it doesn't smell like me either. It's nice because there's a mellow spicy undertone which is the SO holding the ground - but the top is more bubblegum and woods. I bet someone out there will really like this. I have no idea who though. It's not even bubble gum... I can't quite put my finger on it.... I want to almost say whifs of marshamllow or spun sugar.... It's sweet but the SO makes it not over sweet. It's growing on me.... but I don't ever think it will be a favorite. It has, as it ages, almost a nice linen quality that is a bit reminiscent of Dirty, or White Rabbit. Neither scent I wear, but I think are nice on other people. This is a SO for people who don't like SO DLV (555): That feels like a special number, doesn't it?! The bottle is again filled to brimming! In the bottle it smells like fresh cream accord. It reminds me of Glowing Vulva. On, there's definitely some kind of crazy wood vibe coming out - teak? It's a dusty spice now and the cream is totally gone. .... As I wear it though, it starts evening out and the cream comes back. My arm is a little hot where I applied it which has never happened to me before. I really like this a lot. I don't know what wood this is - I don't think it's teak, but a relative of teak... It's dustier than teak, and then this hot spice making my arm tingle, the cream, and the SO. I think this needs a bit of age on it for the components to even out a bit, but I'll be holding onto this one, no question. This is definitely one of those: OMG MADE FOR ME CT's. So it was worth the wait. I think this run, this idea of using bases, is a great one. I hope they do it again next year.
  2. zenvodunista

    Oak King v4

    In the bottle: Like cherry cough syrup. WTF? On: Cherry cough syrup that slowly morphs into Sassafrass one note, and later one, sassafrass with a giant Oak Tree growing up behind it. I don't know if this is ever going to work on me. I'll keep it for a bit and try it again. I'm pretty sad though. I'd love to smell like an oak.
  3. zenvodunista

    The Antikythera Mechanism

    IF you love Black Lace (or missed it), and Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge (or missed it) get this. OH! I am so glad this is general catalog! Fantastic! N.
  4. zenvodunista

    Lemon, Lemon, Lemony Goodness

    Embrace the power of "and" and look into layering! Maybe layer something like Dorian and Carnival Diabolique? Look for some baked-goods type perfume, and add yer citrus on top. N.
  5. zenvodunista

    Recs for those who can't do sweet perfumes?

    Snake Oil isn't sweet - but you might amp sweet (I do that sometimes) - try it. FWIW - sometimes people's noses register things like "vanilla" as "sweet". Same thing with "spices" especially if you associate spices with cooking. For now, you might want to avoid spiced scents at first and try some other things that REALLY aren't sweet and see if they do it for you. A lot of the "spiced" scents go to plastic on me (I think it's secret cardomom doing it), but I find that some resinous scents have a spice-like scent when I wear them. I can't wear a number of the following scents due to skin chemistry - but I know these aren't sweet! ANd a number have a big following As for definitely NOT sweet try things like Djinn which which smoky and dark and doesn't have a bit of sweet in it anywhere: The scent of black smoke, of crackling flames, and smoldering ashes. Really. NOT SWEET! Black Annis: mixture of damp cave lichen and oak leaf with a hint of vetiver, civet and anise. Fenris Wolf: Rosewood, amber, red musk and a dribble of red sandalwood. - You might turn red musk to sweet, but give it a try - it's woody and resinous. Troll: vetiver, pine pitch, troll musk, black basil, clove smoke, and scorched cumin. There are spices in there, but not sweet ones. Envy: Green herbs slithering through mint, lime and lavender. Nothing particularly sweet here either. De Sade: LEATHER. Oblivion: I cant' wear a lot of woody things, but : Dark musk, wood spice, labdanum, patchouli, dark African woods, and saffron. Woody and spicy. NO SWEETS. Unless your skin chemistry does somethign sweet to dark musk. Mad Sweeney: Barrel-aged whiskey and oak. YUM. Coyote: The warmth of doeskin, dry plains grasses and soft, dusty woods warmed by amber and a downy, gentle coat of deep musk. Smells like hay to me. Not sweet. Odin: His scent is dry elm bark, amaranth, warrior’s musk, and Odin’s Nine Herbs of Power. Herbaceous, woody and musky. The Apothecary is one of my favorites, of all time. Not sweet- herbaceous and refreshing though! I have tried to avoid anything with a hint of flowers or even sweet leaning resins (like myrrh). Really, anything that might amp to sweetness. You'll have to experiment with the musks. Good luck! N.
  6. zenvodunista


    I just *knew* I would love this blend - and I do. I adore pretty much all these notes, and the only one I had worries about was my tendency to amp myrrh, but it seems to be behaving pretty well. This is a hard to describe scent - certainly it is resiny but it doesn't scream reisin. It's not churchy in the slightest. It's feminine, but it's not "girly" in the slightest. It's womanly, but just a bit butch too. Good stuff! Lupercalia rules
  7. zenvodunista

    Love's Philosophy

    WHOA - BUTTERCREAM ICING! Now that time has passed, it's still pretty buttercreamy but with a hint of something smoky and spicy in the background. I'm going to let this age a bit before I pass judgement. N.
  8. zenvodunista

