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Everything posted by Tramp

  1. Tramp

    Temple Viper

    Snake Oil with sugar cane, frankincense, champaca, opoponax, labdanum, and hyssop. Wet: Herbal and resinous On: Don't know how but I get a distinct grape note in this when dry. It isn't in your face by any means but it is there. Mostly though it is sweet incense and spices. This one probably reminds me most of Snake oil out of all of the Pit.
  2. MUTANT HOT-RODDERS FROM HELL HIGH Shiny black leather jackets, gleaming silver studs, black pepper, pungent lime, and hellfire. In the bottle this is all lovely dark leather and cool metalics with an edge. On me it is total fail. For the first five minutes it is all leather but after that it is so very wrong. I think there is ginger in it which goes totally off on me. I ended up smelling like a well used, wet ashtray. Lush's Ginger perfume does the exact same thing to me.
  3. Love this to pieces. Am a huge sandalwood fan and this gloss has it in spades. A nice smooth woody sweet sandalwood. I think the fig really serves to amp the sweet quality of the sandalwood, really makes it lush and creamy. I used this in my wet hair and brushed it through. When it was dry my hair was super soft and not as flyaway as normal. And the scent really lasts. I will need lots of this am just in love.
  4. Tramp


    Snake Oil with ho wood, teak, black musk, and bamboo. This is reminiscent of Holiday Moon. The wet, juicy green bamboo note is prominent. It is a bright clean scent with the snake oil spiciness more like a puff of smoke in the background. There is something almost lemony in the drydown. Very nice. Update - 6 months later So all of my precious have been quietly maturing away for the last few months and I gotta tell ya, if you have Habu and didn't like it, give the little guy another shot. It now has the best drydown of any of the Snake Pits. It still starts out all juicy sweet wood pulp but it dries down into a super spicy/yummy scent that is to die for. Serious sex factor.
  5. Tramp

    Tiki King

    Black coconut, black musk, lemon blossom, and ironwood bark. In the bottle this is the most delicious coconut ever. Reminds me of the coconut in Snake Charmer and really is all I can smell. On the lemon really comes out and the coconut takes more of a back seat. It has much more of a dry, husk type feel to it. After about an hour the lemon mostly fades on me leaving a musky, dry coconut scent in its wake. It is more of subtle blend with not that much throw. Very nice!
  6. Tramp


    Proud, contented, and aglow with joy, she has conquered her lover with her charms, and she knows with all her soul that he is completely and utterly devoted to her. In bliss, she basks in the blessings of the God of Love: golden amber, oude, red sandalwood, massoia bark, honey, and currant. Ok - you have to try it and let it go through it's mighty morphing stages. It starts out soapy on my skin, no idea why. Then it warms up to a sort of honey soapy feel, and then the fun starts. A sort of butter/coconut/honey vibe comes out after about 15 minutes and then last it settles politely and sensually into honeyed jasmine. Don't know where the jasmine note comes out but it definately isn't a jasmine essential oil, just something that somehow combines to end up smelling like jasmine. Truely lovely.
  7. Tramp

    The Owens' Tomb

    "I'll do no such thing, with Owens and me having a lovely little tomb over by the daffodil patch. Plenty of room in there for a little one." Marble and dust surrounded by burdock, knotweed, dandelions, daffodils, and long-dead calla lilies. The Owens tomb is a very cold and wet flowers scent complete with green stems. Like a florists walk in cooler that is stocked only with crisp spring flowers. No heavy lush flowers, just white and muted scent ones. There is a woody stem note in there as well that comes out on drydown. I love how cold it feels without being snow/ozone/slushy
  8. Tramp

    Mad Kate

    Honeycomb, red currant, freesia, vanilla, rose geranium, thyme, and gardenia. *huffs wrist* Ahhhh..... The perfect gardenia blend. This is the gardenia of my dreams, a perfect bloom, dipped in honey with just a drop of smooth vanilla. Amazing throw on this one. Every so often there is a slightly hard green note that comes out but it is very elusive and doesn't linger.
  9. Tramp


