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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by ScrimHazard

  1. ScrimHazard


    This just seems like a classic BPALish scent to me. In the bottle: Bergamot and Heliotrope. Exactly. I'm not getting any mixed signals here. Wet: My skin immediately found the white musk and warmed up, becoming more sensual. Dry: the peach comes through more, but is tempered by the other notes. All of which blend together perfectly. This scent is not very me, but it is sooo beautiful and if I smelled this on someone else I would probably be totally bowled over and demand they give me their gloriously sniff-worthy pulse points for the day. For some reason I am reminded of my grandma's piano bench, which was old and velvet and a little dusty, but smelled ladylike and seemed all knowing.
  2. ScrimHazard


    In the bottle: screaming apricot...barely ripe. Wet: apricot and white musk. Apricot begins to ripen. Dry: Perfect blend of all three notes. While I'm more of a green girl, this really evokes comforting feeling for me. I think I'd like to buy a 10ml to use to make conditioners and lotions with. I feel very nostalgic when I wear this. I must have had something similar as a small child that my mom would use on me. I am delighted.
  3. ScrimHazard

    The Ghost

    A thin, sinuous, creeping chill, the scent of glee-filled undeath: white iris, osmanthus, Calla lily, tomb-crawling ivy and a coffin spray of gladiolus, lisianthus and delphinium. Okay, OMG OMG OMG...I am doing cartwheels for this frimp. In the bottle it smelled like Ivy and Green apples (I think someone mentioned the appleness earlier) and I immediately thought...kitchen...and was not psyched to try it so it's been a two days and I finally put it on. OH BOY am I retarded for this stuff!!! I must have a bottle NOW! Why can't I just run somehwere and pick it up tomorrow. I am freaking. Okay so enough with the ramble rave. Here are the vital stats. Wet: Ivy and Calla Lily. I can kind of smell that lemonyness some people spoke of, but it went away within seconds. Dry down: my skin warmed this up quickly. I prefer it warm and I'm not sure I would like to wear it during the winter months. Something about these flowers and the ivy really swim well together on my skin. It isn't the least bit sexy which I appreciate. I hate smelling sexy. I smell fresh without smelling too herby or fruity, and sweet without smelling like a baked good or a berry. I feel like I smell as I should. After 2 hours: faded into a cleaner, lighter version of above. Verdict: I feel like this is how I SHOULD smell, but I can't without a little help. This will accompany Glasgow and my perfect scents.
  4. ScrimHazard


    This was a freebie and it surprisingly suits me very well. In the bottle: light white floral Wet: (I cannot find the stopper to this because when it popped out I lost my grip and it went flying somewhere in my apartment, with and erstwhile splash to my right cheek) Once Eos touched my cheek the it turned a little incency, which I thought made the white floral aspect of it a little more captivating. I cannot pick out any single notes when this is on my skin. It simply smells feminine and enveloping. Dry: definately white floral and incence. Reminds me of very expensive incence pyramids you can buy at home stores, but I smell nothing like a home. *raises eyebrow* Verdict: I will really enjoy wearing this, but will not buy a bottle because I don't freak out and constantly smell my wrists. I am, however, aware that everyone is surprisingly enchanted with my aroma today (even my cat).
  5. ScrimHazard

    White Rabbit

    Based upon the description I was sure I would love it with all my heart. I mean, come on! The notes are all of my favorite things rolled into one little bottle. So, imagine my surprise when I opened the lid and winced. I was sooo let down, but I had to put it on my skin to see if it changed for the better (crossed fingers and tried to be a little less harsh on the poor dear). Once it hit my skin I smelled the back tea and honey swirl into one. The other notes barely showed themselves for quite some time. I wanted to lick my wrists - the honey smelled so divoon. The ginger and pepper were second to show and I even felt a little tingling of my usually not sensitive skin to herald their arrival. As far as the linen is concerned, I only can attest to smelling very fresh despite the warm sweetness, which is so rare and unexpected. I am still getting used to the black tea...I don't know what I expected it to smell like, but not at all like this...this is beautiful though. White Rabbit is not a very sophisticated scent, but it is so darn interesting I can't help but think I'll be buying a bottle of it very soon.
  6. ScrimHazard

