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Posts posted by emz83

  1. This scent is quirky as all hell: it's green and yet softly so, it's lemon-y yet it doesn't turn into pinesol on me, it's flowery but I don't think it's the rose that everyone keeps on mentioning 'cause it doesn't change into baby powder...though I smell a floral. If so, this may be one of the only flowerish scents that's worked on me so far. :P The scent makes me feel mischevious, I love this!

  2. I've been looking for a clean aquatic that's not too biting and this I find perfect for it, a bit mellow, very clean, and not headache inducing. In fact I was feeling a bit queasy today (I think from something I ate) and the smell of this made the nausea go away. :P

  3. On me this goes lemon, rounded by sugar and a bit of vanilla, and maaaybe a bit of pale pale tea. Then again my favorite teas are oolongs. :D It smells lovely in the bottle, creamier, but the lemon in this scent on my skin becomes overpowering. Blast my skin chemistry! :P

  4. This is such a warm, rich, round scent! I love it wet, I love it dry, I love it's throw; it's flowery, but without being overly cute-sy. It feels both feminine and yet strong, the musks blending smoothly and the fruits lending the smell just a touch of sweetness. Just a tiny bit powdery, but in a way that blends into the skin like a welcome. :P This smells like sex.

  5. Grog is heaven in a bottle. Well, imp, you know what I mean. :D


    It's this smooth roundness of butter immediately and then mellows out into something not exactly decadent but more luxurious, like basking in the sun. Absolutely gorgeous. NEW FAVE!! :P

  6. On me it's a very sharp windy smell at first, and then it settles and the vanilla comes out with just a slight edge of sandalwood. Very nice, though I'd have to test it again to see if it's the right thing for me.

  7. Initial impression was that this scent just wan't for me, the smell was too sharp; however on the drydown the vanilla comes through and warms up the smell until it smells like the way the word "amber" feels, lush and golden and complex.


    I think it's partially the way my body chemistry takes any spice in the bottle and ramps it alllll the way up; I'll try layering this imp to see if I can turn down the initial headachy spice of it or maybe perhaps ageing this imp to beat the spices into submission. :P


    [edit] don't know what it is, but I've been trying this more and the throw is so beautiful that I'm willing to ignore the original spicyness. The more I wear this the more gorgeous this scent seems. :D

  8. There is some thing sharp (the lemon?) in the wet stage that really threw me off, but as it dries down it really changes and becomes interesting. The fruit starts coming out, then becomes rounded by the vanilla. Later it gets shadowed by a bit of musk and then turns into a smell I associate with incense. Then it goes back and forth between a wood smell and a lovely sweet smell, both of which are overlaid by a smell that I can only describe as "burnt".


    I thought I might not like this scent but it's really is calling to that animal hindbrain and bringing a sense of euphoria (I think it's the burnt sweet smell) and dizzyness. The only reason I might not keep this is because I don't want to mentally associate myself with a smoky smell, but other than that, this is a definate keeper!!


    ADDED June 15:


    This is a beautiful and rich sweet sugar scent, but sugar carmelized and deepened. On me, this was the slightest bit smoky, and I didn't realize until reading the other reviews that there might've been some roses in this. As my skin does funky things with rose scents, that might explain how I got the carmelized sugar smell, which is lovely and a bit campfirey. :P

  9. Oh god, I love this, I can't stop sniffing this on my skin. While wet I almost thought it was too floral but on my skin it becomes more than skin, if that makes any sense. The wood plays hide and seek with the musk in a way that reminds me of the incense that I associate with trips back to China, I think it's the orris. This has a really long throw which is usually a problem for me because my skin soaks up oil.


    Utterly gorgeous. :P

  10. Wet, this smelled like a lovely sandalwood but the more it dried the more it started hurting my nose. Based on the descriptions in the other reviews I'm guessing that it might be the cinnamon, which makes sense because my skin seems to amp up any spice in the oil. Ah well. :P

  11. My skin seems to really bring out spices, and though it wasn't slam-me-in-the-face patchouli, it was strong enough that it nearly drowned out the other scents when it dried on me. I think I might like this on a locket or on someone else, it just really doesn't work on my skin.

  12. This was lovely, warm, and spicy; simultaneously down to earth and yet glamourous which is difficult to do. However, cinnamon always gives me a slight headache and the patchouli and inscence comes out strongly enough (on my skin) to remind me too much of the Berkeley streets. I think I will always associate this as a "place" scent rather than a "person" scent, or perhaps it's just one of those scents that kinda sits on my skin and does it's own thing rather than being part of me. :P

  13. On me, this is like flowers laid on the dust of yellow earth, with incense marking paths across and under it. I've tried this several times and a certain sharp spice scent peeks up every now and then; but this might be because I'm especially sensitive to spice and spice-like scents.

  14. It's probably just my body chemistry but the violet and gardenia just rounded out the vanilla in this on me instead of stepping to the front; it's a rich dark vanilla without being (oddly) foody.


    I got this as an extra in an LJ transaction and I totally fell in love with the scent!
