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BPAL Madness!


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About SisterMedusa

  • Rank
    casual sniffer
  • Birthday 08/31/1959


  • Location
    Portland, OR

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  • Favorite Scents
    Anne Bonny is the only one I've tried so far - LURVE it!!! I want to eventually collect all the ones named after Goddesses. To start with....

Profile Information

  • Interests
    I'm of a certain age, living in Portland OR, souk manager for Gypsy Caravan, webcaster of Radio Bastet, book hoarder, neophyte knitter and Tribal bellydancer. Liberal/lefty tree-hugging dirt-worshipping semi-vegetarian feminist Pagan Hippie/Beatnik/Kitchen Witch/fledgling Hoodoo/Rootworker who still wears makeup, shaves her legs and listens to space age bachelor pad music (nyah, so there). Interests and enthusiasms are all over the map.
  • Mood


  • Astrological Info
    Virgo Sun, Cancer Moon, Libra Rising. Textbook Virgo - analytical, organized, perfectionist (up to a point).

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  1. SisterMedusa

    Anne Bonny

    This is my first (and so far only) BPAL acquisition to date, and oh my heavens - I LURVE IT!! On me it's warm, spicy, just a wee bit fruity, and after it dried I swear I picked up a hint of cocoa/chocolate... Could just be my body chemistry. But I'm completely in with this one! Marisa, the clean hippie... ADDED July 19: I wore this to work yesterday. My boss (Paulette Rees-Denis of Gypsy Caravan) came in, took a whiff, said "What are you wearing??", grabbed my shoulders from behind, stuck her nose in my neck, inhaled deeply and said, "Wow!! I want some of that!! It smells like incense!! Awesome!!" When my full bottle comes in, I believe I will bequeath her what's left of my imp. But she'll probably be ordering her own very soon... And another Anne Bonny fan is born!!