    "My father says there's no such thing as witches," said Wensleydale, who had fair, wavy hair, and peered seriously out at life through thick black rimmed spectacles. It was widely believed that he had once been christened Jeremy, but no one ever used the name, not even his parents, who called him Youngster. They did this in the subconscious hope that he might take the hint; Wensleydale gave the impression of having been born with a mental age of forty seven. An immaculately clean scent: well-scrubbed soapy skin and fresh cotton. There is something almost Antique Lace-esque to the clean cotton scent of this. A hint of sweet pea or maybe pear. But overall it is truth in advertising, warm cotton sheets fresh out of the dryer wrapped around freshly washed skin. A hint of musk behind the soapiness.
  10. Tramp

    Asp Viper (2006)

    Snake Oil with red mandarin, myrrh, and almond. Oh my Hello amaratto yummyness!. Beautiful almond scent tinged with a taste of orange citrus. As it dries it becomes an almost honey incense scent. Sexy and delicious.
  11. Tramp

    Cobra Lily

    Sharp, heady and viciously carnivorous. With no listed notes to work with bear with me folks. There is lily (of course) but not in your face. There is something that is almost citrusy - orange maybe? Also a spicyness comes through. But again, very suble. This is a scent that will draw you in before going for the kill. It definatly stays close to the skin. The color in the imp is an outrageous red-orange. All in all this is lovely and it makes you want to keep on sniffing.
  12. Tramp


    Sinus pain relief. Almost fell over laughing at the cheek of this blend. It is indeed sinus pain relief (a few days to late in my case, but am all better now) at any rate in the imp this is pure Vick's Vapor Rub. An eye opening menthol that made my day. Am almost looking forward to my next headcold now.
  13. Tramp

    Red Rose

    Red rose buds, with amber, clove, tonka, Indian musk, fir, and tobacco. Very spicy and warm. Like a sexy forest studded with cloves and you all snuggled up to an amber covered wolf. Am not really getting rose at all from it. Just warmth and smooth musk and fir and spices. A totally sexy. delicious blend
  14. Tramp

    2003: Cotton Phoenix

    This scent make me mad. Because I've been a bpal fan for 14 years and I freaking love both Snake Oil and Snow White and it has never once fucking occured to me to layer them. WTF was wrong with me? I mean, I did have that stroke that one time but that really shouldn't have kept me from trying those two together dammit. These are genius together and I wore this for 3 days straight after testing it. Everywhere I went I was enveloped in this marzipan Snake Oil cloud and of awesomeness. Jesus why are you still reading this review and not on the bpal site ordering a bottle or ten?
  15. Tramp

    2007: Wood Phoenix

    On wet it is Snow Glass Apples and a splash of red wine. Dry the wine is gone and the SGA is much lighter. Now the honey comes out and it is like encountering a bee hive in the autumn woods. Despite all the familiar notes and blends listed in the description this is an original for sure. There is a tart whiff that I can detect if I'm huffing my wrist close otherwise it is sandalwood honey green tea. Really hard to pin down. A winner for sure.
  16. Tramp

    2004: Paper Phoenix

    Do you like Dorian? Do you like Antique Lace? Then this should be a no brainer buy. It is gorgeous. I've worn it twice and I only got it yesterday. The is a hint of sweet lavender as well. It is such a relaxing sweet tea blend I can't recommend it enough.
  17. Tramp


    She who turns to love. Florentine iris, frankincense, violet, ylang ylang, amber, and orchid. Dry ethreal flowers. Definatly get the ylang ylang and a clear orchid note that reminds me of Black Orchid. A very elegant and sophisicated blend with just a hint of lemon in the background
  18. Tramp