    The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife

    This started off VERY aquatic - which I honestly dislike. I don't like aquatics - I was hoping for that salty sea note. Remember City in the Sea? That was the only aquatic I've really liked and it was for that salt note that was so gorgeous. Well, I put this on and it was all water baby, and that bummed me out. As time has passed though, the aquatic has died back pretty significantly and now it's a soft honey with ambergris. I love both honey (in moderate doses) and I ADORE ambergris, and the two together are definite sealove. And I mean that in the carnal sense That's a seriously hot dream the fisherman's wife is having. N.
  9. zenvodunista

    Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge

    This is elegant, sophisticated, delicate, sexy, and warm. It feels very yonic and very glowing, and so is perfect for the image. I am wearing about four scents right now, but I look forward to wearing this on it's own, and seeing how strong it is. I was worried about the lotus blossom. I needn't have worried. It's much creamier in the bottle than it is on skin. This is gorgeous. N.
  10. zenvodunista

    Give me caramel!

    I tend to amp caramel, so I can't wear Red Lantern which is ALL CARAMEL ALL THE TIME on me. I looooove Tireseas though, because it's caramel + tobacco and other lovely dark notes, and not CARAMEL. I also like Bad Luck Woman Blues which is an earthy, mossy, caramel. It sounds bad, but smells *fantastic*. Kill Devil was all brown sugar on me, which is a bit different than caramel. The Arrival at the Sabbath was CARAMEL on me, too much so. I need some mix in my caramel to be able to love it. Bien d'Loici was all honey honey honey on me. Too too sweet. Sugar Skull is carmelized sugar. Um. Others as I think of them. In conclusion: try Tireseas because it's very different than Red Lantern. N.
  11. zenvodunista

    Black Lace

    I can't wear Antique Lace as it turns to powder on me, but my BF wears it and it's a lovely soft musky vanilla on him. I got two bottles of Black Lace - one for me and one for him. On him it's reminiscent of Antique Lace with a hit of floral and I can smell the cotton as well. It's musky but refreshing if that makes sense. On me, Black Lace is a combination of Sed Non Satiata, Perversion, and Lyonesse. Musky, warm, incense & smoke filled, honeyvanillasex. This stuff is *fantastic*. I only wish I'd bought FOUR bottles! Three for me, and one for him N.
  12. zenvodunista

    Destroying Angel Claw Polish

    I bought this polish on the basis of the reviews. I usually don't like brown, I don't wear it, or anything. This polish? I love it. I adore it. Seriously. I think it looks like chocolate in the bottle - but at 2-3 layers, that eggplant note comes out and then it's Another Color for which there really isn't a name. This is deep, dark, intense, and decadent. Of the three polishes I bought (Mme.Moriarty, Blood Countess, and this) this one has the most staying power of them all. I am not a girly girl and am quite hard on my hands and nails, and I wore this for about 5 days with only minimal wear at the very tips of my nails - and that was without a base or topcoat. Even my "Everyone should only wear black" BF liked this polish better than straight black polish. It's darker, and deeper - warmer, too. HIGHLY recommended. I'm really glad I bought this one. N.
  13. zenvodunista

    Blood Countess Claw Polish

    When I made my order of polishes, I bought Mme.Moriarty, Destroying Angel and Blood Countess. Blood Countess lies between the two - and I was really impressed with the fantastic color of it. It is almost like a black-red if that makes sense. It's very much red, but has the same "falling into darkness" quality that Destroying Angel has. I'm quite smitten by it. I thought I might be when I read about testers trying it - but I'm really blown away by it. It's very sexy, and very dark. In some ways I love it more than Mme.Moriarty because it is an unusual red - it's not the red you think of when you think of red nailpolish. I'm intrigued and I love it. Of the polishes I got, Blood Countess chips a middleing amount. But it's sturdy enough for wear during the week. I love this stuff! N.
  14. zenvodunista

    Mme. Moriarty Claw Polish

    This is a perfect red. I have a yellowish undertone to my skin, and most "red" nailpolishes and lipsticks look orange on me. Mme Moriarty is a perfect RED. Colorwise, it is FANTASTIC! I have had some trouble with it chipping in the first 24 hours of wear, despite the use of base and topcoat. I even switched to a highly recommended base and topcoat and it still chipped. Oddly enough, the darker the nailpolish in regards to the BPAL plolishes, the less chipping on me. So, this was chippy. But honestly, it's such a fantastic color that I will just make a note to be sure to put it on about an hour before an "event" and just not worry about it! I just know I can't use it for daily wear. N.
  15. zenvodunista

    Seasonal Affective Disorder

    Croquet!!! Seriously! Pink lime, pink grapefruit, white nectarine, wild rose, sage, woody patchouli, bergamot, and ornery hedgehog musk. This is such a sweetly cheerful scent, but it never gets sickly sweet. It's interesting to note that it has a number of scents recommended by Beth to help manage SAD. I think the patchouli and sage ground it, and the rose and musk smooth it all out. I'm constantly surprised by how much I love this blend. Great stuff! N.