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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by inkdarkmoon

  1. inkdarkmoon

    Serving up Sexy with a Slice o' Surreal

    Gah -I know those Morticia Adams skirts of which you speak! They are the ones that make you swishswish-shuffleshuffle when you walk I love the little accessories you included too... (you know, we need to start posting pictures of these ensembles; will call them "inspiration")
  2. inkdarkmoon

    Of Mermaids and Girlie-Girls

    You're right, that does seem to be the general theme around these parts of late, I am calling it SexyBack 2007 (well, this is what I call it in my head, complete with theme song). This week-end: home made scrubs, deep conditioning and pedicure! I too am less flexible than in my younger, girlier days. Man, don't it suck getting old?
  3. inkdarkmoon

    Sacred Memories

    I have a few of those myself...they generally involve my sisters. (I feel bad saying that, like that sort of negates The Man's position in my life, but...it's true). Hang on to those, if you're anything like me, wonderful, "sacred" memories make getting through those hard times a little easier. So does booze. Just something to keep in mind. Just kidding! I only say that because one of my sacred memories involves a small bar, a really cold night in FL, and copious amounts of hot mulled wine while my sister and I acted like total drunken fools while watching our favourite band in the world. Good times!
  4. inkdarkmoon

    Fishnets, quiet time and George Clooney

    I totally get you on the not lunching with people. I'm in a small office so it's not quite the same, but after dealing with You Know Who for 4 hours prior to lunch, fielding questions and troubleshooting for the part-timers, answering the phone and taking dictation...I do NOT want to talk while I eat my lunch. I don't care if it is the crappiest lunch in the world, I just want to eat it in peace ...while I surreptitiously browse the forums. JEEZ! Don't they GET IT??
  5. inkdarkmoon

    Claws are out! - Grumbling about Grooming

    Great minds and all that...I was just about to post on the "forgotten resolution" this year, the "great de-skankifying" which would involve, among other things...less of the hairy legs in winter. Or heck, all year round, actually! It also might involve more of the brushing of the teeth and showering before rolling out of bed and into work. Ha ha, that was a joke. Maybe.
  6. inkdarkmoon

    Theodosius, The Legerdemain

    Straight out of the bottle I don't smell much of anything, but on, this is luscious. I don't get the tea at all, but what I do get is lemon - not sharp or tart, but sweet and creamy, almost like lemon curd...with an undercurrent of something very sexy, I am guessing that's the musk. This is...sexy lemon meringue pie!
  7. inkdarkmoon

    Weather and Whatnot

    Good for you with the therapist! I know I probably SHOULD have one of them for myself, but ...ugh. To much with the talking. Makes me uncomfortable. Then again, if it's easy, you are probably not getting what you need out of it right? Good luck with it I myself just started taking St. John's wort and a few other things, I don't know if I am actually feeling better or not, maybe only time will tell... What's this Hope and Faith? Did I miss something???
  8. inkdarkmoon

    Midnight on the Midway (2006)

    On first sniff this is very sweet, very pink fluffy candy, but that changes as soon as it hits my skin. Imagine if the cotton candy machine were puffing out smoky clouds of nag champa spun sugar, laced with tiny jasmine flowers that barely tickle your nose with their scent. This is really very beautiful, very me. I love it!
  9. inkdarkmoon

    From the other side

    Ok, think I got it...pretty undies to combat boss stress! Will try and report back! (will have to dig through piles of sensible cottons to find a useful pair!)
  10. inkdarkmoon

    Icy Roads

    Oh my god, my heart stopped when I was reading this...thank goodness you are ok!! I remember my first winter here...my first snowstorm...I had to work late and luckily there was no one left on the road, but I think I did like negative 2 mph the whole way home...and I STILL ended up skidding into other lanes. Thank god no one was in them. Seriously, STAY HOME if the roads are like that. Maybe that is not the right answer, but to my way of thinking, it is the ONLY answer. Be safe!
  11. inkdarkmoon

    To be nobody but yourself

    I'm entirely too weird for this place and they'll never figure me out. " Oh sister. I feel you on that. And? Snake Oil and burgandy patent leather boots? You are just plain TOO FABULOUS for that place. PS Congrats on the presentation. PPS "big girl panties" HEE HEE
  12. inkdarkmoon

    January is a jerk.

    Seconding the winter lights! As a matter of fact, I have decided to leave my "winter tree" up until Spring!
  13. inkdarkmoon


    Yeah, I kinda suck at it too. Ask me who had Doritos for dinner last night - go on, ask me! ... I have to just keep telling myself "tomorrow is another day"...
  14. inkdarkmoon

    TMI alert

    Well, just give it some time and patience. Have you talked to him about this? I mean I am sure he's noticed the "no sex" part, but does he know why? A little bit of conversation might go a long way... At least you can say that you still like sex. I am just so over it! Give me a good book. Or a wall to spackle. Or a tub to grout. I hate home improvement, so that should really give you some insight as to how I feel about sex.
  15. inkdarkmoon

    Scent issues

    I keep doing that with Oblivion and Antique Lace...in the cart, out again, over and over
  16. inkdarkmoon

    Cornhole! Warning: Contains graphic imagery

    You make me wish that I took more photos of my kitty! Unfortunately...she never does anything interesting or funny. Or...anything at all, even. Maybe all she needs is a little butt-sniffin' friend (don't we all need more of those? Ha! Just kidding.)
  17. inkdarkmoon

    Things that make me go "Hmm?" Update!

