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Everything posted by inkdarkmoon

  1. inkdarkmoon

    Adventures in Swapping

    Aw nuts. That really sucks, I am so sorry. That's how I felt about swapping away my bottle of Antique Lace (just prior to finding out it would be discontinued, a few years back). I haven't swapped since, not once. But yay - no more school! Whatcha gonna do to celebrate?
  2. inkdarkmoon

    She's Crafty

    Whoa, that is certainly ambitious...good luck! I am feeling overwhelmed just doing a scarf and THINKING about clogs; while I'd love to do more, I just can't seem to fit it in Please let me know how it goes with the freezer paper thing - I've been intrigued by that for a while, but shit...I don't even know what freezer paper is!
  3. inkdarkmoon

    Drama queen suckage: Updated

    I don't want to argue with someone down on themselves, but I think you're wrong!
  4. inkdarkmoon

    Math and other stuff- Switch Witch signups!

    Yeah, Ali Larter is Nikki...sorry to be a hater I think I liked her in Final Destination when she weighed 15-20 lbs more...now she just sort of makes me ill. I guess I am not talking about Mohinder, at one point I thought there was another narrator, some cheesy sounding guy that usually pipes in at least once an episode about how "our heroes" are doing, but maybe I am just crazy and made the whole thing up! Seems like we have dissimilar tastes in characters...I sort of hate Melrose too. Sorry! (not because she always wins, I say let the best man win and she is obviously good. Just because, I don't know, I hate that "I'm pretending to be humble" smile that she gives the judges when she is picked as a challenge winner or is picked not to be eliminated. gah. yuck.) But what do I know? My favourite didn't even make it to the final 13!
  5. inkdarkmoon

    Math and other stuff- Switch Witch signups!

    Yeah, you are right about that! My heart wanted to participate but my head was not in accordance at all. Neither, I think, was my wallet. Wow, you met the infamous Snarky! Was a wild time had by all? ARE THERE PICTURES??? Ha! When am I getting to the NW? The question is when am I going to be able to afford to go ANYWHERE again? (just checked my bank account, having a nervous breakdown) Next time I get some vacations time and some cash, I'll let you know PS I am liking Heroes as well, I just HATE that damn cheesy narrator. I also loathe Ali Larter. I mean she just repulses me; I look at her and I maybe want to puke.
  6. inkdarkmoon

    Math and other stuff- Switch Witch signups!

    ARGH! I missed the sign-ups this time with being away and all! I really didn't think they would do the next one so soon... Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! And, wow, I don't think I realized you were an ANTM fan. Me? I used to be but I find it more cringe-worthy every time I tune in...
  7. inkdarkmoon


    Hey there snarky! Glad you're back, cocking things up! Heh, I am going to have to start using that phrase too I am so happy for you re: the new job and working with people you actaully like and respect. Good luck with the review... and I hope to see you 'round these parts more often!
  8. inkdarkmoon

    Moussaka, myrrh and maturity

    1. I would love to see your recipe for moussaka; you had me at "heavily spiced" 2. I am definitely going to have to find a way to throw "poonhound" into conversation today!
  9. inkdarkmoon

    Ghouls, mutants and hooligans, oh my!

    Oh my word. And here I thought I got creative with the sad/mad faces on my pumpkins last night...these guys are incredible! I think Fergus is a cutie
  10. inkdarkmoon

    NaNo stuff- Valentina

    For lil ole me? Wow! We're going to be able to read this, right???
  11. inkdarkmoon


    What? No, don't be embarassed! I really do not think I am that good, it was just a doodle with some pictures used for reference! I'd LOVE to see your drawings/sketchings/whatever (see? that's how little I know...I don't even know what to calll them!) I bet though, if I practiced, I could be pretty decent! My father is a cartoonist and a sculptor so it runs in my blood even if I don't know what to do with it!
  12. inkdarkmoon


    Hee! I never fail to get a kick out of seeing someone, somewhere, mentioning me in some way, shape or form. Mostly no one ever does, maybe that's why I like it so much. I'm sort of a wall-flower like that I can't believe you knew that was me, that is so cool! And I know what you mean...I wait with baited breath to see if my switchee likes what I sent, hoping that I drew the right conclusions about her, hoping that there wasn't something crucial I missed when I was doing the stalking. Heh. I seriously do some serious stalking. I haven't heard much from my SW this round; about a month ago she emailed me a pattern I'd been wanting to try, but since then not a peep. I don't like posting things like that though, I don't want to make someone feel bad if they are one of those SWs who suprises you at the very end. I tell you though, I am very curious, at least, to see who it is!
  13. inkdarkmoon

    The answer is: "No."