    La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente

    I totally forgot this had myrtle in it. My skin picks up myrtle and just sort of runs away with it. I can still smell the myrtle 12 hours after I put the perfume on. However, for the first 4 hours I smelled not only of myrtle, but of sweet fruits and got whiffs of flowers warmed by the afternoon sun. I love that smell. It complicates the scent, which I appreciate. In the bottle I was a little intimidated by the fruitiness, but on my skin it warmed and blended so lovely.
  7. ScrimHazard


    I should tell you that this is the first time I ordered a bottle as opposed to an imp without first trying it out on my skin. I was just so completely positive I would fall in love with it that I couldn't wait the four months it would take for me to get the imp, try it and order the bottle, then finally receive it. I opened the lid as a sweet toothed child beset with hunger and blessed with a bag of heaven sent confections. I admit...I raped my bottle of Vinland. I sniffed only for a millisecond and was made instantly alert and aware of mental transport to a land made clean by ice and snow. It was a sharp whiff and it stung my nose, not as a too-pungeant perfume would, but as a particularly memorable and alluring visage after the light is taken away and your not yet adjusted eyes see the negative of the image for minutes to come. On my skin it went completely berry at first. Soon I was smelling the ice-covered bark of the brambles to which the berries clung. And then the horizon. Can you believe it? I smelled the horizon! As time wore on it smelled practically the same, but just more blended and less sharp. I couldn't be happier.
  8. ScrimHazard


    The site description of this really hooked me. When I got it and opened the imp stopper it reminded me of Bewitched without berry notes. On my skin it TOTALLY changed and odd, yet beautiful things occurred. On my wrists the amber and carnation really warm up and become very sexy and comforting. But the dabs I applied to my inner elbows picked up the eucalyptis and smell surprisingly fresh and springlike. Together, as the scents waft up to my nose I smell at once super clean and heatedly sexy. Ready for action I tell you! I really love this one. I have so many more imps to try that I won't wear this for at least another 11 more days. It's a shame my boyfriend doesn't like really warm fragrances. I guess I'll be wearling this to work.
  9. ScrimHazard

    Breezy/Outdoorsy Scents

    Thank you all so much for the suggestions!!! And to think I just got a bunch of imps and didn't get Dublin. I will definately be placing another order of the following: Dublin Oisin Leanan Sidhe Rosalind Phantom Queen Empyral Mist ...am also tempted to get Tenochtitlan, though it has a different sort of feeling, it sounds like something that I would just adore! Maybe I'll order a 5ml of Dublin and get Tenochtitlan as my 6th imp...hmmmmm Once again...THANK YOU!!!
  10. ScrimHazard

    Breezy/Outdoorsy Scents

    My favorite BPAL scent is Old Glasgow. I cannot even begin to describe my love for the transformation that takes place in me whenever I dab it on my wrists and breathe in. I feel as though I am instantly transported to a field, where I can roam free - as free as my presently captive spirit desires. I would really like to find another scent that gives me this same feeling of transcendance and happiness. A scent that is both comforting and liberating and is...decidedly outdoorsy. In my most recent order I got a 5ml bottle of Vinland and am hoping to find the same thing when I apply it. If you all have any other suggestions, I would much appreciate them. Thank you!!!
  11. ScrimHazard


    In the bottle: Almost kind of medicinal...granted the smoothest and most captivating medicinal scent ever. Wet: Sweet. So sweet and yet autumnal smelling to me...Like eating cookies in a withering garden where all the leaves have turned, yet you glimpse a lone flower blooming happilly incongruent. Drydown: Warm and punctuated with the crisp sweetness of blackberry. A very clean inviting smell. ADDED 12/17/07: Just have to say...Bewitched is my HG scent...mkay, maybe tied with White Rabbit, but seriousssss! I love this one...pherimone berries, nuzzled in thorny brambles and a bit of moss.
  12. ScrimHazard


    My favorite of all BPAL scents I've tried! Maybe it's the Scotswoman in me. Who knows! In the bottle: Strong blackberry smell, but I get a hint of a thickly petalled flower as well. First on: At first the blackberry is extremely strong, almost biting. Drydown: While still faintly smelling of blackberry, the scent of heather takes center stage and it becomes a more casual and mature aroma. It wafts rather than strikes and is very comforting and somewhat breezy like a walk on a path through a fluttering field.