    Yeah, I was totally flummoxed as well; I am often in my own little world and don't realise that there are updates/drama/or whatever else thathappens around here until much much later. I see things like that and I think "oh, that's cute. Maybe I will try to make it, I bet I could, maybe." And then I never do.
  18. inkdarkmoon

    Just thinking aloud...

    I know how it feels to want to gush on and on about your siblings. Your sister sounds amazing - sometimes I wish I had an older sister. I am the eldest and I feel like I don't do a very good job of it! Even when I am angry at them (which is rare, but being a Taurus I can't be very stubborn about letting go of it), I can still admit that they are pretty awesome. Mine live far away too and I miss them both so very much. I never tried very hard- and still don't - to make friends because I had two of the very best friends ever built right into my family. Wow, this post of your read exactly how you must be feeling...I got very anxious reading it myself! I hope your situations get resolved soon, the holidays shouldn't be so stress filled. At least not that sort of stress, anyway
  19. inkdarkmoon

    R.E.M.'s optimistic nihilism

    I know so many people, miserable in their jobs and subsequently - their lives. My sister once took on a position which drove her, after 2 months working there, to commit herself to a week's stay at a "restful facility" (to this day I have no idea what that means but she tells me it involved making alot of collages). And she is a mental health counselor! If he truly had reached the end of his rope, and there was no hope of tying a knot and hanging on, then that only leaves one alternative and so it was best that he got out. At least in my opinion. And if he is already intrigued with pursuing alternate paths, then more the better! Nothing worse than a depressed and jobless man with no prospects and no interests hanging around and cramping your style - Sort of kidding about that, but seriously, The Man, when he was consulting, was jobless for awhile and IT DROVE ME NUTS. I am sure you will be as supportive as you can be, and in the meantime we will certainly be supportive of you (and ifn' you don't mind, I'd love to hear about these frugal thrifty methods - come the new year I'm embarking on a major no-buy)
  20. inkdarkmoon


    Again, great job with the grades! Oh and my new scent is the sleeping green murk of Oblivion
  21. inkdarkmoon


    Well, hell, I'm lucky if I could pull at .5 in math, so GO YOU! And that is awesome about the psych grade and wow, good GPA too I think this calls for a celebration, right?
  22. inkdarkmoon


    Whoo hoo! Love the haiku! Feel the haiku! BE the haiku. I don't write as much as I used to, but I have a tendency to (inadvertently) insult one of the senior recruiters that I work with, every time I see him. I am reminded of something silly I wrote once, as an apology to a friend Oh swiftly running foot! It is often that you pause to jump in my mouth. Here is one about my new favourite BPAL A dark myrrh dreaming; salvation in the abyss- sleeping nothingness (can you guess my new love?) PS Keep us posted on the grades! (OMG I am in a morbid frame of mind after writing that, can you believe I just typed "graves" instead of "grades"? Whoops! I need to de-gothify!
  23. inkdarkmoon

    Finally! *whew*

    Congrats on the new jobs, and yay! Stuff! That's quite a list there BTW...let me know if you ever want to give some virtual sewing lessons...
  24. inkdarkmoon

    She's Crafty, S'more.

    Oh my lord! Inspiration! I went out and bought the supplies last week, but I have been too 'scaredy-catted to give it a whirl. Don't ask me why, the worst that could happen is that I make something really awful looking and is that really, I mean really an end-of-the-world scenario? I obviously have issues. But yours! Wow! First time, right? Super brilliant job you did! Can I ask where you found the stencils? AND HOLY FRAKKIN TOASTERS!! Love it!!
  25. inkdarkmoon

    Swapping continued

    Well, said! I agree completely. I have been "into" BPAL since the autumn right before I moved up north, which would be about 4 years ago come Feb., maybe? Without the forum I too doubt that it could have kept my interest. Again, not because of the lab or the products (which are so phenomenal I feel guilty even using a generic word like "product"), but I can be fickle and forgetful my love of scent is such that I always keep looking for the "next thing". However, these oils are so poetic and evocative and have such esoteric background and meanings and such...I would have to say that is the same of the people who wear them...and as such this forum has put me into contact with so many amazing, intelligent, talented people who are sort of like me. Grace, again I am so sorry that you got screwed, but I am glad that you are sticking around and not taking it to heart. I know how much you enjoy swapping, so I am sending many positive swap-thoughts your way