    The Convocation

    A small sign in the hotel lobby announced that the Washington Room was taken that night by a private function, although there was no information as to what kind of function this might be. Truthfully, if you were to look at the inhabitants of the Washington Room that night, you would have no clearer idea of what was happening, although a rapid glance would tell you that there were no women in there. They were all men, that much was clear, and they sat at round dinner tables, and they were finishing their dessert. There were about a hundred of them, all in sober black suits, but the suits were all they had in common. They had white hair or dark hair or fair hair or red hair or no hair at all. They had friendly faces or unfriendly, helpful or sullen, open or secretive, brutish or sensitive. The majority of them were pink-skinned, but there were black-skinned men and brown-skinned. They were European, African, Indian, Chinese, South American, Filipino, American. They all spoke English when they talked to each other, or to the waiters, but the accents were as diverse as the gentlemen. They came from all across Europe and from all over the world. A macabre mélange of swanky men's colognes. A light sweet musk. Very subtle and sophisticated. No bay rum in your face like some drunken eurotrash wannabe hipster. This hottie is the real thing and doesnt need to flaunt what hes got. And I want to crawl into his lap for an hour or three for some up close and personal sniffing time. It is such a gentle scent that I just love it.
  19. Tramp


    Fig! I love fig so that was the first thing I noticed out of the bottle. That creamy fig scent that I love so much in Eden. On however the fig is much less prominent and it becomes a bright, sparking, almost citrusy tea blend. Beautiful.
  20. Tramp

    Coral Snake (2006)

    Snake Oil with blood orange, red apple, lemon peel, plumeria, and gardenia. Am so in love with this right now. Wet: Crisp red apples! Drydown: As it dries the orange/citrus comes out with just a tiny hint of sweet flowers but the apple is still king. 30 minutes: Juicy tropical flowers, apple is still there but has mostly faded and there is a warm spicy note just starting to be hinted at. This finally settles on a juicy, mango-esque floral, with would seems like a drop of bright cherry hiding in the background. The spices come through as an almost sweet cinnamon.
  21. Tramp

    White Rose

    White rose buds, with vanilla tea, benzoin, orris, coconut meat, and frankincense. This starts off all buttery sweet with a very faint dry rose in the background. There is a slight bitterness that I think might be from the frankincense but it fades after about 5 minutes and then all that is left is smooth and creamy vanilla and coconut. This smells so good it is hard not to be all *squee!* about it. Gorgeous
  22. Tramp

    Moon of Ice

    The Moon of Ice shines its pale white light on snow-blanketed hills and barren fields. Icicles dangle from skeletal branches, and the desperate howl of starving men and beasts echo through the darkness. Frost-crusted winter flowers, white pine, eucalyptus, and traditional lunar oils. A chilly blend - like walking through a snow covered forest in late winter where the temps are starting to warm and the smell of evergreen is in the air. This reminds me of my beloved Snow Moon only with the slightly sweet and minty scent of eucalyptus.
  23. Tramp

    La Vague

    White peach, lily of the valley, jasmine, rose, iris, osmanthus, tangerine, white wine grape, and cream accord. In the bottle this is a syrupy sweet peach that is sugary enough to cause an diabetic coma. On it is the lovelies sweet, incensy peach you could even wish for. Not too sweet, not to peachy, just a lovely juicy scent with a hint of rich, summer blooming flowers. There is just a touch of tartness to the blend that helps to ground the sweet factor. So good.
  24. Tramp

    King Cobra (2006)

    Snake Oil with orris, frankincense, and copal. Something in here reminds me of licorice - black licorice - with an almost earthy tang at the end or maybe tree bark. It is a morpher on my skin. It is a proud, confident blend.
  25. Tramp

    The Mark

    The Mark, this was the last of my luper bottle buys that I tried. I left it for last because I was all wussy afraid of the vetiver. Dumb of me. Yes in the bottle and first on it is all VETIVER but after 5 minutes it mellows out and is all gorgeous dry vanilla sandalwood. The vetiver just makes it a deeper, richer scent. Totally win.