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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by indiumhalo

  1. If this scent doesn't return sometime soon, I'm in serious trouble. Because never before have I tried a perfume that smelled so much like it belonged on my skin. I have a very kind (and in a way, very cruel :P ) forumite to thank for slipping this into a purchase I made from her, and I'm already getting a bit twitchy wondering how I can manage to get more.


    It's nice in the bottle, a fresh sweetness. When I first dabbed it on, I immediately smelled the "sweet, creamy coconut with a hint of fresh greenness" that others have described. Sweet, yes, but in a unique, complex way that contradicts my association of coconut scents with a summery idea. As the day went on, the coconut note mellowed into a creamy sweetness that, while somewhat "general" on my skin, was FAR from generic. Something like whipped cream before it's whipped - generously sugared, thick and chilled. I couldn't stop smelling my wrist.


    I love this. This is the fragrance I never knew I needed. Please, please tell me it'll be back. Or that you have two or ten bottles lying around the house that you don't want. :D

  2. Both in the bottle and on my skin (for the first couple of hours), this smells quite simply of sweet rosewater, delicate and pure. Not particularly complex, but it's hard to argue with the tried and true. The creamy note doesn't come out on me until I've worn it for several hours, and even then, it's very subtle. With a little more honey and cream to it, this could have been a big favorite of mine. As it is... it's nice, but relatively straightforward rose. (Not that I won't enjoy wearing it this fall on the days that I tired of warmer scents!)

  3. I really wanted to like this. I really, really did. :P And I'm not entirely convinced that I dislike it all that much, but the fact that it makes my husband feel ill to smell me while wearing this... makes it an easy decision.


    Both in the bottle and on my skin, the tobacco is what I smell first and strongest, definitely with a hint of cherry. It could just be that my nose is untrained (because it is), but to me, it's so strong that I can't detect the pumpkin. I don't smell nearly as much woodsy-green as I had hoped from the sage, pine, and cedar either.


    This might have developed into something on me, but I could only manage to leave it on for an hour before I had to wash it off. Poor squeamish husband.

  4. The first pumpkin I tried, and I don't think it works on me. In the bottle, it was an interesting mix of spicy autumn scents. But once I dabbed it on, it started to smell like the fall display on the silk flower aisle at the craft store. :P Much more floral than I would have hoped, and too cloying for my taste. Plus there was something in this that made my nose burn every time I caught a whiff.


    Ah well. Can't love them all!

  5. This is the first bpal blend I tried that I am planning on buying, and I'm already wondering if one bottle will be enough. :P Oh Dorian, my love.


    In the bottle, it smells quite strongly of tea and sugar. Less vanilla and more general sweetness. When dabbed on my wrist, though, the warm, musky tea really comes to life, with the smoothness of vanilla sugar beneath it all. And the vanilla only comes out more over time. After a few hours, the scent of tea had mellowed a little, to the point where the vanilla was the first thing I noticed whenever I caught a whiff of my wrist.


    It's tea time, sure, but the late night sort of tea time to which you'd wear a sexy black dress (hey, it could happen!). Or like the sort of nightcap you'd say yes to after a date that you don't want to end. :D

  6. Well, here goes my first shot at a bpal review! I've dipped into seven different imps so far, but this one seems the easiest to define for me, so I'll call it good practice. :P


    In the bottle, this smells like every kind of sugary, syrupy treat mushed into one tiny vial. A diabetic's Halloween nightmare. But it's also a warm kind of sweetness with an almost maple-like undertone to my nose. I see where the "caramelized sugar" comparison comes from.


    After dabbing it lightly on my wrists, some of the complexity started to come out. I can't pick out the strawberry note specifically, but I think it might be part of what keeps the blend from too sickly-sweet for me. It's a well-balanced blend that smells much nicer than I thought it would.


    Throughout the day, I got a pleasant whiff of sweetness that, dare I say, was almost sophisticated. Not something I'd feel silly wearing to work. It doesn't seem to have much throw, but it lasted on my wrist for quite some time. Glad I got to try this.