    Oh my goodness, I am going to forward this to every person I know, because come on, this is a universal thing. EVERYONE knows someone like this! But at the same time it scares me...what if I am one of these people? I wouldn't even know!
  14. inkdarkmoon

    An '80's flashback

    I just read your last paragraph and could picture it so vividly, so clearly. I don't know what it says about you either - or what it says about me, that I just want to read it over and over and wish that the words kept going. Thanks for the imagery
  15. inkdarkmoon

    My good habits and blind-ass luck

    Ha! "careful to keep the foundation garments out of the public eye", I got got the little titter out of that one I have to commend you on the lunges...I loathe lunges, but I know at least for me lunges are good for immediate results. They are just so. frakkin. painful.
  16. inkdarkmoon

    Season's Eatings

    Well first off, happy anniversary to you and The Mister! And secondly, I too wanted to comment on the artichoke-Snarky pic...you are too adorable! This is my favourite time of year for cooking as well; I just made an amazing little meal of acorn squash stuffed with curry scented apples, raisins and onions! Yum!
  17. inkdarkmoon

    More wedding pictures

    Everything looks so lovely (and OMG what a cake!) Congratulations to the both of you
  18. inkdarkmoon

    My cat

    How long has this been going on? My mother has tons and I mean TONS of cats, (like 50, and I am not joking either). Over the years she has had cat-situations like that, where one is timid and the other aggressive...and it usually just straightens itself out over time. I would hate to see either one of you have to give away a pet that you love...are you absolutely sure there is no waiting it out? (unless one is significantly bigger/meaner/more claws and teeth than the other, then maybe that's not such a great idea...)
  19. inkdarkmoon


    I've been mesmerized by the smilies you've used in this post for about ten minutes now...! I agree, people really just need to step off, back down and get with it. It's just the internet ( I guess, I am not sure to what this post is referring, which sort of makes me glad because that means I was not in on it!) and the internet is no place for drama. Save it for the people in real life who deserve it! Or take a cue from my tactics - seethe inwardly, build up some healthy pent up rage and take it shopping! Whoo hoo!
  20. inkdarkmoon

    Phase Inn

    I am so glad that you are back! (But I am equally glad that you got a chance to get away) And YES PLEASE FOOD POSTS I NEED TO EAT VICARIOUSLY THROUGH OTHERS! And what, praytell, are you sticking and stringing right now?
  21. inkdarkmoon

    What Not To Wear

    I love new music valentina, and I love gypsies...and I wear bad clothing combos all the time. Corduroy skirts and knee high socks and crocs! No Nascar jackets though, having been a former Daytona girl, NASCAR makes me violently ill at the mere mention of it. Nothing like hordes of sweaty, mustashioed, mullety, beer-guzzling rednecks to turn you off a sport. Not that you can call driving cars in circles sports...
  22. inkdarkmoon

    Workin' it!

    Good luck with the program! I am one of those people who have to exercise from home (I am afraid of gyms and of the people there!), so I always think anyone who ventures forth into public-gym-land is a brave, brave soul Enjoy the massage as well, I'll bet that you really deserve it!
  23. inkdarkmoon


    I like cables, they are definitely fun. I've only done little cables so far, nothing intricate...but I can't wait to do something more challenging. I don't think they are difficult at all, and probably alot easier than DPNs. I am sure you will get better; I am one of these people who flits from hobby to hobby and nothing ever really "stuck". With knitting I got frustrated, and wanted to give up so many times, but something just made me stick to it. And two years later, I am still knitting and I LOVE IT! This is only my second time doing the SW thing - last time I got so frustrated because I really put alot of thought into it and then my switchee just sort of disappeared off the boards! This time around I am trying to be every bit as thoughtful and creative, but I just won't take things so personally. She's already posted once and seemed VERY happy about what I sent. I have two more packages to send, one just full of goofy little things that I am sending today and then a sort of "big finale" package for Halloween...except it's not all that big. Just lots of e-tailer stuff and some Halloween goodies and hopefully something handmade...if I get them done in time. I will definitely post pics of the wrap, I did sort of, already in my blog...there are pictures of the beginnings of it and the silk I am using, but that was pre-ripping
  24. inkdarkmoon

    Sixth Sense? part 1

    Wow, just wanted to let you know I hung onto every word - I love reading about stuff like this!
  25. inkdarkmoon


    I wish my switchee would post more too! She doesn't have a blog or an lj or ...anything really. How do people survive without talking about themselves?!? I am kidding, sort of. But I really just can't imagine NOT having a blog! DPNs are so much fun, once you get the hang of them you will love them...plus I love how clever they make me look! Seriously! I could be dumb as a box of rocks and people will see me fiddling with them and think I am a genius I know how you feel about ripping back a project, especially one with a deadline. I am making a silk wrap for a friend of mine and that silk is SO SLIPPERY...I have had to rip that f'er back like 5 times already. Good luck!