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Posts posted by WinterLeigh

  1. CII


    I am not good at picking out notes, but here is my impression!


    I smell something cool and serene. It's coming from a light, almost crisp sort of green... I don't know, maybe aloe? Cucumber? Yes, pretty sure it's cucumber. It's very soothing! I think I'm also getting something a little sweeter like prickly pear or melon, but that may just be the honey from O. It's less sweet than O is by itself, though. A spring/summer scent fo' sho'.


    To summarize: a light, refreshing cucumber melon scent. I quite like this!


    (On a another note, this is the fullest bottle I've ever seen. The oil level was way high into the neck.)

  2. I'm in love with Gluhwein. Before trying it, I was worried it would be too boozy, and when wet, it is pretty potent. But once dry it's perfection. A gorgeous spiced honeyed red wine. It's evocative of a sleepy, happy holiday night sitting by the fire while it's snowing outside. Thank you lab goblins for this!

  3. Another (not GC but a long-term LE) that smells a lot like bubblegum to me is Xanthe, the Weeping Clown.

    I love Xanthe, even though it goes salty on me after a couple hours. It's like tropical-fruit gum. I don't know if I necessarily get strawberry from Floating Brain, just... "pink", heh.


    Tweedledee is closer, IMO to bubblegum.

    Oh yay, I'm expecting an imp of that soon. (Love your icon!)

  4. I had to review this because it is like *happiness in a bottle*. I put it on and instantly felt happier and blissed out. (Kind of ironic, considering the name!) Damn. So, the pepper comes out a bit when dries, but it's mostly like fruity gum. I don't know what it is, but something in it has me buzzing. :P (And I was feeling pretty ho-hum before.)


    I will definitely be needing a bottle! Or more!


    Edit: It fades in a few hours on me to something kind of salty. I'll either need to keep reapplying or try it in a scent locket.
